Recent content by bobodedoo

  1. B

    2009.02.17 New Tip: Misty May Not have Been Home

    I think this is really what happened ... look at the quote in the article: "I didn't make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen and the back door is wide open," Croslin told Channel 4's Laura Mazzeo. "I go in the room and she's gone. And that's all I...
  2. B

    FL Law Enforcement Agencies Most of information is for medical examiner's offices
  3. B

    FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #9

    That is not necessarily true - my kid has been out sick, we've forgotten to call it in and NEVER received a phone call and I live in FLA
  4. B

    FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #4

    You can find it here - it's on the front page of this website, just click the link:
  5. B

    FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #4

    I watched her uncut interview and noticed that she said that but I didn't think anything of it ... she young, she's probably thinking about what the father said about her, calling her a dumb b....., etc. There was, however, one thing that did strike me as odd .... SHE SAYS THAT HER BLANKET...
  6. B

    Law School Hires Jose Baez To Teach Students

    OMG - I nominate you for the most creative non-existent word .... "turdyness" Please, please, please let me borrow this word ... I can think of lots of instances where it would come in handy!:rolleyes::woohoo::woohoo::rolleyes:
  7. B

    BConway suspended campaign to be judge- discuss

    Yes that may be true however, the fact remains that the thread title is an inaccurate portrayal of BC's run for judge and why is not judge now.
  8. B

    BConway suspended campaign to be judge- discuss

    Hopefully the link works but if it doesn't go to, select "county candidates", then select "2008 candidates and contributions" scroll down and there he is, Bradley C (not elected)...
  9. B

    BConway suspended campaign to be judge- discuss

    Uhm, no. I think you've got that wrong. He RAN for judge and didn't get elected/selected. Happened last fall.
  10. B

    Black plastic car & body found in

    Anyone remember when that lady retrieved the garbage bag from the Anthony's home after George set it out? I can't remember the date but remember that it was black and LE indicated that they weren't interested in the bag. If they collected this bag from her assuming she kept it after LE said...
  11. B

    Jose Baez Press Conference - Wed., 1/21/09

    You know, I'm not so sure that "unprofessional" or time wasting press conference or being on the Today Show or Geraldo's show are really going to be grounds for a new trial/appeal for ineffective assistance of counsel. He's filed lots of motions, he's got experts retained, he trying to conduct...
  12. B

    Casey to GA "We need to stick together on this." 8/14/08 Jail Visit

    Oh, they got the right person already and she's sitting in lockup as we speak. I just find it unbelievable that anyone still believes that it's possibly KC did not do this or that someone else was punishing her for something and tried to make it look like she did it.
  13. B

    Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit

    Does anyone know why she says that JB was in NY for her business? She says it like its an actual business proposition rather than presenting a front to the media. Did that strike anyone as strange besides me?
  14. B

    Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit

    Ok, I'm pizzzzed. Which is it Casey, Jose keeps you in the loop or you don't know anything? "My whole life has been taken from me" ... oh, geez, sorry about that. The first thing that comes to mind is that in KC speak, its that her plan to rope in a man, such as TL has been destroyed and...

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