Recent content by PagingDrDetect

  1. P

    The Cadaver/Blood Dogs: Eddie and Keela Keela as a puppy before her training - from the South Yorkshire police website Keela doing a training test - from the South Yorkshire police website...
  2. P

    The Cadaver/Blood Dogs: Eddie and Keela

    I found some links over at the CTV forum but I have no idea what threads they were. There was one interesting article that had some cute photos of Eddie and Keela along with their handlers. Other than their markings, the two look almost exactly alike. The top photo of Keela you posted is...
  3. P

    The Cadaver/Blood Dogs: Eddie and Keela

    That's not Eddie. Eddie is another springer spaniel that looks almost exactly like Keela. The black and white dog in this photo is a border collie named Frankie. Frankie and Eddie have the same job and are often sent in together. Actually, if you look at the markings on the head of the...
  4. P

    The Cadaver/Blood Dogs: Eddie and Keela

    Very interesting article about Keela... December 30, 2005 On scent of success: Sniffer dog Keela earns more than her Chief Constable By Karen McVeigh HER detective work is unsurpassed, her dedication to duty during some of...
  5. P

    Case Against The Mccanns Is Strong

    Sure you can have a strong case and keep investigating. A strong case won't necessarily result in a conviction. An airtight case normally will. Apparently they have a strong case and are continuing the investigation to make it stronger thereby making it less likely the accused will walk. LE...
  6. P

    "Damning Proof Found"

    That's why people are buried at least 6 feet down... otherwise animals can pick up the cadaver scent and dig up human remains. Six feet down is too deep for animals to scent the dead. If any cemetery was riddled with cadaver scent animals from all over the place would be in there digging away...
  7. P

    "Damning Proof Found"

    The two dogs were brought in from the UK and are considered pretty much the best in the WORLD at what they do.
  8. P

    "Damning Proof Found"

    I really don't understand your logic here. Perhaps you don't understand what a cadaver dog is trained to do. They don't just locate dead remains, They find the scent of dead remains in the air and follow that scent to its most concentrated point... which may result in a body being found or may...
  9. P

    Do you think the parents were involved?

    Where I agree that there is much similar to the Ramseys in terms of the behavior of the parents, this case hasn't panned out like the Ramsey case at all. The PJ has tapped their phones and had them under 24 hour surveilence since the Brits entered the picture to assist. It's been reported that...
  10. P

    Blue Fibers

    I really don't think I'm all that knowledgeable about this case, because I only got any interest in it at all since the hoopla of John Mark Karr. Most of my interest is because of the intreging aspects of the shinanigans of the DA's office, various attorneys and other political entities. That...
  11. P

    Blue Fibers

    It may be contradictory from what was said before because it's CURRENT. They were unable to do any fiber testing in which a match was made because they had to wait until the Ramsey's coughed up those items requiring testing in order to make a match. Until the proper items of clothing were...
  12. P

    Stun Gun

    There was NO STUN GUN. The ME noted the marks were ABRASIONS not burns. A stun gun leaves burns, not abrasions. There is NO expert who believes the marks were made by a stun gun. Even that idiot Dobson that Tracey/Smit payed off to say they were stun gun burns contradicted himself in that...
  13. P

    Blue Fibers

    There's no fiber discrepancy. In the 2000 interviews it is very clear that they found black fibers that came from the shirt JR wore to the White's that night in the crotch of JBR's panties and apparently on her genitals. Since the R's weren't willing to cough up the shirt for comparison until...
  14. P

    Neighbours reports

    It wasn't cops that did the 2000 interviews, it was attorneys. Attorneys are forbidden to lie in the questioning of a suspect, unlike LE. That is why Woody goes overboard into damage control about the nature of the questions and forbids both his clients to answer them. The attorneys made it...
  15. P

    Abuse and JonBenet

    Yeah, that's why I'm on the fence. He had to have known SOMETHING by the time that 911 call was made. But I'm wondering how much did he really know and when did he really know it? I really think that before that 911 call was made, JR called his attorney or someone of influence, but I'm not...

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