Meter Reader (RK) Transfered for his own safety

ITA! People really need to get off this guy. LP and his *daisy chain* theory are only providing more ammo for the mob mentality going on here. He probably is a good sleuther. He may even be one of us here. Did anyone stop and think about that? I tell you what, shortly after I emailed Kathi B about the location of the abandon house in the PI video, I had this wave of panic spread over me that it would end up just like RK. Luckily Kathi didn't state her source for the info except to another WS'er that went to the house with her. If people who get involved in cases like this are going to get treated like this, we may see more people just not get involved. Just imagine if RK decided to just go up to the gas station to take a leak. We''d still be sleuthing where the body was.

JMHO as always.


I have thought that many times about RK and ws. We all prayed for her to be found. Every person that was able/willing to search wanted to find her. What if it had been one of us??:eek: Now...i would consider myself to be an open person, as i have stated my name, past employment, what state i live in, height even my WEIGHT on this very site. But, do i want people attacking me about my failed marriage or the fact that when i was going through my divorce ------happened. NO Thank-You!!

I really hope that these attacks on RK and TES for that matter do not stop people from coming forwad and helping a family with a loved one missing.:praying:

I am so grateful that i found this web site because every person here has taught me alot and the dedication to truth and justice is amazing. I just hate to see that the man that found the bones of a missing child is being attacked by anyone.

Sorry- this is why i have been sticking to the game room or BP. always a rant, lately:blowkiss:
Here was my post months ago, something to the effect of:

Do you suppose someone will blame RK for the murder?

Having read about and participated in many criminal case discussions in the past, almost inevitably, if a MAN finds the body of a child, there is suspicion that he may be the killer.

I also referenced the murderer of Carlie Brucia: A man was spotted coming out the woods nearby the town where Carlie disappeared, by an officer. The man was questioned and told the officer that he was "taking a leak" in the woods. He was not detained. It later turned out that he was indeed the murderer and was in the process of leaving the body nearby.

The very fact that the explanation offered was: taking a leak in the woods, would have people wondering.
Of course, LP has been saying for weeks, and said again in his chat last week, that the next big shock in this case will be what the MR knew, when he knew it, and who he got his information from. :D

Given that the MR's supervisor, the Anthonys' neighbor, is also possibly implicated in the "daisy chain" theory, a preemptive move by the MR's supervisor to get MR out of the path of media fits extremely nicely.

I do believe in the daisy chain, but I do not think the MR was involved in a crime or a cover-up. He's just the man at the end who found Caylee. However, if LP's story pans out, the MR will be front-page news again.

Please tell us where this information comes from. AFAIK, there is no indication that the supervisor lives in that neighborhood. I have frequently seen another poster allege that , but have seen no link. Please let us know how you know this. Thanks!
Here was my post months ago, something to the effect of:

Do you suppose someone will blame RK for the murder?

Having read about and participated in many criminal case discussions in the past; almost inevitably, if a MAN finds the body of a child, there is suspicion that he may be the killer.

I also referenced the murderer of Carlie Brucia: A man was spotted coming out the woods nearby the town where Carlie disappeared, by an officer. The man was questioned and told the officer that he was "taking a leak" in the woods. He was not detained. It later turned out that he was indeed the murderer and was in the process of leaving the body nearby.

The very fact that the explanation offered was: taking a leak in the woods, would have people wondering.

I really think that had the As and BC done the right thing and expressed gratitude to RK for finding the body, instead of casting aspersions on his character and calling his find suspicious, most of this would have been avoided. They want all the sympathy to go to them and don't care what they do to anyone else. Losing one's wife to cancer is hard enough, but then to find a murdered baby and have the family of that baby attack you in the national press, I can't imagine how upsetting that must be.
I really think that had the As and BC done the right thing and expressed gratitude to RK for finding the body, instead of casting aspersions on his character and calling his find suspicious, most of this would have been avoided. They want all the sympathy to go to them and don't care what they do to anyone else. Losing one's wife to cancer is hard enough, but then to find a murdered baby and have the family of that baby attack you in the national press, I can't imagine how upsetting that must be.

I'm pretty sure that the A family and defence will use anything at their disposal to place the blame for Caylee's death on someone other than KC. If the A family does not, I will be astonished at their strength of character for being able to entertain the thought that their dear, darling KC could have harmed Caylee, IMO.

A county spokesperson said the former meter reader recently applied for the vacant position and is qualified to do the job. The county said Kronk wanted to be out of the public eye.

This is a variation. If there were no vacancy or he weren't qualified, would the county have appointed him an inside position for his safety?

ETA: Compare to the WESH headline...

Kronk Reassigned For Safety Reasons
What exactly is it that BC said about Roy Kronk?
Why would anyone incriminate Kronk? Didn't he do a good thing by finding Caylee's remains and reporting it? I don't get it.
What exactly is it that BC said about Roy Kronk?

I posted the link the other day and trying to find it again. It was in one of his many many tv interviews. He basically said he thought RK was suspicious and his story was a lie.
I don't know why LP incriminated Kronk in this and I can't find anything that documents BC and the As trying to incriminate him either.
Well, Bunny, I would appreciate the link - I don't think that BC is a bad lawyer, I think he's a very good lawyer and I find it hard to believe that he said that RK was suspicious and his story a lie. I can't picture him being that intemperate.
Well, I wonder what the Anthony family will do next? Will it be, "Now that Caylee's gone," we MUST fight to the death for KC's life? What a dilemna. I know many of you have expressed this before. Thank you.
Well, Bunny, I would appreciate the link - I don't think that BC is a bad lawyer, I think he's a very good lawyer and I find it hard to believe that he said that RK was suspicious and his story a lie. I can't picture him being that intemperate.

I've been searching my posts because I knew someone had asked me this question before, and it was actually you!

From January 25th...
Originally Posted by Bev
Sorry, but I can't find anywhere where he cast aspersions on RK, nor did he say that DC was working for him - DC was working for his clients on a pro bono bases, therefore the work product belongs to the client - that much did make clear.

I'm pretty sure it was the 17th January....

Conway and Geraldo went on to discuss Roy Kronk, the public utility worker who found Caylee Anthony's remains on Dec. 11, but had called authorities regarding a bag he had seen in the area as early as August. Conway believes between Kronk revisited the crime scene several times before the discovery and claims to have a credible witness that places Kronk in the area between August 14 and December 11.

Geraldo asks Conway, "Do you think there's more funky information to come out about him?" to which Conway replies, "I know there is."
Bunny, the link won't work. It's because it is nested within a quote. You have to post the full link by itself.
From 3doglady (posts 524 and 525 Meter Reader thread, 12/26/08, referring to the audio of Kronk's call:

"Kronk does NOT say where I live. That is the dispatcher talking to whoever called the sheriff's office. It clearly is the same voice as the dispatcher but he is describing the area to someone else "near Hopespring drive where I live." I'm assuming the person he is talking to is calling the sheriff."

"Listened to tape again. Dispatcher said "Hopespring Drive where I grew up -lived."

I think that this is where the idea that the supervisor lived on the Anthonys' street originated. If you listen carefully, it is the dispatcher who used to live on Hopespring- he says 'where I grew up- where I used to live.' I think this belongs on the Mythbusters thread.

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