Marie G.: Mother of Crystal S.

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Originally Posted by Emeralgem:
Yes, that is a fact...And within 24 to 48 hours after the alleged kidnapping..
And if I remember correctly the exact words were.... "I would give my life to have my child's life back."

I think this is just a matter of interpretation. To me, it meant that Ron would give anything to give Haleigh her life back the way it was before, meaning that she would not have disappeared and that she would be the same happy child as before. I see this as a completely reasonable statement and not indicating anything at all sinister.

And, I have to say, I can't fault Marie or anyone else for speaking of Haleigh in past tense at times. While it's unnerving, I think they just mean that they are referring to past happy times and not implying that they know something deeper.

So, we each have our differing interpretations.[/QUOTE]


Yes, we do.
Marie has posted this bulletin message to Misty on myspace .

From: Marie (482562836)
To: (444543455)
Date: 8/30/2009 5:25:33 PM
Subject: Repost for Misty Cummings

Any one who reads my bulletin please repost this!

Misty if you get this bulletin please consider what is happening to you, you are being used as the escape goat in HaLeigh's disappearance. You need to tell LE who was in that house that night, if you wasn't at home then you need to go to State's Attorney and make a deal with him. If not you are gonna end up in jail because all you wanted to do is be a 16 yr old teenager and party just like all kids your age do everynight.

Please pray and ask God to guide you and help you deal with this you are right about one thing, "How much more can a 17 yr old girl take?" I don't know how you have took it this long Please just come clean it will all be for the best in the end. "
When are people going to wake up and see the roses here?

RC and family have pulled the wool over your eyes.

He got those kids under false pretense. He outright lied to the court as he was doing/selling drugs (check records of arrest and conviction) as he was saying he could provide a better and safer drug-free home. The County in all of its wisdom never checked his record. He was awarded the children the same day he went to court as CS never received the paperwork because RC put down a phony address.

This is a travesty that the Court should reverse and do so immediately. It is unfortunate that the System allows this type of behavior to continue and due to their decision and incompetence, a child is gone. How many times do we have to hear this? DCF and Family Courts are protected from accountability. These people do sleep well at night just in case any of you are wondering. They have a series of statutes to protect them. It is a shame there aren't any around that could have protected Haleigh.
BTW, where are all the TN posts and pleading? Has she taken a poly and voice stress as Marie has? She seems to be the forgotten soul in this saga.
How and why did Marie convince Misty to lie her ears off to cover for her?

I think Marie arranged it and had someone else take HaLeigh. As I posted before, I don't know if she was asleep or if she could have been threatened, none of us knows what happened.
For what reason would Marie arrange for Haleigh to be abducted? The two women who were highly invested in keeping Haleigh were TN and AS. Afterall, who do you think was behind the charade of the custody matter, anyway. Since AS had been charged with interference in a custody matter before, how do you make the jump to Marie?

And did these thugs shut up Misty while they were at it? I noticed they left Jr behind...maybe M told them to leave jr...hmmm.

Conspiracy theories are seldom at play in these sort of crimes.....wishful thinking seems to be the culprit.
I think Marie arranged it and had someone else take HaLeigh. As I posted before, I don't know if she was asleep or if she could have been threatened, none of us knows what happened.

I just can't wrap my brain around this.

If she was asleep there was no need for her to lie, so she wouldn't have flunked several LDT's. Anyway, she was not asleep if the recent information from Ron is to be trusted, saying the bed was made and hadn't been slept in.

If she was threatened, police protection could have been arranged for her until Marie and her accomplice were arrested.

If Marie threatened to kill her if she talked, why has she pointed the fingers at Crystal's family regardless? Wouldn't that be kind of dangerous?

If Marie did it and threatened to kill her if she talked, why did she throw several members of her own family under the bus? Child molesters, crackheads, psychos, you name them. I'm sure Marie didn't say that you'll blame everyone in your family for what I did or I'll kill you.
I don't think Marie was there, she had someone else do it imo. I am not convinced Misty is lying, I think she is trying to remember, and I think she is scared. If she was asleep I don't know how anyone expects her to know more, or if traumatized she may not be able to. I don't know if Tommy may have a connection to the Griffis/Sheffield family.
I don't think Marie was there, she had someone else do it imo. I am not convinced Misty is lying, I think she is trying to remember, and I think she is scared. If she was asleep I don't know how anyone expects her to know more, or if traumatized she may not be able to. I don't know if Tommy may have a connection to the Griffis/Sheffield family.

We have all seen her lying several times. She has told numerous stories that cannot all be true at the same time.

I'm sure she's scared but I've no reason to suspect that it's because of Marie, so far. She's lied and can't have failed to find out that people aren't buying it, for the most part, and that ought to be enough to make anybody scared.
I think there are several different opinions on what happened, until I have more facts, mine remains the same.

We have all seen her lying several times. She has told numerous stories that cannot all be true at the same time.

I'm sure she's scared but I've no reason to suspect that it's because of Marie, so far. She's lied and can't have failed to find out that people aren't buying it, for the most part, and that ought to be enough to make anybody scared.
I think there are several different opinions on what happened, until I have more facts, mine remains the same.

It's part of the fascination of this case how people's interpretation of the same facts can be so different. So far, the facts that I have seen point to Misty lying, lying and lying again, as confirmed by LE and now Tim Miller's researchers. Nothing that I have seen has indicated that it is somehow Marie's fault. I would be interested in knowing what sort of facts would sway you.
If you click on my name you can read my posts, iirc it's the theories topic.
It's part of the fascination of this case how people's interpretation of the same facts can be so different. So far, the facts that I have seen point to Misty lying, lying and lying again, as confirmed by LE and now Tim Miller's researchers. Nothing that I have seen has indicated that it is somehow Marie's fault. I would be interested in knowing what sort of facts would sway you.

I know your question was not to me, and I don't think you were asking for any one's "theory", only what would it take for your opinion to be swayed. I'm on the opposite side of the coin, but let me say this. If new information came out that anyone on the Sheffield side had been flunking ld tests, and LE started saying they were the key.........then I would start listening and look there. I mean, I guess I just don't understand going against LE and everyone else in this case. There is no conspiracy to get Ron and Misty......only the facts as they have happened.
I know your question was not to me, and I don't think you were asking for any one's "theory", only what would it take for your opinion to be swayed. I'm on the opposite side of the coin, but let me say this. If new information came out that anyone on the Sheffield side had been flunking ld tests, and LE started saying they were the key.........then I would start listening and look there. I mean, I guess I just don't understand going against LE and everyone else in this case. There is no conspiracy to get Ron and Misty......only the facts as they have happened.

I suspect that for some posters, there are no facts that would ever change their opinion. Perps could be named as POIs and that would not be convincing. Perps could be named as suspects and still their faith would not waiver. Perps could be arrested and it would be due "LE's incompetence". Perps could be tried, and convicted, and it would be "undue influence on the jury" or some other excuse.

Not that long ago, Scott Petersen's family made a plea for the public to come forward with donations to fund the appeals of his double murder conviction. I'll bet that there were folks who sat write down and opened their checkbook.

Other posters are shocked when new facts come out that contradict their beliefs. They are saddened when this happens and, maybe a little embarassed to have reached the wrong conclusion(s). But, because their motivation is truely justice for the crime's victim, they adjust. I know that's what I will do, if new facts come out that indicate that none of the Cummings, including the new Mrs. Cummings, were involved in either Haleigh's disappearance or a subsequent coverup.
Maybe Marie saved up a bunch of money and somehow found Misty, and paid her to go out with Ron and take care of his kids, then grab one child from the home to torment him for being so mean to Crystal? I am just trying to figure out how Marie is involved in this and Misty is covering for her? Maybe its a thing like Misty was paid to get Ron, but fell in love, and is now blowing off Marie?:crazy:
Maybe Marie saved up a bunch of money and somehow found Misty, and paid her to go out with Ron and take care of his kids, then grab one child from the home to torment him for being so mean to Crystal? I am just trying to figure out how Marie is involved in this and Misty is covering for her? Maybe its a thing like Misty was paid to get Ron, but fell in love, and is now blowing off Marie?:crazy:

And then she conspired with Misty's family to drive to AS' house and force Ron to assault Misty's brother....
Well said, Shaymus. Some folks can never be convinced. I don't know where the hate comes from towards the maternal side of Haleigh's family, but it's not healthy, IMO.
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