Cobra: Tapes, Interviews & Case Discussion

I don't think they did... the host of it said something earlier in the week that they may not. Regardless, though, the snake left the show 2 weeks ago in a fit of dramatica, placing blame on this case for pretty much ruining his life, so he was stepping away from it.
I don't think they did... the host of it said something earlier in the week that they may not. Regardless, though, the snake left the show 2 weeks ago in a fit of dramatica, placing blame on this case for pretty much ruining his life, so he was stepping away from it.

I don't think they did... the host of it said something earlier in the week that they may not. Regardless, though, the snake left the show 2 weeks ago in a fit of dramatica, placing blame on this case for pretty much ruining his life, so he was stepping away from it.

Well then this would answer my question as to where Cobra has been and why we are not hearing from him .. lol
Another helper bites the dust..

....searchers are dropping like flies..
I'm bringing this thread up to discuss COBRA and the bail talk going on........

"Snip" TJ Hart
To hear all 5 audios go to the link above.

Gainesville, FL

Misty Croslin's accounts of the night Haleigh vanished have been described by investigators as inconsistent and in conflict with the evidence in the case.

One thing investigators know is that Croslin was on a weekend drug and sex binge days before Haleigh vanished. She was in the company of a man named Greg Page and female companions Kristina Rene "Nay Nay" Prevatt and Amber Brooks.

Private investigator "Cobra" Staubs recorded an interview with a woman in May of 2009 and sent WSKY the audio a short time afterward. In the audio, the woman make all kinds of allegations regarding drugs, Misty and Nay Nay Prevatt.

Prevatt became a little bit better known in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings following a letter she sent to her boyfriend while she was in jail on separate drug charges last summer . Prevatt stated in the letter that investigators quizzed her about Haleigh in regards to an alleged signed affidavit by a man named Joe Pytko who claimed the child ate some "roxies" while at a party with Misty and died.

He allegedly added in his "affidavit" that Haleigh's body was put in a bag and was dumped in a pond. The Mondex pond near Palatka was drained around the time the letter was made public by WSKY.

WSKY forwarded these recordings to the PCSO last year and asked if these sound files might have anything to do with the investigation into Haleigh Cummings. To this day, WSKY has not received and answer to that question.

Whether or not this interview will help investigators find Haleigh or her possible abductor(s), the discussions do give a possible insight to the lifestyle of Misty Crosin and Nay Nay Prevatt at the time.

DISCLAIMER: The following audio was recorded by private investigator William "Cobra" Staubs with a woman claiming to be Barbara F. in May 2009. The sound files contain her statements and allegations and have yet to be proven true or false.

WARNING: Contains adult language!
IMVHO I think it would be a loss to disregard the significance of the taped conversations between Cobra and Ronald. I understand how many may feel about Cobra but these tapes allow us to really see Ronald, in his very own words. Considering the frustration we've experienced with the amount of mis-reporting in this case, I for one now jump at the chance to see/hear any and all video/audio of the players speaking themselves - rather than reading or listening to the edited and revised versions given by reporters and/or talk show hosts. I am posting the transcripts, minus any foul language, as I know many, including myself, have a difficult time getting past Cobra's mouth (saying this nicely :innocent:).

*I'm thinking that rather than quoting the full transcripts I've posted, in order to save space and not fill up the thread too quickly, perhaps we could could snip and post the specific part(s) of the transcript(s) we're referring to and commenting on. Any suggestions or thoughts?
cobra: that`s all i know, baby

ron: joseph edward overstreet

cobra: J E? i do know the extra part.

ron: joseph edward overstreet

cobra: you puttin` money on this motherf***** too, ain`t ya?

ron: I`m ummm…

cobra: 75 percent sure?

ron: no.

cobra: no? more than that?

ron: no, i`m not sure at all. …but i`m gonna tell you what…

cobra: did you have any enemies? i heard you was messin off drug dealers and s*** so, you know i was tryin` to run that s*** down. i don`t want to get you in trouble with drug dealers and s*** but, did you bring this drama to your house?

ron: no, absolutely not. here look, when i moved there, nobody knew where i lived, nobody. NOBODY… except Joe and Misty`s family and nobody, nobody, and Kristina...


ron: nay-nay, she`s the one that took misty to *advertiser censored** greg, white boy, on stokes landing. yeah, she`s busted. yeah, she told me.

cobra: damn dog! damn dog! damn dawggggg!

ron: i love her, look. i love her. love misty.

cobra: i know you do, everybody who knows that know that

ron: i love that son-of-a-b**** so she had an affair, *advertiser censored*** it. a
good *advertiser censored** and a half never had nothing to do with my daughter going missing.

cobra: at least your focused. your focused.

ron: you know what else, my best friend is black.

cobra: all my boys are black. i just told you all my boys are black.

ron: orlando, orlando, hey… let me tell ya, orlando is far from being
a drug dealer but if you will look into as deep as you can… somewhere
here in putnam county… there is an orlando… i`m not sure if his name
is trailor also?

cobra: *advertiser censored**, you the man, I mean damn, reach out.

ron: listen listen… orlando, there is also another orlando.

cobra: i know

ron: his social security number is only a couple of numbers off from
Orlando my friend`s… and he does have a battery on a (unintellgible) and
he is a big drug dealer… and they`re accusing my best friend as him.
ron continues...
my best friend has been working for superior, i think i started there
in november of 05, i think he started there about 6 weeks before i did,
a month and a half? … about 6, 7 weeks before i did… he`s been there
ever since.

cobra: ain`t no big *advertiser censored**** deal, bro

ron: so we used to…

cobra: hey, it don`t make no, we ain`t no big deal… it`s the motherf****
heroin and s***

ron: here`s the thing… look

cobra: you look like you ain`t scared of needles bro

ron: oh, i look like ain`t scared?

cobra: look like you ain`t scared of em.

ron: yeah, but does it look like them been anywhere?

cobra: no you ain`t tracking… you ain`t trackin

ron: does it look like any of them been anywhere, huh? huh? you sure?

cobra: nah nah nah

ron: yeah, exactly!

cobra: but you know us boys down in miami, you get em in the tools, ya know?
but you dont have to show me your tools, i believe that. heyyyy

ron: i will show you the bottom side of my *** sack where a lot of
motherf***** like to put it!

cobra: (laugh) ohhhh!!! heyyyy there`s people looking at me, dog!!!!

cobra: listen man, i got your boys figured out, i know, i figured out…down there and he told jr. a bunch of s*** and i told jr. little jr he said… (interrupted)

ron: you know what I told him? he told…let me tell you what i know what he told me… they were down there fishin` junior hank, actually i call him tommy

cobra: tommy ok

ron: ok, cuz that`s the same jr. hank jr. tommy… and joe were fishin` with austin, tommy`s son… at that dock… it got dark… that dock got swamped with alligators… he told me, he said holy *advertiser censored*** s*** i had to get my son out of there i thought lake placid was fixin` to go on!

cobra: yep

ron: you know what?

cobra: yep?

ron: joe said the corridor would be the perfect *advertiser censored***ing place to kill somebody…

cobra: bam

ron: dump them right in the water… let the alligators take care of the rest.

cobra: bam!

ron: do i think that`s where my daughter`s at? (answers own question) probably.

cobra: yea, well i`m trying to get a team down here brother and the only thing that`s stopping that right now… the only thing that is stoppin me is the sheriff and the *advertiser censored**** deputy wont call me back and they got the power to do it and they aint called me so… i finally talked to somebody from FDLE this afternoon and they gotta…

ron: well let me get on my phone and see if i can get john…

cobra: uh, you owe me 5 bucks, you owe me ten bucks, both yall (unintelligible)

unknown: uh huh. don`t work like that bro. (unintelligible) come back
in this b****, we`ll getcha. (unintelligible)

cobra: dont know anything about that.(unintelligible) i`ve been investigating
everybody else like a mother****. so im gonna get the mf.

ron: well, i gave you the address 1529

cobra: 1529? daddy`s dont kill babies, mommies do. daddies dont.
i`m experienced, i got 5 kids dog. i dont think you had nothin to with
s*** to tell you the truth. i aint investigating you. i`ve been investigating everybody else like a mf… but Joe at the top of my f`n list! feel me?

ron: wanna me to tell you what i think?

cobra: so, i`m gonna get the mf, dog. and i`m… (unintelligible)

ron: find joe. find joe.

cobra: huh? i know where joe at.

ron: i know where he is at too.

cobra: antioch, tn?

ron: 1529 antioch place

cobra: i know where he at dog, my boys is already around him.

ron: well that`s why i gave you the address, 1529

cobra: 1529, 1529… i know how to say antioch, antioch tn

ron: antioch place, antioch tn. 1529 antioch place.

cobra: you think he`s got something to do with it? i heard the first night
he came into town man… he tried to get your piece.

ron: the first time i met him he stole my piece. (gun)

cobra: the first day?

ron: the first day i met him… the third time… the third DAY that he was here…

cobra: yeah, the first time you MET him.

ron: first time i met him he stole my piece.

cobra: I heard that

ron: you know what? i felt like a criminal… i went straight down to the ditch…
because i figure if it`s on his premises and the law finds them… guess what?

cobra: boom, back to you!

ron: No… if it`s on his premises… then he`s in trouble.

cobra: yeah

ron: so, you put it in the ditch and anybody could have put it there, right? got my s*** right out of the culvert… took it home… sprayed it…cleaned it… and there it was.

cobra: yeah

ron: same piece that FDLE has right now.

cobra: yeah… no… i`m cool man… i`m cool… (unintelligible)

ron: no bro dude, i don`t get high, dude.

cobra: no, i`m aint talkin about getting high… i`m talkin about is…a lot
of times when i talk to somebody i always look in their eyes, it`s like…
i`ll look you in the eyes and tell ya… you aint my guy… when you was
following me down the road… it kind made me nervous. i dont know if one
of your boys got up in that b****?

ron: you know what happened?

cobra: so i pulled in there and looked and said damn.

ron: what happened with me is, i wanted to know who the hell keeps following me around.

cobra: oh not me bro. i went over by the thing… i saw the truck…

ron: that`s why when i turned around and you turned around? I turned around again. i`m gonna find out who the f this is following me… he`s either gonna shoot me… or i am gonna find out who is following me.

cobra: i thought the same thing. i said this is gonna be bad… i coming up here
to help this dude find his kid… and now me and him got a problem. i came for you! i`m up here at my own expense brother…. i aint here trying to get no media… i aint tryin to get no money… i aint tryin to get s***. i`ve got 5 kids.
you should have all your kids with you! feel me? now, i`ve been checking
everybody else all night…

ron: ( unintelligible about crystal and custody papers and her lawyer )

cobra: ive seen her over there… yep, her people`s over there but…that`s
her business… i don`t *advertiser censored** with that. i dont know about yall`s custody.

ron: well i can give you the custody papers. i`ve got em in my…

cobra: i dont… see, i dont care about custody. cuz theres custody
i gotta live child… i got it with you… or i got it with her (unintelligible) safe!

ron: here`s the problem. yall was having this fight…before the kid was missing.

cobra: had the van that afternoon, the last afternoon that uh…

ron: i ain`t never had that van, they won`t let me drive that van.

cobra: what van could misty drive? they`ve already told me, they told me
that the day that Haliegh came up missing… that afternoon when she picked
her up from the bus stop… she picked her up in a van… and that uh, you
come down there flyin` sideways at the bus stop… hey, where my girl at?
…and you know… you lookin` for misty. what is all that?

cobra: oh, they lyin?

ron: all that is wrong, dude. i picked my daughter up from the bus stop that day! i dropped her off at the bus stop… and i picked her up at the bust stop!

cobra: well, i am glad you told me that… you know why? cuz these scratches on the van and all that s*** i`m glad misty didn`t do that s***, the van, you know driving around. i think joe was driving the mother****** van!

ron: I! I picked my daughter up from the bus stop… and she sat in my lap…
*advertiser censored*** what the world thinks, they can all suck my d*** …. I let her sit in my lap and steer the car home… and she put her left blinker on to turn left down the dirt road to go to my house! when she rounded the (unintelligible) and s***… hit the right blinker! okay?

cobra: damn

ron: i got out, i gave her a hug and a kiss… i gave my son a hug and a kiss,
gave my girlfriend a hug and a kiss, told her i love you… i`ll see y`all when i
get home from work.

cobra: what did you mean when you said: b****, who the *advertiser censored** did you let come in here and steal my kid? that`s what i wanted to ask you about. if I had any questions for you, you must have known she had somebody in there.

ron: i don`t think she had anything to do with it.

cobra: you don`t think she let anybody come in? well you said…
you said that on that tape i heard it!

ron: no. i just wanted to know… uh no, i said: b***** HOW THE *advertiser censored** could you let somebody come in my house?

cobra: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh

ron: what i wanna know is… (crosstalk)

cobra: when you left for work, you locked that *advertiser censored*** door, you had that
back door locked?

ron: yeah yeah… but you know what? you look on the internet and look up bump locks.

cobra: i know, i know how to bump lock like a motherf***** but you know that s*** works like sometime works sometime works sometime…. if the feds would have took the whole motherf***** door knob we could have told it`s been bump locked!

ron: they already came and got it

cobra: that motherf***** ain`t gone! they ain`t touch your screen door, dog! they ain`t touch your *advertiser censored**** door! what they bring it back?

ron: no

cobra: put new ones in?

ron: came back and put new ones in.

cobra: …got that boys money & s****, got that dude… (unintelligible)

ron: he`s my buddy.

cobra: alright. that`s cool.

ron: i can give ya the results any time you want.

cobra: did you have to find her from some crack house the day before?

ron: no, did not. no, i did not.

cobra: why is everybody hating on you, dog?

ron: i can tell you right now what it is. crystal (unintelligible) …also she turned
right on national tv… she got paid by Geraldo 10,000 dollars to say I`m a confidential

cobra: are you?

ron: no, i am not.

cobra: alright.

ron: you know what?

cobra: huh? I AM. I AM… I work for (unintelligble) boys.

ron: well were gonna be um, everybody is gonna subpeoned to court
including john merchant who is the lead detective in this…

cobra: yeah, what did he do?

ron: he has no… he is the lead detective in this case.

cobra: which one got caught with some pot and coke in his car and got
pulled of the case and put on desk job, is that merchant?

ron: no

cobra: no, who was that, do you know who that was?

ron: i think that might have been chris middleton, i dont` know

cobra: see, i dont know any of these motherf****. I called 87 times to
talk to the muthaf***** po-lice, you know how many times they talk to me?

ron: none?

cobra: zun! zun! none!!!!

ron: i can call and get merchant on the phone for you right now.

cobra: but i don`t know him, man… cuz all of a sudden they have merchant`s
name mixed up with you, if you all was boys… that wont do me no good… if
i`m tryin to find a child and somebody out here playin… ya know?
what you thinking man?

unknown: da baby, doggggg.

cobra: somebody knows your *advertiser censored*. somebody knows you man.

ron: (unintelligible) i`m gonna tell you right now… (unintelligible)

cobra: i tell ya… i`ll go kill him my damn myself.

ron: if i had any idea… and especially..

cobra: well, i heard you had a 75 percent. er uhhh i talked to my momma.

ron: if i had 75 percent, dude… i`d burn the other 25 percent, and i`d burn
whoever it is and sit in prison thinking i was 75% sure i got that person
that had my daughter.

cobra: i talked to misty`s mom… junior… junior a cool dude, man.
they all battin`… they all battin` for this family`s side. me? i
aint take no sides, man. my side is Haliegh… and anybody gets in
my muthaf**** way… that`s my game. that`s all!

ron: december of 05 when i finally went to court… um, the 4100 dollars
in southport that her lawyer (unintelligible) maybe i should get her the
paperwork that`s left in my *advertiser censored*** visor because she`s 11,400 behind.

cobra: no *advertiser censored**** way!

ron: yeah, now me or you? (unintelligible)

cobra: you going to jail! (laugh) i just tell em to go f off. i got
child support like a muthaf*****.

ron: we go to jail, bro! we go to jail.

cobra: oh, yeah

ron: you know what`s crazy, though?

cobra: huh?

ron: my daughter come up missing feb the 10th… feb. the 10th, at about
threeee 27, 28… i was there for about three minutes turning the house
upside down and then told misty, call 911, call 911. call 911.

cobra: i heard ya , i heard the tapes. i heard em off the tv.

ron: at 3:26 is when the 911 call was made. so, i must have pulled in at
about 3:23. they also have ummm surveilance videos from the top of the
hill where it goes from two lanes to 4 lanes… they asked me if i was
there what took me so long to get home? i said i stopped at the store…
well what store? i told em, well what did you buy? i said, i bought
a pack of basic lights in a box, i bought a pack of newport shorts
in a box, i bought a pack of honey roasted peanuts, i bought a pack of
salted peanuts, and i bought a 30 ounce Budweiser in a bottle.

cobra: sounds like a normal f`n man coming from work.

ron: guess what? they went on pulled the tapes, guess what they found?

cobra: all of the above!

ron: now they said, well how the *advertiser censored*** did you get home from this amount
of time to this amount of time… well because I drive like
a cracker ready to get home from work!

cobra: i was talking to misty`s momma… she said that the night that this all
went down… she said that this *advertiser censored*** dude joe… swore vengeance on your
*advertiser censored* that he`d get ya… he`d make you pay…or whatever the *advertiser censored***.

ron: that`s what i was told too.

cobra: i heard it, straight up.

ron: then as soon as my daughter went missing he got the f outta here and went to tennessee.

cobra: very same day. …and also he was staying over at timmy`s house, over there… and when timmy woke up at 1 o` clock in the morning that mother**** it wasn`t there.

ron: van wasn`t there. van wasn`t there. that`s why the van has been impounded.

cobra: i`m gonna go back over to your house there`s a bush sitting right there in your yard where you go down this road and make a u turn or whatever… come back up at your place… i betcha the piece of brushes that i got… but then all of a sudden they told me that misty had the van that afternoon… the last afternoon… that uh…

ron: misty aint never had that van. they won`t let misty drive that van.

cobra: what van could misty drive? they`ve already told me, they told me
that the day that Haliegh came up missing… that afternoon when she picked
her up from the bus stop… she picked her up in a van… and that uh, you
come down there flyin` sideways at the bus stop… hey, where my girl at?
…and you know… you lookin` for misty. what is all that?

cobra: oh, they lyin?

ron: all that is wrong, dude. i picked my daughter up from the bus stop that day! i dropped her off at the bus stop… and i picked her up at the bust stop!

cobra: well, i am glad you told me that… you know why? cuz these scratches on the van and all that s*** i`m glad misty didn`t do that s***, the van, you know driving around. i think joe was driving the mother****** van!

ron: I! I picked my daughter up from the bus stop… and she sat in my lap…
*advertiser censored*** what the world thinks, they can all suck my d*** …. I let her sit in my lap and steer the car home… and she put her left blinker on to turn left down the dirt road to go to my house! when she rounded the (unintelligible) and s***… hit the right blinker! okay?

cobra: damn

ron: i got out, i gave her a hug and a kiss… i gave my son a hug and a kiss,
gave my girlfriend a hug and a kiss, told her i love you… i`ll see y`all when i
get home from work.

cobra: what did you mean when you said: b****, who the *advertiser censored** did you let come in here and steal my kid? that`s what i wanted to ask you about. if I had any questions for you, you must have known she had somebody in there.

ron: i don`t think she had anything to do with it.

cobra: you don`t think she let anybody come in? well you said… you said that on that tape i heard it!

ron: no. i just wanted to know… uh no, i said: b***** HOW THE *advertiser censored** could you let somebody come in my house?

cobra: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh

ron: what i wanna know is… (crosstalk)

cobra: when you left for work, you locked that *advertiser censored*** door, you had that
back door locked?

ron: yeah yeah… but you know what? you look on the internet and look up bump locks.

cobra: i know, i know how to bump lock like a motherf***** but you know that s*** works like sometime works sometime works sometime…. if the feds would have took the whole motherf***** door knob we could have told it`s been bump locked!

ron: they already came and got it

cobra: that motherf***** ain`t gone! they ain`t touch your screen door, dog! they ain`t touch your *advertiser censored**** door! what they bring it back?

ron: no

cobra: put new ones in?

ron: came back and put new ones in.

Ronald KNOWS that if he speaks the truth, it is the end for him on the face of this Earth.

Nobody is going to dispute anything that he, misty, or you say. It would be the end.
cobra: what do you think about joe, bro? joe would hurt your kid, right?

ron: joe, had business with me… because, heres`s the thing…

cobra: da*n!

ron: joe had his old lady come from wherever she was from in her new cadillac
and when i come down out from my room that day… after i hid it…ok?…after..
i didn`t tell nobody… so he thought that was where it`s at …and I come around the corner and guess where his girlfriend`s at?

cobra: where?

ron: now… (unintelligible) he was with Hank at the doctor… cuz hank said mf`r
if you got that pistol… you need to give it up.

cobra: who said that?

ron: hank…

cobra: hank, who is hank?

ron: man, hank is uh misty`s dad. he said mf you piece of s*** i know you got that gun

cobra: to you?

ron: nah, to joe. if you got that gun, you`re not leavin… cuz he said i`m leavin for for tennessee… i`m getting the f outta here. he said well you mf if you got it, you aint taking it with you, i`ll promise you that. wherever it`s at is where it will be.

cobra: oh joe confrontated his *advertiser censored*… i mean, uh hank got on his *advertiser censored*

ron: hank was already on his *advertiser censored*… hank had been on his *advertiser censored* all night. 5:30
in the morning, and hank… powwwwww! give it up b**** where is the gun?

cobra: no s**** da*n! x-man X-man mf`r

ron: he used to be before he got f`d up. but uh…

cobra: you talkin bout hank… you talkin bout?

ron: big hank in a wheelchair.

cobra: oh! he`s a bad mf`r, yeah… he`s alright, he`s a cool dude man…
i bought him a pack of cigarettes.

ron: here`s the thing came in the house at 6 o clock and told joe…

unknown: ( unintelligible interruption )

ron: thanks man, alright partner. i said, i said aint gonna hit him.

cobra: big guy? little guy? your size? smaller?

ron: smaller than me, i`d break him in half. aint nothin to it, i said dude…
all i want is for you to let me lay his hand on the concrete and crush it with
this motherf**** jack.

cobra: for stealin for stealin the damn gun…

ron: …and i would crush both of his mf`n hands… i will make sure they will never be able to mf`n… no, they will never be able to reconstruct em ….that way he will never be able to steal nothing from anybody else. right or wrong?

cobra: right on.

ron: instead of cutting them off and going to jail for attempted murder,
i will just crush your f`n hands b**** … i`ll get an assault with a deadly
weapon. so what? i`ll be out…. i`ll be out!

cobra: (laugh) don`t go f`n anybody up, man. be close, be close, be close on tommy! be very close. i got joe at the top of my f`n list. ya know, people try to put your name in there… i said, you know what? i seen the dude on tv… i seen this girl… i seen a lot of s****.

ron: let me tell you what else i got man!

cobra: alright bro

ron: february the 10th like i said… that`s when my…

cobra: yes, that was the child support date. (sarcastic) alright now bro. i know. so you were scheduled to go to court and it got f`n put aside.

ron: it got put aside

cobra: ok? ok?

ron: still, how does it get put aside? that`s back child support… that ain`t today`s child support. that`s back child support.

cobra: well i dunno, probably a judge heard about it and said oh s*** he can`t come in today he got a lot on his mind! ya know? i don`t know.

ron: march 27th okay? what made you think your daughter was gonna be gone for a month and 7 days? what made you think that the po-lice wasn`t gonna find em before march 27th?

cobra: i dunno, bro. i dunno.

ron: think about it. think hard!

cobra: i`m tryin, dude my head is *advertiser censored**** swole with this s*** bro!

ron: think, think brother.

cobra: why?

ron: why every time marie griffis crystal`s mother gets on tv… why does she say i think Haliegh is alive and in Georgia and Alabama? what is that all about?

cobra: you think they took the kid and hid it out? i don`t think they did… i can`t put it unless joe worked for them. … because i think joe`s my boy.

ron: that`s what i think! …and then i gotta a second thought also… then
i gotta second thought that says if this *advertiser censored*** lawyer, which i know she cant take junior from me because i haven`t done nothing wrong in 3 and 1/2 years… why is all sudden I got my… (unintelligible) in the truck, come on! can you put the light back?

cobra: laugh

cobra: yea, down there and he told jr. a bunch of s*** and i told jr. little jr he said…
(interrupted mid-sentence)

ron: you know what I told him? he told…let me tell you what i know what he told me… they were down there fishin` junior hank, actually i call him tommy

cobra: tommy ok

ron: ok, cuz that`s the same jr. hank jr. tommy… and joe were fishin` with austin, tommy`s son… at that dock… it got dark… that dock got swamped with alligators… he told me, he said holy *advertiser censored*** s*** i had to get my son out of there i thought lake placid was fixin` to go on!

cobra: yep

ron: you know what?

cobra: yep?

ron: joe said the corridor would be the perfect *advertiser censored***ing place to kill somebody…

cobra: bam

ron: dump them right in the water… let the alligators take care of the rest.

cobra: bam!

ron: do i think that`s where my daughter`s at? (answers own question) probably.

cobra: yea, well i`m trying to get a team down here brother and the only thing that`s stopping that right now.

Ron is a piece of work!!

Did you notice he never used the time? How many people in this world would be explained a detailed account of LE questioning him about the time he took to get home and rc never once mentions the clock and the time when he relates his alibi?

He says that LE questioned him about the time and this is how ron explains what LE asks him: "now they said, well how the *advertiser censored*** did you get home from this amount
of time to this amount of time… "

In my entire life I have never heard anything so stupid. This is called DECEPTION...he was misleading Cobra and avoiding letting anyone know what time he got off work..the big question is WHY?
cobra: i am gonna tell you this, very important, you got any connections with the cops? you got any mf that you can get the shirt to me? i got equusearch coming back out here… for that s*** …. with side-scanning radar there… Dunn`s bridge, both with the scan, ya know? i gotta look for a dead child… i gotta look for a live child. gotta do both.

ron: let me tell you this… did you know that gators… burrow?

cobra: yes.

ron: they make burrows?

cobra: i know exactly what gators do man, I`m from Miami!

ron: …and well th-th-they make burrows where there`s air pockets on top...

cobra: …and they`ll push that mud back in their house.

ron: and they will push their prey (cobra talk over) even if it was a…. thank you, thank you!

cobra: …i know brother, man, i am a hillbilly, bro… i`m 52 years old… i`ve been doin` this a couple days. (laugh)

ron: well, i`m half your age and you can see that i have…

cobra: you`re a father man!

ron: i have a lot more knowledge than most mf`n fools.

cobra: you`re a father… (laugh) you`re a father… that`s what the main thing is.

(low voice)
ron: 3 1/2 years i have had custody these kids, why all of a sudden does everyone following me around the house sayin` baby killer?

cobra: i dunno bro… cuz maybe your girlfriend lost lost one? that`s the only thing… (unintelligible) grab in there and pry on her, I guess. you know? Why they came up missing? That`s why… that`s the only reason i know why.

ron: you know what?

cobra: there ain`t nobody heard nothing until a child missing!

ron: I can`t believe, I can`t believe… EXACTLY!

cobra: *advertiser censored***** joe, man. *advertiser censored****** joe … joe is such a good liar, man… joe is such a good *advertiser censored****… another thing else bro!

(while cobra is talking - ron says something about money - sounds like 700 dollars to catch him)

ron: you know what the thing is? you know what the thing is? you know what the thing is?

cobra: (unintelligible) …*advertiser censored* on somebody

cobra: i keep… i keep (unintelligible) on joe, i hate to take him out in the *advertiser censored**** swamp! I don`t know what his levels are, bro.

ron: i`m scared… i`m scared of him.

cobra: yea, that`s it… don`t you *advertiser censored** around now. you kids, man! you got somebody you can….

ron: junior is gonna be with me forever….til the day I die… even if he`s got to go with me like that. (sirens wailing)….til` the day i die, daddy`s little boy.
(showing tattoos)

cobra: that`s junior?

ron: that`s junior… daddy`s little boy!

(sirens wailing)

cobra: hey, another mother ****** you can investigate!

ron: …and daddy`s little girl….Haliegh…

cobra: with a capital H… what`s that all about? I thought it was just regular spellin`… spell it like that HAY-LEE? I mean with a capital L… two separate names like HAI-LIEGH?

ron: well, actually that`s how it was supposed to be spelled on the birth certificate and i think they *advertiser censored*** it up!

cobra: oh

ron: …but lemme tell you this. that one right there…

cobra: tryin` to read it, man?

ron: H-A-L-I-E-G-H?

cobra: that`s it!

ron: let me tell you something…

cobra: betcha it hurt like a m*****advertiser censored**** gettin it

ron: Crystal….yeah… but Crystal was titty feeding Haliegh when I got this one…. How come hers is just now gettin` on her back?


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