GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #5

Okay....all in one place for those who don't want to go find it. Also to clear it up so that the bad stuff isn't what shows up in a google search.

Don Newton, who found Sylar...who spent hours upon hours searching for Sylar when really nobody else did...has looked into the allegations that the SaraCares foundation is scamming everyone.

Don knows the person who owns the bar that was supposed to host the fundraiser this weekend.

Don talked to the funeral home about it.

Don talked to a Detective about it.

HE feels they are simply trying to help and are legitimate.

Personally, I would believe Don over anyone else on there any day...though I still wouldn't donate because there is no NEED for it. I just think that SaraCares deserves to have it clarified that they are not a fraud.

I do not believe that this SaraCares foundation is trying to scam anyone. They just do this in memory of their daughter, they don't have a website or anything even.

Anna claims they did try to check with Emmett's family but got a very hateful "Leave us the %$#@$% alone" in response.

However, a member of their community said Emmett's mother confirmed that SaraCares did organize a fundraiser for Emmett and they got every dime from it. This person did thank them for organizing a fundraiser for Emmett as well as say Emmett's family did NOT want to be contacted.

If that's not enough the Mayor of their town also spoke out. He said he knows these people and also vouched for them.

Anna and Charity appear to have both acknowledged that they were WRONG and that SaraCares IS legitimate. That they jumped to conclusions.

I hope that clarifies that...and I hope this doesn't damage the good that they wanted to do. Like I said before...accepting the $5,000 grant or free funeral sure seems like it would have been easier than all of this. :waitasec:

That note from the Mayor is on this page in response to "Message to SaraCares" which is below one about DNA and above another about has 10 replies right now and is from Sept 22. The one about Emmett is right above that one.

All other information above is on this facebook or the other facebook for Sylar here:
not holding my breath on anything happening this week. I must agree it has to be total incompetence. No way they wouldn't have at least the ID results back unless it was truly incompetence! Either they are lying about not knowing the identity, CN is lying about them saying they didn't have enough sample or LE is totally ignorant when it comes to investigations! At this point it is anyone's guess! I feel total sympathy for this little boy for all these people, (CP, CP nasty mom,CN, CN's mother, social workers, babysitters etc), who have let him down in life and now LE is letting him down in death! The same people as I listed above still let him down in death because they need to get off their bee-hinds and start protesting or doing something. We know CP and her mom won't do this...#1 they were the one's who did it and #2 they don't look like they have enough energy to move one finger let alone their whole body. I would be surprised to find out if they were the ones who actually walked to hide his would not surprise me if they drove and found a spot close to the road because I can't see them doing too much work! They were too lazy to properly take care of him and too lazy to find a 2 year old's shoes so them walking 5 miles after sitting in the heat, eating and pilling it up all day is totally out of the question in my mind.:loser:
I don't know, the thought of life in prison can be amazingly motivating...
I think that it is a great idea to contact LE and/or the media and let them know that we care about what is going on with Sylar's case.
I think that it is a great idea to contact LE and/or the media and let them know that we care about what is going on with Sylar's case.

Daisy, what are your ideas on this? Maybe contacting the media that is local to where Sylar lived or was found?
Or contacting LE directly? Which is probably bound to get us "we cannot give you any of this private info" carp, but if enough of us called, (and often enough *wink wink*) perhaps they'd realize they are being watched and get a move on.
I've been watching this case from the start and I Google Sylar's name daily, hoping for news that his scummy "custodial mom and grandma" have finally been charged. I think a lot about CN and how hard it is for me to feel very sympathetic for her. I'm sure that she is devastated, but what kind of person continues to get pregnant and pass the newborns out like brochures? I think about her bc I too got pregnant unexpectedly at 19. I too struggle with depression and anxiety. But I kept my son, loved him, kept him safe, put him first. Never in my wildest dreams would I have handed him off to someone who I knew was a complete unstable lowlife. I had awful postpartum depression and I got help, not just for myself but for my son... so I could be as good of a mother as possible. Charity treated her children like pets... it really makes me sick. And don't even get me started on the despicable Priem family! Children deserve so much better than Sylar got. I hope for positive news regarding justice for this sweet boy ASAP.
Welcome to Websleuths sonicfanaticsmommy! :)

Decided to get busy with personal business thinking that a ''watched pot never boils'' would result in something happening today but I guess I was wrong ''again''. Little ole me doesn't have any 'poltical clout' to shake the stupid tree to find out what's happening.As stated about none of us do, that would be 'next of kin'. Sounding once again like a broken record, how is it so much 'stuff' is known/exposed about Harmon case and none here -- (i.e. cell pings etc).
I just wanted to let you all know that I sent and email to the YCSD tonight and below is the content of my email, If anyone would like the email address that I used to send this to please send me a PM and I will get that to you, I have no idea if this will help but it certainly could not hurt.

Dear Crimes Against Childrens Unit,
I am an average citizen that lives in Indiana, I am writing you to ask why a Public Information Officer has yet to address if the remains that were found in the area of the Beavercreek Campground are those of Sylar Newton, I ask this because if they have indeed been identified as Sylar then it is high time for this precious little boy who was not properly cared for in life to be laid to rest in a dignified manner as quickly as possible...I do understand that you guys are conducting a homicide invesigation in this case and I in no way expect the CSI effect, but the fact remains that since the remains were located there has been no information about this case given to the public, and to us it just looks like this case has been swept under the rug and that there will never be justice for this innocent helpless little boy.....I am in no way asking for you to give me any information that may cause harm to the investigation of this crime, But after 2 long months I find it very difficult to believe that there is still not a positive or negative ruling on these remains.

I would also like to address that there are several sites about this case that have been set up on Facebook and from what I have recently been told there are at least 2 groups..saracares and ryanunited that had been soliciting donations from people that only wanted to help with the burial of this poor child, but we have recently found out that they are scams, and I fear the longer that this case drags on without any information to the public the more people are going to be making money off the death of this precious child who deserves so much more in death with the way it appears his life was while he was living...

If someone could kindly get this letter to the appropriate person that can possible answer mine and several other people questions about this case I would greatly appreciate it...

Kim Schlicher
Clarksville, Indiana
*You might want to remove your full name, if that is your full name.*

Saracares is not a scam. The detective actually agrees with that.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased AZ- Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock/Beaver Creek Campgrd, 25 July 2010 #5

I believe the only scam here is the family/friends who began raising money to begin with. The foundations simply came in to try and make it somewhat legal.

I do not know about Ryan United, I just know that they quit working with she/they determined them to be a scam. I wouldn't work with her either. I don't think there is PROOF they were a scam either...but I could have missed that as I didn't look into it nearly as much.
I am going to apologize ahead of time if I step over any boundaries but I just can't hold it in anymore. This is making me furious. :furious: As has been discussed and linked through the threads here, this woman is getting..

free/donated funeral expenses
free/donated headstone
Ability to have other expenses paid through organizations.

Sylar's expenses are well taken care of. She has NO other children to care for as she handed them off like puppies. No one is dependent on her to work a job that she can't due to this tragedy. So why is she doing nothing but work to gain more money?

Most parents at this point are hiding in their homes just trying to breath. Or are doing all they can to change laws in the name of their child's name. They would be standing in a park holding a burning candle or letting off balloons. They would be thankful for what others GAVE but never on a crusade to get as much as possible. It wouldn't be anywhere on their minds to do so.

This woman and her helpers/family are mind boggling. Constantly on money that is not needed and makes no sense. 3k headstone. Lies about ME needing money. Bracelets. Bumper stickers. Car Washes. She refuses to go after resources that will pay for things. Just working for money in hand, never explaining where it will go. It's not right.

The only shinning light from anyone is Don. Bless that man. While mom was on her rump in front of Facebook, this man was hiking the hot desert looking for Sylar. Even when he should have been working and providing for his own family he was out there. He faced the evil and brought Sylar back to us.

Again, I am very sorry but I had to get it out or I was going to kersplode. :croc: And if I have taken anything incorrectly please let me know. I would so love to know I am totally wrong about this and am over reacting.
Is my mind playing tricks on me? I thought the adopto mom's myspace listed Syler as being one of her children. I swore I saw it that way and also saw the same thing on a news report.

Looking at it today shows she removed the ability to see when she last logged in. And Syler has been removed from the kids list. No photos of him in the albums either.

Was it always like that and I just dreamed it the other way?
Is my mind playing tricks on me? I thought the adopto mom's myspace listed Syler as being one of her children. I swore I saw it that way and also saw the same thing on a news report.

Looking at it today shows she removed the ability to see when she last logged in. And Syler has been removed from the kids list. No photos of him in the albums either.

Was it always like that and I just dreamed it the other way?

she has two myspace listed sylar and one didn't. I am not sure of the pics but they were on one of them and the ability to see when she logged in was there as well. She is such a worthless character. I wish someone would just give me a baby! She didn't even have the mindset to appreciate such a wonderful gift. I have children but would have gladly taken a child in if a mother couldn't give him the life he deserves. She was a single mom either not working or making less than 30000.00 per year. She obviously had care issues regarding abuse etc. with her other children according to the police reports. If you can't do right by your natural kids why on earth would you want to take in extra's? oh, I forgot I imagine there would be extra welfare benefits for said child but still poor excuse. Her income is not really the problem unless she had none which seems to be the case, it is her previous behavior with her own children that gets me!:furious:

We are thinking of you and praying for you Sylar, we have not forgotten you baby boy.
she has two myspace listed sylar and one didn't. I am not sure of the pics but they were on one of them and the ability to see when she logged in was there as well. She is such a worthless character. I wish someone would just give me a baby! She didn't even have the mindset to appreciate such a wonderful gift. I have children but would have gladly taken a child in if a mother couldn't give him the life he deserves. She was a single mom either not working or making less than 30000.00 per year. She obviously had care issues regarding abuse etc. with her other children according to the police reports. If you can't do right by your natural kids why on earth would you want to take in extra's? oh, I forgot I imagine there would be extra welfare benefits for said child but still poor excuse. Her income is not really the problem unless she had none which seems to be the case, it is her previous behavior with her own children that gets me!:furious:

I couldn't agree with you more. :thumb:

What does it take to keep precious children away from low lives in this county? Sylar being with her is a disgrace and so was her having custody of her own two children with a rap sheet a mile long. Even after the drugs where found and authorities alerted... how could they allow her to keep all 3 kids in that mess with no legal adoption?

I don't understand how that happens when our country makes it so difficult for good people with out rap sheets and drug problems to adopt. Look at how many have to adopt of the country because it's so hard and expensive to get a child here. Maybe some of those resources should instead go into making sure people who can produce kids should even have them. Just because you can produce a child doesn't mean you should have any. That's exactly what you have in this case. This woman could get pregnant so they allowed her to drag around as many innocents as she wanted.

I want CPS who was involved in that drug call to be investigated. I want answers from them as to why she was allowed to keep Sylar after they where informed of the drugs. With no real legal adoption. If other people can't have kids with out legal recourse and investigations into their lives, why her?
I just wanted to post the response that I just received from my email that I sent to the YCSO last night, I am surpised that I was able to get such a quick respose..

Kim –

Thanks for your interest in the Sylar Newton case ---

Our agency is still waiting for DNA test results which we hope to have this week. A complete DNA profile takes time and there are other agencies also awaiting results for their cases. We too are not pleased with the delay in any respect as we want to move the case forward quickly. Detectives did recover evidence at the scene which they believe could only belong to Sylar. A separate toxicology test is being completed by an east coast FBI lab and will shed light on concerns about medication/drugs in the boy’s system. These results are also pending.

The Sheriff’s Office has no direct control over Facebook charity groups – We have heard of the Sarah Cares foundation as they have hosted apparently legitimate fundraising activities in this area. We would encourage those who question these charities, NOT to donate as the family is apparently comfortable under the current circumstances.

As soon as further test results become available and should any arrests be made, I will let you know.

Thanks again for your concern.


Dwight D'Evelyn
Media / Crime Prevention Coordinator
Yavapai County Sheriff's Office
Mr. Dwight D'Evelyn you have my deepest respect Sir. Thank you so much.
I am courious about what the other items that were found with the remains that may have a connection to Sylar, does anyone have any thoughts as to what they may be?

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