Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #20

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I thought the time of death must be on the death certificate, guess not huh. IMO

Have not read the whole thread, but needed to say something here. TOD is only accurate on television.

A body found days, months, weeks after, there is no accurate time of death. Only a guess via the other circumstances around, and a few things. Never, never accurate. (Just knowledge from dealing with murder cases over the years.) No links, don't have time, but anyone can research what the accuracy of a time of death is.

Sorry, science is great, but this is one of the many leaps that is just not available. Hence The existence of the Body Farm.

ETA: Keep in mind, we are only getting snippets of information from Peru. The Medical Examiner there would have to come up with a "guesstimate" TOD, we just have not seen it. Translations, leaks, media slowly letting bit by bit out to keep the story selling. You get the idea.

Still it would be a guesstimate. And the evidence, including video footage. (trying not to remind you that Stephany was decomposing, and had been for a few days.)
Although that is what most suspected, it's still music to my ears.

So sorry Joran, looks as if you're in it for the long haul.

Sounds pretty good to me too!!!

Now, if trial takes @ 6 mos. - 18 mos., does he get to stay in his "cushy" cell that he's in now???
Let us all keep in mind, what is NOT being said.

Some is respect for family, some is to avoid media tainting, some is not ready to be heard by an angry nation, some is to have a tightly sealed case, some is more reasons and more reasons.
I didn't think they'd release him, but you just never know until the 'verdict' is in.

I'm glad they're not buyin' his BS. I feel much better.

He better sit down and shut up and let the legal beagles do the talking.

I saw an article last night that said by him disputing the charges and arguing with the judge, if he's found guilty the probability of a longer sentence is much higher.

Just got home to find the good news. :woohoo:

One (major) hurdle cleared... Next?
PER: Jean Casarez HLN

Superior Court decision
RE: Habeas Corpus
No violation of Rights of Joran van der Sloot

Joran van der Sloot is just digging a deeper hole for himself.I don't think he will ever shut his trap and let his Lawyer do his job.I hope they put his *advertiser censored** in the regular population of the prison soon.Maybe he could take his pet rat with him in case he gets real hungry.

Reporter in Peru -
Judge ordered 3 Psychiatric Evaluations (separate from one we have heard about) of VDS this week.
Cannot confirm that they were done yet.

JeanC: in courtroom in Castro C I visited today, was told that VDS did not sit behind the plexiglass when he was in the courtroom
Confession read by male reporter:

VDS's confession: we took her sports car to the hotel (she wanted to continue playing poker online); it was a 4 by 4 sports car - black

Reporter in Peru -
Judge ordered 3 Psychiatric Evaluations (separate from one we have heard about) of VDS this week.
Cannot confirm that they were done yet.

bolded by me....Psychiatric Evaluations huh???? Wouldn't you have to have a ..with?????

(feeble attempt at some humor here...)

Seriously, to try to "get inside that brain" of his...and see what makes him tick...I would find that FRIGHTENING!!!

The next story we hear him that the Psyciatrist tried to "trick" him with the questions..
I just heard a TH on NG say that they do offer a mental defense in Peru. From what I've read so far - doesn't seem to be enough substance for that. Perhaps the new reports ordered will go into more detail.

- judge may order reconstruction of the crime - Hotel
VictoriaM: learned from courthouse officials
- judge requested he be in same room as them on Monday, not behind the plexiglass
- prob cause he required an interpreter
RupaM: learned frm Aruban and Dutch authorities that

If has American/U.S. charges against him>he can be tried in U.S., however he has possibility to serve out sentence in Aruba or Holland.
I just heard a TH on NG say that they do offer a mental defense in Peru. From what I've read so far - doesn't seem to be enough substance for that. Perhaps the new reports ordered will go into more detail.

Psych report we've heard about may have been from PLE psychiatrist. These other psychiatric evaluations, gonna just cement that he is a socio/psycho, not insane or mentally ill. Ultimately, will shut down his whining and seal his fate.

Next story/case.
ON NG: JVDS tried to clean up room, but couldn't get all the blood up.
JVDS did a good job cleaning up the room with the sheets and bedspread.
Ellie-how is he going to get them out of the room, there was too much to clean up.
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