17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Important to note from this source: All Level III, IV, and V infractions, unless otherwise noted, require Schools Police Automated Reporting (SPAR).
Administrators must contact Miami-Dade Schools Police.

As suspected, if Trayvon had been found with a pipe, he would have been arrested....yet it was confirmed by FDLE that he had no record, juvenile or otherwise.

Iirc, the msm that reported this did not quote the disclosure. I have said before, and maintain, that Trayvon had no "disclosable" juvenile record, which would include only serious charges. Felonies, I believe. Imo, we don't know one way or the other whether he had a non-disclosable criminal record of lesser offenses. However, the fact that his own father's first thought upon discovering that he failed to come home was to call juvie, etc. leads me to believe that he may have. Personally, whether he did or didn't is of no concern to me unless it was for some type of assualt. I just don't think we can accurately say that, for sure, he did not have a juvenile record.
That works both ways. The assault stopped after the sound of the gun, therefore if it was GZ screaming, he had no reason to continue screaming.

I agree, I think he was trying to get help, his adrenaline was pumping and after the shot went off he was stunned at what had just happened. I do think there's the possibility though that TM screamed at the last moment because he realized he'd lost the struggle, but I believe 100% it was GZ yelling for help.

GZ was knocked to the ground and TM got on top of him, and that eliminates for me the possibility that GZ was trying to detain him and takes any validity away from TM being the one asking for help, wouldn't make sense. JMO
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JBean, Thank you! Even though I haven't posted much I have been following along and it's been a rough ride.
Finally, having just specific threads is going to be wonderful!
I thought this forum was open for discussions on this case. Some of us aren't as quick to come to conclusions as others.


Almost to 100 posts.


We're just bouncing off each other's posts. It is frustrating trying to find out what really happened. All posts have value even if we do not agree with it, it sometimes sparks a new question in our minds worth exploring. I value all the post because we all want the same thing. We want the truth. Happy 100th, by-the-way. lol jmo
That would be true of anyone. So you are saying we should be stopping everyone on the street and demand that they strip to make sure they are not carrying a screw driver?????? That makes no sense. jmo

Trayvon Martin was not a threat to anyone. All of the "Might bes" existed only in GZ's mind. It "Might be" that GZ intended to kill TM all the time. It "Might be" he didn't. It is a fact, and not a "Might be" that TM is cold, stone dead and GZ made him that way.

Lambchop, it is only legal to make everyone strip and search them for weapons at airports. But you are right, anywhere else makes no sense. In fact, airport searches as presently done make no sense either. Maybe that would be a good place for GZ to get a job. Stop and search to his heart's content.
I agree, I think he was trying to get help, his adrenaline was pumping and after the shot went off he was stunned at what had just happened. I do think there's the possibility though that TM screamed at the last moment because he realized he'd lost the struggle, but I believe 100% it was GZ yelling for help.

GZ was knocked to the ground and TM got on top of him, and that eliminates for me the possibility that GZ was trying to detain him and takes any validity away from TM being the one asking for help, wouldn't make sense. JMO

BBM, the shot did not just "go off" <---that sounds like a talking point to direct opinion to innocence. GZ took his gun loaded with killer bullets with him that night and deliberately took it with him to follow TN (against the direct instruction of LE) and deliberately pulled the trigger to shoot TV, thus killing him stone cold dead. It was a deliberate act, a choice and nothing other. That is my informed opinion and I fully expect the evidence to prove it.
Time to break things out into discussion topics-

if you feel a topic should have it's own thread- go ahead and start the thread. You will not see it as all new threads will be "moderated" in here first. That means the mods can see your thread and no one else can. if the topic is approved, it will be visible to all.

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And just one final post to change the index numbers LOL! :floorlaugh:

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