GUILTY FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #5

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To Chaniilove and Shannon's amma -

I hope I didn't offend you all by my sharing above about my daughter and grandson - I didn't mean to equate drug addiction and mental illness. I was trying to say that I know how hard it is when you're trying to do the best for your grandchild and no one listens, and that it's happening with your daughter that you love so much --

There are so many mean and judgmental people in the world today - I hope you can just try to ignore them and see the genuine love, understanding, and prayers that are being sent your way!
That picture is just beautiful!!!! Warms my heart this morning.

God bless this family and all they are going thru. Prayers are with you.

Shannons Amma: I believe in my heart that you have always tried to do what was best for Tina and for Shannon. IMO there were a lot of things that were simply out of your hands, things you could not control. I think there were things you tried to get done, and doors were slammed in your face. I admire you and think you are a great mother/amma. I know you are not at fault in any of this and I also admire you for trying so hard to take care of your family. Just wanted to let you know that.

Sometimes in these cases it's easy for people to blame EVERYBODY that is related to or knows the victim/perps. Hindsight is 20/20 and a lot of people wonder why more wasn't done to prevent. Sometimes it's just not that simple. And I believe this case is one of those.


I do agree that the social services/mental health help etc is sorely lacking in this country

I am sure it is not easy to get "help"..or sometimes to even find out what sort of help is needed

however, being able to discuss and give opinions on people who are PUBLIC FIGURES due to their own actions should be allowed without being told to "shut up you don't know all the facts"

I don't know all the facts about Casey Anthony for instance but I sure have my "opinions" <grin>

I do agree that the social services/mental health help etc is sorely lacking in this country

I am sure it is not easy to get "help"..or sometimes to even find out what sort of help is needed

however, being able to discuss and give opinions on people who are PUBLIC FIGURES due to their own actions should be allowed without being told to "shut up you don't know all the facts" I don't know all the facts about Casey Anthony for instance but I sure have my "opinions" <grin>


I'm not sure why my post was quoted because the bolded part does not apply at all. I have never told anyone to shut up. Well, not here anyway. lol

I was directing my post to Shannons Amma because I feel she is feeling beat up and downed by some of the posts made here. I wanted her to know that I don't feel she could have changed things. I feel she did her best.

We all have our opinions, and I was giving Shannon's Amma mine.

I'm not sure why my post was quoted because the bolded part does not apply at all. I have never told anyone to shut up. Well, not here anyway. lol

I was directing my post to Shannons Amma because I feel she is feeling beat up and downed by some of the posts made here. I wanted her to know that I don't feel she could have changed things. I feel she did her best.

We all have our opinions, and I was giving Shannon's Amma mine.

Hi....I was agreeing with your post that sometimes it is hard to get the (right) sort of you said it is often not that "simple"

and no YOU were not the one/s telling me to "shut up"> sorry if you got that impression

I simply wish to be able to post my opinions about this...and other...cases

My opinion may differ from some on this but I am sure that at the bottom we have the best interests of the poor baby at heart...we may just have different ideas as what that "best interest" is
I feel the same way. Just trying to give my opinion and let Shannon's Amma know that I think she tried her best and that she is doing the right thing.
That is a beautiful Christmas picture of Shannon. Thank you for sharing.
No actually there is more evidence that Tina just gave her the baby....they have foot prints and tire tracks...someone saw the gray van

I think that Tina called 911 to appease Rusty....

and the state seems to think that also....

so many excuses...and explanations....and more excuses...but then again we have a right to post ideas/speculation and excuses, we have a right to our opinions

really in any of these "cases" none of us are privy to all the "facts" but we have opinions..and that is what I state here...and my opinion is that no matter how bad Susan Baker is , Tina gave up her own baby to her....she didn't know that the baby would end up in a box, BUT she surely could have told the cops where to look..and she didn't...and I think that is disgusting

why didn't the "family" or whoever get Tina help?

I saw where you have all said that you didn't "know" what was wrong with Tina,...well just from reading about Haleigh I think that Tina has some form of Turner's syndrome.....very short...ostepororis, bad eyes...stopped growing...
wide chest....small /receeding jaw..maybe teeth troubles
low set ears....(I saw even the social worker said that Shannons ears were low are Tina's) have ADHD !!! (This is idea I am putting out there) They also CAN be a "handfull"....

Turner's...or a variation of it....can have various symptoms...some more obvious, some less varies from girl to girl

not all Turner's girls are sterile...if the chromosome is not on all the genes they can have children (a minority of them) and the child is usually premature, and likely to also be Turner's syndrome and/or have problems
(Shannon- premature)

however....most families who have daughter's with this get these girls help....growth hormones...counseling....special ed if needed...and help them with their self esteem

I guess Tina never had any of that???

From what I have read there is NO indication that Turner's girls would be "mentally ill">> just maybe have low self esteem...but so many of them do very well! NO indication that they do criminal things or have more problems with drugs or whatever than anyone else...just as anyone can be an alcoholic or into drugs...I guess they can, but I didn't read anything about that

they often are quite bright, tho they may have trouble with math, etc

some of them have trouble expressing or seeing feelings (like you said that Tina looks mad when she isn't)...but many of them overcome that with loving families who work with them, and help them to overcome

Many of these women get the help they need..growth hormones...female hormones...they go on to careers...marry , often they adopt

hopefully with a GOOD family Shannon will get the attention and help that she needs

I find it kind of sadly ironic that the effort used in this wild goose chase could have been used to search for Haleigh

The picture of her is very cute....teddy bear much better "prop" than a bottle of orange sunkist soda

You know, there's an old saying: There by the grace of God go I.

Hindsight is 20/20. I have followed this case, probably not as closely as you have, but for goodness sake, have a little compassion. It is the holiday season, you know. We have NO idea of the inner workings of this family. They (Chani and Shannon's Grandma) have been nothing but respectful on these threads.
Agree with you 200 percent Mitzi - very well said -

After all the hard sleuthing that went into finding Shannon and the interchanges between WS members and Shannon's family and LE, it is very hard to watch this thread turn in the direction it has - leaves a really bad taste in one's mouth for sure.

Hugs to all in Shannon's family.
You know, there's an old saying: There by the grace of God go I.

Hindsight is 20/20. I have followed this case, probably not as closely as you have, but for goodness sake, have a little compassion. It is the holiday season, you know. We have NO idea of the inner workings of this family. They (Chani and Shannon's Grandma) have been nothing but respectful on these threads.

I don't see why this thread should be different from other threads.

.I do think that they have threads under the "missing" area for family support and prayers and such (tho prayers nicely welcomed anywhere)

I am sorry but I am looking at this "case" as I would any has a happy ending...but it is still a criminal case. And two people have been "arrested"..

"innocent till proven guility" ?? Well then why have any of these threads or boards except for maybe convicted threads where we could comment on them...but then again it might hurt Scott Peterson's mom so maybe no comments there??

My comments about Turner's syndrome are just that...comments..speculation....after all I have seen claims that Tina was never "diagnosed"...that whatever is wrong with her is something so different and special that only she has it....hearing her 911 call I was struck that she sounded much smarter than I would have thought

I also read a lot about Turner's in the Haliegh case....and when I read "low set ears" brought that to mind..

a quick browse on the net and I found the Turner's info...I think it is pretty relevant

and FYI>>> I never "wanted" to know this family...I got to know them because of a huge farce played out on my tv and time and effort spent by MY state that could have gone to one of the other missing kids here

My opinons are simply opinions....I feel that many share them .

I am posting about an (unfit IMHO) mother who allowed this farce to go on for five days

It is a miracle that Shannon is alive...and no thanks to Tina and that is MY position and I am sticking to it
What an adorable picture of Shannon! Thanks for posting it, Channi and Grandma.
After all the hard sleuthing that went into finding Shannon and the interchanges between WS members and Shannon's family and LE, it is very hard to watch this thread turn in the direction it has - leaves a really bad taste in one's mouth for sure.

Hugs to all in Shannon's family.

We have been told that there is "no name" for what Tina "has"??> I think my post was reasonable as I put out a hypothesis of what she might "have"

Yes Shannon was found...and Tina was arrested along with Susan Baker

I have no sympathy for Tina...just as I have no sympathy for Casey Anthony and a host of other "public personas" on these boards

Have the details of THIS case changed somehow??? From what I see Tina's attorney is going to try to get her charges reduced or dismissed....and that is standard I would think. Keyword here is "try"....
as far as I know she is still under arrest and awaiting trial
My daughter has been tested most of her life and has been counseled and LOVED, and shannon will be in a loving home as well, MINE!

Shannons amma: Oh my, oh my, am I reading this correctly - you have full custody of Shannon? If this is true, I can't get the grin off my face! You are a wonderful caring person and I know Shannon will be hugged and watched over very carefully. If true, prayers have been answered and Shannon will know her family. Truly a blessing and prayers answered.


Well that sure is nice to hear. :D

I agree with Elepher, Shannon's Amma. Your family is lucky to have you.
Shannons amma, I am very happy to hear you will be getting custody of your sweet granddaughter. Also want to say I love the new picture of her, it is priceless!
I also wish and hope Tina will be there for Christmas! I believe Tina was duped or tricked and IMO deserves another chance.
Shannons amma, I am very happy to hear you will be getting custody of your sweet granddaughter. Also want to say I love the new picture of her, it is priceless!
I also wish and hope Tina will be there for Christmas! I believe Tina was duped or tricked and IMO deserves another chance.

Well that is what YOU believe
...I personally believe that Tina should NEVER be around a child without strict supervision period

with the charges she is facing, I sincerely doubt that she will be "out" for least I hope not, what a mockery of justice that would be
So.....grandma has custody of the baby and mom is still in jail....or, is she out and with grandma and the baby?
So.....grandma has custody of the baby and mom is still in jail....or, is she out and with grandma and the baby?

As far as we know Tina is still in jail, awaiting trial

her lawyer may be trying to get some of the charges dropped or reduced, or trying for a lower bond

I think that is the only way she will be "home for Christmas"...I sincerely hope the state will prosecute her for the crimes they charged her with
Merry Christmas to Shannon's family. Hopefully the new year will be better for you all.
I personally hope the New Year is great for the generous and brave people who risked their safety and searched for 5 days in this hoax

Let's not forget the man hours put into and rescue teams from 4 counties
digging thru dumpsters..searching heavily wooded and vine covered areas...searchers on atvs and horseback

right from the start they were pretty much admitting this was an "inside" job...there was no "danger" to the other people in Chipley...they didn't release the names of the parents for days, there was no "crying mom" on my tv set...I smelled rats right from the start..and I was right <grin>

As for those who want a "2nd chance" for Tina...what then?? If she is that innocent and gullible as you make her out to be, then anyone can convince her to rob banks or carjack people or set houses on fire or whatever?? right??

Sorry I just don't see it...IF she gets out it will be on bond..and I sure hope that when and IF she sees Shannon she is well supervised...who knows what she might do in the future??

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