GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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Lexiintoronto, thanks so much for posting the excerpt from the interview. Is this the one that was done in French and in Quebec? I could never find it translated into English, although to be honest...I didn't look that hard. I knew her mother was there at the interview and that got me thinking about her relationship with her family. Boogles my mind. Obviously they must see her as the victim in all this.

I wish I understood the Canadian law better. I don't understand why the deal she made wasn't thrown out after the extent of her involvement was uncovered. After all she lied to make that deal. I think she should be rotting in prison for the rest of her life - and not Club Fed or whatever the media coined the prison she was in. Excuse me.....parties? birthday cakes? fashion shows? no bars? freedom to walk the grounds, etc? That is no prison sentence. She got off WAY too easy. This is ugly of me to say, but I hope she is tormented and hounded by people every day. I hope she is scared for her life. Of she has an innocent child...and well I certainly don't wish that on her offspring. As far as the type of man who would marry or even be with her? He's got to be pretty messed up in the head IMO. Karla's sexual partner (a female) in prison said Karla liked to be tied up and play sex games simulating rape. I can only image the type of man she must be with now and it sends shivers up my spine. IMO she should never allowed to be around children - including the one she had. She is a sexual preditor and a murderer.

ITAWY. I don't think your being "ugly" at all. She can not change her stripes. I'm surprised she hasn't commited another crime (that we know of).
here's an excerpt from a letter written by her sister Lori to Karla in prison when Karla was trying to get a temporary absence (roflmao as if) but this is a hint into their family dynamics:

'People are so stupid, Kar,.... Even if they bumped into you, they'd
never know it was you, especially since you're supposed to be spending
all your time in jail. They would never know. Just like if you came back
to St.Cath. That would be the last place people would expect you to be,
especially when I tell everyone you'll never, ever come back here. See,
that's my plan. People wouldn't know if it was you...

People wouldn't know if it was you if they even had a conversation with
you. People really are dumb. It's so easy to con people.'

Holy Moley...I'm just now reading this. Sounds like the whole fam damily has some sort of defect - sorry to say. So we're all DUMB. Y'all got that? We're easy to con. We're the dumb ones. Sheesh. Some of the sympathy I felt for her remaining sibling just vanished.
Napier: You took part with Paul Bernardo in the death of your little sister and in the rape of your little sister. Hence my question as to whether your relationship with your family is difficult.

Homolka: No, my family loves me, and my family has also lived with my ex-husband and my mother had no idea what happened in my relationship with him. My parents' friends had no idea. Everybody thought he was No. 1. My family has never rejected me for what I did. My mother only said that she hates what I did, but she loves me and we have a very beautiful relationship. I am very lucky.

Napier: And with your father too?

Homolka: Yes, the same thing.

Respectfully snipped by me, thank yyou for posting this.

Her Mother has done something I would never be able to do. If she was truly sitting in that interview, did the reporter ask her any questions? Wouldn't her family be afraid that she one day might turn on them? There is nothing to state that she will not murder, rape or torture again.

I can't imagine our society, when a person would seek her out and marry her after the atrocities she comitted. How could he trust her? I would be afraid to sleep at night. How could he be attracted to her despite what she had done? How could she trust him, that he was not exacting revenge for one of the victims?

I hope and pray that she will no longer act out her sick desires and will not harm her own child, if she ever has one.

What is even scarier to me is if/when Paul gets out. No one, including Karla will be safe! I bet her family moves then! Plain scary imho!!!
I think the guy who is with Karla now has to be as sick and deviant as she is. Maybe she didn't marry someone as bad as Paul Bernado, but you can bet that he's not the normal average guy. He's prolly every bit of a sexual deviant as she is. Let's just hope he doesn't have the inclination to rape and murder too!
Some people are able to forgive people for the terrible things they have done in their past and to trust in the process of real change. This is a laudable ability, and I would imagine that anyone who is closely involved with Karla at this state in her life possesses this ability.

As a parent, it is hard to imagine dealing with a situation where one child killed another child. For me personally, I could never stop loving or emotionally supporting either of my children regardless of any choices they might make.
Lexiintoronto, thanks so much for posting the excerpt from the interview. Is this the one that was done in French and in Quebec? I could never find it translated into English, although to be honest...I didn't look that hard. I knew her mother was there at the interview and that got me thinking about her relationship with her family. Boogles my mind. Obviously they must see her as the victim in all this.

I wish I understood the Canadian law better. I don't understand why the deal she made wasn't thrown out after the extent of her involvement was uncovered. After all she lied to make that deal. I think she should be rotting in prison for the rest of her life - and not Club Fed or whatever the media coined the prison she was in. Excuse me.....parties? birthday cakes? fashion shows? no bars? freedom to walk the grounds, etc? That is no prison sentence. She got off WAY too easy. This is ugly of me to say, but I hope she is tormented and hounded by people every day. I hope she is scared for her life. Of she has an innocent child...and well I certainly don't wish that on her offspring. As far as the type of man who would marry or even be with her? He's got to be pretty messed up in the head IMO. Karla's sexual partner (a female) in prison said Karla liked to be tied up and play sex games simulating rape. I can only image the type of man she must be with now and it sends shivers up my spine. IMO she should never allowed to be around children - including the one she had. She is a sexual preditor and a murderer.

I didn't know that about the sex games simulating rape, but I'm not surprised. *sigh*

Only Karla and her attorney were shown on camera, not her mom. I doubt Karla's family would have anything insightful to add to the discussion and I think whatever they might say could hurt the women they raped and the families of those they killed.

As far as I remember, the deal would have fallen through if it could be proven that Karla directly caused any of the deaths, or lied by ommission or otherwise about her involvement in the rapes.

The argument was that she *did* directly cause her sister's Tammy's death. But for the fact Karla administered the halcion and hallothane, and didn't call 911 immediately (Paul and Karla cleaned the crime scene), Tammy would not have died.

The other possible deal-breaker was a 'recovered-memory' or 'dream' of a rape Karla participated in and filmed that she originally did not divulge to the police.

The Crown said that breaking the pact with Karla could possibly impact future deals with criminals pleading down to a lesser charge as part of a deal.

No matter what the arguments, I think most Canadians felt she should have been labled a dangerous offender and locked away for good.
Some people are able to forgive people for the terrible things they have done in their past and to trust in the process of real change. This is a laudable ability, and I would imagine that anyone who is closely involved with Karla at this state in her life possesses this ability.

As a parent, it is hard to imagine dealing with a situation where one child killed another child. For me personally, I could never stop loving or emotionally supporting either of my children regardless of any choices they might make.

You're a good mom Southcitymom. I have known a mother who stopped loving her children and who has distanced herself over much less reasons than what Karla did. I can't even fathom what it must be like for Karla's mother.
The only way to move on with your life is to forgive. If you let feelings of hate and pain dictate your life then you are not really leaving.

BUT ( you knew there would be a but right? )

I don't think I could do it. I don't think I could forgive my daughter if she did something like this to her sister.

It would be one thing if it was a stupid accident or even if they got into a fight and one was killed in the heat of the moment but this . . . this is so horrid I doubt I could be in the same room with my child.

This whole family dynamic is totally messed up.
Some people are able to forgive people for the terrible things they have done in their past and to trust in the process of real change. This is a laudable ability, and I would imagine that anyone who is closely involved with Karla at this state in her life possesses this ability.

As a parent, it is hard to imagine dealing with a situation where one child killed another child. For me personally, I could never stop loving or emotionally supporting either of my children regardless of any choices they might make.

SCM - you are truly a wonderful, kind and compassionate woman.

I can't honestly say how I would respond under similar circumstances, but knowing myself as I do, I don't believe it would be favorably. I suppose for Karla's family, forgiveness and belief of her ridiculous "excuse" is something of a coping mechanism. I certainly can't fault them for having to find a way to move forward.

This case is one of the worst I've ever read about and it has stayed with me for years. I really don't believe someone who was ever capable of such horrific and inhumane crimes can ever be rehabilitated. No, I don't believe she was forced into by Paul. She had plenty of opportunities to get away and put a stop to it, but she didn't.

I honestly wish she would never have been released and if Paul ever is, we should all hide.
I caught the title of this thread and all I can say is "Lord, have mercy on her child!"
I would aspire to forgive someone like Karla, and I admire people who can forgive murderers. But I know that if she (or anyone else) were to take the life of one of my family members I'd spend the rest of my life like Inigo Montoya trying to avenge the death. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
MOO -- but she should not be allowed to have children. Why didn't they yank out her uterus as a condition of release (okay, now that sounded a bit harsh)! I think of evil women like her roaming the streets, free of will, able to have kids. While normal people (like me) get tumors, almost bleed to death, and can no longer have babies (yah, I'm venting).

I pray that God never gives her a child, ever.

I think the guy who is with Karla now has to be as sick and deviant as she is. Maybe she didn't marry someone as bad as Paul Bernado, but you can bet that he's not the normal average guy. He's prolly every bit of a sexual deviant as she is. Let's just hope he doesn't have the inclination to rape and murder too!

Thanks for the post. Do I think she's rehabilitated? Nope. She is in essence a sex offender, a molestor, a rapist by witness. These types of crimes are known NOT to be cured. And just because she's a woman she gets some kind of pass?? I don't get it. I will not be suprised when she's behind bars again, but pray for her future victim :(

"Karla Homolka is now married to Luka Magnotta, who is an adult *advertiser censored* actor. They live in Montreal’s south shore.

Karla and him made up a story that they were not involved because they wanted everyone to leave them alone. Luka denied he was with Karla but everyone knows they both are married and have a kid.

Luka’s agent has a beach house in the Bahamas and Karla and him often stay there. However their home base is in Montreal with their son.

The story that Homolka had left Canada for good is a lie…too hoodwink us all. Her and Luka are both living quietly in some Montreal community. Think about it….what country would let her in.?"
MOO -- but she should not be allowed to have children. Why didn't they yank out her uterus as a condition of release (okay, now that sounded a bit harsh)! I think of evil women like her roaming the streets, free of will, able to have kids. While normal people (like me) get tumors, almost bleed to death, and can no longer have babies (yah, I'm venting).

I pray that God never gives her a child, ever.



Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that Karla does have a child, a son.
Per the article I linked above, it does say that she has a 3 yr old son (article sites June 4th, 2007 as the date they got their information), who was born in a Canadian hospital. I'll look for the exact wording.

Here we go ...

It's not clear how Karla Homolka spent her first Mother's Day. Falling as it did just nine days after her 37th birthday, it would have been the perfect occasion for a family celebration. Maybe her parents and surviving sister drove down from Ontario to get better acquainted with the baby boy she gave birth to in a Montreal hospital on Feb. 2

"Karla Homolka is now married to Luka Magnotta, who is an adult *advertiser censored* actor. They live in Montreal’s south shore.

Karla and him made up a story that they were not involved because they wanted everyone to leave them alone. Luka denied he was with Karla but everyone knows they both are married and have a kid.

Luka’s agent has a beach house in the Bahamas and Karla and him often stay there. However their home base is in Montreal with their son.

The story that Homolka had left Canada for good is a lie…too hoodwink us all. Her and Luka are both living quietly in some Montreal community. Think about it….what country would let her in.?"

Well it bloody figures -- married to a *advertiser censored* star. Are there any conditions on her probation? I would think #1 - stay away from sexual deviants. Of course this is just MO -- but *advertiser censored* stars are not what I call "normal" people :(
"Karla Homolka is now married to Luka Magnotta, who is an adult *advertiser censored* actor. They live in Montreal’s south shore.

Karla and him made up a story that they were not involved because they wanted everyone to leave them alone. Luka denied he was with Karla but everyone knows they both are married and have a kid.

Luka’s agent has a beach house in the Bahamas and Karla and him often stay there. However their home base is in Montreal with their son.

The story that Homolka had left Canada for good is a lie…too hoodwink us all. Her and Luka are both living quietly in some Montreal community. Think about it….what country would let her in.?"

Her being married to Luka has been disputed. Who really knows?

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