Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #61

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Bringing this over from the thread that closed right after I posted:

The gate was open? That would tend to implicate someone other than Casey putting that ladder down, since she could have gone through the house (and would have, if for no other reason than to put Caylee in a bathing suit, no?).

I think the pool angle may be another MacGuffin that may have nothing to do with anything.

I'm more interested in the phone calls. Why the 2hr cease-fire between 4 and 6pm, if she wasn't getting answers from anyone? What was she doing?
Soooooo, the car was backed in on the 18th. I'm thinking that's when Caylee was put into the trunk. The problem I have with that is that's awfully risky to leave your dead kid in the backyard for your mom and dad and pets to find. I wish we knew what days the gparents were on vacation.

Of course the story about the 24th blows that out of the water. But I don't believe the story that grandpa got the gas cans out of the trunk then. Therefore he never opened the trunk that day.

sorry Cat, I had to copy and paste this because i typed and typed back to you but the thread was closed : (

Here it is:

I just rewatched Mark Furhman and want to run something by you guys with the tightened time line etc. Okay ready?

The GPS state that Cindy and Caylee swam in the pool together on the night of June 15 and the ladder was taken down and put away as always to prevent Caylee from wandering in the pool alone and drowning.

The GPS then state that no one swam in the pool on the following day but came home and found the gate open and the ladder attached to the pool. June 16th.

June 16th is the flurry of phone calls from Casey to her parents and two other people which go unanswered.

Caylee wasn't being watched and fell into the pool and drowned June 16th
Casey calls her parents and 2 friends incessantly for help no one answers
Casey panics and puts Caylees body on the ground (dog hit)
Brings her in the house (CSI luminol photography today) fluids leaking from Caylee
Removes Caylee and puts her in the trunk (16th)(dog hit)
Hides Caylee's body somewhere unknown
Goes to Sawgrass Apartments and looks for an apartment in Zanny's name (17th.) Setting up identity of Zanny and later takes detective there. (doesnt remember apt #she looked at)
Borrows the shovel from neighbor the next day (18th)
Neighbor notices Casey backs her car up to garage (18th)
Casey goes back get's Caylees body before its discovered (18th) Fluids leak in trunk, hair falls out? post mortem...hence the smell
Casey buries and or dumps the body in a body of water

Please excuse the graphic really pains me to write this.

What do you guys think?[/quote

Flurry of calls to the parents. But do we know IF they ever got back with her.
Pool ladder there and gate open. Did she step inside for a minute and while her back was turned did Caylee get into pool. Very good chance of it
Why would she not have called EMS??? Makes no sense. I am thinking that
there has to be a bit more. What could she have been charged with, not a lot . Not murder. Unfortunately it happens often in this country that kids get away from mom or dad and drown.
Also I have spent time today contemplating her going to Sawgrass and pretending to be zanny. I think that she was too much in a panic to think that clearly. She is too inexperience with life to come up with that on her own. IMHO I am leaning more towards someone helping her come up with that. As much as I dislike Cindy, I think George would have been in a better position to know what the police would look for, ect. I am more and more convinced one if not both of the parents are involved in the coverup.

Hey Cat I don't think this is exact but close and if we all work on this basic theory together maybe we can add to it, remove what doesn't work and add what does but it think its along these lines.

She didn't call 911 out of panic and fear of her negligence. As far as pretending to be Zanny I do believe that she is cunning enough to do that. Dont forget this is a woman that stole 1,000 dollars from her friend and then told Amy that she Amy packed the money in her bag for her trip in her sleep. She is a shameless liar. I don't think both GPS knew much until after the fact.
Flurries of phone calls usually happen after a big argument. If Caylee had an accident, why would Casey call four different people in a row. It sounds like there was a big fight and she was being hung up on or her calls weren't being answered on purpose.
Soooooo, the car was backed in on the 18th. I'm thinking that's when Caylee was put into the trunk. The problem I have with that is that's awfully risky to leave your dead kid in the backyard for your mom and dad and pets to find. I wish we knew what days the gparents were on vacation.

Of course the story about the 24th blows that out of the water. But I don't believe the story that grandpa got the gas cans out of the trunk then. Therefore he never opened the trunk that day.

She hid her somewhere else and removed her on the 18th to avoid discovery with the pretense of burying her hence the shovel, and the smell of decomp
Bringing this over too! You are too fast!!

What if it's powdered chlorine. Also, I've used my liquid pool chlorine to clean my sprinkler system filter (it gets really moldy from the well water here), and I've left it lying in a small hard plastic tray (chlorine and filter) on my pool deck in the sun before for a couple of days to give the chlorine time to clean the filter, and it didn't evaporate. And that's in 90 degree weather under direct Florida sun..

Evaporate wasn't the right term here--thanks for catching that. I will clarify being a Florida resident myself as well. Pure chlorine over time will gradually lose it's strength. You know how we get the pool shock in the containers like 4 at a time cause it's a pain so we have 2 extra? Well if we let those sit out for a length of time, the chlorine gets weaker.

Chlorine that's been put in pool water ( especially with a solar heater on it) evaporates over time. However if you don't overchlorinate your pool and take a wet towel and throw it in your car,THAT chlorine will evaporate. If you do overchlorinate your pool then you'll bleach your towel for sure. I have an inground pool so I don't use the powder chlorine. I do use the Tablets in the skimmer though. WHew. Sorry it takes me so long to answer, I'm back and forth but seriously I'm just gonna stick here with this thread. :woohoo::woohoo:
Soooooo, the car was backed in on the 18th. I'm thinking that's when Caylee was put into the trunk. The problem I have with that is that's awfully risky to leave your dead kid in the backyard for your mom and dad and pets to find. I wish we knew what days the gparents were on vacation.
Or the day that Caylee was taken out of the trunk, brought to the backyard, and then put back in the trunk because there was no way to bury her there?

She had the shovel for an hour or less? That's about how long it would take to give up on that particular idea.
Soooooo, the car was backed in on the 18th. I'm thinking that's when Caylee was put into the trunk. The problem I have with that is that's awfully risky to leave your dead kid in the backyard for your mom and dad and pets to find. I wish we knew what days the gparents were on vacation.

Of course the story about the 24th blows that out of the water. But I don't believe the story that grandpa got the gas cans out of the trunk then. Therefore he never opened the trunk that day.

I am doubting George's story as well. However, I tend to believe that the gas cans were stolen by Casey between the 22nd and 24th. Around a full week since Caylee had been seen. I wonder why Casey took them? Why so secretive? She must have burned some evidence! Right?
Didn't someone on a thread wayyyy back say how long it would take for the body to leak fluids/cells/whatever it is -- so that a cadaver dog would pick it up?

That's one thing about the drowning thing that I'm wondering about. Wouldn't Caylee need to have been deceased a little longer than just drowning right then and placed on the ground?

Does anyone remember?? :waitasec:
I keep thinking back on last night's Greta and how they showed the places the dog hit ...that playhouse and the enclosed sandpit...
to me that feels like a temporary place Caylee may have been placed why Casey thought what to do next
Didn't someone on a thread wayyyy back say how long it would take for the body to leak fluids/cells/whatever it is -- so that a cadaver dog would pick it up?

That's one thing about the drowning thing that I'm wondering about. Wouldn't Caylee need to have been deceased a little longer than just drowning right then and placed on the ground?

Does anyone remember?? :waitasec:

IIRC it doesn't take long at all from death. Remember the officer on here that said they responded to a DOA car accident and as they were trying to extract the victim from the car his body fluids were already leaking out of his nose....
Why is the "pool ladder/open gate" story being given more credence than any of the other tall tales we've heard from this family?

Yes, the pool ladder was down in July when the backyard search was done. What outside corroboration do we have that Cindy and George are being truthful with respect to their sudden clarity about June 16th?
She hid her somewhere else and removed her on the 18th to avoid discovery with the pretense of burying her hence the shovel, and the smell of decomp

I'm thinking Caylee had to have been left there (in the backyard) longer than a couple of hours for the dogs to get a hit a month after the fact. It almost sounds like Casey may have tried to hide Caylee in the sandbox as well.
oh also with the shovel being borrowed on the 18th..we now know it wasnt used to break open the shed lock for the gas on june 22-24...there was another reason for her needing it
I keep thinking back on last night's Greta and how they showed the places the dog hit ...that playhouse and the enclosed sandpit...
to me that feels like a temporary place Caylee may have been placed why Casey thought what to do next

and Cindy said "yes and over there by the corner of the pool" word for word. A dog hit there.
Flurries of phone calls usually happen after a big argument. If Caylee had an accident, why would Casey call four different people in a row. It sounds like there was a big fight and she was being hung up on or her calls weren't being answered on purpose.

I think she is used to mommy and daddy bailing her out of any problem. If she was going to tell them then. Why wouldn't they know now??? I am still believing they are all in this up to their eyeballs.
Here it is:


Hey Cat I don't think this is exact but close and if we all work on this basic theory together maybe we can add to it, remove what doesn't work and add what does but it think its along these lines.

She didn't call 911 out of panic and fear of her negligence. As far as pretending to be Zanny I do believe that she is cunning enough to do that. Dont forget this is a woman that stole 1,000 dollars from her friend and then told Amy that she Amy packed the money in her bag for her trip in her sleep. She is a shameless liar. I don't think both GPS knew much until after the fact.[/QUOTE]

I think this theory is spot on !!
Why is the "pool ladder/open gate" story being given more credence than any of the other tall tales we've heard from this family?

Yes, the pool ladder was down in July when the backyard search was done. What outside corroboration do we have that Cindy and George are being truthful with respect to their sudden clarity about June 16th?

That info came from the Furhman source. Remember Cindy and George have never ever discussed this before.
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