Hot summer day in FL, you should be playing in the water with your brother and/or sister and just being a kid.

That pic just made me tear up...

Wonderful pic.

You are an amazingly sweet child, Haleigh; you deserve the best.
Just thinking about you today Haleigh :)

Praying for some answers, you have been gone way to long sweetie, it is time to bring you home ....

God please let us find Haleigh, shes been gone along time and many people still pray everyday for her, this is so sad and I cant help but think the media is starting to loose interest in sharing her story, no missing child should ever be forgotten!!! Please bring Haleigh home :rose:

Haleigh we all miss you sooooo much!
There hasn't been a day since you disappeared that I haven't prayed for you or that I haven't thought about you little sunshine. I still listen with a group each night to the scanner in hopes that one of these days you will be found. I won't ever give up on you.

:blowkiss: little sweetie. Some day you will have your justice.
Prayers for you and your family little one. It has been far too long since they have seen your bright, shining face. I might have never met you, but I can say I'm a better person because of you. Thank you for helping me step back to notice the important things in life and how I must cherish every moment with those that are important to me. I know you are up in Heaven right now welcoming all of the other children who have made it there far too soon.

Lord, please wrap Haleigh in your loving arms and light her way home. She and her family deserve that much. I love you sweetie.

You've been on my mind the last few days Haleigh. More so than other days. I do always think of you when a full moon comes around, hoping that the light will shine bright enough for you to come home at that time.

I've thought of you the past few days when I have watched my own children get ready for school. They are much older than you, but once they were young too. They are teenagers.

I remember their giggles and laughter and always commotion and what I call structured chaos in our home because we had 4 in our house at the same time!

You should be in the first grade with a fresh writing tablet so you could learn your letters and a fresh box of crayons. Red was and still is my favorite color. I'm sure you would have worn your purple crayola to a nub :)

Just wanted to say thinking of you. Please come home sweetie. Please just whisper to the next person that passes close by to where you are and let them take you home.
Thinking of you on your birthday sweet girl!!!
Haleigh, It's YOUR BIRTHDAY! I hope you are at peace and got a pony and lots of cake and ice cream too. I know you can hear all the prayers and Happy Birthdays and I Love You's coming your way. You are a beautiful child and will forever remain a beautiful child.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HALEIGH!!!!!!! I pray that wherever you are you are safe. Enjoy your day precious. So many people are praying for you, and so many people love you.
Happy Birthday HaLeigh. Much love to you.

Namaste <3 <3
Happy Birthday precious little angel. May you find peace and know that you are loved by many.
Happy Birthday Little one!.I pray for you and all who love you,that peace, love and joy surround you and keep you safe.
Happy (day after) Birthday, Sweet HaLeigh!

This poster comes from HaLeigh's website for her balloon release. I thought it would be a great a thing to post for her birthday!

Happy (day after) Birthday, Sweet HaLeigh!

This poster comes from HaLeigh's website for her balloon release. I thought it would be a great a thing to post for her birthday!

It is indeed...LOVE IT!!!! <3
Kimster...thanks so very much...
Concerned Papa....thanks so very much..

I cried...for this child...

God Bless Haleigh...
This needs to be in here. Concerned Papa made this after Ger was inspired by the song. Make sure you have the tissues ready!!!

I came to this thread today because I was thinking of precious Haleigh.

That video brought me to tears for two reasons.

One it is beautiful and it was perfect for Haleigh (ty proud papa!)

Second, this song was a song that my Son played for me when he made the choice to go into the Army, instead of choosing to pursue college as his father and I were pushing him to do at the time.

Hit me with a double punch there.

Come home soon baby girl!

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