The Roy Kronk Connection- Opening Statements-Kronk takes the stand 2011.06.28

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Last night it occurred to me (because my brain kept churning this over into the wee hours :rolleyes: ) that JB laid it on thick and heavy that the body was not hidden on that lot, "it was placed there to be found".

And I watched his theory several times (as I mentioned above, Kronk's connection intrigues me a lot). He almost completely ignores the four months between the two calls. OK, so his theory is that MR took the body home (when? how? with anyone's help? we'll never know, I guess) to his garage or whatever for some period of time, then, in August when he thought he might be desperate for cash soon he ran over to this spot and tossed the bones all in the dirt, presumably far and deep, while never leaving his DNA anywhere or being seen (he would have had to do this without his coworkers present one would assume) and then left it there in this easy to find location it sounds like for four months until some greenery grew up over it and through it... So I guess that means he left leave his "lottery ticket" sitting right there on the side of the road for any average Joe (or Anthony PI) to pick up and take his payday from him, and then when his desperation got REALLY bad he went back and tried again and found her.

In fact, it almost sounded like to me from the way JB glossed over the four months gap in the timeline that the story went that MR put her there for his August calls, then when that didn't work he took her away (so she wasn't there during the searches) and then put her back after his car broke down and he needed the cash. :waitasec: Of course that doesn't explain the plant growth through the bones... it is Florida but it is November/December when he needed the cash for his car repair. And it doesn't explain why a perfectly normal-ish basically good guy would decide on his own to move the body twice.

I think MR has a story to tell and has told it to LE. But I think JB only has speculation on this one. JB's story makes no sense even chronologically - I can't get his story to make sense with the dates of Kronk's calls or reality in general.

Roy Kronk was the meter reader for the Anthony's area in August when he spotted something that looked strange to him. He called the police THREE times and each time they came out and he was dismissed. THREE TIMES.

He was then reassigned to another area. He was sent back to the Anthony area as a substitute (or reassigned, doesn't really matter, he had a legitimate reason for being there) in December.

While on this route - he went into the woods for a potty break - and got a better look at the remains site. Whether it was already in plain site or he poked at the bag and the skull fell out, doesn't matter. He realized it WAS a skull and called his supervisor. His FOURTH reporting. It was Caylee Marie.

What JB has done is taken Caylee's Hero and made a mockery out of him. Well, tried to make a mockery out of him - he's actually shown the world that he/JB is as lowclass as they come. He is exactly the kind of lawyer, that lawyer jokes are about.

Caylee's Hero is what I will forever call Mr. Kronk. He persisted and found our Caylee and I will forever have him in my prayers and thoughts.
To me Kronk is just getting dragged through the mud. It all goes back to himk obviously finding her and his background and yada yada yada....

So my time machine takes me back....

There was a day before Caylee was found where we all saw some video of PI's working for the Anthonys lawyer at the time I believe.

Are they going to be a part of this trial?
What's most impressive to me about Kronk is that he was able to find Caylee without a psychics input. :rolleyes:

Kronk=Hero 'Nuff said.
Again...Roy Kronk's g/f was one of Casey's security guards! Duh!
He called the police THREE times and each time they came out and he was dismissed. THREE TIMES.

Respectively snipped.
Just wanted to clarify that of course MR called more than two times. My post was referring to the two separate "timeframes" that JB was talking about and blended together: August and December.

In fact, he called at least FOUR times just in August alone. Here's a link for transcripts of three 911 calls and the Crimeline call summary. There was another in December of course.

I understand that people want to make MR a hero, and I am not saying otherwise. I just think there is something else there. Nothing whatsoever like JB's plan. But something.

In reading the transcripts of the 911 calls a few things still bug me.

In the first call (not the first one at that link, which is the later Crimeline call) on 8/11 he says a number of things that indicate he has no idea if it is a body that he saw:
  • "I called the non-emergency number"
  • "There was a gray bag down there. I don't know what it is."
  • "I'm not saying it's...Caylee or anything of that nature."
  • "And this could be nothing."
  • "There was a gray bag, and then a little further up than that I saw something white."
  • "And don't forget, I have no idea what it was."
  • "I don't want to waste any more of the county's money."
Then, he does not request a call back, or leave his number, or ask to be there when they check it out. So he calls, reiterates several times that he has no idea if it is important, and does not ask them to contact him when they finish checking it out.

Then, on 8/12, he starts by saying "I don't know if this is what ya'll look at today but..." and then refers to the "gray vinyl like bag like a pool cover" and "a little bit further up" a fallen tree had something "round and white" underneath it. This is the first mention of anything round, and that the bag looked like it was vinyl.

But more importantly to me, it sounds from this call like he knew they didn't find what he he had reported the day before. How could he know that? He didn't ask to be there when they checked it out the morning of 8/12, he didn't ask for a call back, and he said over and over it might be nothing.

In the second call, he is making sure they looked at the "right" thing. But the only way he could know they didn't look at the "right" thing in the earlier trip was that the CSI and media hadn't landed. He knew that the gray bag and something white he saw was not going to turn out to be a gray pool cover and a volleyball, for example. So he knew that since it wasn't on the news, then they had not found the right thing.

I'm having trouble phrasing it very clearly this morning but I just keep thinking his first call sounds like maybe he thinks it's 20% likely it is something suspicious in the woods. But he calls back the second day because he knows they didn't find what he was looking at. If it had turned out to be a pool cover and a volleyball, they would not have called him to notify him of that news. But he knew it wasn't garbage. And he knew the police had not found the "right" thing, which is why he called back.

Hope that makes sense.
I sit in Toronto Canada obsessing over Caylees disappearance and have to ask why wouldn't RK spend any free minute he had searching wooded areas in Orlando for the baby?
If my job involved me being close to the A's home day after day and allowed me the freedom to P in the woods and not in a building somewhere :), then I would have done everything RK did to find Caylee too.
My biggest problem with this defense science fiction opener is this. Caylees body was purging fluids and decomposing rapidly as we know from the smell and condition of KC's car trunk. How does RK's trunk not smell like death? How did he store her so that roots could grow through her vertebrae and animals could feed off her flesh? How did he stage the burial ground so that small bones dispersed over a large area so that it appeared as though she was there for months???
But mainly I want to know how this third unrelated adult could find a baby corpse and fail to call 911 until she was skeletal. WTH is wrong with the people of Orlando lol??? Do you guys get charged for calling that number? Is it only to be used when your daughter steals gas cans??? WTF
There was a reward posted immediately, why wait 6 months and risk being implicated in murder?

ROY K is a hero and I hope he's reading here so I can tell him personally. Thank you for bringing Caylee home. Thank you for your dogged persistance and weak bladder!!
Thank you for handling all the mud being thrown your way with such class!!!!
is it possible that Mr Kronk witnessed something at the anthony home on June 16th ?

Did he read the A's Meter?

Is it possible that someone blackmailed him in to hiding Caylee's body after he witnessed an accident and told him that he would get money and reward and fame for calling her body in ? Perhaps thats the link to the Psychics and Kronk and CA and DC. Perhaps the A's wanted this to look like a kidnapping, Kronk witnessed the Accident, with all the splashing in the pool and the comotion. He is promised that is was an accident but they need his help, all he has to do is hide her in the swamp and then wait a few weeks for the reward offer to come out then "FIND" her.. Maybe he called in over and over again and kept getting dismissed, hence CA sending psychics and DC out there. She was hoping to find the baby sooner? Mebe the A's all knew she was there, and the whole GD thing is a terrible cover up?! Im off my rocker today but i got this in my head last night....
is it possible that Mr Kronk witnessed something at the anthony home on June 16th ?

Did he read the A's Meter?

Is it possible that someone blackmailed him in to hiding Caylee's body after he witnessed an accident and told him that he would get money and reward and fame for calling her body in ? Perhaps thats the link to the Psychics and Kronk and CA and DC. Perhaps the A's wanted this to look like a kidnapping, Kronk witnessed the Accident, with all the splashing in the pool and the comotion. He is promised that is was an accident but they need his help, all he has to do is hide her in the swamp and then wait a few weeks for the reward offer to come out then "FIND" her.. Maybe he called in over and over again and kept getting dismissed, hence CA sending psychics and DC out there. She was hoping to find the baby sooner? Mebe the A's all knew she was there, and the whole GD thing is a terrible cover up?! Im off my rocker today but i got this in my head last night....



Casey put Caylee's body in her car for several days. She threw the body in the woods. Car had human decomposition in the trunk.
I'm having trouble phrasing it very clearly this morning but I just keep thinking his first call sounds like maybe he thinks it's 20% likely it is something suspicious in the woods. But he calls back the second day because he knows they didn't find what he was looking at. If it had turned out to be a pool cover and a volleyball, they would not have called him to notify him of that news. But he knew it wasn't garbage. And he knew the police had not found the "right" thing, which is why he called back.

Hope that makes sense.

Within minutes of going into the woods on August 11th with his coworkers nearby he said to them, "Hey guys. I see a skull in here." That is very specific and dramatic.

IMO, he already knew there was a body (with visible skull) there before August 11th. He pretended to discover it at that moment but he had already done so on a previous occasion.
Within minutes of going into the woods on August 11th with his coworkers nearby he said to them, "Hey guys. I see a skull in here." That is very specific and dramatic.

IMO, he already knew there was a body (with visible skull) there before August 11th. He pretended to discover it at that moment but he had already done so on a previous occasion.

I've never seen/heard this before.

Post a link with this, please.
You've found something I don't remember being discussed on Websleuths - that he said he saw a skull.

If you look at old Kronk threads (2009) you will see it was discussed. I made a point of this very thing. Kronk immediately knew he was looking at a skull and even told the other guys.
If you look at old Kronk threads (2009) you will see it was discussed. I made a point of this very thing. Kronk immediately knew he was looking at a skull and even told the other guys.

I must have just missed it, there was so much to look at and absorb.

I'm glad you mentioned it now. Have to give it some thought.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, I'm having a hard time keeping up here, watching the trial and trying to keep the house somewhat clean.

WHO CARES if Roy Kronk is a morally bankrupt individual??? (back in the day, people who engaged in promiscuity were morally bankrupt, too, but I won't go there) He did the right thing when he found Caylee's body! WHO CARES if he licensed a picture of a snake for $15,000???? Who wouldn't? That doesn't make him a bad person.

And, WHO CARES if he didn't want his ex getting her hands on the reward?? He was the one who found her! Some exes are vengeful and spiteful. Is his ex? I don't know! Maybe he is vengeful and spiteful, but again, who cares????

He found Caylee, that's what matters.
If you look at old Kronk threads (2009) you will see it was discussed. I made a point of this very thing. Kronk immediately knew he was looking at a skull and even told the other guys.

Wow...I missed this back then too.
So why December?
If he knew he saw a skull why not fight until the police see it?
Wow...I missed this back then too.
So why December?
If he knew he saw a skull why not fight until the police see it?

We went round and round trying to rationally explain it. It's all in those old threads.

IMO, he didn't want to be personally responsible for being the discoverer of Caylee even though he knew exactly where she was even before August 11th. I speculate that he may have even placed an anonymous call to Cindy's tip line explaining where the body was. Cindy may have passed this info on to her PI who went looking but never found her... claiming it was a tip from a psychic but it was really from Kronk. Maybe one of Kronk's coworkers called in the tip. I'm just guessing.
We went round and round trying to rationally explain it. It's all in those old threads.

IMO, he didn't want to be personally responsible for being the discoverer of Caylee even though he knew exactly where she was even before August 11th. I speculate that he may have even placed an anonymous call to Cindy's tip line explaining where the body was. Cindy may have passed this info on to her PI who went looking but never found her... claiming it was a tip from a psychic but it was really from Kronk. Maybe one of Kronk's coworkers called in the tip. I'm just guessing.

So why aren't those PI's getting dragged around.
I remember watching the videos of them searching that spot.
Are they going to be around in the case the PI's.
I don't know if they are on any witness list. I would imagine that they are.
Hot Dogs - good to see you! Do you know if they interviewed "Chris" that is mentioned in that interview? I'm going to look now as well.

I did read that before and as I recall I thought (1) he thought MR was joking around and (2) it sounded like MR was quite a ways from where the actual crime scene ended up being, and (3) I didn't think the description of where this person said MR was even sounded much like where MR himself told the police to look later that evening.

Am I remembering that incorrectly? Was the place this person identifies as where MR was just prior to saying he saw a skull close to the actual location of where the skull was? I think I need to see a map again.

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