Police: 14-Year-Old Boy Tattooed Against His Will (New Hampshire)


"Yes, she's emotionally disturbed. She's unbalance
Mar 3, 2010
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Police: 14-Year-Old Tattooed Against His Will
Investigators Say Group Promised Not To Pick On Boy If He Complied

A 14-year-old boy was coerced into getting a tattoo by others who said they wouldn't pick on him at school if he allowed it to happen, police said.

Police said that a group of young men enticed the boy to a residence on Holt Street in Concord to receive a tattoo. The boy was tattooed against his will, police said.

The victim was described as a special-needs student at Concord High. Police said the tattoo consisted of an image and two obscene words and was tattooed on the boy's buttock.


Blake VanNest, 18, of Concord, was charged with two counts of assault, endangering the welfare of a minor, tattooing without a license, indecent exposure and criminal threatening.

Donald Wyman, 20, of Concord, was charged with criminal liability for the conduct of another and conspiracy to commit endangering the welfare of a minor.

Ryan Fisk, 19, of Concord, was charged with two counts of assault, endangering the welfare of a minor, tattooing without a license, sale of a controlled drug and criminal threatening.

Travis Johnston, 18, of Concord, was charged with conspiracy to commit endangering the welfare of a minor.

Police said a 15-year-old Concord juvenile will be charged later in connection with the incident.

MORE: http://www.wmur.com/news/23620076/detail.html

Here is the arrest warrant affidavit. You have no idea how INSIDIOUS this crime is, if you don't read the affidavit:


And these are the jerks who did this to this boy:

Four teenagers accused of bullying a Concord High School freshman into getting a lewd tattoo on his buttocks will face expulsion from the school district, Principal Gene Connolly said.

The students have already been handed 10-day suspensions for their roles in the May 10 incident, which the police have labeled a hate crime against an intellectually challenged 14-year-old student. While that's the maximum punishment a principal can deliver, Connolly asked the superintendent's office to ban them from the district.

"With this behavior, in some respects, we're still in shock," Connolly said.



kudos to the school district for taking action!!
On the short West Washington Street block where the police said a Concord High School freshman was bullied into getting a lewd tattoo on his buttocks, other students who took part said it takes "ink" and cigarettes to join their crew.

Their spot, nicknamed "Bell's Street" after a family who once lived there, is where the police said a 14-year-old student was targeted because he was intellectually challenged and wanted to fit in.

One man, Blake VanNest, 18, promised the freshman that others would stop bullying him once he got "Poop D--k" tattooed across his buttocks.

VanNest arranged to have another friend, Ryan Fisk, 19, bring a tattoo gun, which had been used without a license on other students in the group. Two brothers who live on the street let them into the basement through a nearby bulkhead door to use the home's electricity.

About noon on May 10, with others watching from metal folding chairs, VanNest and Fisk threatened the victim into kneeling against a weight bench, taking turns etching dark ink into his skin, the police said.


yeah right.

mother of the year award coming soon.
Yep, no animosity in disfiguring someone.

I'm always incredulous at how many of these mongrels are actually "good kids".
there 'good kids' cause thats the only part of themselves they let they're parents see.
btw notcing a bunch of the ages of the punks involved, some of them shouldnt even be in school with him..

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