Does Misty really not know what happened? *POLL ADDED*

Does Misty know what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, she is still lying

    Votes: 203 67.7%
  • No, she was passed out

    Votes: 40 13.3%
  • No, she was too high on drugs to remember

    Votes: 28 9.3%
  • No, she wasn't home

    Votes: 29 9.7%

  • Total voters
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Thank you God for granting me the deepest desire o
Feb 15, 2009
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After listening to the new tapes of Misty and her dad I wanted to open a thread on this topic. I was hoping we could discuss here why Misty might not know anything and if what she is saying about Ron is true than what could have happened that night??
Passed out after a 3 day drug binge. Would she really have slept through something happening?

Remember according to Tommy, the cops don't believe he is being totally truthful but they do believe Misty is. :waitasec:
She said she opened the door that night and Ronald was right there. Also he wouldn't answer his phone when she called that night. Omg peeps, I'm so confused!!
I do believe she is unable to separate what she truly recalls from what others have told her. My reasoning is that I believe she was so doped up that she is not sure what happened. I believe she was passed out during part of the night . TC and/or JO may have been with her at the time, or part of the time. JMO
She said she opened the door that night and Ronald was right there. Also he wouldn't answer his phone when she called that night. Omg peeps, I'm so confused!!

I really don't know what to think. At first I was with the MC/RC altercation, then I was with the OD theory.

One thing I do know, Misty COULD have been so totally zooned out that she did not hear, or was aware of what was going on around her.

So many things have me so preplexed in this case, I don't know what to think anymore. sorry
At this point, and without some clear third party evidence, if it is coming out of her mouth, it's a lie. Sorry. But I think she knows exactly what happened to that child and is in all likelihood directly responsible for it.
I just don't know. There is a possibility that she was in a complete stupor and doesn't know or can't remember what happened the night of Haleigh's disappearance and she started lying about Joe, Tommy, etc. in a desperate attempt to get out of jail.
Passed out after a 3 day drug binge. Would she really have slept through something happening?

After a 3 day binge, people don't just go to sleep, they crash, they crash HARD. I never believed the 911 call. When I heard about Misty's 3 day drug binge, it confirmed my suspicions that she was the fall girl because she was the easiest to set up without knowing a thing. I was not that involved in thise case until this last search.

What littile I knew was the original story being told by 3 people - Misty, Ron, TN - who all put Misty in the MH with the kids and Ron at work. Once people finally started asking the questions I was asking, a 4th came out, GGma Sykes who could back up the story becasue she was at the MH to put Misty there and Ron at work.

Here is info on a meth crash which I believe Misty was using.

"To a binge abuser, the crash means an incredible amount of sleep. The body's epinephrine has been depleted, and the body uses the crash to replenish its supply. Even the meanest, most violent abuser becomes almost lifeless during the crash and poses a threat to no one. The crash can last 1-3days."

IMO, Misty has told what she knows to be true. But the bigger problem with Misty is she has been told stories and has been repeating those stories, almost hoping one of them is right because she does not know.
It is plausible I guess. Could explain why she has failed more than one LDT.
Kinda makes GGMS comment about MC being "fine" at 7:00PM a lil suspect tho...
but who in this case isn't other then Hank SR ? and that's only becaause he was an inpatient at the hospital at the time.. MOO
I think Misty put Haleigh and Jr to bed, like she said. I also believe when she woke up HaLeigh was gone. Now, woke up from what? Perhaps a sleep or maybe woke up from whatever drug she was using that evening. Maybe she was so high that evening that she blacked out for a certain time period, and does not remember.

Not that I am proud, but, when I was about 18 I drank to the point of NOT remembering how I got home. To this day, I have no clue. The following day, I was at the bank, and this strange girl started talking to me, again, I have no Idea who she was, but, she had fun the night before as she was at the same party I was at. She told me to give her a call next time I went out... well.. I didn't call her because I have no clue what her name is.
In fact, to be quite honest, this happened to me MANY times, when I was younger and drinking.
One day I say yes she knows, the next day I say no she doesn't. After reading the latest transcripts and listening to the tapes that aren't transcribed, today I think Misty is clueless about what happened to Haleigh.
She said she opened the door that night and Ronald was right there. Also he wouldn't answer his phone when she called that night. Omg peeps, I'm so confused!!

I'm confused too, Ilovemew. This also makes me think about the comment Misty made to Ron when he got home: Do you have Haleigh???? (something like that)

I always wondered why Misty would say that to him. Maybe she doesn't know...It just seems weird that Misty said when she opened the door that Ron was right there. I wonder if she meant that he was pulling in the driveway at that time or he was literally right there at the door?:waitasec:
I believe she knows....if she tells, they are ALL toast, so just keep pointing fingers and lying, keep everyone confused, and no one will ever know the truth JMO
I could be way off here, but this is what I think today. I think Misty was out, maybe doing a drug run or pick up and gave the kids a little something to keep them alseep. I think Ron may have suspected she wasn't home. When Misty got home, Jr was asleep but Haleigh was on the couch and clearly dead. Misty saw the condition of Haleigh's body and knew she was murdered and to top it all off, she may have died of the drugs she gave her too. Ron may have condoned her getting the kids to sleep in this matter in the past. She couldn't tell Ron she left the kids that night alone and someone came in and murdered Haleigh, so the stories began. She lied about being home and everything she did that night. She lied to Ron and told him Haleigh died of an OD of pills he left in the home. She then had to get Ron to agree to let Tommy help her dispose of Haleigh and in Misty's mind, she thought Tommy could have been the one to kill Haleigh because he messed with her when she was young. So Tommy helps with the disposal, thinking he is off the hook here, because they have to make it look like a kidnapping. The rest is history. Ron doesn't know how Haleigh died, Tommy thinks he only raped her, and she was alive when he left, and can't say anything. Joe was in town getting drugs from Ron to sell up in TN and they had a falling out over Joe stealing a gun and he can't say anything because he gets slapped with trafficking of drugs over state lines. So everybody has a secret and one has to lie on the other to save what they can of their own behind. JMO for today.

I just listened to the two tapes of MC and HC Sr and her comments about Ron and I feel this is what happened even more now. She scored a "doubt" on her VSA test when asked if Ron had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I don't think she knows "who", but she knows the "what happened to Haleigh".
I am on the fence but I am leaning to her not knowing pretty much from the beginning. I think she has been told from whomever ToC and god knows who else what happened or their version of it .... I still am not sure she was home, frankly.

I think the 2:00 rucuss the neighbor heard is when it was discovered Haleigh was gone...wether she was totally passed out or not there that is when I think it occured. I don't think she knows
Did we hear her say "Do you have Haleigh?" I can't remember...if so, this is a point in her favor IMO...

Like the poster above I ruefully admit to some nights when I was about Misty's age and due to drink, rather than drugs, did not remember entire it is possible. It is also possible that she seemed "fine" to Granny or whoever, as she may have taken something to level her off, or it may be true that she wasn't fine, but Granny is saying that out of guilt or remorse for not taking the kids at that point.

I am doubful and always have been that Misty is the mastermind brainchild she is sometimes made out to be by LE; in fact, she could be dumb enough, in my opinion, that she would tell if she knew she had done something, just thinking she might get out of jail. She wants out badly, it is obvious, and she sees her Dad almost at death's door and still she doesn't come out with anything, so maybe she really has nothing more to offer.
If Misty had "crashed" earlier to the point where something happened with Haleigh and she knew nothing of it, would she have been as lucid as she seemed on the 911 call? Just asking since I have very little knowledge of drug crashes
I could be way off here, but this is what I think today. I think Misty was out, maybe doing a drug run or pick up and gave the kids a little something to keep them alseep. I think Ron may have suspected she wasn't home. When Misty got home, Jr was asleep but Haleigh was on the couch and clearly dead. Misty saw the condition of Haleigh's body and knew she was murdered and to top it all off, she may have died of the drugs she gave her too. Ron may have condoned her getting the kids to sleep in this matter in the past. She couldn't tell Ron she left the kids that night alone and someone came in and murdered Haleigh, so the stories began. She lied about being home and everything she did that night. She lied to Ron and told him Haleigh died of an OD of pills he left in the home. She then had to get Ron to agree to let Tommy help her dispose of Haleigh and in Misty's mind, she thought Tommy could have been the one to kill Haleigh because he messed with her when she was young. So Tommy helps with the disposal, thinking he is off the hook here, because they have to make it look like a kidnapping. The rest is history. Ron doesn't know how Haleigh died, Tommy thinks he only raped her, and she was alive when he left, and can't say anything. Joe was in town getting drugs from Ron to sell up in TN and they had a falling out over Joe stealing a gun and he can't say anything because he gets slapped with trafficking of drugs over state lines. So everybody has a secret and one has to lie on the other to save what they can of their own behind. JMO for today.

I just listened to the two tapes of MC and HC Sr and her comments about Ron and I feel this is what happened even more now. She scored a "doubt" on her VSA test when asked if Ron had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I don't think she knows "who", but she knows the "what happened to Haleigh".

I know not everyone believes the Astro charts - but this one for Tommy is interesting, if yu are interested.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - HALEIGH CUMMINGS #4
lots of info there, and then the astro asks (was he 'strangely' attracted to her?), also says this "do not see enough evidence to astrologically 'indict' him and I do not think he took her"
If Misty had "crashed" earlier to the point where something happened with Haleigh and she knew nothing of it, would she have been as lucid as she seemed on the 911 call? Just asking since I have very little knowledge of drug crashes

Well if she popped an "upper" before she made the call...who knows...
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