Rapper 50 Cent's SHOCKING, Unbelievable Weight-Loss Pics

The video says it was a liquid diet for a movie role-he dropped to 165 lbs.
Wow, thats alot of pounds, he looked awful, but I guess thats what the role called for.
Liquid diet and 3 hours of treadmill a day... such drastic measures and rapid body change can't be good on the heart and other organs.
He is dedicated to his craft. May not be healthy, but he is young and I'm sure had Dr.'s on call.

I commend him for his pursuit of his passion.

(He does look awful). Can't wait to see the movie.
Wow, I am not a huge "fitty" fan but that shows serious dedication to this part he is going to play. I have to respect someone who shows that much dedication to a craft that isn't even their main career. I wish him well with this part and hope he is under a doctor's care for this weight loss and later when he puts it back on. Rapid loss and gain like that can be really dangerous to your long term health if not done properly, and under expert supervision.
Done all the time in Hollywood - no biggie. Look at Ethan Hawke and Renee Zelweger -- they both lost a lot of weight for movies.

Fitty seems to be back on track :)
165 that's a lot of weight, how much did he weigh to begin with? Maybe they meant 65 lbs.

Our local news was reporting this morning he was 230 and dropped to 165 to play the part in a movie of a football player who gets cancer.
Done all the time in Hollywood - no biggie. Look at Ethan Hawke and Renee Zelweger -- they both lost a lot of weight for movies.

Fitty seems to be back on track :)

Yes, not only has Renee lost weight for roles, but she packed on the pounds for the Bridget Jones movies.

I agree it's done all the time, but I think losing that much in 9 weeks is a bit much. To me, that is shocking.
I pretty sure when he was shot in the face in 2000 they said he dropped even more weight then that.

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