FL - Man admits mutilating, killing family dog

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Retired WS Staff
Aug 3, 2008
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A Gulf Breeze man is charged with killing and skinning the family dog because he believe it was possessed by the devil.

Matthew O. Foote, 25, is being held on no bond on a third-degree felony of cruelty to animals and is expected to make his first appearance in court this afternoon.


He described in vivid detail how he stabbed the dog several times and eventually held the dog’s mouth until she finally died, the report says.

He took the dog into the back yard and skinned its body. He dug a shallow grave and then doused the dog’s body with gasoline and lit her on fire.



OMG -- how horrible!!:(
Poor little dog. I just can't wrap my head around this'n. Weird dude to say the least.
My God what a freak.

He thought that the dog was possessed and someone put something in his water.........uh, yeah.
Okay, just saw his picture. Total fruit loop. This guy needs some serious mental health care and medication. Obviously. It seems he is psychotic, but I wonder if he truly has an untreated mental illness or if he is just using the same old tired excuse - it was evil.
Foote explained he spent the weekend in Louisiana where he met a lot of “evil people.” He told the investigator that he also punched a girl on a bus and believed that “something was put in the water,” the arrest report says.

Matthew Foote told investigators he believed the dog, a 7-year-old dachshund-Chihuahua mix named Sasha, was possessed by Satan.

“I observed during the entire conversation, Mr. Foote never showed any emotion at all and was very matter of fact during his dialogue,” a Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s deputy wrote in the report. “He continued to say he did not really know why he did it.”

Either he has mental problems, was using drugs or it's a combo of both. Poor little Sacha. :(



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I've resisted opening this thread as long as I could. It just has so many triggers on it for me. The teen who raped our children was also an animal torturer and killer. He sexually abused, burned, cut up, and skinned numerous animals--pets. Sasha's murder is so obviously the work of a very sick young man.

OK, I'm going to jump in and say what I need to say and then jump out. Please look at these words:


"....Foote was "very matter-of-fact," calm, cooperative and showing no emotion as he discussed the dog's death. He said his parents were at Mass when he killed the dog.

"He told me he did not really know why he killed his dog except that he thought the dog was Jesus," Rush wrote. "He then corrected himself and said Satan."

Foote also said he spent the preceding weekend in Louisiana where he met a lot of "evil people." He told the investigator that he also punched a girl on a bus and believed that "something was put in the water," the arrest report says."

These details MUST be carefully looked at by experts who work with Satanic abuse cases. Look at the date the little dog was killed, August 1st. Foote had been in Louisiana the preceding weekend and met with a lot of evil people. Hmmm.

Let's look at the Satanic Ritual calendar and see what comes up:


Aug 1 Lammas Day
(Sabbat Festival)
animal and/or human sacrifice

Please check out the last week in July on through August 1st. Quite frightening.

This cannot be discounted IMO. I simply chose one calendar to link to. They are available all over the web and dates are also listed in the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. I wish I didn't have to have this evil and nasty information in my head but I do.

I have no earthly idea if this young man is simply mentally ill or a Satanist. For whatever reason, though, his crimes closely follow a prescribed, widely available calendar of evil deeds. It wasn't hard for me to find. It surely must be known to all who "dabble" and to all who are hard-core. For whatever reason, a precious pet, was needlessly killed.

Caveat: I am absolutely NOT linking this to any sort of Wiccan or Pagan ritual. Please understand that I fully respect those beliefs and practices. There are probably more Pagans and Wiccans in my town than there are Baptists. This type of crime has NOTHING to do with peaceful rituals and holidays. Nothing at all. It has to do with Satanic practices. A very very different situation.

I very simply believe that this young man, like many, has access to these dates and possibly has met up with others who choose to commit evil in this manner and on this timeline. Is it call for hysteria? No. But I do believe that it must be looked at for what it is.

If a person commits a crime on April 20th and leaves a swastika as a "calling card", we need to take notice. Same goes with a pet dog being killed and alternately being called Jesus and Satan on Lammas Day.

I hope LE are backtracking and investigating where this young man went in Louisiana and just who he met up with.

My prayers are with the family of this little dog. I've been in their shoes and the pain never ever fades.

RIP little Sasha and RIP my dear Willie, Henry, and Pearl. May you all meet in heaven.
O/T - You know, before I came to WS, I always thought Wiccan was some strange out there kind of stuff and had never even heard of Paganism until a few days ago. I've learned a bit about them here and they sound like such lovely religions? Not sure if that is the right word. I plan to check into them more when time allows. They sound so facinating and peaceful. I like that. As for satanism that just gives me the willies. That is some scary stuff.
I've really pondered this Belinda. I don't want to know this stuff but did I want to know about child *advertiser censored* or pedophilia? Of course not. I feel compelled to learn as much as I can. You are right, the Pagan and Wiccan "paths" are peaceful ones. Much like many of our Native American traditions. They celebrate the earth and the universe. I, also, need to do more research as I'd like to know more. So many of our Christian holidays borrowed from Pagan holidays. It's fascinating.

As to Satanism. I refuse to call it a religion or a faith. I see it more as a "following". I choose to be respectful of all people's faith (to stay on WS, we all must be). However, I've been pondering if that respect must include those beliefs, followings, etc. which espouse such evil. I know we could all debate this until the cows come home but I think I will leave the Satanists, the Neo-Nazis and organized religions which ritualistically abuse children outside of my ring of respect. There are simply some levels of criminal activity that cannot be tolerated, no matter the faith/belief/lifestyle IMO.
O/T - You know, before I came to WS, I always thought Wiccan was some strange out there kind of stuff and had never even heard of Paganism until a few days ago. I've learned a bit about them here and they sound like such lovely religions? Not sure if that is the right word. I plan to check into them more when time allows. They sound so facinating and peaceful. I like that. As for satanism that just gives me the willies. That is some scary stuff.

B, I'm no authority, but I have a few friends that are Wiccan's. Basically and someone may correct me if I am wrong it was explained to me like this. Earth worship. A Wiccan couldn't be Satanic because they don't believe in a devil or a God. I think that's how it goes. DD went to an all girls private Catholic Academy and no joke half the girls claimed to be "Ecclectic witches".

I'll tell ya what. None of them would hurt a dog that's for sure. I kind of go on the surmise that if you're a decent, caring, empathetic person that's all that counts.

This dude is wackadooledoo. He needs help. Izzy is on to something though as the folks were at Mass. Poor doggie.
In over 125 comments on the different news sources, not one mentions the possibility of a Satanic connection--even given the strange details. I find that very strange. I hope LE considers it.
Is the guy just saying he thought it was Satan or does he think it's a way to get out of the consequences?
1) How could anyone do this to a 7 week old puppy?

2) How can anyone be apathetic after stabbing, smothering and skinning a 7 week old puppy?

3) How can anyone SMILE like THAT for a mug shot?

This is one scary whacked out idjit and I am so thankful that as awful as this was, that it was not a child that was killed. This guy could make me appreciate lobotomies. (And no, I don't condone lobotomies, but sheesh, sometimes I have to wonder!)
I am local to this case, and it turns out I know the neighbor who lives across the street from this guy. I happened to have a long conversation with him about this case last night. I'm just gonna let you know what he said, and please take it FWIW.

--the parents came home from church on Sunday and the dog was missing -- they were looking for the dog
--Monday morning the boy finally told the Dad what he had done to the dog
--The Dad talked to the neighbor who convinced the Dad to call LE and was there when they came
--The boy had never exhibited anything that would indicate that he was psychophrenic (sp.), that it came on just hard and fast
--The neighbor described the boy yesterday as being just blank, that's the term he used
--The neighbor doesn't think the mugshot was taken that day as he said that's not what he was wearing when he was taken by LE
--Apparently, there were 2 times when the boy assaulted his Mom. I'm gonna go look up his record and will post.

What is very disturbing is that none that knew him thought that he could ever do something like this; that there were no red flags. But, unfortunately, we hear that about a lot about cases here.
I read this earlier... TY Daisy for sharing! It seems more sad now ...

ETA: glad to know sometimes they use old booking photos... Sometimes on other stories the suspects look rather happy/cocky too, I could never understand why. Good to know its an old photo :)
I am local to this case, and it turns out I know the neighbor who lives across the street from this guy. I happened to have a long conversation with him about this case last night. I'm just gonna let you know what he said, and please take it FWIW.

--the parents came home from church on Sunday and the dog was missing -- they were looking for the dog
--Monday morning the boy finally told the Dad what he had done to the dog
--The Dad talked to the neighbor who convinced the Dad to call LE and was there when they came
--The boy had never exhibited anything that would indicate that he was psychophrenic (sp.), that it came on just hard and fast
--The neighbor described the boy yesterday as being just blank, that's the term he used
--The neighbor doesn't think the mugshot was taken that day as he said that's not what he was wearing when he was taken by LE
--Apparently, there were 2 times when the boy assaulted his Mom. I'm gonna go look up his record and will post.

What is very disturbing is that none that knew him thought that he could ever do something like this; that there were no red flags. But, unfortunately, we hear that about a lot about cases here.

Thanks for sharing that Daisy! I saw a clip on the news last night - where a reporter was asking a neighbor about the young man. The neighbor was in what looked like an older model truck, but they didn't show the neighbor's face. Anyway, the neighbor told the reporter that he thought the boy was a "FINE YOUNG BOY" - I think those were the exact words. Blew my mind.
I read the article. Poor little puppy. I'm so sorry the puppy suffered like that :(

This young man sounds psychotic. A break with reality. I feel sorry for him too. I feel bad for his parents too.

So sad all the way around. JMHO.
Thanks for sharing that Daisy! I saw a clip on the news last night - where a reporter was asking a neighbor about the young man. The neighbor was in what looked like an older model truck, but they didn't show the neighbor's face. Anyway, the neighbor told the reporter that he thought the boy was a "FINE YOUNG BOY" - I think those were the exact words. Blew my mind.

Yep, that's the neighbor I know. LOL at the older model truck -- it's old as can be!!:)

ETA: been trying to look up his record, but the Santa Rosa clerk site is down...
Wanted to make a correction here. Sasha, the dachshund Chihuahua mix dog, was seven years old. She was a beloved family pet by all accounts. Here's the police report which outlines Matthew's statements and his demeanor:


I could accept the possibility that a young man experienced a psychotic break or was schizophrenic and off his meds. I can imagine killing a dog in a rage or following an hullucination. However, when you add in the actual steps he took in killing the dog AND the comments about being in Louisiana with evil people, I'm not buying it.

A person (even a mentally ill person) who kills a dog out of anger does not go through the steps that Matthew did. Plain and simple.

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