CA CA - Sergio Sprandel, 22, San Diego, 31 Aug 2000

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Aug 21, 2010
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Hello All,

This is my first post here. I was turned on to this site last night by a friend. My brother was brutally murdered in San Diego August 31 2000. He was 22 years old at the time. I was 23. He was my only sibling and best friend. His name is Sergio Sprandel. My mother, father, and myself are desperate for any help in finding a way to bring his killer to justice. The SDPD have brushed this case under the carpet and really botched the case in the first crucial days of investigation. It is now a cold case but the SDPD cold case unit has not done anything in a very long time. Our monthly inquires with the unit are met with polite brush offs and disregard. There is ample evidence pointing to the individual suspect, who is still free. Yet the police do nothing, no questioning, no follow ups, nothing. As you can imagine the deep hole that is left in our lives. We have no closure and there has been no justice for our beloved Sergio. We are desperate for assistance. The SDPD are not going to do anything and we do not know where to turn anymore. We strongly feel that there is enough evidence to bring the suspect to justice, but know that the case has been simply forgotten about by the SDPD with their huge case load. We plead with all of you, can you point us in any direction or help with any ideas. We have thought of news venues, talk shows, crime stoppers, etc.. Please help. Thank you for your time. This August 31st will be the 10 year anniversary of his death.
Welcome to WS and thank you for your post! I am so very sorry about your loss, and I am sure the folks here would be happy to dive into the case.

Two quick things-just email the owner of WS, and let her know your story-we need to verify people who state that they are on the inside of a case to protect our sleuthers. :)

I am also going to request a modification to your thread to include your brother's name and the location of where his murder took place and when so we can draw some attention for him.

Take care!!!
Welcome to WS Osprandel. I am so sorry to hear about your brothers case.

Keeping your family in our prayers for answers.
Synopsis: On August 31, 2000, Sergio Sprandel was killed with a gunshot to the head in a deserted area of the parking lot of the La Jolla Village Square shopping center. Customers leaving the mall at about 10:20 p.m. saw his body lying on the ground next to his Chevrolet Blazer and called 911.

Sprandel was last seen alive by his girlfriend earlier that evening at the apartment they shared on Nobel Drive, as Sprandel was leaving to meet an acquaintance. At the time, Sprandel was carrying a large amount of money; however, the money was missing when his body was found.


Welcome to WS, osprandel!!

I am so sorry about your brother. And, gosh, he sure looks a lot like my baby brother. I am so sorry for your family's loss. I know our sleuthers will do what they can to help.
I wasnt expecting to see a picture of my brother. We miss him so much. Thank you for your kind response. I really hope there is someone out there that can point us in some direction. What are we supposed to do when the police have given up and no one cares to work on the case anymore. Honestly, what can be done?
I wasnt expecting to see a picture of my brother. We miss him so much. Thank you for your kind response. I really hope there is someone out there that can point us in some direction. What are we supposed to do when the police have given up and no one cares to work on the case anymore. Honestly, what can be done?

Welcome osprandel,

I am soooo sorry for your loss, you came to the right place...There are soo many amazing people, and we all really care...I have three police officer brothers so I feel like I understand the mentality...I was wondering, what was their original take on the situation??? (meaning the police) did they think robbery?, drugs? gangs? domestic dispute?? I am just curious as th their mindset.. have you retained any legal counsel to represent your family??Dateline and 48 mystery, are always looking for "stories"..I also believe you would really benefit from seeking out some victim advocate groups who are familiar with your community and can point you in the right direction...I would be as "annoying" as possible...also family counseling can connect you with other families who have suffered such a loss like you have..In the community in which I live the "higher" you go in the local government the better...Dont give up hope, their are lots of people with great and caring minds on websleuths and you are being heard...god bless..By the way that picture of your brother, he was beautiful...
Welcome and I am so sorry, I know it must be heartbreaking. What a nice looking young man, reminds me of my son. My first questions would be why did he have a large sum of money and who else knew he had the money. You said the police have a suspect, but no arrest. Is this suspect someone known to your family or brother?
Thank you guys so much for your kind words and advice. I have never thought of getting an attorney to represent our family. What could an attorney do? Do you know of an attorneys that specialize in these types of cases?
First and foremost- you must understand that your brother's case is an open case, it has gone cold meaning there are no leads to follow at this time. The suspect that you speak of- is this back then or is that more recent?

Was this a random act or would it seem your brother was the target, did the police say anything as to their feelings on this?

Sometimes the police have a good idea who committed a crime, they just don't have the correct evidence to go forward with it. Sometimes they are waiting on a confession of the "person of interest" before they can bring charges against someone.

The police must have all of the evidence before they take a case before the jury if you want the charges to stick. The last thing you want is them to arrest and charge someone (who did the crime) and then the judge throws it out because of a technicality.

I would do as another person said and let the police know you are not backing down from this and you want it solved.

I am not sure what an attorney can do for you at this point. If I am not mistaken I have read where victim's family's turn to the district attorney for help, but at what stage in the process, I am unsure.
I'm sorry, I have no advice on an attorney, but I do have some questions. It said your brother had a large sum of money. Was this for a specific reason, like a loan repayment, gift purchase, engagement ring, or ??? Was it common for him to carry large amounts of money? Did he take the money from a bank? If so was anyone with him at the time? Did he have a scheduled appointment to meet someone?

I am so sorry for your families loss. The people on this web site are amazing and will be wonderful help in your quest for justice!
Just from the synopsis on the unsolved crimes page, it sounds as if he was going to meet someone and possibly pay them the money he had. Maybe he didn't have all of what they wanted.

Have you talked to the "girlfriend" she may know something. I am sure the police spoke with her back then and hopefully got a name of who it was he was going to meet. Although the police don't mention any of that in the synopsis.

The suspect may have had an alibi, that the police can't argue with at least until someone changes their story. The police may not have been able to match the bullet with a gun at this point. It is possible that the suspect tossed the gun and it was never recovered to do a comparison with the markings on the bullet.

Just some ideas......
Welcome to WS Osprandel. I am very sorry to hear about your brother and what your family is going through. I googled your brother's name and there is not much information out there. The more publicity you can garner the more pressure it will put on the police. You and your family could start a website dedicated to your brother's murder and start a Facebook page and start inviting all of your family members and all of Sergio's old friends - I have seen many cases where someone has left a comment(s) on a facebook page giving new info or insight.

I would also start to contact Dateline, 48Hours, America's Most Wanted. There is a group called Viodiq which focuses on cold cases.
You could google your local news stations and newspapers and email them your story or call and try to speak with a reporter.
If your family holds a memorial on the anniversary of his death or on his birthday, notify the local news.

Here is the link to vidocq:

There are many great people and sleuthers on WS - you have definitely come to the right place for support and action!
hi again osprandel, my thoughts on the attorney was that, i know from my family members that sometimes when the family has an attorney or a spokesperson who represents the family (i dont know your financial situation so i dont want to encourage any additional burdens) i just thought sometimes attorneys or advocate groups representing you send a message to the local officials that you are not going away and that you really feel your brothers case is solveable...also have you thought about hiring a private detective???sometimes (ex-cops) who can go in directions where the current police officers may not be able to??(for example, man hours and time chasing certain leads)....i just want to re-assure you from my perspective that 95% of police officers and detectives carry the burdens everyday of cases like yours, they may seem detached, but its their way of coping with tragedy everyday, they REALLY WANT to solve these cases...god bless
Wow, I am overwhelmed by all of the ideas and support we have received from all of you caring and concerned people. Please accept a very sincere and heartfelt thank you. I am inspired and feel rejuvenated to begin again. As to some of the questions, yes my brother was a target and it was premeditated murder. We know who murdered him. He was spotted w/ the suspect within a half hour of the murder. They left together in separate cars, and my brother's cell phone bill shows call back and forth calls with the suspect moments before the murder. Then the suspects vehicle was spotted leaving the scene. This is why we are so frustrated. The process and system have left us lost and desperate for closure and justice. Do any of you guys know any good detectives that you would recommend? Thank you again for your thoughts, ideas and support. It is so refreshing to know there are still sincere people out there who care for one another.
Well today is 10 years since Sergio was murdered in cold blood. Want to hear the funny thing? San Diego PDs stance is that they are waiting for a confession. I wish I had a job like that where in I wait for the criminals to come into my office and confess. It has not been shown that my brother was engaged in any illegal activity yet there is someone out there who commits a capital crime and we have to hope that he shows up one day and confesses? Wow, I have a BS degree in Criminal Justice and this is so backwards that I cant stand it anymore.
I can imagine the frustration and anger you feel over being helpless in your quest for justice! Have you spoken to any reporters about the case? Maybe LE needs to see that people are interested in the case to get moving again. I hope justice comes swiftly for Sergio! God bless you and your efforts!
hi osprandel, so sorry you have had to celebrate this anniversary...can you contact a crime investigator for one of your local newspaper...I would call some detectives and find out their histories, costs, and what to expect from of luck, dont give up!!!
Well today is 10 years since Sergio was murdered in cold blood. Want to hear the funny thing? San Diego PDs stance is that they are waiting for a confession. I wish I had a job like that where in I wait for the criminals to come into my office and confess. It has not been shown that my brother was engaged in any illegal activity yet there is someone out there who commits a capital crime and we have to hope that he shows up one day and confesses? Wow, I have a BS degree in Criminal Justice and this is so backwards that I cant stand it anymore.
Just thought I would tell you that I have talked to a couple people in my biology class that have unsolved murders in their families and the hang up is everyone knows who did it, but someone gave the perp an alibi, so they have to wait for a confession . I think this really is wrong for this to be allowed. Wishing there was someway to disprove the alibi's of these thugs.
Hi guys and thanks for the support. Do any of you know how to begin looking for a reputable detective? Does anyone recommend anyone they may have used in past and trust? Thanks again!

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