2010.09.14 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE***

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2010.09.14 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE***

FYI Reminder: News Conference Called By The Defense Team Today @ 9:00am!
Baez To Make Announcement In Anthony Case
High Profile Attorney May Be Added To Casey Anthony Defense Team


"Some sources have said a new attorney, Roy Black, will be added to the team. Black is no stranger to high profile cases."
-from the article
Casey Anthony defense team announces new attorneys



Finnell, who is from the Jacksonville area, will serve as the death-penalty expert. Green will handle the civil suit filed against Anthony.

Dorothy Clay Sims, an Ocala attorney specializing in cross-examining medical expert witnesses, also recently joined Casey Anthony's primary attorneys: Baez and Cheney Mason.

Sims will help them work on all aspects of forensic science involved in the case. She will sift through so-called " junk science" evidence that may be used against Anthony.

Casey's Defense Team Announces New Attorneys



Casey Anthony's attorneys held a news conference Tuesday morning at the law office of Jose Baez in Kissimmee to announce the addition of two attorneys.

Charles Green, an Orlando attorney, will handle Casey's civil case. Attorney Ann Finnell, from Jacksonville, is joining the team as their death penalty expert, a position previously held by Andrea Lyon.
Murder Docket Updated

09/13/2010 Notice of Filing Affidavits of Service

09/13/2010 Order on Joint Stipulation Regarding Defense Review of the Documents in the Possession of Texas Equusearch

09/13/2010 Joint Stipulation Regarding Defense Review of the Documents in the Possession of Texas Equusearch
Casey Anthony's Attorney Introduces Additions to Defense Team



Baez said the new attorneys, who will work the case pro bono, will be "invaluable assets" to the defense team. He and other attorneys declined to discuss details of the case.

"I'd rather be accused of overprepared instead of being underprepared," Baez said. "We're all prepared to fight and fight as hard as we have to."
Ann Finnell joins Casey Anthony defense team



Finnell said she met the defendant yesterday and is excited to be part of the team. She also will have a small role during the guilt-innocence phase of the trial.

Lead attorney Jose Baez said in a news conference this morning that three new lawyers, including Finnell, have joined the team, two for the criminal trial scheduled in May and one for Anthony's civil case. There are now six lawyers representing Anthony in the high-profile case.
Anthony Defense Allowed To View Search Records
Order Comes With Strict Control For Attorneys



According to an agreement released on Tuesday, there are scripted questions the defense can ask volunteers to determine whether they searched in the area where Caylee Anthony's remains were later found.
Anthony case gets 3 new lawyers



"To me it's a dream team opportunity to be a part of this type of thing you can't buy," said Cheney Mason, one of Anthony's lawyers.

Anthony has a new dream team of lawyers, all working for free.

Three new attorneys are now working to defend the mother who could face the death penalty.

Mason twisted a few arms to get the additional expertsie for free.
Casey Anthony: Does it help that her new lawyer doesn&#8217;t own a TV?



That probably won&#8217;t matter to one of the attorneys: Dorothy Clay Sims of Ocala revealed that she hasn&#8217;t owned a television for decades.

Pipitone noted that five criminal defense attorneys are in place: Baez, Cheney Mason, Sims, Finnell and Linda Kenney Baden.

Charles Green of Orlando will take over Anthony&#8217;s defamation case. Zenaida Gonzalez claims Anthony ruined her life by linking her to Caylee&#8217;s disappearance.

Accused Killer Casey Anthony Expands Defense Team
Three New Attorneys Added to Alleged Child Killer's Legal Team



One of Anthony's original attorneys, Jose Baez, said her legal team was pouring through 8,000 documents provided to them by the prosecution.

Several witness depositions had been postponed during the summer, he said, but the lawyers said they expected the trial to begin as scheduled. The location of the trial, however, has yet to be determined.
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