2010.09.27 - 15 minutes with Levi Page

Levi talking about Chelsea on JVM and Misty's brutal interrogation. Are we close to finding answers to this mysterious case?
Pat has never heard of someone taking a child because they couldn't find a gun. Pat has never believed that story and thinks Misty might be coming closer to the truth now.
Still buffering for some reason... :( Thanks Kimster!
Chelsea gave her theory and Levi thought it was logical that Haleigh ODd on drugs from RC that RC kept drugs in a drawer that were easily accessible and the calls between Misty, RC and Tommy were about disposing of her body. :(
Pat has always felt RC was involved and RC orchestrated what to do so that he wouldn't get in trouble. RC would have been responsible for child neglect or child abuse.

Levi says that's why the family praised Misty to high heavens about how he was the best GF RC had - to keep Misty in their circle. Pat says considering her crappy history, there had to be a reason they protected Misty. RC could have turned on her so quickly, why not?
Oooo.... Pat Brown has choice words for Ron.
Pat Brown: Misty failed the question on polygraph on Ron being involved.
Levi says Maj. Bowling said they wanted to interview early in the case and lawyered up and RC was not cooperative and wouldn't give them information other than he was not involved. Levi thinks LE didn't call him a suspect because they were hoping he would talk to them.

Pat says RC can look you in the eye and give you that smirk so he is harder to deal with. LE didn't think it would be at that level and were hoping others would break and get RC to talk.

On Misty's poly, the question about RC being involved was "inconclusive", says Pat. It was an easy question and Misty wasn't able to pass it.

(I'm typing as I can, not getting it all).
Pat thinks LE must know Misty is covering for RC. Pat is curious what he said to them. Pat thinks RC has probably tried to implicate others to prevent the case against him from getting any worse.

Chelsea supplied JVM with photos after Haleigh went missing. Levi says the photos look like the family is celebrating after Haleigh went missing!
Pat says they know what happened, they know the child is dead so they might as well move on.

They also felt comfortable they got it taken care of and they got it nailed down. It was a crappy thing, it was an accident and they can move on.
Pat says usually a family of a missing child is a wreck and can hardly even keep it together on TV. Pat wonders if RC was wearing all black because of Jr's "man in black". Chelsea says RC was wearing all black and Levi says he was wearing boots and they make a squeaky noise.

I lost the feed. I think the show is over.
Thanks Kimster!! For weeks now I've had issues with WS and getting booted. I'm sure it's my puter but I just couldn't keep up. :( I tried. Thanks again! I likes me some Pat Brown.
Hi guys, sorry for the weird and short show. I was in Nashville went out to eat with relatives after JVM and didn't get home until late.

But there was no way I could NOT do a show.
thank-you Levi for your dedication to these innocent children. the thank-you button isn't big enough.
Pat says usually a family of a missing child is a wreck and can hardly even keep it together on TV. Pat wonders if RC was wearing all black because of Jr's "man in black". Chelsea says RC was wearing all black and Levi says he was wearing boots and they make a squeaky noise.

I lost the feed. I think the show is over.

WOW, this is interesting, now Chelsea is placing herself there that night. and Levi is placing himself there also as to their references to what Ron was wearing and the boots that squeaked, awsome, I hope they have had a grand jury without us knowing, IMOO one of these people know the truth and Timmy and Chelsea are looking a little more suspicious these days.
I am not being snarky in this response, but responding to the information given.

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