TX TX - Daniel Underwood, 33, Sulphur Springs, 4 Sept 2008

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Sep 27, 2010
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Daniel Ray Underwood 7/10/1975-9/4/2008

More Details (Continuation of My First Blog):

For your reference:
RF = (Real Friend) VCBP =(Very Cold-Blooded Person)

*RF states to me that VCBP was fighting and struggling with Daniel over the gun.
*RF states that VCBP did grab the gun, she kept shaking it back and forth, and did have a hold of the gun when it went off and also right afterwards too.
~~VCBP states in her interview that she had only touched the gun at the beginning and had her finger on the “tip” of the barrel, and she says she never touched it again after that….RF says this is a lie and VCBP had a hold of the gun at least 3 more times AFTER that and INCLUDING when it actually fired and when…
*VCBP actually picked up the gun from the hallway, where it landed after he was shot, and shoved it into the bedroom after he had fell on his side.(not his back)

*THEN VCBP moved Daniel to a different position (it took her at least two or more tries to get him turned over onto his back so it would look like he had fell backwards) and then she told everyone that's where he fell. At this point, this is how his feet actually ended up on top of the gun, (Not the inaccurate version that his lower body struck the door facing as it fell causing his feet to land on top of the weapon …as one of the reports states…)

*RF states VCBP told her NOT to tell the cops her & Daniel had been fighting.

*VCBP told RF to "No, no wait! …No hold on! …No wait!" when she told her to call 911 to get help for him.

*RF said Daniel was questioning VCBP about some missing money and he seemed to be trying to scare her into telling him about it.(AND VCBP acknowledges part of this on one of the interview tapes that there WAS a LARGE SUM of CASH MISSING from Daniel’s money …money that…according to her… she liked to keep count of !!! - VCBP DOES state this in her interview)

* RF states that VCBP had told her & some other people with them, that Daniel had made her his beneficiary a few weeks even before he was shot, yet in the police interview, she states she does not know if Daniel had any life insurance or not.

*RF states VCBP had said to friends a week or so before that she was tired of Daniel and wanted to break up with him and get back with one of her old boyfriends.

*RF states he was telling VCBP "don't touch it, don't touch it" as if he was giving her a warning to stop BEFORE she made the gun go off...

**VCBP is at a bar within the next night or two after his death, trying to sell Daniel’s wedding ring from one of his former marriages & his favorite pool sticks!!!
AND…also saying she needed a good _____…(something I will not say on here…imagine the worse and you are probably right!)…then she ended up leaving and staying with a guy that night…(verified to me by several people that actually observed these incidents)

*RF states VCBP is wiping Daniel’s blood on herself, yet she is not trying to render aid to Daniel.

*In the interviews, she says she is holding him and trying to stop the bleeding & putting his brains back in, but RF says VCBP just sat there not trying to help him at all!

*RF states that, for the most part, everything VCBP said on the interview tapes as to what had happened that night, were total lies! FALSE STATEMENTS!!!

*VCBP agreed to a polygraph then backed out and changed her mind about taking it after she consulted with her attorney. She has told numerous people I have spoken with that she did take it and passed it!

*RF did witnesses a horrific scene, with blood and matter flying everywhere!!! Anyone can tell she was really traumatized by the whole thing, unlike another person that was there!

*(*AND another person who was interviewed on tape states, he heard DIRECTLY from VCBP..."she said she grabbed the gun when they were fighting over it again, and that‘s when it went off and got the side of his head!")
Below is just odd & ends of some more of the RIDICULOUS things that have occurred and some of MY own comments too, which by the way, I believe I have EVERY RIGHT to VOICE!!! I believe it’s called “Freedom of Speech.”
I have tried to list 'some' of the things I either know personally, or by first hand information told directly to me, or by watching/listening to the interview tapes. Everything may not be in chronological order, but I want you to be able to take a look at the whole scope of things; there is not just one or two small things, BUT many, many huge things that have occurred here. *along with my first blog I wrote Feb 4, 2009 which tells part of the events, please feel free to check it out at: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=123959065 or
http://www.myspace.com/stillhardtohandle and go to the blog page.)

There was minimum effort made to solve (or not solve) this crime! And THAT is putting it mildly!! I really expected investigators to do a more through job, like…investigate!

*A lot of the information I have received lately, has literally been dropped into my lap, without me searching it out!

*Daniel was in mid-sentence when the gun went off.. On interviews with VCBP- (I was told her stories were "consistent", with not any "major" differences), but she gave TWO completely different stories on two of the interviews:

*1st Interview: VCBP said Daniel, without speaking, bent his head over barrel, and pulled the trigger.

*2nd Interview: VCBP said she stood back up and the gun went off, she was 6" away him & they were standing face to face to each other when it went off. It could not of happened BOTH ways.

*Daniel was telling her he had just got her money. (from ATM) (So you would think by this statement she must have been demanding more, wouldn’t you?)

*Daniel was saying she was taking all of his money and breaking him.

*VCBP has just made a drug buy on the way home that night.(backed up by text message and witness statements)

*He was saying he was going to teach her a lesson. (So a normal person might think he meant he was fed up with all her BS and was telling her to GET OUT! …especially since a lot of her things only (none of his) were boxed & taped up in the living room…and some of her clothes were in bags in the bedroom…as if she might be moving out or being kicked out!) -The curio cabinet was completely emptied out, and a few days before, it was full of her dishes on display

*Daniel had borrowed the 12 gauge in order to defend himself from a guy that had threatened him...why would he have wanted to PROTECT himself and turn around and kill himself????

*This information may not mean much to most people, but it does to us:
Daniel’s daddy had made chicken & dressing (Daniel‘s favorite), and Daniel had told us to make SURE we saved him a big bowl and he would be by Thursday to pick it up…he never made it.

*No suicide note

*He had many plans for the upcoming weekend and days ahead that he was looking forward to.

*Body and gun BOTH had been moved (Is this not tampering with a Crime Scene??)
I thought I read some where that in Texas, it is a third degree felony if, knowing that an official investigation or proceeding is underway, you alter, conceal, destroy or FABRICATE a document or other piece of physical evidence with the INTENT to affect the outcome of the proceeding or investigation. EACH act of alteration, destruction or concealment is a SEPARATE offense…and all that stuff about false statements, well, I won’t even go there right now.

*Moving a body & moving the weapon...points to …altering/concealing/cover up/tampering….whatever you want to call it…

*Chain of custody is defined as: The method used to keep track of who is handling a piece ofevidence, and for what purpose, and is o fparamount importance to any investigation; it is the unbroken sequence of events that is caused by an item of evidence from the time it is found at the crime scene to the time it appears in court. Every link in this chain is documented -- from the discovery at the crime scene, through evidence gathering,storage, lab analysis, return to storage,and transfer to court. Every link is
documented by date, time, handling individual, and what was done with evidence
by that individual. --I believe that would mean that you should already have evidence numbers and signatures filled out properly BEFORE the evidence was ever sent out and logged back in! *And reports should not be omitted when open records are requested ...

*Wouldn't you think bruises all over aperson's body would have been at least important enough to have been written down and reported in an autopsy report and in a investigation report? They really were not that hard to spot…I DID. And they are still there in all the photos, you know? EVEN one of the medical examiners could see them when she actually took a second look at them…or maybe that was her first look, not really sure about that yet, and she did agree with me.

*Many questions were never asked at the interviews, just one of many that comes to mind now is: they were told he was moved AND they never questioned that any further!!! WHY??

*What would you figure the time frame would be to send GSR kits to a lab for testing??Would it be unreasonable to think they would actually be sent BEFORE you actually made a determination that a case is CLOSED??? Especially when we are talking about nearly 4 months before one “bothers“ to send evidence out for testing…It must mean something in this town to have “a good friend” working on a case whom you give tips to on other cases…I'm just a sayin...

*VCBP’s bloody clothes were not taken from her, as well as many other things at the scene, were either left there or, in some circumstances, missed.

*The house should have never been released without our knowledge; this would have stopped the thief of a lot of his belongings, deleting important information from his laptop and cell phone, unauthorized people entering the house trying to clean up the scene, and disturbing anything else there before we were at least given the decency to look things over ourselves.

* Facts of a case must be reported. No investigation regardless of how competently, or incompetently, executed is ever complete unless accurately reported.

*Autopsy was not impartial either, even though we had been told it was, because the Medical Examiner (M.E.) was only told a very one-sided story, not anything about VCBP getting mad at the bar over another girl, that RF had stated, or her throwing things at him and getting upset with his answer he gave her at the house before it happened. VCBP said in the interview that they were not arguing, RF says the opposite, that VCBP was upset and arguing with him, screaming at him.
And the M.E. was told her version only of what was going on and any history of medical conditions he might have had, which she knew NOTHING about. (She had only moved into his house July 4th, 2008 weekend) And she also states in one of her interviews, that everything was “hunky dorey”, they never argued, and Daniel’s personality was pretty even and moderate all the time, not up and down, and he really never seemed depressed.
*The M.E. was told there was no history of domestic violence, yet, there were numerous bruises on Daniel's body (as could be seen in the crime scene photos and autopsy photos) these were NOT reported in autopsy, nor mentioned on any police report. Why were these bruises not reported?
*And no one questioned RF or the other person that showed up at the Crime Scene as to what VCBP was saying at the house, that she was Daniel’s beneficiary, BEFORE HE WAS EVEN DEAD!! Why was none of this considered important??

*There's no way to have an accurate count of the poor guys she's tried to sucker after
Daniel (I know this is not even relevant to this case...I'm just sayin'..…)

*And I came across another case (that is not relevant to this case either) out of Ft Worth
PD that tells of yet another BOGUS sounding story by this person that she was kidnapped and tortured…and she did not report it until nearly 2 years later and then pressed charges on the man…??? GET REAL people!

*I questioned one of the men on the case, as to how he made the determination on how Daniel ended up being on top of the gun (the reason for this question was because I had spoken to RF and she had seen Daniel fall in a DIFFERENT location (or at least he had been turned over AFTER he fell) than the location he was found in when authorities arrived at the scene, which the report referred to as---… (can you believe this?)
A QUESTIONABLE DEATH… but at this point in our conversation he acted like I was trying to accuse him of something, which I was not, I have always been courteous and polite to the ones investigating the case, and he said to me: ...is that what you're trying to say?? that I didn't adequately investigate? without giving me any explanation of his determination, so I felt at that time, I needed to end our conversation, without having even asked him about other discrepancies.

*So at this time (19 months later), Mr.Ranger, I will now answer a question that you asked me that day when I had questions for you that were not answered…YES, I do feel at this time, that this case was not investigated adequately, to say the very least!

And, yes, I know, everyone would basically just rather I to let it go and forget everything. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

*And, then speaking of MOTIVES….let’s see…
1. Life Ins…she thinks she is the beneficiary on.
2. She thought she owned everything that was his…even though she was still married at the time and his divorce was just finalized a little more than a week before.
3. Tired of him, ready to break up and move to another man.
4. Stole and ripped off thousands of dollars from him.
5. Got caught!
Etc., etc……………..

*And I have talked to many people that will swear in affidavits that she gave many, many DIFFERENT stories as to what happened that night. And there was also many people at the hospital that were never asked to give affidavits about hearing the account VCBP gave to us about what happened that night…like she was GRABBING for it…

*I was also told by one nice young man that works in this area, “even though the pieces do not fit together as nicely as we would like…” DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT?? THEN LET A JURY MAKE THAT DECISION……..please!

(Yes, and, believe it or not, I AM infuriated at this entire "investigation"!!!)

Luke 12:2-3(King James Version)
2For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
3Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

More later…

_(Older Post Below)______
On-going investigations.
Very enlightening information coming out from reliable sources.
CHECK Back SOON for Updates!!!

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ei713Q2mJ8
*See Photos on Page:

Daniel's MySpace:

READ (part) of Story...MORE to follow SOON!!
Donnau, welcome to Websleuths.

What a moving video in memory of Daniel. Thank you for sharing.

Prayers for you, and for those that were responsible for Daniel's murder to be held responsible.

Take care
God bless you Donnau! Daniel's tribute video is beautiful!

I pray for peace for your family, and I pray for justice for Daniel. I am so sorry for your loss and now, so much frustration! Keep up the good struggle -- I can sense from your words that you have great strength.

Thank you for sharing your heartbreaking story. Please keep us updated!
you should take it to state appeals? And have RF give a verified statement.
Thanks for much for your kind comments & prayers, Kat, Wyome &
Crime Wire Blog Talk Radio is suppose to be profiling Daniel's story Oct 5. I will post the link as soon as I can. Please go to their site and registar for free (if you are not already a member) and listen in that night. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/crimewire
I can use all the support I can get, and hoping for some good pointers on how to continue.
And yes, GoBrewers, I have not yet requested that the case be re-opened but I plan on getting Daniel's story out there now and keeping it in the public eye...RF is willing to talk to the cops again, when they really want to listen. I have notorized copies of her last conversation with me about what happened that night.
If any of you are on Facebook of MySpace, please join his group or become his friend, I know he would be honored. God bless each of you, Donna


There are two interviews on YouTube pertaining to this case, here is the link to the first one and you should be able to view the rest by clicking on donnau2 and then "see all" (there are 5 parts total on these 2 interviews)~ feel free to form your own opinion about this woman...from HER own words! Let me know if you can't see them all.... :no:


P.S. If you like good old Southern Gospel music...listen to my two groups videos too!!! The Wallace Family & The Ishmaels!
(You can also book them for your church!)
donnau, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you! I am with you in that what 'she' said happened seems fairly unlikely. I would not let it go either. To be blunt, I think the initial investigation may have been botched.

I like to watch people's reactions and body language. It seems that this woman kept rubbing her eyes excessively as if to try to force tears. There was a kleenx box right there on the table to her left and she did not get one to wipe her eyes. There really did not seem to be many tears, IMO. Maybe she was in shock, but she really did not strike me as being in shock. She must have a really strong constitution because most women would have been shaking, sobbing, and not making much sense if someone they loved had just died under those circumstances.

It is just my impression, but I did not find this woman very credible. I realize that different people have different reactions to a traumatic event, but this woman was way too calm for having witnessed someone dying (in such a horrible way) right in front of them. The RF was a witness as to what she saw and heard. Seems that IF she (the RF) were to take a polygraph and pass, then this case should certainly not be closed. IMO, Daniel could have very well have been murdered. You do not know me and I do not know you, so please just take my post as a FWIW. The chain of events as stated does not seem to me to be a suicide and should be further investigated. MOO.

Let me guess - is her family well connected around there? Do they own a business or are they related to someone influential?

Please do update as you can, donnau!
Thank you, LaLaw2000. Yes, and if you watched closely, you'll notice she didn't try to "tear" up until the detective gave her a "prompting" and was sympathetic to her. She was dried eyed at the hospital when I asked her to tell me what happened too, every once in a while she would squint up her eyes real hard, but I never seen a tear from her at all!
I really don't know much about her family, altho her mother did state when she came to pick up her belongings from Daniel's house, that she had two lawyers on retainer...I believe the law enforcement just want to keep her as an informant as she always works and stays in the bars, playing pool & poker, so she's probably pretty useful to them...to help get people busted, and just look the other way when she murders people. They never asked her any info how she ended up with the recoil bruise on her leg or thigh either...even when she gave two different versions of how Daniel shot himself.
I believe sooner or later the case will be reopened, and Maria has says she will tell them what happened...I just want plenty of media attention where they won't just try to brush me off again.
Donna thanks for all the information!

My prayers are always with you.

I just wanted to point out that since you posted this thread for Daniel here at WS, it has had almost 500 views. That's 500 more people who now know about Daniel. In just one week.

I'm sure as the weeks pass there will be many many more.
Anyone that has watched the YouTube videos, please go back and listen to the new update on Part 2 Interview 9-4-2008 It is AUDIO Only, my Movie Maker had actually put it it the wrong place when it was saved, so if you watched the previous parts, you watched 2 of them twice and missed this one! Sorry about that, BUT in this one, Rebecca tells about the "missing money" that Maria has said Daniel is questioning her about..............does this make since to you???

Part 2 Interview 9-4-2008 It is AUDIO Only

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