NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39

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Regarding social networks
Regarding facebook,twitter, and myspace you can link but do not cut and paste. But the goal is to really only link to those that are directly linked to a case.
IOW, we don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman , or postal carrier just because they know the main player. It just gets too invasive and half the time we are not even sure it is the right person. When a post starts out, I found 5 people with this name do you you think any of these are [insert person here]? that is not a good thing.
It will often be up to mod discretion as to who can and cannot be linked, but the general rule of thumb is if they are named in the media specifically as having some role or are being questioned or have information then you are probably safe to link. No screen caps and no cutting and pasting. If a social media is set to private and you get in the back way and post what you see, that is not a good thing!Private means private.
Just imagine if is you if you cannot decide and you shoulod be able to figure out if it is ok.
You are free to discuss what you may come upon,but if it is just a lot of gossip and rumor it won't fly. People open facebook accounts and post whatever they want and to carry that as some sort of inside info is careless. but, sometimes there is really valuable information that may even come into evidence as in the Caylee Anthony case.So, if you know for a fact it is the right person and they are named outright in the msm as someone linked to the case it should be fine. IF IT IS A MINOR DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!
If something was posted as public and then removed you might be able to post it, it is up to the mod of the forum and it depends on who, what, when and where.
The mods are listed at the bottom right of the forum under the index, they can generally help. If not, they will ask admin for guidance and we will all decide what is best.
Generally we try not to invade everyone's privacy and if the linked information has no bearing on anything, then leave it out.
We moderate here. Some people love it and some people hate it. Up to you to stay or go, choice is yours. Complaining about our rules doesn't help. if you have a suggestion or think of a better way, bring it on! We are far from perfect and welcome your input as long as it is civil and basically polite.

Rumors are not allowed! No sleuthing AY his facebook page or the London Dude. If you have questions please PM me or a Mod, we will be happy to help. Lets keep the threads dedicated to Zahra. Thank you.

omg.......... Would someone pay to DO that actually??

omg. This may be worse than woodchipper.

So this is what the $10K was for?????
I took the letters and ran them through some editing software to up the contrast. It brought out the writing more from the page. I don't know if it will help anyone to read it better but it was the only way I could see anything.
Letters allegedly written by Eliza Baker



The doodling...



If the letters are real then one of our sluethers hit the Waterbed on the head, or someone who wrote those letters took the idea from the photo. I got a feeling either way this case is about to hit full steam ahead and quickly. LE will squish any rumours i would think quickly
I think Mr. Coffee must think AB guilty of something or he would not have "evicted" him. He would have just handled it quietly.
I tried to edit my post on the last thread about questioning whether this could be Damien Echols, but I see it must not be with her asking if he'd ever been to jail....
teh would give her five bucks, if they would let me give it to her personally.
If NG discusses this today, she may spontaneously combust.
At the bare minimum she's phishing for money for stuff in jail.

If these letters are real, and I think they are, we are getting a glimpse into her online activities IMO.
In a wood chipper murder...all that was recovered, with an exact location was

"They found many pieces of metal, less than 3 ounces (85 g) of human remains, including a tooth with unique dental work, a toe nail covered in pink nail polish, bone chips, and 2,660 bleached, blonde human hairs, fingernails and O type blood; the same type as Helle Crafts'. Analysis led them to conclude the remains went through a woodchipper. The forensic investigation was led by leading forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee"



"In the end, Dr. Lee said, "Our team's efforts at Lake Zoar eventually led to the discovery of 2,660 strands of blond hair, 69 slivers of human bone, 5 droplets of human blood, 2 teeth, a truncated piece of human skull, 3 ounces of human tissue, a portion of human finger, 1 fingernail, and 1 portion of toe nail."
Helle Crafts had been found. "
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NC NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #38[/ame]

'The Australian press claim that men get custody and the system is focused on male rights. And this may have caused problems with Zahra. We do know that he took her to the US against his own mothers wishes. What a way to treat your mom who raised your daughter since she was younger than 2.'

What Australian press claim that? This is untrue.
I tried to edit my post on the last thread about questioning whether this could be Damien Echols, but I see it must not be with her asking if he'd ever been to jail....

According to part of the letter, Damien is a grandson whom she helped name.
" We really didn't kill her" But " what he did after"

She's setting it up as a accidental death with Dad disposing of body in a horriable way IMO
"Hello, My Favorite Dark Person"
"Be Part of the Freak Show..."
"You're in my Dark Heart"

Boy, am I out of the information loop....
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