Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #3

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Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR

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(charts will follow a few posts down for easy reference)

Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1
Thread #1 [ame=""]Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


June 4, 2010 we had, in all the day's charts, the marker for a surprise happening. The Sun was on the north node of Uranus and Uranus itself was on a degree of crisis and one where matters are past controlling. 0° Aries. We have been over all of that at the beginning of the investigation but what is highly suspicious (in our overstuffed closet of suspicions) is that the midpoint of the Sun and Uranus, commonly recorded as Sun/Uranus, is SWNBN's natal Mars Saturn conjunction in Taurus. "You can call me cruel and you can call me mean. You can call me fit & stronger than a man and ready to press & throw one, but do not call me sweet or do not call at all."

You will remember that Kyron was born with a Jupiter Neptune opposition, meaning he was the natural mark for a confidence scheme. And what does SWNBN's cruelty conjunction afflict? Dead to rights, you got it in one. Kyron's babe in the woods opposition.
Just for the record, I do not believe this child is among the living and have not since the original Chart was posted (or I created) can't recall now, for the "Last Seen". I know that Soulscape also posted a chart for the time of day. It appears we all pretty much agreed on the exact time being 8:45AM although a few of us studied other times beyond this one that day as well.

the Horary I created from someone else's request, with Saturn in the 1st house confirms to me by it's square to the Moon (the co-ruler of the chart) that this is so, the child is long gone. But then again, I have always advocated (within reason) and certainly Horary has it's own rules to abide within too, that Astrology is by and large an Art and even subjective as we practice it.
That is why Moon square to Saturn in this chart told me it was important enough in it's answer.
I've never been one however to argue all the finer points and different ideas in any astrology take, only submitting my own at the time I post.

And yes, I do believe without any doubt, the Astrological information sought for so long and hard, is pointing to a certain someone, that one closest to the child for sustenance and care of this young mortal being.

That's pretty much sums it up for me, but I loved reading the Bonatti and Lily aphorisms too. :) Quite a nice gift to the forum
especially at this time of year. Thanks to both Voire and Mircea (two wonderful Horary Astrologers for adding such intelligent and great input and effort to the cause of finding and caring about Kyron . :)
(listing initial Astro commentary reference posts-there are many other Astro comments that followed in Thread #1)

LAST SEEN 8:45a.m. 6/4/10
Astro commentary in Thread # 1 -post #1, #8, #13, #26, #37, #60w/add'l chart, #234, #253, #269


LAST SEEN 9:a.m. 6/4/10
Astro Commentary in Thread#1- post #56


post 215 - Thread 2
(Note: a Sunrise Natal was done prior to acquiring confirmed time in thread #1 w/comments post 2 & 13).



Astro commentary: Thread #1 - post#8, #30, #31, #32,


Astro commentary Thread #1 - post #56


Astro Commentary Thread #1 - post #91


Aside from enmity toward her erstwhile mate, SWNBN is found in House 12 because she already feels as though she were under arrest. She is detained & closeted many miles to the south of Portland in a vain effort to avoid surveillance, just as she used throw away phones. Sun square Saturn is aother marker for feeling on a short tether.

With mixed Signs on the angles, we know this divorce is permanently underway but the end or outcome is a source of concern as to completion as the process gets pulled in many direction. The Cardinal placement of each party to the dissolution is an emblem of distrust. With that, dear Websleuths, I claim Understatement of the Year 2010.
Tuba, :) LOL.
Regarding the Cardinal placement, I'm too much of an amateur to understand this astrologically: "The Cardinal placement of each party to the dissolution is an emblem of distrust. " Any help?
I pray for a true resolution in Kyron's case. So sad today.
Nothing to it. Just means he and she distrust one another. His planet is in a Cardinal Sign, Libra and hers is in a Cardinal Sign, Capricorn. These two planets happen to square one another precisely which aggravates the suspicion, of course, but just the placement of two people in Cardinal Signs is an indication there is mutual distrust. In a business partnership, a marriage, a contractual relationship, this is a factor to note. Pacification of suspicion will be necessary. Simply background information.
Nothing to it. Just means he and she distrust one another. His planet is in a Cardinal Sign, Libra and hers is in a Cardinal Sign, Capricorn. These two planets happen to square one another precisely which aggravates the suspicion, of course, but just the placement of two people in Cardinal Signs is an indication there is mutual distrust. In a business partnership, a marriage, a contractual relationship, this is a factor to note. Pacification of suspicion will be necessary. Simply background information.

Interesting observation of the Cardinal squares to each other.

Kind of "hits home", since my Sun is in the Cardinal sign of Capricorn and my husband of 39 years in Libra squaring each other.
We adore each other, and have always been "stuck like glue" in this relationship, almost like a shadow of each other's image.

So, even though in natal work, this can be, (perhaps it's the Chiron connections spoken of by Magi Astrologers that makes this so as well as past lives) as our Chirons do conjunct and make good contact with the beneficial planets Venus and Jupiter., but in mundane work such as the divorce proceedings I can definately see where the square works in a contentious disharmony for these two who once shared a marital bond now dissolved.
Well, well, well. As it happens, the Moon is conjunct Gerlinde for this January 6 divorce proceeding. The Moon & Gerlinde rule the past and the hidden life of respondent, SWNBN. Where have you been, Iron Woman, out in the linden trees?

Sun and Saturn, the protagonists here, have a midpoint at the cusp of House 10 which is the signature of separation. Very apt. The Sun is also 40° from Neptune, a nonagon or novile. This gives the endurance, patience and sitzfleisch to use the waiting period to plan, incubate, put together and program an impenetrable deception.

From the other side, we have petitioner who initiated this action and is thus responsible for the outstanding Bowl Formation of the planets. He is on a mission to capture the information kept dark from him~the other hemisphere that, of course, includes the manhandler and her secret activities (H. 6). That half has been kept dark from him and contains his child, H. 5. The other stages of the mission are recovery and completion. This refers to recovering Kyron and completing his knowledge of this crime. Despite a torturous, wrenching need, he has been kept outside of that.

All of this in mind, we know there is so much more to this January confrontation than legalising the separation. It will be difficult to pierce the duplicity and the stone silence. The Sun at 16° Capricorn is quintile Jupiter and Uranus, too clever by half and very much a factor on June 4 also. Why would some member of the task force NOT attend this seemingly personal divorce matter as it is heard?
Faced with a difficult challenge and party to a contest, it is always helpful to have some forces on ones side. Jupiter conjunct Kaine's co-ruler Uranus is powerful. Additionally, the asteroid Charybdis, whom we have met before in this case, is posed and poised on the Ascendant, so respondent man bender has to get by that. Formidable in the calmest weather. But what of this impediment's companion blocker, Scylla? Fortunately for Kaine, Mercury makes a station and turns direct bang on Scylla at 19° Sagittarius. That would answer a hope of his because the placement is his House 11 cusp!

Mars will reach the midpoint of these two, the Mercury station from Dec. and Scylla of the hearing, on the 10th & 11th of Jan. with Sun to follow mid-month, Jan. 17 & 18. Mars is law enforcement awareness and activity, of course.
Are there Linden Trees in the Lewis & Clark State Park near Troutdale, Oregon? Just asking. It is my contention that there will not be an arrest in this case without Kyron. Alive or his remains. Period. A previous missing persons case was recently resolved when the wife's remains were found in Idaho. The Portland police arrested the husband. But she had been gone for nearly two years. In fact, her body was found after Kyron went missing. IMO it shows how perhaps the authorities/DA works (regardless of the individual police departments) in regards to suspicious cases of missing people even when there is an obvious suspect. No body/person = no arrest. No moving forward with the case. If I am wrong about my feeling of where Kyron might be...I still think he is not in water. I do not believe he is alive. But I have serious doubts about Sauvie Island. JMO.

I just wonder if the place I mentioned either shows up on the charts or is entirely eliminated from them.

Thanks. Ya'll do great work here. I read often. Rarely comment. I am out of my element in this thread but I find the work done in this forum very fascinating and important...even if it is not something I understand or am good at.
We will have to research that because we have not done work on this park. I am unfamiliar with Troutdale.
Thanks. For whatever reason, I am drawn to that spot as having something to do with Kyron's disappearance. For the last several months. No idea why. But at least I put it out there, even if it is not significant.
Just to be helpful:

[ame=",+troutdale,+Oregon&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl"]Lewis& Clark Park, troutdale, Oregon - Google Maps[/ame]

That is the location I am drawn to. I don't know why. Maybe it means nada. It is not exactly easy to find via internet search but it is as the map says roughly 16 miles from Portland. Just not a spot we'd all go, "I know where that is." Totally not.
We have a second hearing, set last October, for this date of January 6, 2011. The solar eclipse precedes the Horman's hearing by but two days. Effects of eclipses last for months even up to years. The influence is therefore strong and from a degree of crisis, matters coming to a pitch.

This solar eclipse fell in House 2, which must be read with House 3 as they bear the same Sign of Cancer. 0° on the cusp of money measures the urge to demand support as immature, impatient and hasty. Distress and loss of financial comfort are clear in the south node of the Moon there, conjunct pars fortuna. We have Cancer also on the House of filings, documents, motions, responses so no matter what is mouthed in court about solicitude for children, the claim is all about money. SWNBN would not be the first to try to live off her child's support money. Venus in the Sign of indebtedness at 29° does speak to financial extremity but the debt does not flow out of ordinary day to day expenses; it is due to the contingencies of SWNBN's divorce. (It rules past marriage Libra on House 6 cusp, also the secret indulgences of House 12 Taurus.)

The aspects to (P) and Ascendant are not dire but so much cannot be said for ruler Mercury, soon to square both Jupiter and Uranus while not seeing clearly due to Neptune. Kaine holds the whip hand here because he & the judge who rules are conjunct, ruler House 7 and ruler House 10. The Moon is disposited by Uranus and detrimented Mercury in exile by Jupiter, again throwing all the weight over to Kaine.

TH withdraws petition for parenting time with the baby

This is the same story, word-for-word, that KATU ran November 3, 2010.,c3b2603&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=0MeYd5GfF5KYQizLBwePPA--

Cached link located by Chili Fries in the general thread.

The article is almost two months old. I don't know why it is appearing again. Maybe someone hit the wrong keys on a computer.
I wondered also, Doodles. We already knew this. Maybe the story is resurfacing on behalf of SWNBN to remind the public why she will behave in court as she does and why no demand will be made. But that cuts no ice. Since news organisations, for all their faults, know what news is, I suspect an agent or friend of SWNBN's counsel put KVAL up to this.
Tuba, when I checked the link and saw the article had a link to the November 2 document, I checked other Portland news outlets and found nothing. It finally occurred to me to check the WS general thread, and there was a new thread about this article. Luckily, WS member Chili Fries had located the original article. I assume there's a relation between KVAL and KATU since the photos and articles are identical. Very odd for this to happen, but I cannot see its value in being republished. I am not going to lose sleep over this.

Edit To Add: Just checked the comments under the KVAL article. Only two, and the second one points out that this is a rehash article from two months ago and questions why.
Pensfan, do you have enough detail to find the KGW video of Desiree talking about the truck and Kyron? That link you provided so recently is not working now and the search enging at the station does not bring up this raw video. But maybe you have more information on it, like the date it was recorded for e.g. Thanks. I do remember Desiree talking about this in the fall but even at the time, it was hard to catch every word she said.

Tuba, I was able to locate it by playing around with the link a little bit. Here ya go sugar:

~*~ Please note: This video starts around 13:25 & plays backward with the time left (in such a way as to count down). For your convenience, you should start at -2:50, which is the exact moment the interviewer brings up the "truck" question. ~*~

On another note, I sure hope everyone had a beautiful holiday and will have a bright, safe & funfilled New Year! Hugs & kisses to all!

Hello everyone! I've missed you all. I do still lurk when I can but had to take a break.<modsnip>

Anyway, I came across something Tuba was requesting from Pensfan in the general thread, but I think it's safe to assume her request will end up relating to a chart, so I'm posting it here for Tuba's convenience. This is in regards to an original video interview with Kaine & Desiree which aired on KGW. In this interview, Desiree was asked about the new info regarding the "truck". It was originally posted by Pensfan but the link was messed up. I found the original airing. I'm quoting Tuba's request, as well as my response to her. Hope this is helpful. Have an awesome New Year's Eve everyone!

Love to all,

Jersey, thanks for the link.

The Forensic Astrology threads are good in that the charts are offered with explanations, and a click on the Thank You button is all the discussion that is needed. Other posts with links that might be helpful, especially those with dates and times, speak for themselves without the need of everyone's version of what they read. This thread can be frustratingly slow at times because of the lack of new information, but I would rather have a slow thread than a fast one filled with speculation and hogwash.

Happy New Year's to you and everyone!
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