Federal prosecutors say child *advertiser censored* getting "even uglier"


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Jul 19, 2009
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Federal prosecutors are speaking out in several areas of the country with the same sense of alarm.


Child *advertiser censored* prosecutors: Victims are getting younger, acts are more vile

"Child *advertiser censored* isn't just more pervasive, it's getting even uglier. Federal prosecutors in Detroit say they have witnessed the disturbing trend with the kids getting younger -- toddlers and infants as young as 6 months old -- turning up in photos and videos.

And the assaults are getting worse. It's not just still images of children in the nude, they say. "There's a misconception in the public arena that these are mainly still images of children without clothes on. Well, the truth is that the majority of the pictures that are traded among these guys almost inevitably involve a child being either raped, or being forced to perform some type of sexual act on an adult or child..."


"...Bestiality images also are surfacing...".


"...Child *advertiser censored* lovers live in your neighborhood. They aren't just creepy loners. Crouched on a bench in the federal courthouse in Detroit almost every week, seemingly normal people -- doctors, coaches, authors, engineers, teens -- are charged with possessing and making child *advertiser censored*, a $3-billion-a-year industry that the federal government has labeled the new silent child abuse....."

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How disgusting and sad! God please protect our children!
I went back and read this 3 page article carefully. It's a good one. I know not everyone has the time to read the whole thing but I thought I'd point out these facts:

"It's not an eastern European problem, or southeast Asian problem. Half of the child *advertiser censored* traded in this country is made in this country"...."

"....child *advertiser censored* generates $3 billion annually, accounting for one-quarter of the $12-billion U.S. *advertiser censored* industry...."

"....The Justice Department conceded in a report issued in August that the growth of child *advertiser censored* is outpacing efforts to combat it. "Tragically, the only place we've seen a decrease is in the age of victims," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in August, following the release of the report, which promised to hire 38 prosecutors especially for child *advertiser censored* cases...."

".....Since 2006, more than 8,600 people have been prosecuted at the federal level on child *advertiser censored* charges...." [and that's just in federal courts, not state courts!!]

"...What's driving this trend? Some legal and psychological experts think it's the addictive nature of *advertiser censored* and its explosion on the Internet. The more users see, they say, the more they want.

"Normal sex acts don't excite them anymore," said Patrick Trueman, a former chief of the Justice Department's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section. "Now you're seeing the really extreme stuff, because once you've been through the still shots, that's not good enough....."

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An excellent point was made in a comment. A man said that he adores his two daughters but that he doubts that he has 300 photos of them, much less than the tens or hundreds of thousands of images that child *advertiser censored* collectors hold on their computers.
who are the poor children in these photos/videos? God bless and protect them and all children.
blue--The vast majority, it would seem, are filmed by their parents, their parent's friends or someone else close to them--a therapist, doctor, coach, teacher. To me, that's the biggest tragedy. Children cannot depend on family and trusted helping professionals to keep them safe.

Just as the article points out that these perps are our neighbors, I would make the leap to say that the victims are also our neighbors. That's a sobering thought, isn't it? We have to be awake and aware to the needs of the children around us.

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