2011.02.27 - C.City Being Evacuated...

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Jan 17, 2011
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They've had horrible wildfires in the area today. My daughter had to evacuate her home around 3 pm. Fires from Big Spring to Colorado City and north into Scurry county. Going to make searches for Hailey difficult. I just hope and pray someone develops a conscious and tells where she is.
The fires are also from Big Spring west to Midland where there was a 7 car pile up and a 5 yo killed. My husband told me that it was interesting that there were fires along 350 to Snyder too.
My daughter lives on FM 2835 and that's where one fire was. Just west of Dunn. With the wind still howling it's going to be a long night for firefighters.
Does Ccity area have fires allot or is this DELIBERATE..........like in cleaning up a crime area so searchers stop????
We are under a burn ban, everything is very dry, we haven't had rain, and fires are breaking out everywhere today. Also we've had a sand storm today, the wind has been blowing really hard all day.
Does Ccity area have fires allot or is this DELIBERATE..........like in cleaning up a crime area so searchers stop????

I just posted about the fires in another thread, passionflower

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

Over half of TX is under 'burn ban' almost daily....we've been under drought conditions for years & it's been really windy here the past few days.

Fire has been a real threat all over TX - thank goodness for the responders who keep them under control.
The fires are also from Big Spring west to Midland where there was a 7 car pile up and a 5 yo killed. My husband told me that it was interesting that there were fires along 350 to Snyder too.

Your husband's thoughts are dead on with my instincts.. At first when I heard of the fires today it crossed my mind but didn't really even give the thought time to fully even develop in my mind before moving on.. Upon reading that the fires were along 350... Fires from Big Spring to Colorado City and north into Scurry county. My whole body had a case of chills from tip top of my head down to my toes that I literally shook..

How can this be happening? Precious Precious Hailey! Finding her remains seems to picking up in rapid pace and the possibility of this speeding further and further away.. How can this be happening? I have such a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and such a huge lump in my throat that it hurts to swallow..

I find it basically impossible for someone to have purposely set these fires with intent of the fires burning this direct route. That s just not possible when we're speaking of wild fires..its precisely why their called "wild"fires because their path can be so unpredictable.. IMO there's a huge chance that these "wild"fires could completely destroy any last signs of evidence or of Hailey's remains..

Its my personal belief that Hailey has been gone from this earth since in and/or around December 27th..and if thats the case then I have no doubt that Hailey is in the arms of the angels as we speak..and that she for the first time in her precious and so very short life KNOWS THE TRUE MEANING OF FEELING PROTECTED..OF HAVING ZERO FEARS..AND WILL NEVER EVER KNOW PAIN.. SADNESS..NOR EVEN DISAPPOINTMENT.. So with that said what I pray fervently for tonight is that God somehow put his protection around Hailey's earthly remains as well as any evidence that will point directly to who is responsible for ripping this young child's life away before she had even yet begun to live.. Dear Lord I pray that these fires not destroy and allow this monster get away with what he has done to Hailey..

I know that whoever is responsible and involved will only truly pay for what they've done when the time comes that they come face to face with their maker..and I do believe quite possibly even face to face with Hailey again.. And for them to answer for what They've done..but until that day comes I do pray that God not allow for these persons to go free and continue their evil ways and most likely prey on another innocent little girl much in the same way.. I pray that God sees fit for justice to prevail here on earth for precious Hailey and what was done to her..

I pray God's will is justice here on earth for our sweet Hailey..

We are all praying for you Hailey!
as well as sending up prayer for those out fighting the wildfires as we speak..Keep them safe all thru this terribly dangerous night with such wind conditions that is continuing to feed these fires..

Sunday, 7:40 p.m. Update:
The Texas Forest Service says there are two fires in Mitchell County. The one threatening Colorado City has burned 2,500 acres. The other one, labeled below by the Forest Service as the "821" Fire, burned 2,500 acres on the edge of Mitchell and Howard Counties.
Colorado City Hospital is currently preparing to evacuate residents as needed.

The fire threatening the town is not contained.

Sunday, 6:30 p.m. Update:
Pete Kampfer, City Manager of Colorado City, is starting to order evacuations starting with the northern part of town.

It's getting bad, there are reports that the Days Inn and the John Deere Tractor place are already gone. Prayers for everyone.
snipped from http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=347076

UPDATE: Evacuations Ordered, I-20 Closed Due to Wildfire

Sunday, 7:40 p.m. Update:
The Texas Forest Service says there are two fires in Mitchell County. The one threatening Colorado City has burned 2,500 acres. The other one, labeled below by the Forest Service as the "821" Fire, burned 2,500 acres on the edge of Mitchell and Howard Counties.
Colorado City Hospital is currently preparing to evacuate residents as needed

Sunday, 7:25 p.m. Update:
Law enforcement is in the process of shutting down portions of I-20 near Colorado City due to the fire, according to crews on the scene.


I do NOT believe in "coincidences" ...

My Opinion Only...

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you affected by these horrible fires. Be safe.
prayers for all....

the fire has also reached the colorado city landfill
How scary! I hope it lays down for the night.
Sunday, 8:05 p.m. Update:
Texas DPS just released the following statement concerning the closure of Interstate 20:
Interstate 20 is closed at this time at mile post 219, Colorado City in Mitchell County because of the heavy amount of smoke crossing the interstate. The smoke has caused several crashes in that area.

At present, there are several fires located around the Big Country. The most problematic area for travelers is the one located in Mitchell County near Colorado City, Texas.

Oh my. I hope everyone stays safe!

That's a scary situation to be in. The winds are so high right now.

This from noaa:

URGENT Strong winds will allow large and dangerous wildfires to persist into the night. In addition, winds will sharply shift to the north around midnight, which will impact firefighting efforts.
snipped from BCHP:


Sunday, 8:05 p.m. Update:

Texas DPS just released the following statement concerning the closure of Interstate 20:

Interstate 20 is closed at this time at mile post 219, Colorado City in Mitchell County because of the heavy amount of smoke crossing the interstate. The smoke has caused several crashes in that area.

At present, there are several fires located around the Big Country. The most problematic area for travelers is the one located in Mitchell County near Colorado City, Texas.
Prayers for our locals.

And I know what we all are thinking:banghead:
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