Mutiny on The Bounty


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Aug 14, 2003
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Over 200 years after Fletcher Christian put Captain Bligh in an open boat and sailed to Pitcairn Island the story is news again.

7 Men (half the adult male population) from the island which is reckoned to be the world's most remote inhabited island are on trial for having sex with underage girls, some as young as 12. the islanders say it is their tradition. Pitcairn is still a British possession and the trial is being run by New Zealand on our behalf.

Almost 80 % of the population has direct descendancy from the original mutineers, who after they abandoned Bligh (who was actually a Lieutenant) they called in a t tahiti to pick up their women and high tailed it to Pitcairn.
they were discovered some years later by an American Whaler, the only one left alive was John Adams, who introduced the sailors to Fletcher Christian s son, thursday Fletcher Christian.
so 50% of the island's male population could conceivably be imprisoned? in that event,you guys are running out of colonies. Rule Britannia! and may i ask...due to more inbreeding than an appalachian ridgerunner, what is the population like? how do they survive? are they loyal to the Crown? or are they drooling borderline sex fiends?
I think I am right in assuming your are an instrument of law enforcement in your country, if that is the case please show a little more respect to your ex colonial masters.

Pitcairn today, well since most of them are their own fathers, brothers etc they must be a little weird. They do not see themselves as allied to the Crown, their contention is that they renounced the crown when they mutinied against it's authority as personified by Lieutenant Willam Bligh.
Incidentally the Crwon hunted them down, well the ones that were left on Tahiti anyway, three of them were hung from the yardarm in Portsmouth harbour. Bligh went on to serve with Nelson and then suffered another mutiny when he was governor of New South Wales in Australia.

I think they are trying to ally themselves with Australia, which although still in the Commonwealth has different laws.
Anyway I have to go now and roll in some manure on the Bizarre thread :)
i am a true anglophile and shall refrain on commenting on the "ex masters" remark...let me only say one word, or two. BUNKER HILL" :D ...oh, and be sure to attend the tea party in boston harbor at your first convenience. truly, i love England's fascinating bewitching history.

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