What did we learn today 6-28-2011

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What did we learn today 6-28-2011 - Multiple Choice

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Steely Dan

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Dec 22, 2008
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First I learned that if I make a poll with write-in capability that somebody will ruin it for everyone and the thread will be completely deleted. So please keep criticisms to posts and not posters.

Second, all polls in this series will not have write in capability. You can in a post suggest one because the mods can remove posts.

So let's have fun and seriousness together like the other polls were so these don't get deleted anymore.

One thing I don't understand is that the prosecution says they found the skull surrounded by leaf litter on either side but RK says he lifted the skull with his meter stick thingy and then set it down. Since we can't see pictures of the skull as it was found I find this perplexing.

This might explain it somewhat though;


...Roy Kronk said he couldn't at first comprehend what he was looking at. He said he put his "meter reader stick," a piece of metal about 5 inches long, into the right eye socket and "gently pivoted" it upward to make sure, then put it back.

"It was a horrific thing for me to find," he testified, adding later that "it really unnerved me."...

It sounds like he didn't move it much.

I'm not sure who's side his testimony helped today. He seemed a bit hinky to me today but it might just have been nerves. He testified that he couldn't recall asking about the reward money once the cops determined it was a human body he'd found. I think I'd remember if I was expecting $250,000 or not.

I'm not suggesting he had anything to do with moving the body from one place to another but he didn't seem completely honest to me in his testimony. JMO
I said this in another thread, but I've always had a hinky feeling about Roy, but today, I felt like he was being honest. At the worst, I think he was wanting money, and perhaps 15 minutes of fame. I DO NOT think he took possession of the body, moved it from place to place, etc. The way I took his description of lifting the skull: I thought he was saying that he gently tilted the skull upwards with his stick. I think it could have been buried, and he'd still have been able to move it that little bit. JMO.
I wondered what happened to the poll!
OMG I think JB is rubbing off on CM and not vice versa because I was VERY surprised at his inept (IMO) and beleaguered questioning AND the fact that they seemingly brought every OC MR to the stand did nothing but beat the jury into a stupor I'm sure!
Hey, Did u know RK smoked?
Interesting fact that Mr Kronk smokes..
I am not interested in any ulterior motives as Mr Kronk got the job done and thats whats important to me.
Caylee is no longer spread out in a trash dump where her Mommy fed her to the wild life.
I learned that the only innocents in all of this are Casey and a dead rattlesnake, that men like to pee outside and that a lot of WSers love some guy named Pete.
I'm SURE Kronk was motivated by the notoriety of this case and the ability to receive a cash reward. I'm SURE that's the whole reason of offering a reward - in hopes to motivate people to find what's missing!! I'm sure he took the opportunity to look simply because he was at the right place! Not only did Kio and others describe that area as a possible spot for Caylee, but the dense woods being that close to the A's home plus Casey saying Caylee WAS close would be enough to give ANYONE a "hunch" to look in that area. He was persistent. Motivated by money? Most likely. But having sinister motivations other than that, I don't think so!! Caylee was found because of this man - regardless of motivation. After all, like I said, that's the point of offering up a cash reward, right? JMO.
I forgot what I voted for, think it was the emu would have done better...

What did I learn?

Not much new...

Same old redundent "blame someone else did it theory". Poor Mr. Kronk being tortured on the witness stand. GA denied affair...and everything we already knew about anyhow!

I also learned that Judge Perry has the patience of a Saint! God bless him!
I learned that the only innocents in all of this are Casey and a dead rattlesnake, that men like to pee outside and that a lot of WSers love some guy named Pete.

Casey or Caylee, darlin?

(I think I know what you mean...)
I forgot what I voted for, think it was the emu would have done better...

What did I learn?

Not much new...

Same old redundent "blame someone else did it theory". Poor Mr. Kronk being tortured on the witness stand. GA denied affair...and everything we already knew about anyhow!

I also learned that Judge Perry has the patience of a Saint! God bless him!

Seriously. How on earth has he honed such patience in his lifetime?!
What I learned today is that while the A's claim they are UNITED, Lee basically impeached his mother. The more I sit & think... I don't think that was his intention. I may be thinking too much (geez, at this point aren't we all???), but I believe Lee's hostility towards his parents about not being involved in ICA's pregnancy, and his hostility towards his parents looking for a deceased Caylee--- is an act. I just voted on a poll that LA was telling the truth, but since my mind changes every two seconds- I've also been considering another theory. ATM I truly believe that CA & LA had this planned all along. CA will take the fall/purger herself/flat out lie for Casey, with the possibility of being impeached - or at least make the jurors believe she's 'unreliable'. By doing this, Lee can keep *his promise* to his sister, and CA can be the mom that will lay down for ICA. CA is 'appearing' to take the fall for ICA [knowing her testimony may become discredited]. None of this family wants her to get the DP- understandably. But this is a sneaky way of CA & LA to prove to ICA that they will do whatever it takes to save her. Even if it takes LA deliberately trying to go against CA's testimony. "This family is united"- LA...I hope I'm making sense- if not- maybe I can explain it better tomorrow when I haven't spent the evening drinking a few lol. :blushing:
I learned that forensics on Casey's car, which allegedly hauled Caylee's dead body around, took up 29 days of forensic testimony and that Kronks truck, which was also supposedly used to haul Caylee's dead body around, and which was apparently in a shop with easy access to inspect every inch of, was never even looked at.
I learned that forensics on Casey's car, which allegedly hauled Caylee's dead body around, took up 29 days of forensic testimony and that Kronks truck, which was also supposedly used to haul Caylee's dead body around, and which was apparently in a shop with easy access to inspect every inch of, was never even looked at.

OT - I've seen your avatar posted on several tabloids like the enquirer before. Do you have the original picture? I always thought it was altered to make her look like that, she didn't really take a picture making that face, did she? TIA.
Today I learned that: An emu would know better when to stop questioning a witness than the DT. It was painful, I yelled "give it up, Cheney!" several times, but apparently he didn't hear me. Seriously, what did he hope to achieve? He kept asking the same questions over and over with seeminly no attemmpt to diquise them in any way. Had he not prepared? Was this the DT's attempt to filibuster in hopes that one of them would have an epiphany for their next strategic move. It was awful. do wonder how the jury views today's proceedings. Kronk was masterful. He and his lawyer did their homework. I was impressed. I am so glad his coworkers could in essence back up his story and confirm his characer. I was concerned for that the DT was going to blame Cayley's murder/movement of the body on the coworker who followed Kronk after he stated he said the area would be a great place to hide a body. But he was able to clarify he had heard KC's remarks from jail about her whereabouts "I think she is really close by." Cryptic confession, but has no legal foundation for placing her in the woods.
That CM can ask the same 3 questions over and over and over again for 4 hours!
First I learned that if I make a poll with write-in capability that somebody will ruin it for everyone and the thread will be completely deleted. So please keep criticisms to posts and not posters.

Second, all polls in this series will not have write in capability. You can in a post suggest one because the mods can remove posts.

So let's have fun and seriousness together like the other polls were so these don't get deleted anymore.

One thing I don't understand is that the prosecution says they found the skull surrounded by leaf litter on either side but RK says he lifted the skull with his meter stick thingy and then set it down. Since we can't see pictures of the skull as it was found I find this perplexing.

This might explain it somewhat though;


...Roy Kronk said he couldn't at first comprehend what he was looking at. He said he put his "meter reader stick," a piece of metal about 5 inches long, into the right eye socket and "gently pivoted" it upward to make sure, then put it back.

"It was a horrific thing for me to find," he testified, adding later that "it really unnerved me."...

It sounds like he didn't move it much.

I'm not sure who's side his testimony helped today. He seemed a bit hinky to me today but it might just have been nerves. He testified that he couldn't recall asking about the reward money once the cops determined it was a human body he'd found. I think I'd remember if I was expecting $250,000 or not.

I'm not suggesting he had anything to do with moving the body from one place to another but he didn't seem completely honest to me in his testimony. JMO


I know what you mean -- I decided that I think he had a lot of mixed feelings about how people might perceive his having touched the remains, issues with the family feeling he violated them, and the terrible sorts of nonsense the DT has tried to stir up about him. I think he was reluctant to admit to anything involving contact with the body, and it seemed reasonable to me under the circumstances. He seemed genuinely apologetic for potentially offending anyone, and let's face it, CM could not break him because he was telling the truth.

The incessant badgering of Roy Kronk on the witness stand by CM today nearly drove me insane! An emu would know better when to stop questioning a witness than the DT!

Who's life could withstand being viewed under a microscope by less than honest attorneys, LE and the media and now the world?! Was he 100% truthful, I don't think so but the times he fudged don't make one bit of difference in the case. I don't care if he wanted the money and it seems reasonable that he might have even bragged that he was going to become famous. He didn't hold the information ransom in order to get the reward! Wouldn't most of us call family or friends and tell them we might be on t.v.? It's not a sin. He couldn't win, CM was badgering him about not telling his co-workers and then the next minute badgering him about talking to his son or room mate about what he found. Does it really matter if he smokes or relieves himself in the woods? What mattered to me was how he expressed that he wished he hadn't of moved Caylee's skull even the tinest bit. Do you know, I'm not sure I've heard one person say that they were really wrought up or unnerved about what they saw. He seemed to be the first "lay" witness that expressed that and it resonated with me. And it mattered that he answered the questions directly just like YM does. Yuri has nothing to hide and even when the DT has asked him questions regarding the investigation that might not have been followed through 100% properly, Yuri doesn't make excuses he just says "that's correct". The best way to unnerve a defense attorney is to agree with them!

Do I think for one minute that he took the body and kept it and returned it to the woods? Absolutely not! He made it very clear he didn't know any of the Anthony's at all. There may be things he fudged on but I think it was because it's a little embarrassing to admit to throngs of people that you needed the money, I mean good grief, who would turn down 250K?

Okay, apparently I needed to get that off my chest. Sorry for the rant. Carry on :)

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