Defense Closing Argument

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Aug 5, 2008
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Defense closing argument.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I too would like to thank you in behalf of the defense. For the sacrifices you made. Both saw how much attention you pay, and hasn't been lost on us. I want to thank you both individually and collectively for that. Thank you
here we are, at the end of our journey, and I think I have to tell you that I think you have more questions than answers.
at the end of the day when everything is said and done, the key question in this case will never be answered, it can never be proven. And that is, how did Kaylee die? there is no dispute that Kaylee passed on. So really, with all the charges you are presented with, we don't have the answer to how she died. those questions were never answered. In fact there were great deal of things that the prosecution was looking for but never received.

This is my last opportunity to speak with you. After I am done, the prosecution will cover jury instructions and the law, this is our moment to show you what we think the evidence shows in this case. When we are done, the prosecution will get up and show a rebuttal. I can never get up again. The state has the burden of proof here. They have the burden of proof in a case beyond any reasonable doubt, which is the highest standard that can be met. they have the opportunity to have the last word because it is their burden.

I told you in the very beginning in jury selection it is not a two-sided affair. The state has the only burden here. And while the defense put on the case and put on evidence, we could've set back and offered not one single witness and it still would've been the burden of the state to prove every element.

Andrew: we talked to jury selection, we spoke about elements of the case. I want to give you a little bit more detail about that.

We are here for serious matter. You will love your homes to try to resolve the serious matter of fact. Your guidance will be the law. what is important is that you follow the law. No one has the right while deliberating to base their decision on emotion.

I want to talk to them what I feel about this case. I would then outlines states case. I want to talk about a piece by piece. My presentation will be a little bit longer than Mr. Ashton's. I want to show you what the evidence shows. You need to rely on your recollection, what we say is not evidence, but it's important for you look at the evidence. There were lots of delays in this trial, what you have to look at the evidence by the left witnesses testified to. this is our purpose in coming up to talk to you. We're trying all the pieces together so you can look back and say yes I remember that happening. So that is the purpose of what I am going to do when I talk about the state's case.

even though the law says the defendant has no burden and doesn't have to prove anything. Then after that Mr. Mason will get up and explain what the charges are and explain the judge's instructions to you. How they apply to the defense's case. How they applied to the states case.

finally I will have my last remarks. These are something, points that I think you should hear before we sit down. Then Ms. Drane Burdick goes up.

this case deals with so much emotion. There were times when every single person in here with affected. But what should we do when we are guided by emotion? In deliberation this case should not be decided because you feel sorry for anyone. we want to decide this case on the evidence, not on the motion. Well there were times when the emotion was directly pointed at you, draw into your emotions. The law says your burden is based on evidence, not on emotion.

Caylee Anthony was a beautiful innocent child. that is not disputed by anyone. But to invoke your emotions is improper under the law and under the rules of deliberation. that is the way the state presented this case. Mr. Ashton showed you a video little Caylee, started talking to you about what a mother should and should not do. not only was this not evidence, but it was to invoke emotion. And that is what this case is about. Motion is completely new relevant. The state presented Casey Anthony as a slot, as a party girl, someone who lies. And you would dishonor the law and Caylee's memory if you were to base your decision on anything but the evidence.

The state came out and paraded all these people and throughout this process they all came back with the same evidence that Casey was a good mother.
A child cannot fake love; has the Casey treat Caylee and vice versa?
we would here for six weeks and the state can give you one single incident having to do with child abuse. Not one. , it was deliberate it was methodical and was detailed. Every single thing and place that Casey went and did, you would've seen it, would've become clear, child abuse charges would've shown up. When did anyone get on the stand and demonstrate that Caylee was abused.

if there is an abused child people know it. this child was loved and well taken care of, and from one moment to the next something happens. whatever happened was sudden and immediate, not premeditated, but something from one moment to the next. You have to rely on the evidence. I agree with something Mr. Ashton said, you cannot speculate. You don't know what happened, it wasn't proven. They can't tell you this happened. We can go on and speculate all day long with different theories and possibilities, but it must be something that was proven. There should be no mystery before you right now. But it was not proven. It is as simple as it gets, and that is exactly what was done. The textbook prosecution, using the finest labs in the country, but with all of the resources, and established areas of forensic science, points would that we never testified before a jury, you are the first ones to ever hear any of these types of evidence, and that's what I told you from the very beginning. (Claiming the state has a lack of evidence.)

If you hate her, if you think she is a lying *advertiser censored*, you will start to think maybe I've seen something that wasn't there. This has less to do with evidence and more to do with who she is.

You all sat here and so some bizarre things that have been going on long before Casey was ever born, in her early life. this is not stuff that is a new. There is something wrong here, something not right. This is what makes that behavior relevant. But at the end of the day it is irrelevant. But we still need to learn how did she die. Do not speculate as to that fact.

I want to start with the car. What is unique about the car, it does not shed any light on how Caylee died. all of this discussion that came around that seemed irrelevant evidence had to do with the car. Because what the court does it answers how Caylee may or may not have been transported. It does not say how she died.

We weren't going to allow the state to put a square peg in a round hole. who had possession of the car, all the time. was actually a body in the back of the car? does the court tell us how Kaylee died? No. Casey acted inappropriately, she should've called the police; not attempt to block this out. There is no doubt about that. That issue was never debated. But if there are crimes associated with those acts, the state has the ability to charge her with whatever crime, they don't have the right to overcharge her, and make it something it is not, just because everyone wants to know. This case is some mystery. We got tons and tons of evidence that shows how it influenced people's actions from both sides. But we do not know what actually occurred.

I want to start off with the issue of the call. [To white board ...]
I used these boards in my opening statements. I think going back to them is a good idea. You recall how Kaylee was last seen on June 16, by George Anthony on the testimony of George A. the indictment reads from June 15, and it raises the question whether the state of Florida believes that she was...
Look at the indictment, look at all of the instructions. Tony testified Casey ran out of gas and Tony went to help her get gas. They went to the Anthony home and in the back of the backyard there is a shed where they got the gas. You'll recall his testimony that when they went to pour the gas, Casey did not say don't get near my trunk. They poured the gas in the car, open the trunk. If she had a body in the car she would've told Tony hey take care of it. If the body had been in the car, this young man would've smelled it. Why didn't he smell it? that's because the court didn't smell at that time.

You also remember a young lady, one of Tony Lazzaro's friends girlfriend. She said she had been in Casey's car, remember they all went to McDonald's? Maria Maria and her boyfriend sat in the backseat, but she did not smell decomposition, yet two years later it still smelled.

then you recall the incident with the gas can. George reported it missing on June 24. I labored over these gas cans during the trial, who in the world would put gas cans there? How many times has someone in the United States called the police to say someone stole gas cans from me? it is not a coincidence. You couldn't have odds worse than the lottery, that's how bad it is.

Then on the 30th, recall Mr. Simon Birch testified the tow yard sent out a notice. What happened this entire week? why did Mr. Anthony wait until the 15th to pick up the car? why? remember this fact, Mr. Birch said when Mr. A went to pick up the car, he showed up with a gas can. he knew the car was then that the Amsot for three days. When Mr. Anthony her this testimony he got up on the stand and said he found out it was there for three days when he got to work. how when the world did Mr. Burch know that the car had been at the Amscot lot for three days?and when he got there you'll remember it smelled the smell of death. A smell you never forget. And of course George do whatever responsible parent would do, just go home and go to work. Nothing. No call to find out if my daughter is alive, who hasn't been seen since 24 June. No call to see if my granddaughter is alive. He didn't do any of those things.

The state's evidence doesn't make sense. if they had spent as much time following George Anthony as they dig Casey they would've found out a whole lot more.
Michael Vincent says he smelled a dead body. Mr. Arpad Vass, Cindy Anthony, she said so because this was her third goal and she wanted the police to come. Mr. Birch did make a statement until nine days later. We have George Anthony, and Neil Haskell, the $40,000 man who explained several theories. The manager at the Amscot lot. She smelled garbage. Tony Lazzaro, he got the gas can for Casey and was right near the trunk. A police officer who picked up the car. Maria ?? who sat in the backseat with her boyfriend, she didn't smell it either. Sgt. Hosey ??? it was at the home, he didn't think it was suspicious to call the crime scene investigator. Why? Because the trash was a plausible alternative. he thought that was probably the source of the odor. The young man who handcuffed Casey, Yuri M. who was the lead detective, did nothing. Brandon Fletcher, a corporal who did not smell anything. Adriana >>> did not smell anything. I know you heard a lot of evidence that the smell and the car. Once you hear the list of how many people you have to eliminate ... even if you look at all these people and give them the benefit of the doubt you still have a lot of people who smelled nothing. You have to have some doubt. This is a significant amount of people from various backgrounds. You may have some reasonable doubt as to who smelled what.

the state of Florida presented to you a neighbor by the name of Brian Berner. This individual is a heavyset guy became a peer and he testified that Casey borrowing the shovel. if you remember his testimony, the police asked him to shut his eyes, and Mr. Berner didn't see what was done with the shovel. the state wants you to believe that Casey in broad daylight attempted to bury her child in the backyard. That doesn't even pass muster at all. Mr. Ashton said she buried her like she buried her pets. I'll get back to that in a minute. They are saying speculate now. Let's go speculate as to what happened with the shovel. You can easily speculate and try to open up the shed to get the gas can. You can easily speculate that she was doing whatever ... we brought you the people from the FBI of the shovel, the state didn't. The shovel had no evidence, no hair, no DNA, there is no evidence. So the state besides to just speculate. That's illegal.

This evidence was changed. This evidence was altered. you know what foods in there. The state wanted to dry it out. They don't want any other evidence to come out as to what actually was in that car. of course you can find anything. It was altered. It isn't something a police officer is supposed to do, or a crime scene investigator. They should be preserving evidence. so you can make an intelligent examination of the evidence.
Defense closing argument:

It was no stain in the back of the core. there were no maggots. the score was 10 years old and of hundreds of owners, three owners in this family, those stains were there long before June 16, 2008. You heard testimony about that about those stains, and all they want to give you is, stare a little harder. this prosecution is all about desperation. Nothing except desperation.

Rely on what you heard in the court.

We had dr Haskell testify. He and Dr. Huntington or both forensic anthropologists. they both testified that an insect like a fruit fly develops if you leave fruit in your car for too long. Dr. Huntington said in fact last week that he found a blowfly and his house last week. Dr. Huntington said you can clean the stain out with paper towels. If there had been any evidence on those paper towels I guarantee you that would have been the first thing the state said about the towels. The state hopes if you took up maggots there must've been a dead body.

If the state had taken DNA from those maggots, they would've had all of their answers. And of course none of that ever occurred here. No answers, more speculation. it is difficult to talk about maggots in a case like this but it is necessary. We have to find where the truth lies. And the truth proves there is absolutely nothing in the back of that car that points to decomposition. they want you to take a leap of faith into a place you should not go.

The next thing the state did is they talk to you about hair. And they had a young man from the FBI and we can say that the FBI lab is probably the most advanced lab in the country. And they are scientists. That's what you sow more FBI says from the defense them for the state. why? if this is a search for the truth lies important information being withheld? This is not about a search for the truth. Both of these witnesses would only go so far. they spoke about the banding that is found in the hairs, they cannot say came from a dead body. The reason is the science is just not far enough for them to know. They conducted the study right after they gave the deposition, Steven Shaw did a study on environmental effects on hair. The first study was done by a grad student from John Jay University. they would not get on the standards they came from the dead body. They know that the science is still in its ongoing phase and they had similar effects that signified postmortem root banding. that's not science. That's not something you can rely on. What's more important is to know how long that here was in the back of the car. One thing we do know is, you're only talking about one hair. they went crazy trying to find more hairs, and they did find more hairs, they found hundreds of hairs, and only one hair showed that death band. they hope to throw enough against the wall to see if it sticks, right down to their cause of death. One day was chloroform, today it is duct tape.

Then we get to chloroform. I have to tell you when I first heard chloroform being mentioned in this case, I thought to myself this has to be a joke. Chloroform was discussed in this case by Dr. Vass. And what happened was when he testified that the reason a progressed was the chloroform levels were unusually high. That was quite a moment in the courtroom. for this forensic anthropologist, NOT A CHEMIST, Dr. Vass is not a chemist.
Totally attempting to discredit Dr. Vass.

The next witness, a chemist, said there were low leve3ls consistent with cleaning products. if you believe Dr. Vass, you have to believe that Dr. Rickenbacker was not telling the truth. What is an FBI lab the other is a research lab. They are totally different.

Dr. Michael Sigman (sp???) from the National Center of Forensic Science said the main compound was gasoline. he was hired by the state of Florida, not by the defense.

The only defense expert you heard was Dr. Furton, but we had to call them off, we had to bring him to you. Why? Is this a straight up prosecution? are they giving you everything you need? these are things you have to consider. The lack of evidence. Take a look at it and wonder why some of these things were gone after.
is that justice? is that awareness is a sin deserves in our country, and the state of Florida? I tell you is that it isn't,. It's unacceptable. And when the truth surfaces, it hurts a lot more than the single lie.

Dealing with Dr. Vass, you heard that he had a financial motive, this device that he is trying to create that he sells to law enforcement across the country and across the world, ...
this is the kind of nonsense that Dr. Vass brought to you. this is the desperation, the level of absurdity that they brought here. They will take it to the next level. It is a fantasy of forensics.

The state wants to create things for want? the camera? To them it is all about winning.

I want to take you to what I think the evidence showed in this case, where it reached its most outrageous level: the computer searches. Sgt. Senger in Aug 2008 used a software Metanalysis. the report shows chloroform was searched one time. Sgt. Senger then testified in his report and tries out a new software. What happens? He can't get it to work. I have this high profile case and I can't get it to work. Mr. Bradley said he stayed up three nights trying to get it to work. And they come back with 84 searches for chloroform. What was odd it was a jaw-dropping moment for me. Because I know I couldn't miss that. They went back and we finally realized the meta-analysis report, this man not only testified about what was there but he also testified that somebody else's report. You'll remember when I asked him about the report, he told me this is not my report. He said no. this report was done Friday, June 30, 2011. We're already well into this. Case in the state of Florida causes men to testify after this report is dated 2008. This is fraud. They are just trying to pull a fast one.

this is not true evidence. This is not true evidence. This is not the truth. A human life lies in the balance, you're about to make the biggest decision of your life and you're being asked to take someone's life and this is the type of adventure given. I suspect that when the prosecution get back up they will tell you which rely on. but this is the true number. This was Myspace, 84 times a search for MySpace. we called the man who wrote the report. Why does the defense have to call witnesses, police officers, to testify and tell you the truth, to This is outrageous. Why is it our job to bring these things to light. this is a murder case. they are hoping you'll buy the chloroform? they are hoping? where do they get this stuff from? How can they ask you this? it's junk. It doesn't even work. Why did the creator of the software not issue a report? No one's going to prosecute him for perjury. There was no person searching 84 times for chloroform.
the MySpace posting of Ricardo Morales. Ricardo posted this on his MySpace at the same exact time he was dating Casey Anthony. If you don't know what chloroform is, it beckons the curiosity of what exactly chloroform is. Especially in someone that is shown. It is not unreasonable for a young woman to research something like this based on a boyfriend's interest. I hate him

Then comes the issue of Cindy Anthony. We all knew Cindy Anthony in 2009 searched for chloroform. The state went out and tried to spend their entire rebuttal case to prove her liar. It has been clear throughout this case. But there is one thing you cannot deny. MySpace goes before the Google search. When Miss Burdick question Ms. Anthony she said chloroform 84 times. how is that proof? how can I come before you? phantom stickers, phantom stains, no real hard evidence. No fingerprints, no DNA. But she is a liar and a slot. She made some stupid decisions and she needs to pay for it for the rest of her life? this case is that of control. And it is true that Casey made some bad decisions, but it doesn't have to continue. It doesn't have to be presented this way. It doesn't have to come out this way. Let the nonsense stop right now. this is what they want you to render a verdict on, for you to say I want see some evidence, conclusive proof, and on something so serious I can reject part of I can reject the whole thing.

There is a legal standard here. If you go to a restaurant and find a bug in your meal, you send it back. that has been the situation right here and now. A situation so serious, you can never take it back, you can never say all Your Honor I made a mistake, or owe your honor I change my mind. Once you make up your mind it's done. That's why we have the standard of reasonable doubt.

That stain that never was is reasonable doubt. It's all reasonable doubt. if you don't know what happened, that's it. It was once it's proven to you, that's it, it's over. It's not guilty on every count. That's what our law is. All the emotion all the anger can never change that. That's how we have for society. To make the law equal for everyone. That's what we have, and you've got to follow it. Not myself not Mr. Ashton, not Miss Burdick, you follow the law. Not anything less, because we will not discuss anything less.

Stops. New chart up.
Discussing heart sticker.

Do you recall Mr. Murdock who processed the scene. The sticker was nothing like the stickers found that the home. there will also Mickey Mouse stickers, all sorts of stickers and I try to tell you that this Dick girl that was found with trashes dumped, across from an elementary school, how unusual they are going to find a sticker 30 feet away? but that doesn't matter because if you remember asked when to agree that this area as a dump, playing on your motion again. What way did they-from you? Why did the defense call a document examiner for the FBI and she saw no sticker or sticker fragments on any of the items. if you rely on your ankle or rely on your frustration, then yes you can make this webpage fit. And yes you can maybe make one of these stickers look like one of these. This is outrageous. This is the quality of the evidence put before you.

if this investigation was open-minded, not just reminder within 24 hours, and that's what happened here she was arrested within 24 hours, today it's most like a dead body, forget everybody who saw it and smelled it and didn't think it smelled like a dead body, because we don't want anybody thinking this was trash that smelled.

Let's stretch the truth here. How this evidence presented to you? what about all the beer bottles next to the body? Why weren't they presented? they were out there. That's the kind of evidence you have to render your verdict on.

Then we come to Dr. G. the medical examiner.she told you that she didn't autopsy on the remains. This child had no broken bones, no evidence of trauma at all, she did all the pathological examinations and tests that she could. you have the test for chloroform, negative. Toxicological tests, negative. Cause of death unknown. Dr. G as a little leeway with the manner of death. The injury was reported-- you don't need to be a doctor reported that. the body was found in a wooded area. The tape appears to be applied to the lower face. Appears? you don't need to be doctor to render that opinion either. they can't establish the cause of death.
they didn't find anything whatsoever having to do with chloroform. But they were hoping. Let's hope.

If that wasn't enough, Dr. G's real purpose was to tell you how Caylee's remains were treated afterwards. Dr. Warren was a real fantasy man. he showed you a video of a smiling Casey and Caylee with duct tape that he got off of the Internet, includes the duct tape in Photoshop, and there you go. The new murder weapon of the week. he showed you that video for one reason and one reason only.

Dr. Spitz didn't have the same opinion as Dr. G. Dr. G. said it was homicide, Dr. Spitz had no opinion because of her relationship with the media and law enforcement. The politics of the Medical Examiner's Office played out here. Dr. Spitz did a full autopsy, they can say all they want. They found that Caylee's remains did not decompose in the manner or state that Mr. Kronk proposed. He had 60,000 autopsies under his belt. I would tend to believe him over an anthropologist. You can look at his qualifications and decide for yourself. You can decide whether he was more qualified and Dr. G. in cross, Mr. Ashton questioned him on the facts. This is a man of science who did a complete autopsy. That what might've happened or could have happened to Caylee.

he told you that when you open up the skull and if the person has died of suffocation there's discoloration in the back of the ears. He told you it didn't happen in this case. It's not hoping, it's not guessing. Why not open up the skull if you trying to get to the truth? specially if there was something that can help you get to the truth. Mr. Ashton tried to get him to talk about things outside of science. This area was referred to as the swamp. You also have the issue with Mr. Kronk, skulls rolling out a bag, they're inside a bag, they're outside of bags. I can't believe that evidence would be manipulated that way. But that's not so far-fetched. Is there evidence on this? No. I won't go there for. But if you're going to entertain manipulation of evidence by the state you need to know exactly what is true and what is not.
The judge has been instructing that this is the law. the defendant is not required to prove anything. It is a right given to each and every citizen. We all share this inalienable right. I told you that Casey reacts the way she does MIs because of the environment she was brought up in. A dysfunctional family, one of secrets and lies, and I showed you this photo. You heard it testified to many times in this case. GA says she looked this way because she was working out a lot. Cindy even stood here and looked over Casey asked to return to the site. She side turned to the side I can see. I don't think you can believe they didn't know she was pregnant. You heard Lee A. and the bizarreness of the entire situation, the lie that testify on the stand. you can reject all of the testimony.

by the end of this case the state is impeaching her. They want you to think she's a liar. Although please remember what she said for us. Believe her that sometimes and not in others. That's unacceptable, that's not true. And that's not what you render a just verdict on.

Want to show you the world Casey Anthony lived in. You remember her imaginary friends? We had Zanny from 2006. she used to date Jeffrey Hopkins. Zanny had long black hair and great white teeth. Her family is wealthy and they come from New York and the Carolinas in Miami. Jeffrey Hopkins was a trust fund baby. He had a child named Zach, the Anthony's invited him over for barbecues and numerous times. Zachary used to play with Caylee. Zanny's mother was Gloria Fernandez, she had heart issues. Then there was Juliette Lewis. she and Cindy waited for an hour and a half for Julia Louis but she never showed up. Not waiting for 10 min., not 20 min., but an hour and a half. And this has nothing to do with Caylee's death. This is just something that doesn't add up. This is something that just is not right. And Juliet had a baby named Annabelle. you heard about Raquel Farrell, another roommate of the nanny. And then the guy who was maybe Kaylee's father died in a motorcycle accident. [names other names]. Her office at Universal Studios did not exist. Should work police officers down the hallway to the left and got there and couldn't go any further. At that point the police should have seen a realize something is wrong with this girl. This is not just someone lying, we need to handle this investigation in a different manner.

If you fed the drunk guy on the street and just lost his job, you wouldn't treat him the same way Casey Anthony. You step back and handle individuals individually. All the signs were there. Everything she was saying just didn't add up. Casey had plenty of opportunity to hop on a plane and go and tell George and Cindy will never see your granddaughter again. End of story.

People won't just stopped asking for Caylee that wasn't going to happen. If a person lives in this kind of world, this coverup makes more sense. a normal person could grieve. But if you don't have a healthy environment that you listen, you handle things different. You'd lie, you'd go out dancing.

I'm not proud of the way Casey behaved. no one can justify her actions. But she did not commit murder. But you understand a little bit better.

At first glance you would say the cases lies are nonsense.but you get to understand that it's not nonsense. It's not right, but it makes sense. She wanted her freedom? is that what you do to get your freedom you kill somebody? she had no motive. Casey treated Caylee well. She loved that child. no one came in here and said Casey was a horrible mother. Remember the time Caylee was running for the pool and Casey had to run stop her? she stopped her from drowning and saved her. All you heard was that Casey was nothing but a good mother.

This is not consistent with a person in a murder. This is not consistent with aggravated child abuse. This is an unprovable case because it's not true. they couldn't give you the answers because it's not true.
Talking about the ladder being left up. The denial that Cindy must be in. Remember that. . They had a memorial. They televised it. And they cremated her. Then she comes in here two years later and said up to six weeks before she still thought Caylee was alive. there were no safety locks. Caylee could easily open the door.

you heard Cindy say on 17 June that she went to work and told people that the latter being up on the pool. Why would you do that? That's an odd thing to tell people? what are the odds for her to go to work on the 17th and say that the latter was up on the pool, the day before Caylee died. This happened long before the police were called.

you heard both George and Cindy talk about how Caylee could get out of the house very easily. And you heard have Caylee would wake George up very early in the morning, after some reason she wasn't being watched that morning. But Casey and George were home, and something happened.

Caylee was reported missing on July 16. Cindy told YM about the pool ladder and the pool. In the shocking thing is he had the opportunity to go back to the jail and asked Casey do you know what happened, but he never did. He never investigated this case is an accident. And that's why this case turned out the way it did. Because LE didn't want to look at every possible alternative. They felt they had a murder case and that was it.

There's nothing sexy about a drowning. And they didn't care.

We were able to uncover something that was highly unusual. and we were able to find an actual photo of Caylee opening that sliding-glass door. Casey took hundreds and hundreds of pictures Kaylee, even in mundane places and situations. This was a precious child. There's the proof that she could easily get outside. And were able to find a photograph of a year earlier, of how easily Caylee could get up the ladder. look at how far Cindy is holding her, and look what Caylee is doing. This is what you love to do, this is what she wanted to do all the time. these photographs tell the truth, they are documented moments in time, they show there is a reasonable hypothesis to evidence. and that's where the state failed. They cannot rebut this. They can't do it. They can say all they want about chloroform and duct tape, that where was, but they cannot answer how did she die. We're back to that one question. How did she die? Where did she die? when did she die? why did she die? Because Casey wanted to go party?

it all makes sense and this is the only explanation that makes sense. these people were different. This girl is different. And this is the only rational explanation of all of it, and that is because this is what happened Caylee and the moment the state failed to rebut this, they set for themselves and impossible task. Dr. G said the cause of death was unknown. the state does not have the right overcharge or for manslaughter or murder or aggravated child abuse. None of these crimes and before you. None of them except the most serious, and I think you all know the reasons why. We've lost our senses is here.
One piece of evidence can tell you so much, can tell you what happened here. And there are so many lies surrounding it. (He is showing the gas can with the duct tape).

The woman at the command center said George used to duct tape. [shows new board]

Look at that duct tape. It was almost a whole roll. And Mr. Ashton was correct when he said this was rare duct tape. George Anthony took the stand and I asked him where did the duct tape come from? he even denied with the video of his using the duct tape was taken. He can't tell the truth at all. He wanted to pass it off on someone else.

He was not cross-examined on this topic. He did say that during his deposition that was not this gas can, but then when it was our case and the photo was in evidence and I can show you the deposition transcript, he said yeah that's the one they showed me during the deposition. They are saying he was shown a different photograph. This is not a game. he lied to you about this gas. He lid to Mr. Ashton. During cross-examination, I impeached him on the testimony. regarding the duct tape on the vent. He denied putting duct tape on the vent. But when it was taken from home the duct tape was not on the can. His lyng. Here's the photograph. What is he lying about that duct tape? He knows he is the only one connected to the duct tape. that duct tape was his. George the only one who had a roll of duct tape. what is this gas can so Important to him. they can't hide behind the duct tape. Casey has been in jail for 2 to 3 weeks before that duct tape was photographed by the media.
JB: The duct tape wasn't photographed until August. Cold hard evidence pointing to one person. The truth is the truth, and depending on who's asking the questions, whether it's this laughing guy right here [pointing to Ashton] or ...

JVM says she has never seen such a level of vitriol in closing statements.
HHJP accepts the apologies but says if it happens again the attorney will be excluded from the courtroom. "Enough is enough."
Jury returned to courtroom.

Defense called to continue.

JB: As laid out during the course of this trial, there is doubt here, there were some things that just do not add up. You learned how the Anthony family buried their heads. George however have a little amnesia. He seems to forget what Cindy and Lee clearly remember.

why did George never tell police about the way they buried their pets. Three years go by and there is no mention, there's a chance to save his daughter's life, why would somebody use three pieces of duct tape? One was found 6 1/2 feet away. You recall that it was said to be attached to the hair of Caylee. There was significant movement of bone, one was found under 4 inches of muck. it's also not reasonable to accept Georgians lies about this duct tape. I am in no way suggesting that George Anthony killed Caylee. There is no evidence of any murder in this case. And that has been our position from the very beginning. this was an accident that snowballed out of control.

Mr. Anthony has on numerous occasions had the opportunity to come up here and tell the truth, but given every opportunity he lied. He played games with the photographs. And he refused to be upfront and honest. This man doesn't have an ounce of paternal instinct in him. Not an ounce. this man came up here and almost with a bit of joy testified against his daughter. He didn't attempt to try to protect her. Even Cindy Anthony tried. Lee Anthony was at times the victim. You can see an ounce of that from George. Those were not the actions of the father. He actually smiled. He thought this was funny. And there were times when he broke down. I submit to you we had this young lady come tell you about his displays of affection. They told you that she said she had a brain tumor. she doesn't have a tumor. And he went to her apartment in the day and at night to console her? He has a woman at home to console. Cindy Anthony needed consoling. She kept their relationship private until the police came knocking at her door. That's when she ended up selling her story. He knew he could never deny he had been to taht apartment.
He lied to you. George cares about George, not about his daughter, not about his family, but about George. His suicide note is a self-serving document.

when the police are getting closer and closer to George Anthony gets a six pack of beer and chose some medication and he takes. This whole thing is about oh I'm sorry, that's what George is all about himself. He had a gun. The only reason he got a gun was to get Casey back in jail knowing there were not to be any firearms in the house. This is someone who knows better. These are the rules, the second they're broken she goes back to jail. He didn't care because George cares about George. This is a self-serving document, and it's more of George protecting George, and George throwing Casey under the bus.
Lies are what pumps George and what lives within this family. Casey was raised that way, raised to lie. is it a surprise that she has a fantasy world, that she has all of these imaginary friends? The Anthonys kept getting on the stand, they raised the hand and said I will tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and they lied. but now you're supposed to believe their lies. These are only the lies that were uncovered.

You don't have the information you need to render a just verdict. It's not justice, we were not looking at the entire situation. They should have done more, they should have looked elsewhere. They shouldn't have been trying to put square pegs in round holes. The truth wasn't the truth, there was more to the lies.

You heard DC and Jim Hoover take the stand. You may recall both of these were private investigators for Cindy Anthony. Any sort of video of where they went out searching in November. You may recall DC gave us some comical relief. A strange man say the least. And his partner JH. They went out to search off of Suburban drive. the first time they were looking for did Caylee and DC says it was a psychic that sent me out there. I got the tip from George and Cindy Anthony. Cindy Anthony denies she ever sent them to the woods. George never asked DC when he was out there.

This is the location off of Suburban Drive with the abandoned house--this is the spot that they searched. You remember YM circled this item right here with Caylee was found. CA said she never hired DC. Then you heard LE impeach is mother 30 secs later. Lee said his mother lied. they knew where she was. what were the odds that they would search it the same exact spot where she would be found a month later? How odd is that? is that a coincidence? got something very suspicious going on. Very suspicious. And it has absolutely nothing to do with Casey. What is the truth in all of this? it's not in the forensics.

Remember Caylee was found with no socks or shoes. That is consistent with someone who was at home. She was at home when she died. They didn't recover any shoes off of Suburban drive. She was wearing shorts that she hadn't worn in over six months. They didn't fit anymore. things are just not adding up here. If it is so difficult for you to find the truth, then this case is not proven. There is reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt is throughout the case.
When the state rested its case, we could've said nothing, but you didn't have enough information. [He goes through witnesses the defense called.] We wanted to give you all of the evidence.
Baez says it's difficult for you to peruse the truth, and the case is not proven.
The reason they couldn't prove this case is because it wasn't true. Look at all these tests that they ran. No fingerprints on the duct tape, or even on the gas can. No fingerprints on the duct tape at the scene. No fingerprints on the laundry bag. No DNA on the duct tape, why was there no DNA?
Caylee was excluded, there would've been some material on the tape. There wasn't. We can't find DNA on some duct tape? Not only DNA but fingerprints, and you didn't have that.
No DNA on the paper towels, no DNA in the trunk. no chloroform on the steering wheel. Goes through tests.... Nothing adds to their theory, they only hope. Negative negative negative negative negative.
No prescription or over-the-counter drugs. No hairs showing decomposition the hundreds of other hairs they checked. Was she smart enough to outwit the greatest crime lab of our country? That doesn't sound right. That doesn't make sense. No maggots in the trunk outside of the very few that were in the bag. But remember there was 75 in the bag, why how did they get in there?

No discoloration inside the skull. Dr. Spitz, was very well-qualified, and he testified for you, and told you that the child died of suffocation you would have that. The list goes on and on and on. No cause of death.

it only adds up to one thing. And that is she died by an accident. This was an accident that snowballed out of control.

The defense didn't have to call these people, we have no burden here. He goes through all of the pictures of witnesses and says I'd be willing to bet that most of you don't even remember any of them. Do you remember what these people talked about? But the man who finds the body is never called by the prosecution.

The defense called Roy Kronk. There were very suspicious circumstances surrounding Caylee being found. we never said he packed up her remains and brought them home but there is one thing we did say-- and one thing that is uncontroverted, he knew where she was and I control of that for at least four months.

This is what I showed you at the beginning of this trial, and this is actually what came out. Roy tells his friend sees this skull. and he never says another word about it again. That afternoon he calls 911. And he tells them I found something round and white, he tells him it's a skull. He calls the next day. He gives a more comprehensive description. He said something very interesting-- there was a falling tree there that looks like someone cut it. how would he know so much detail? He says, there was a whiteboard hanging over. this I suggest you as a marker where he might've hit her remains in the tree. However use this tree? is a too heavy for someone who weighs 100 or 105 lbs soaking wet? is a too heavy for some weighs that 200 pounds?

What happened to the whiteboard. It wasn't there on December 11. Casey was already in jail, she was under house arrest and the media was parked outside her house. So somebody move that whiteboard, somebody removed it from that tree.

You never get a second chance at a crime scene. If you want reliable information, it cannot be contaminated.

On the 13th, a police officer meets in there. so RK 10 show him where the bad of bones are. But it wasn't there. RK said the officer was rude to me. Why not grab the bag and go down the block and say news media here it is. Give me a reward, I've got it right here. Something is wrong here. Something is very shady. He called his son about the money, the reward. His son said RK said, I found Caylee. Brian Sparks was estranged, but wanted a relationship with his father ... but he impeached his father's testimony.

On December 11 when he happened to be urinating, RK finds her remains and tells the police in two different statements I picked up the bag a few feet off the ground and the skull fell out.

He never told the police they called several times before. He knows they have the 911 call. He knows the story had changed. He feels he has to play ball. How can you trust anything at that scene if it is staged? Dr. Spitz says her skull was not as they found it. We have RK lying... skull was out of the bag so who put it back in the bag? Those remains were hidden in the bag. This man is lying. How can you rely on any of that evidence? There is something not right here.
We keep getting back to how did Caylee die? You cannot say that this case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no way. It began with a cover-up. It continued with only partial information. You have to know that this case was proven. And you don't have that. You are the ultimate deciders of the facts.

Mr. Mason will come up and speak to about the charges in this case. I thank you all collectively and individually for all the time you given us in the prosecution. And you've been able to give an open mind. I know it has not been easy. There've been times when emotions have gotten high. But you are here to fulfill an oath. We're going to ask you to render a verdict of not guilty on these charges. Because they are not true. Just look at what they have and what they don't have. All of the fantasy in the world does not make it so. All of the lies do not get you any closer to the truth. It can't get any more serious than this. The stakes cannot be any higher. And we ask you to use the law as you have it [not sure of this last line...]
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