NH - Phillip Eisenberg for attacking couple in Rochester home invasion, 2011


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Aug 30, 2008
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This is my son's friend's family.
This "kid" broke into my son's friends uncle and aunt's house and beat them up w/ a bat!!!! :( :(
That's his friend's dad being interviewed on the news.
He could have freaking killed them!!!!!
His aunt had "blows to the head".
OMG.....i'm so......i dunno......
I hope he gets charged for attempted murder or something!!!!
The "kid" looks like a 12 yr old.

This is my son's friend's family.
This "kid" broke into my son's friends uncle and aunt's house and beat them up w/ a bat!!!! :( :(
That's his friend's dad being interviewed on the news.
He could have freaking killed them!!!!!
His aunt had "blows to the head".
OMG.....i'm so......i dunno......
I hope he gets charged for attempted murder or something!!!!
The "kid" looks like a 12 yr old.

Omg. Broke in and attacked them while they were sleeping! Thank God their son woke up.

I never would have guessed he was 17 yo, more like 11 or 12.
I know it's horrible!
Their son is saying stuff like he can't sleep and he can't get the images and screaming out of his head! :(
How horrible for him! For all of them!!!
It's so scary! :(
Oh my gosh! This is horrible, the kid does look really young, WOW!
WTH? What happened here? That's crazy. Thankfully nobody was murdered, but these poor people are going to continue to suffer. Knee surgery is no joke either.

Here's the kids FB in which he thanks everyone for their support. He has some that's for sure, but even members of his family claim they don't know the "why".

Hmmmm, if just going by what kids post on FB this kid rolled his car way back around November. He and the young man named Cox were friends. It looks like the almost murderer was mad at someone for telling on him? It appears his older brother was trying to help the kid somehow or somewhat.
Yeah....the family said it was a friend of the son too. :(
Noone seems to know the motive, but i've heard drug rumors, but we don't really know.
I don't know if i'm allowed to post the son's page or not? He's 18 and his fb page is public.
What do u guys think?
I won't post my friend's page or my son's friend page or anything. My son and his friend are only 14. But the son of the couple this happened to...his page is public and he's 18 i think.
Yikes! Those FB comments are frightening. How anyone can "defend" such a violent and cowardly (attacking people in their sleep) crime is beyond me! I will be very interested to see how this one turns out. He deserves more than a mere slap on the wrist but somehow I get the feeling that's exactly what's coming. (sigh)
Yikes! Those FB comments are frightening. How anyone can "defend" such a violent and cowardly (attacking people in their sleep) crime is beyond me! I will be very interested to see how this one turns out. He deserves more than a mere slap on the wrist but somehow I get the feeling that's exactly what's coming. (sigh)

I know it. It's horrible. You should hear all the details. I don't know how much i'm allowed to say on here about what i know, but it's really insane!!!
I started a support page on fb for the family though.
I hope it helps some.
They are both home now from the hospital recovering, thankfully.
The son will probably need some kind of counceling for what he saw and went through and had to do to save his parent's lives.
He's a hero for sure!
I know it. It's horrible. You should hear all the details. I don't know how much i'm allowed to say on here about what i know, but it's really insane!!!
I started a support page on fb for the family though.
I hope it helps some.
They are both home now from the hospital recovering, thankfully.
The son will probably need some kind of counceling for what he saw and went through and had to do to save his parent's lives.
He's a hero for sure!

What a tragic story. Did they know this kid? I live in NH and am on vacation, didn't see this until tonight. Prayers are with you.
What a tragic story. Did they know this kid? I live in NH and am on vacation, didn't see this until tonight. Prayers are with you.

Yah....the two boys used to be like best friends. :(
I know it. It's horrible. You should hear all the details. I don't know how much i'm allowed to say on here about what i know, but it's really insane!!!
I started a support page on fb for the family though.
I hope it helps some.
They are both home now from the hospital recovering, thankfully.
The son will probably need some kind of counceling for what he saw and went through and had to do to save his parent's lives.
He's a hero for sure!

If it's within board rules, and you feel comfortable about it, please post a link to your FB support page for the family.

I'm really stunned at the level of brutality towards a friend's parents. He could have killed them if the son hadn't intervened! It makes no sense. Has PE been charged yet? Please keep us updated.

Phils myspace, if you scroll thru the stream he mentions frequently not being able to sleep for days on end - could it be a mental health problem?

Nao on his FB page I noticed that as well. Of course not excusing the actions of the guy, but even up to a year ago he mentions not being able to sleep. Mentions being in trouble with his parents quite often. Then the sibling weighed in about he had to get on prescription medicine and told the brother he was self-medicating.

soyesterday knows the true deal I am sure. They mention getting high too. Weed. JMO, but it gets me angry when people say there's no biggie with smoking pot. I'm no goody two shoes that's for sure, but I do know certain people should not be smoking weed at all. Never. Especially someone with what looks like mental health issues. This pot is not our mother's pot. It's a whole other ballgame.

Also I see the attackers mother was checking up on him on FB. He said he was aware she was "stalking" him in cyber space.

You have to be outta your mind to break in a home and beat your friends parents to within an inch of their life in their sleep. He needs to be accountable though no matter what.
Hey guys
The arraignment was today. Hold on. I'll get a link.
K here it is....


It really is so unimaginable to think of that a "kid" could go in and do that to a friend's parents. I mean they talked in the court room today about how he robbed them.....took things from their garage and house, put it in his car, took off his shoes, and then went and got a bat and started beating on his friend's mom first by hitting in the head w/ the bat and her screaming woke up his friend's dad and then he started hitting him w/ the bat and broke his knee, etc. There were many other injuries. All the screaming woke up the son (the ex friend of PE) who had to literally stop the whole thing saving his parent's lives!!!! I mean WHY....that's all i keep thinking.....that's all we all keep thinking.....WHY did he have to go and grab a bat and do that while they were sleeping? He had already robbed them and could have just left!!! What was his reason for trying to kill them??? :(
It was horrible seeing them like that today and the poor son was so quiet just staring off into space today while everyone was hugging him and comforting him as we had to listen to the details all over again. :(
They also have a daughter who is a minor that was there too in her room. :(
I'll get the link to the support page. Just a sec. Way over 500 likes in less than 48 hours of being up! This family has so much support around here. It's amazing! :)
Oh and yes....lots of people around town are saying that he was really into drugs. :(
I think the fosters.com link mentions both of what he's been charged with and stuff about mental health stuff.
They talked about that today in court.
I know it. It's horrible. You should hear all the details. I don't know how much i'm allowed to say on here about what i know, but it's really insane!!!
I started a support page on fb for the family though.
I hope it helps some.
They are both home now from the hospital recovering, thankfully.
The son will probably need some kind of counceling for what he saw and went through and had to do to save his parent's lives.
He's a hero for sure!

The motive will be interesting. Did he just freak out of his mind or was this calculated?

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