Sidebar Discussion #9

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Retired WS Staff
Oct 28, 2009
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Noms for the peeps!


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Now please be nice to each other and keep your posts within WS TOS and Rules please.
Thank you oh great mod in the sky. Now, can you wave your magic wand and zap Jose and FCA into oblivion???
Thank you oh great mod in the sky. Now, can you wave your magic wand and zap Jose and FCA into oblivion???

TO, we have been waving our wands and wishing for zappage for more than a year now. It seems our magic is limited. Thus far we have only succeeded in creating some new Sidebar threads, and we may possibly be involved in causing a tree to fall over into the parking lot behind a Wendy's in Cheboygan this past March.

*waves wand furiously*
After watching JB's interview last nite.. and the one on the view today.. I serious believe He was told to watch it on what he said about the abuse.. He is not saying things in the same way he was a few days ago and It really strikes me as odd..
I think he was warned... not sure by who.. but I think he is trying to be more careful..... Im waiting for the fallout from what he said today compairing casey to real victims.

I also am really offended by him calling Ashton *tourettes boy*... Im wondering if the organizations for people with that affliction or family of those with are aware of his comments.. .. It is really abusive of him to use that in a way that He is .. as a put down.....
If i had it or one of my love ones did.. I would be quite upset.. i wonder what can be done about that if anything..
weeeeeeeeee hopped on YNOT's magic carpet ride......and a bar for drinks...awesome!!!
Thank you YNOT! I needed a stiff drink. I'm bringing this over from the other thread since nobody will read it there, it's the last post and on a new page.

Okay, I went over to to see what was up with that! Oy vey!

I noticed that the name of that site is Creative Loafing. Is that the best place Golenbock could find to spew this bag of refuse? It seems like he and Baez played a game of telephone. Baez told him stuff and he mis-remembered some bits and pieces.

A simple thing, like getting the facts about Casey's employment, or lack thereinof of seems to be out of his range. Let's see. Casey got pregnant, was put on desk duty, had Caylee and just never showed up again. She didn't even bother to quit.

He even says that the allegations of abuse are in the court records! Baez "alluded" to it at trial. Funny, I've read the psych depositions and nothing like this swill is in those documents. The actual reports never made it to the court records because Baez yanked his witnesses!

I could go on, but I'd make myself sick! The only sealed material was made public after the trial, and it wasn't much!
After watching JB's interview last nite.. and the one on the view today.. I serious believe He was told to watch it on what he said about the abuse.. He is not saying things in the same way he was a few days ago and It really strikes me as odd..
I think he was warned... not sure by who.. but I think he is trying to be more careful..... Im waiting for the fallout from what he said today compairing casey to real victims.

I also am really offended by him calling Ashton *tourettes boy*... Im wondering if the organizations for people with that affliction or family of those with are aware of his comments.. .. It is really abusive of him to use that in a way that He is .. as a put down.....
If i had it or one of my love ones did.. I would be quite upset.. i wonder what can be done about that if anything..

It does seem he has cooled on the public accusations against George..I agree he has been told by someone to watch WHAT and HOW he comments on the abuse stuff.

I remember Baez saying in an interview or article, after Ashtons book came out, that he would not stoop to name calling....:floorlaugh:
I will have to find that article..I think it was in the Orlando Sentinel....

Well Baez sure took it up a notch...Ashton's comment about Baez being smarmy is quite nice in comparison to the disparaging remarks made by Baez and crew...
IMO Baez can dish it out but he most definitely CAN NOT take it
Oooooooh. Hey bartender. Make mine a margarita on the rocks with salt. Thanks and keep em coming. Can I carry a tab?
I really can't go along with hoping FCA will screw up again soon, though I think she will. She has already coldly left a long trail of victims behind her; each of her crimes to date has had ugly consequences for innocents.
I really can't go along with hoping FCA will screw up again soon, though I think she will. She has already coldly left a long trail of victims behind her; each of her crimes to date has had ugly consequences for innocents.

I'm not sure that anyone is really hoping that she will screw up again, I think that most of just know that she will. As far as innocent victims left behind her, anyone that she associates with even now is a potential victim already. We know what Casey is like. She lies, steals, does for herself only. That is not going to change.

For me everytime one of these vile people speak, whether in an interview or in print I am so disgusted and feel that they are murderin
g that sweet baby angel all over again. I feel helpless to stop it, I don't know if anyone can. I guess I am hoping for that one detective, one CSI person, one Attorney, one family member to stand up and work tirelessly to expose the truth and go for the long haul until the truth, real truth is there with no guess work. Maybe I am naive, or watch movies , but that one cop, ya know that never gave up on the gut feeling and in the end brought justice to the victim. Even if it is not in the court room, It will be exposed as the real truth to the world. My heart greives every time they open their mouths, to me they are spitting on that sweet baby. jmo
Woohoo! Look at this place...okay kids - now how about us all agreeing we won't draw any caricatures of Baez on the wall for at least a day... or none of those other words we wrote - especially not sayin who - the purple marker sleuth and you know who you are....a graffiti free day at the sidebar...teehee - not a chance of that!

Let er rip with the verbal comments and I"ll have a beer please - too hot for something as high class as a glass of wine....wonderful - cold beads on the glass....
Watching BW and Joy B fawning over JB this morning made me sick.
I thought of an apt quotation :-
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Joy Behar and Barbara Walters should be ashamed of themselves for what they did today - praising this liar, when they know as well as I he has covered up Caylee's murder since day one. I sincerely hope that if any family member of theirs is ever murdered and dumped where no one can find them until evidence is all gone, that some TV celebrity wines and dines the lawyer
representing the killer..
Watching the View interview now (not finished yet) and Jose claims that Caylee went swimming every morning. I don't remember hearing that before. Is this a new claim or did I forget that it had been said before?
Watching the View interview now (not finished yet) and Jose claims that Caylee went swimming every morning. I don't remember hearing that before. Is this a new claim or did I forget that it had been said before?

I think how it went was that she went swimming with Cindy in the evening when Cindy came home from work...
Thank you YNOT! I needed a stiff drink. I'm bringing this over from the other thread since nobody will read it there, it's the last post and on a new page.

Okay, I went over to to see what was up with that! Oy vey!

I noticed that the name of that site is Creative Loafing. Is that the best place Golenbock could find to spew this bag of refuse? It seems like he and Baez played a game of telephone. Baez told him stuff and he mis-remembered some bits and pieces.

A simple thing, like getting the facts about Casey's employment, or lack thereinof of seems to be out of his range. Let's see. Casey got pregnant, was put on desk duty, had Caylee and just never showed up again. She didn't even bother to quit.

He even says that the allegations of abuse are in the court records! Baez "alluded" to it at trial. Funny, I've read the psych depositions and nothing like this swill is in those documents. The actual reports never made it to the court records because Baez yanked his witnesses!

I could go on, but I'd make myself sick! The only sealed material was made public after the trial, and it wasn't much!

Creative Loafing around here is a take away free paper that you get at restaurants. Local news/music scene/book reviews. hmmmnnn...
Sherri also asked "How is she supporting herself?" Jose answers "Off the charity of others and I'm afraid that one day that will end."

Don't worry Jose, Casey knew how to steal from others long before you came into the picture and I'm sure she hasn't forgotten how to do it. Besides, Cindy will continue to make sure she has money available to her, even if it has to come from another stolen credit card again.

Elizabeth asks "Is she a danger to herself?" Jose answers "Not the Casey that I knew."

Well of course she isn't. She loves herself over all others. Besides, those "mental issues" that Jose and Casey claim are real are really just another huge lie told to the world in hopes of some sort of forgiveness or sympathy to Casey.

Woohoo! Look at this place...okay kids - now how about us all agreeing we won't draw any caricatures of Baez on the wall for at least a day... or none of those other words we wrote - especially not sayin who - the purple marker sleuth and you know who you are....a graffiti free day at the sidebar...teehee - not a chance of that!

Let er rip with the verbal comments and I"ll have a beer please - too hot for something as high class as a glass of wine....wonderful - cold beads on the glass....

Ooops. Anybody have any of that cleaner? Somebody was writing in the bathroom stalls. :innocent:
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