GUILTY PA - Nathalyz Rivera, 3, starved to death, Philadelphia, 9 Sept 2013


Jun 13, 2007
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Dear God almighty.

Nathaliaz Rivera one of five children was starved to death and at three years old weighed only 11 pounds. Police said it is one of the very worse cases of child abuse they have ever seen.

Poor baby also had bruises which may be from mice or fleas.

Presently police are looking for her father who is shown in mugshot at link.

RIP sweet little one.

This dear baby girl also has a twin. She also had serious medical issues, but had not been to a Doctor for at least a year.
It's too bad the death penalty is applied so rarely in Pennsylvania.

He sounds like a good candidate.
Relief.....I hope the two of them and anyone in close proximity to those beautiful children are questioned. Over and Over and Over again.
So did they starve to death their disabled child then? Again, no words.

I seem to recall a case in TX where Mom drove her blind deaf paralyzed toddler out to a fairly deserted road and left him under a bush.

There cant be an explanation. Please LE, please haul everyone in. All adults with access to this family. True access.

Apparently both parents are now charged.

And, of course, DHS has a history with this "family", dating back to before Nathalyz was born.

Oh, and - surprise! Neighbors interviewed spoke of problems, including a fight between the parents wherein the front windows were all busted out....the kids were dirty and thin and rarely seen out playing. And, the topper :

Dangerfield said that on Saturday night, she heard crying through the wall.

"The baby cried for about an hour and a half," she said. "Just cried constantly."

Really?? REALLY?????
My 3 month old weighs more than that. How the hell do you sit there and starve your child, then listen to them scream for an hour, likely in intense pain, and do nothing until they are already dead?

I lose a little more faith in humanity every single day. Someone had to know. This didn't happen overnight. Someone besides her parents saw her getting weaker every day and did nothing.
RIP poor little baby girl. I am sorry that you were not loved and cherished - your life was much too short and I believe you suffered much too long. Someone should have intervened on behalf of these children - Unfortunately, it took a tragedy to get action, too late for the poor little angel that was unloved.
There's three photos of this sweet little girl at link. Two of them as an infant. Warning enough to make you weep.

Photos of "parents" as well.

Next door neighbor was attacked by their pitbull and the mother told her they'd pay her medical bill. Also, told her that her baby girl was blind and had Down Syndrome.

Not at link, but on local news this house was so bad they were in Hazmat suits and at times not even going inside as it was that bad.

Relatives knew. Neighbors knew. NO ONE DID A THING. These people were on CPS' radar.

Mom apparently was out partying at casinos and nightclubs, using the kids' government checks to fund her lifestyle. Dad worked "odd jobs" and occasionally threw the kids a pizza and (maybe?) some formula for the little angel who was so disabled she was unable to lift her arms to hold a bottle.

Fail. Fail. Fail.

I'm so angry.

Apparently both parents are now charged.

And, of course, DHS has a history with this "family", dating back to before Nathalyz was born.

Oh, and - surprise! Neighbors interviewed spoke of problems, including a fight between the parents wherein the front windows were all busted out....the kids were dirty and thin and rarely seen out playing. And, the topper :

Dangerfield said that on Saturday night, she heard crying through the wall.

"The baby cried for about an hour and a half," she said. "Just cried constantly."

Really?? REALLY?????

Sweet Mother of God! What about extended family????? Friends of the parents??? Someone had to have noticed how incredibly small this child was??? No one even gave this little girl a second thought? God bless you little one. May you find the true carefree happiness of childhood in heaven.
I am so angry and feel ill! That poor sweet little girl :( I just want to scoop her up, cuddle her and give her all the love she needed.
I am so sick after reading this..This poor baby RIP little one. You are whole and healthy in gods arms.

What about the boy in Camden chained to the radiator for 2 weeks..

I don't know what's wrong with these people. Maybe there should be a standing $5,000. reward to anyone who turns in a abusive parent or care giver..
I am so sick after reading this..This poor baby RIP little one. You are whole and healthy in gods arms.

What about the boy in Camden chained to the radiator for 2 weeks..

I don't know what's wrong with these people. Maybe there should be a standing $5,000. reward to anyone who turns in a abusive parent or care giver..

A reward. You know people would be calling, G. They'd call on themselves if they could get $5,000.

Both sets of "parents" donning not too inexpensive Phillies caps and such in some of the photos from Camden and here. Throw your kids a pizza and maybe a bottle once in awhile for your starving three year old, but you got yourself a da*n hat.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Relatives knew. Neighbors knew. NO ONE DID A THING. These people were on CPS' radar.

You'd have a better chance of finding Elvis alive than DHS following up on a case from five years ago. They're overwhelmed from cases from this year alone.

In all fairness I wouldn't judge the neighbors too harshly. I think they said they lived in that house for about a year? Most likely prior to that they had people move in and out all the time. Unless you're a Native to that block people have no clue who is doing what here. No idea who has how many kids and who belongs to who, and how old they are. Basically they just knew the other children were beautiful, but very dirty.

In no way excusing anyone who knew this sweet child was three years old and starving. Poor little one was seldom seen and her siblings only occasionally. They hadn't even been to school in two years. Therefore the neighbors had no clue and if anything believed what the mother told them.
Filly, I get what you're saying. BUT.

They'd lived at the house for four years, neighbors had complained to the landlord about how poorly the house was kept up (i.e. the window-breaking fight....also the rear roof was caving in, iirc)....

And the darn neighbors that have been talking to reporters have actually said that they rarely saw the kids, when they did see them, they looked pale and thin, dirty, etc. The one lady talked about hearing the baby crying endlessly through the wall that separates her house from theirs. People knew the kids were being left home alone.

People knew. Apparently no one actually cared. Not enough to do something, say something, call somebody. Nobody cared but plenty of people knew bad things were happening to those kids.

Relatives knew. They talked about the baby being sick and not looking well when the mother had her out at a family shindig (and was attempting to feed her mashed potatoes, I believe...)

I give up on CPS in Philly. I had hope when the caseworker-idiots were sentenced in Danieal Kelly's horrific death....hope that things might change.

Guess not.
Raise my taxes, get a kitty going, print up some "Perhaps You Shouldn't Procreate" pamphlets, and start handing out voluntary vasectomies and tubal ligations.

I hope that the surviving children can find some sort of normal life, away from the absolute-wastes-of-flesh-inhumane 'parents'.

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