The Bloody Sock


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I can't understand how the sock ended up outside trail of blood, not one drop. How & why did she deposit it there?

I know all of the evidence points to her, I am a VERY prosecution biased person. For some reason I just don't feel she did it. Something just isn't right.:snooty: I don't know what it is exactly.....but...
No matter who did the murders, I still have trouble with the sock. Why would one sock end up in the alley no matter who did it? And why just 2 drops of blood? (I think that's what it was). OTOH, I don't have any trouble thinking Darlie is guilty... as I said, the sock is confusing anyway. It seems staged but it's not my idea of very good staging. Heck, who's to say the police would find it for certain?
Linda, here's a quote I read today that pretty well sums it up for me, as far as Darlie being guilty:

"If Ms. Routier didn't commit this crime, what a fortunate assailant there must be running around this desolate Texas neighborhood. He goes in and brutally murders two children. He slashes their mother's throat as they're struggling face to face. He drops the knife and she wipes off his prints. He runs away, but leaves Darlie alive - the one woman who could identify him, and send him to the gas chamber. Then, d'oh, she gets amnesia and can't remember what he looks like. This must be the luckiest *advertiser censored* child killer in the universe."

That says it all for me! Damn lucky killer.
Linda7NJ said:
I can't understand how the sock ended up outside trail of blood, not one drop. How & why did she deposit it there?

I know all of the evidence points to her, I am a VERY prosecution biased person. For some reason I just don't feel she did it. Something just isn't right.:snooty: I don't know what it is exactly.....but...
There are really only two pieces of evidence that tell us beyond any reasonable doubt that she is the killer.

1. The fiber on the bread knife. Microscopically it is the same size, substance, etc. as a fiber from the screen, and there is NO other explanation for how it got there. That knife cut that screen. Who else but Darlie had access to that knife. Certainly not an intruder.

2. The blood drops on Darlie's shirt. It is cast off blood, cast off of the murder weapon as it was raised to stab those kids. I have seen Dr Henry Lee conduct the same tests to determine cast off blood in two other murder cases. It is not just some wacky test Bevel thought up on his own. It is a generally accepted test that most forensic experts use to determine the paths blood takes as it is cast off of murder weapons. Plus I have never seen any defendant come up with some other explanation for how the blood could travel the path it does that exonerates the defendant. If it was so impossible as Darlie's defense wants us to believe, there should be all kinds of scientific theories to thwart Bevel's conclusions even if her attys were idiots.

We can toss around the mysteries all we want, but we can't ignore the bottom line. Throw out everything else and you still have the above in big flashing lights.
Linda7NJ said:
I can't understand how the sock ended up outside trail of blood, not one drop. How & why did she deposit it there?

I know all of the evidence points to her, I am a VERY prosecution biased person. For some reason I just don't feel she did it. Something just isn't right.:snooty: I don't know what it is exactly.....but...
Goody(I think) and I have discussed that the sock is not a plant. It only had 2 dots of blood on it and did nothing for her or against her. A better plant would have been in the Routier's backyard, since the story goes the "intruder/s" escaped thru the garage window. That might have helped her defense, MAYBE. The sock was found near a sewer drain and near a trash can. I think either Darlie or Darin threw it towards the drain and can to dispose of the sock, but missed. Either they didn't notice in the darkness or panicked as time slipped away. To me that's the only thing which makes sense. Neither side harped on the sock much because like I said, it did nothing either way. If you study the case you'll see how much forensic evidence there is against Darlie. I bet most DA's wish they had as much evidence as TX had against her.
beesy said:
Goody(I think) and I have discussed that the sock is not a plant. It only had 2 dots of blood on it and did nothing for her or against her. A better plant would have been in the Routier's backyard, since the story goes the "intruder/s" escaped thru the garage window. That might have helped her defense, MAYBE. The sock was found near a sewer drain and near a trash can. I think either Darlie or Darin threw it towards the drain and can to dispose of the sock, but missed. Either they didn't notice in the darkness or panicked as time slipped away. To me that's the only thing which makes sense. Neither side harped on the sock much because like I said, it did nothing either way. If you study the case you'll see how much forensic evidence there is against Darlie. I bet most DA's wish they had as much evidence as TX had against her.
I know it's probably been discussed elsewhere and I'm being a bit dense, but...WHY would Darlie have been so keen to dispose of the sock? Why not just leave it in the room? I accept that she's guilty, don't get me wrong, but this sock thing really bugs me. I just don't understand why she deemed it so necessary to go and dispose of it.
I forget who's blood was on that sock.

If it was Darlie's, she could have given herself a small cut before attacking the boys, and thrown the sock out there in advance of the crime as part of the staging.
HeartofTexas said:
No matter who did the murders, I still have trouble with the sock. Why would one sock end up in the alley no matter who did it? And why just 2 drops of blood? (I think that's what it was). OTOH, I don't have any trouble thinking Darlie is guilty... as I said, the sock is confusing anyway. It seems staged but it's not my idea of very good staging. Heck, who's to say the police would find it for certain?
For a long time I thought the sock was a deliberate plant to mislead the cops, but of late, I am leaning more toward the sock being a mistake. There is not enough blood on it to be a plant. I think what they found on it was very, very minute. It was found near a trash can outside of the man's house that she eventually accused of committing the crime, then had to back down when she realized that he did not fit the physical description she gave the cops. Not even close. There was a gutter right there, too. The police looked down the drain opening but the pipe bent soon after entry, blocking their view to anything thrown down there. They never did open it up and look down the main pipe. So it is possible that the sock was just part of other things that were thrown down the sewer to hide from police, and the sock was just accidentally left behind where it was found. That would certainly explain why Darin got so indignant about the cops not telling them they had found a sock in the alley. His anger seemed so misplaced until I started tossing around the idea that the sock was an "accident" and not an intentional plant.
HeartofTexas said:
Linda, here's a quote I read today that pretty well sums it up for me, as far as Darlie being guilty:

"If Ms. Routier didn't commit this crime, what a fortunate assailant there must be running around this desolate Texas neighborhood. He goes in and brutally murders two children. He slashes their mother's throat as they're struggling face to face. He drops the knife and she wipes off his prints. He runs away, but leaves Darlie alive - the one woman who could identify him, and send him to the gas chamber. Then, d'oh, she gets amnesia and can't remember what he looks like. This must be the luckiest *advertiser censored* child killer in the universe."

That says it all for me! Damn lucky killer.
Not only that, but you can you imagine a couple of thugs running around in a black car, looking for a place to rob or body to rape (depending on the motive you give them). They come up on the Routier house with the street light across the road from the alley entrance and another street light on Eagle Drive across the street from the Routier house and the water fountain in the front yard with three spotlights on it, lighting up the whole front and side of the house. Can't you imagine one saying to the other, "Hey, Joe, this one is great. Look at all the light here. We will be able to see what we are doing." So they roll down the alley 75 feet to Gary what's his faces house and park. One of them goes in (if you use the first version) and the other waits out in the car. He walks down this pretty well lit alley and around the privacy fence toward the driveway beneath the street light that is right there (in fact the driveway is pretty much sandwiched between two street lights, according to Gorsuch, the neighbor) and he goes to the gate that is broken. He struggled with it but he's seen enough wobbly gates in his time to know instinctively how to open it in short order (must lift it up & guide over the concrete). He slips into the back yard, which is partially lit by the street light and follows the walk around to the garage window closest to the house rather than choosing one near the gate where he has the most light. The glass sliding doors are only another couple of steps but doesn't even try to open them. He goes for the window, cutting the screen and then steps into the cluttered and dark garage, twisting his body around the huge cat cage, then follows an angled path between piles of boxes to the utility room door as if he knows the place. Lucky for him the door is unlocked so he just opens it up and steps inside. (He has already pocketed his pocket knife with which he cut the screen). He creeps through the kitchen and grabs a knife from the butcher block on the counter (picks the biggest butcher knife there) and steps into the family room....passing the wallet with the cash and the credit cards, passing the jewelry that is spread out on the counter, and spots the boys sleeping in front of the TV. He immediately stabs them to death and then decides to take care of the mother sleeping on the sofa. He slashes her neck, then gets the heck out of there, going back thru the cluttered and dark garage instead of out the front door or out the sliding doors, which he knows let out right next to the garage window. He manages to get back to the car without leaving the sidewalk in the back yard, which would have tripped the motion detector, turning on the flood lights there. He jumps in the car, dropping or throwing the sock he retrieved from the laundry room on his way out to wipe his hands on. His partner says, "What did you get?" He replies, "Nothing. Shiit, man, there was a woman and two kids in there. I forgot all about why I was there." His partner is stunned. "You forgot?" "Yeah, man, I killed them. I think I did." His partner is dumbfounded. "You killed a bunch of people and didn't get nuttin! Are you nuts?" They drive off into the sunset arguing like a couple of ten year olds over who gets the last coke.

Now I know criminals can be pretty dumb, but THIS dumb?????
britgirl said:
I know it's probably been discussed elsewhere and I'm being a bit dense, but...WHY would Darlie have been so keen to dispose of the sock? Why not just leave it in the room? I accept that she's guilty, don't get me wrong, but this sock thing really bugs me. I just don't understand why she deemed it so necessary to go and dispose of it.
Good question. We don't know because we don't know what else may have been tossed with the sock. I suspect that she thought it would incriminate her....or Darin possibly. Remember he did not have a shirt on. We don't know if he had one on and managed to dispose of it before police arrived or if Darlie wore the socks and was just being cautious. Or maybe she knew she'd gotten traces of blood on it.
wenchie said:
I forget who's blood was on that sock.

If it was Darlie's, she could have given herself a small cut before attacking the boys, and thrown the sock out there in advance of the crime as part of the staging.
Darlie's blood was not on the sock. Her DNA was though. One small droplet or trace of the boys' blood was found on it; Devon's on the toe and Damon's on the heel (or vice versa). You would think if she were planting it, she would have put much more blood on it to make sure it was found and tested positive. Most stagers put too much blood on an item rather than not enough.
wenchie said:
I forget who's blood was on that sock.

If it was Darlie's, she could have given herself a small cut before attacking the boys, and thrown the sock out there in advance of the crime as part of the staging.

It has Devon and Damon's blood on it. That's why I too believe it is not a plant.
cami said:
It has Devon and Damon's blood on it. That's why I too believe it is not a plant.
Then it makes sense that it was just something that missed the trash can - or that the kids left out there while playing.
wenchie said:
Then it makes sense that it was just something that missed the trash can - or that the kids left out there while playing.

I don't think the kids left it out there, it had both boys' blood on it but it was Darin's sock. If it was a plant, it should contain some of Darlie's blood. I too think it missed the can or the drain.
I guess I should have said hello and introduced myself before I jumped in with a post.

I lurk on the Darlie thread 3-4 nights a week, but I believe that yesterday was my first post.

I don't think there's a doubt that Darlie did the crime - but the WHY is just unfathomable.

Maybe it was a case of extreme Munchausen's-by-proxy.
wenchie said:
Then it makes sense that it was just something that missed the trash can - or that the kids left out there while playing.

I've wondered that myself- whether it was not tied directly to the crime. If it had just one of the boys blood on it I might be able to believe it- but both of the boys blood is just too coincidental. On the other hand it is very odd that there was so little of the boys blood on the sock. And why is there none of HER blood on it?

The only other option which I can come up with (and I don't think it is very viable) is that Darlie actually 'collected' that blood in advance (little boys get all sorts of scrapes and scratches) and then planted the sock that night before the crime- but that would point to her planning the crime way in advance. Besides which it seems just a bit too far fetched to believe.

BTW- welcome wenchie :)
wenchie said:
Then it makes sense that it was just something that missed the trash can - or that the kids left out there while playing.
There was nothing in the trash can except cut grass so if the sock was thrown into it and just missed the can, nothing else that might have been thrown with it made it either. Also, the garbage can had a lid on it so one would have had to have lifted it before tossing anything in it. That obviously was not done.

So it makes more sense that the target was the gutter, which was located close to the trash can. The sock just missed it.

The boys didn't drop the sock out there with their blood on it. It also had Darlie's DNA on it and the experts said that one would have to wear it for some time to get their DNA on it from skin cells. Saliva could leave DNA on it instantly though. I think she had the socks on,that there were two that she felt she needed to get rid of. The other one is probably way down deep inside that sewer. If Darin did have a shirt on that night, it is probably down there too.
Goody said:
I think she had the socks on,that there were two that she felt she needed to get rid of. The other one is probably way down deep inside that sewer. If Darin did have a shirt on that night, it is probably down there too.
Why oh why didn't LE search the sewer?
Mama-cita said:
Why oh why didn't LE search the sewer?
They didn't have the key to open up the big sewer plate and thought they'd do it later, then no one followed up on it. I guess it was an oversight or one of those things they should have done that fell thru the cracks. Talk about luck. If there was anything down there to incriminate Darin, they ought to start calling him horseshoes.
Dani_T said:
The only other option which I can come up with (and I don't think it is very viable) is that Darlie actually 'collected' that blood in advance (little boys get all sorts of scrapes and scratches) and then planted the sock that night before the crime- but that would point to her planning the crime way in advance. Besides which it seems just a bit too far fetched to believe.
I is unlikely. I don't think Darlie could plan that far in advance in detail. I could be wrong though, but so much about the crime indicates that she did not plan well and what we know about her emotional state, the diet pills, money pressures, etc, it seems to indicate a more impulsive act with maybe some preplanning (if that is what one might even call it) but with lack of organization. Does that make sense?

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