ATTN users of Microsoft Internet Explorer - Please Read



I need your assistance this morning in solving an issue.

Please take a quick look at the attached screenshot, you will see 2 spots I marked as empty.


Do you also see these empty spots above ads and spread out in the sidebar? It makes it look like we serve so many ads that only half are showing.

If you see this too I need to know what version of IE you are using. You may find your version by clicking at the top of the browser "Help">>>"About Internet Explorer"

Thank you.
I get these when I am using my work computer to browse the site, because they are automatically blocked by the company's defense mechanism. At home I get all the ads and my ability to use this site is significantly reduced, I often have to restart IE and come back to it because it stops responding. Drives me crazy.
I have IE9 on both computers.
Yes, I have the empty spots and I have IE11.
This issue only pertains to users that do not have ads blocked. Those that see the ads but see empty spaces above them.

Even if you do not see the spacing but use IE, it would be very helpful to know if your version is free from this issue.

Offtopic: IE is horrible on locking up. 1 person had the same complaint last week, I suggested Chrome. She is very happy now. It is a hard transition but I find myself having to do it.
The spot at the top is still empty but now it says "async:" there. and right above every ad and on the side ads also.
I have IE11. I'm seeing "async" with an occasional slow-loading ad. No more pop-up Zale's ad - many thanks!
IE 11 is also what I have. I am seeing what you have posted & what others posted. 'async', an ad below. Side ad box has 2 ads in it now, after the weekends maintenance.
I've only had issue with WS pages loading very slowly since April. I've done nothing new to my computer or system. As you posted IE is horrible for locking up, it never did that on WS for me nor does it lock up, load pages slow for other websites. Hope this info is helpful.
I'm having all kinds of issues! Using IE 11. Cant jump to new pages, cant get on to begin with, screen goes white, or starts strobing/flashing and then goes white! Very frustrating.

Any suggestions?
...Offtopic: IE is horrible on locking up. 1 person had the same complaint last week, I suggested Chrome. She is very happy now. It is a hard transition but I find myself having to do it.

I experienced this occasionally (not just on Websleuths). Uninstalling and reinstalling IE11 has eliminated the problem.
I began using Chrome for Websleuths and it solved all my issues with ads. Much better now.
I'm using IE9 as well as Firefox. Both browsers have the empty add spaces as you mentioned Dave. In IE9 whenever I try to post a reply or moderate a thread, the page will freeze and I get a message " is not responding" before it crashes. I'm now having the same problem when using Firefox. The page takes ages to load or will freeze entirely. I've noticed with both browsers that this problem gets progressively worse with each new page that I open on Websleuths. The adds, such as they are, take longer and longer to load. I don't have this problem with any other websites, only Websleuths.

As a moderator this is making it extremely difficult for me to moderate anything at the moment.

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