MO - Kansas City children found living in crate in cave

just what??

her facebook indicates the death of the two childrens' younger sister at 6 months of age. This young woman and her two sons were apparently recent transplants to the KC MO area in June.

The look on her face in the mugshot at the linked opening article is well, offputting, to say the least. I wonder if there was some issue at play here that sent this young woman's life in a fast spiral downward.
There are all kinds of charitable organizations that probably could have assisted this young mother and her 2 children, in the Kansas City area. I am sure all she would have had to do was gone to a church and they would have directed her to the proper place, or helped her themselves.

There is no excuse for things like this to happen. Especially if her boyfriend is of sound mind.

An article about her baby girl's death last February. Sounds like she is distraught to distraction over the loss of her baby. Seems like she needs help and not necessarily to be dealt with harshly by the criminal justice system.

The kids had no shoes. Living in a a crate in a cave filled with trash and debris while eating dry Ramen soup.

While she was probably on meth. So I may have to disagree with you on this one.
Hey law enforcement. Can you please list a map of all of these hidden caves and let search parties scour all of them for all of the missing people who still have not been found.

I would hate to hear that these caves are known and used by all kinds of abductors while we are just finding out about these caves in which some have electricity, etc.
So I was very curious to find out exactly where this "cave" is, since I don't picture Kansas City with any kind of "caves" - usually related to landscape that is very hilly or even mountainous.

It sounds like where the children were found is the SubTropolis - a business park made out of caverns left over from mining in the 18 and 1900's. Businesses and storage units, with florescent lighting, have been built out of the cave structure, and it is more like a climate controlled storage facility (always 70 degrees, year round) than what I pictured as a "cave". So apparently some of the businesses are sketchy, like the chop shop LE was investigating, and some are upright, respectable businesses in the complex. It seems more like a huge Walmart storage facility or Boeing manufacturing plant than what most people would consider a "cave". Like, a basement is a cave I guess, technically.

When I think of a cave, I think of something dark and clammy, with stalagmites and stalagtites, and a constant drip drip drip sound that you have to access by crawling around rocky openings.

Subtropolis. I guess you learn something new every day, every case.
This is sickening. Those poor little boys. :( Who would treat a precious child like this??? I'm just sick.
images of the cave/subtropolis JeannaT describes above.





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Thanks for the pics. But wheres the bunker the kids were in?

As I understand it, the place is huge. The "bunker" sounds like it was a wooden shipping crate, about the size of the average dumpster. inside were benches from cars and a few other things, and one side was removed to create an open door.
apparently this thing is HUGE

Developed by the Kansas City Chiefs founders Lamar Hunt in the 1960s near Worlds of Fun, SubTropolis is the world's largest underground business complex, more than 55 million square feet of space, or about 2 square miles.
Pillsbury, Ford and Russell Stover were three of the first tenants. Today, it has more than 50 businesses and 1,500 workers.

Wow, I never even heard of these caves before.

The pictures look like something out of the Flintstones.
Makes me think of that underground town in Australia - Coober Pedy.

Anyway...I know she lost a child earlier this year. But I don't think that excuses anything. I think this is so sad all around. I hope those kids don't have too much lasting damage from this.
She may have lost her baby, but that doesn't give her a free pass. She may have been a terrible parent even before the baby died. And now she has abused/ neglected and endangered her other two children. We haven't heard yet what her motives were for keeping her children locked in a crate - mental illness? Drugs? Sadism?
I may be alone in the opinion that this is about the most benign case of child abuse/neglect in this entire Crimes - Spotlight on Children webforum.

Although it was clear felony neglect to leave these kids alone in this warehouse thing, the kids managed through pure luck to escape without being harmed.

Bare dirty feet, and dirty hands, and dry ramen isn't the worst thing that can happen to a child. Their circumstances - living in a box in a climate controlled warehouse - would be a step up for many whole villages of children in Uganda, Kenya and India. And some neighborhoods in London and Detroit.

It's a God thing that no one harmed them, but as it is, now they're in foster care or with more responsible family and life is looking up for them. They stayed together, stayed put, and were found and brought into a more supervised setting.

I'm a little surprised, except for how unusual the setting was, that this made news. I know kindergarten teachers in East Austin who could tell you stories to rival this every year.

Anyway, just a thought. Listed on this forum with cases of gut-wrenching horrible abuse that leads to death, this story seems almost more of an uplifting story of life getting better, and help arriving as it should.

I do wonder where the dad is and why he also wasn't charged for abandoning the kids.
just what??

her facebook indicates the death of the two childrens' younger sister at 6 months of age. This young woman and her two sons were apparently recent transplants to the KC MO area in June.

The look on her face in the mugshot at the linked opening article is well, offputting, to say the least. I wonder if there was some issue at play here that sent this young woman's life in a fast spiral downward.

I haven't seen or heard of the sex of the two children in the crate, but in her facebook page you posted she seem very focused on the baby girl she lost eight months before, and I've only seen her mention them as boys and kind of an afterthought. I think Starlette has facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome. It seems she was posting "normal" trying to be sexy selfies in November 2014, a month before Starlette died. After that the change in demeanor is rapid. It's more like kardasian who cares faces, but harder.

There are also a photo of the dad, her and the boys, and Starlette. Looks like a little family dressed up for church. This was three months before Starlette died. Did she have problems before the baby died, and Starlette's death push her over the edge?

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