Australia - Mommy Blogger Accused of Injecting 9 y/o Daughter w Urine Oct 2015


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Jul 13, 2011
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How does this keep happening? Sad, sad, sad. Another child w a genetic illness.
'Mother' cannot be named for legal reasons; her blog has been removed. Poor little girl.

"A woman who has been charged with harming her daughter by injecting her with urine is a prolific "mummy blogger" who wrote in detail about her family's life, particularly the ill health of the child she is accused of harming.
The child was born with a genetic illness which frequently brought them in to contact with various hospitals and specialists.
"I wanted him [the doctor] to treat her... She was in pain ... becoming unwell," the mother....Through her mother's advocacy and profile, the girl became a poster child for various charities, which gave the daughter the opportunity to dance in the Sydney Opera House." sbm
Oct 15,'16

7m:30s news vid & transcript of vid: Oct 15

A shorter version of text here: Oct 16
How in the world could anyone inject a sweet child with urine? Let alone your own daughter? ughhhhhh....lock that monster up.
On one forum that discussed her blog, someone said in 2012 that they thought that her daughter got a lot of help being as ill as she was. Wonder what warning signs they saw.
On one forum that discussed her blog, someone said in 2012 that they thought that her daughter got a lot of help being as ill as she was. Wonder what warning signs they saw.

Do you know what her blog is or was called?
Yes I think so but it's been removed.
My first thought that this was going to be Lauren of "Sparkling Adventures", but her blog is still active.
Poor little girl.

Thankfully she is still alive.

Police will claim that the daughter's health has improved since being removed from the mother's care by the Department of Family and Community Services.

Helen Hayward-Brown mentioned in the abc story is a medical sociologist/anthropologist who is worried that a substantial number of Munchausen allegations might be false.

But IDK, it might be a bit hard to find an innocuous explanation why she'd carry urine samples in her handbag.
Somewhat OT but I thought it interesting, in terms of what background Dr. H-B is arguing from.

One of Dr. Hayward-Brown's literature references in the above pdf is an article by Underwager and Wakefield:

Underwager was a prolific defense expert for people accused of child sexual abuse. By the late 1980s, he had appeared in court on behalf of defendants in child sexual abuse cases more than 200 times in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain.[8] In court and in the media, Underwager claimed that 60% of women sexually abused in childhood reported that the experience was good for them,[9] he characterized child protection investigations as nothing less than an "assault on the family as an institution"[10] and he alleged that 75% of mothers alleging sexual abuse in custody proceedings suffered from a "severe personality disorder" that prompted them to manufacture false allegations.[11] He claimed that forensic interviews with children inevitably lead the child to confabulate an account of satanic ritual abuse because the "fantasy world of children is filled with mayhem, murder, cannibalism, blood and gore."[12] He claimed that all forensic interviews with children provoked this sadistic sexual fantasy life, creating "psychotic" and sexualized children who were "ruined for life."[13]
Psychologist Anna Salter argued that Underwager and Wakefield's claims as outlined above demonstrated "systematic misrepresentations" of reputable research, and often that Underwager and Wakefield made claims contrary to their sources. Underwager later filed several unsuccessful suits against Salter who claims that it was in retaliation for her criticism of Underwager's courtroom testimony and for claiming he lied in order to help child molesters evade punishment. Salter also claimed Underwager engaged in other threatening actions.[14]

Underwager was forced to resign from the advisory board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and end his career as an expert witness because of an article that appeared in "Moving Forward: A Newsjournal for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Their Supporters" a series of excerpts from an interview he and Hollida Wakefield—his wife and also an FMFS advisory board member—had given to a non-referred, pro-pedophilia pseudo-academic publication, Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia. In the Paidika interview Underwager was asked "Is choosing paedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individual?", Underwager responded,
“ Certainly it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Paedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don't think that a paedophile needs to do that. Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God's will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A paedophile can say: "This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I've made." Paedophiles are too defensive. They go around saying, "You people out there are saying that what I choose is bad, that it's no good. You're putting me in prison, you're doing all these terrible things to me. I have to define my love as being in some way or other illicit." What I think is that paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's will." They have the right to make these statements for themselves as personal choices. Now whether or not they can persuade other people they are right is another matter.[15][16]
Thankfully she is still alive. ...
But IDK, it might be a bit hard to find an innocuous explanation why she'd carry urine samples in her handbag.
^ sbm^
'Still alive.' Thanks for your correction to my post. I was wrong, maybe overwrought in reading about this. Apologies to all.

Day in and day out, hurting her own child? And carrying urine samples in her handbag?

Who could do what she is accused of doing? Why on earth? I know it happens.
I have been reading the blog of who I think it is on and in 2008 she wrote about the doctors suspecting laxative abuse. This might have been going on a LONG time.
My first thought that this was going to be Lauren of "Sparkling Adventures", but her blog is still active.

I thought of her as well.
However I don't think she'd inject her kids.
I'm certain she will end up with another dead child...
But I don't think it will be directly at her hand. :twocents:
So far learned from the blog:

-she says she was an abused child and never felt like she fit in when she was young
-she has medical knowledge from her professional background
-she has several other children, some of whom are also sick although apparently less severely and two of whom are foster kids from an abusive background (eek!)
-one of her children died as a newborn, she says it was because of a heart defect
-posts about things that the medical establishment did wrong
-posts about how cranky the kids are when they're sick and how hard it is for the mom
-posts about runny, icky, smelly poo
-so far not much about her husband except he worries about money and at one time he believed the doctor when he/she said they suspect laxative abuse
-lots of nice photos about her kids, including the allegedly abused kid, on the surface they look like a happy family
How does this keep happening? Sad, sad, sad. Another child w a genetic illness.
'Mother' cannot be named for legal reasons; her blog has been removed. RIP, little girl.

"A woman who has been charged with harming her daughter by injecting her with urine is a prolific "mummy blogger" who wrote in detail about her family's life, particularly the ill health of the child she is accused of harming.
The child was born with a genetic illness which frequently brought them in to contact with various hospitals and specialists.
"I wanted him [the doctor] to treat her... She was in pain ... becoming unwell," the mother....Through her mother's advocacy and profile, the girl became a poster child for various charities, which gave the daughter the opportunity to dance in the Sydney Opera House." sbm
Oct 15,'16

7m:30s news vid & transcript of vid: Oct 15

A shorter version of text here: Oct 16

How can you be sick enough to be the subject of a blog and well enough to dance at the Sydney Opera House? Why would the dad agree to foster children? What a messed up situation for all the kids!
It was not a show, it was a charity thing for sick children, a bit like Make-A-Wish.
Sounds like another case of Munchausen by Proxy. These parents (usually women) are thought to crave attention from doctors and other people, when they claim that their child is ill. Now days they can get attention from strangers because they can post about struggle with their sick child on social media. They usually have some sort of medical background or knowledge to be able to pull these things off. Sometimes these children die.
I thought of her as well.
However I don't think she'd inject her kids.
I'm certain she will end up with another dead child...
But I don't think it will be directly at her hand. :twocents:

OK...I searched up "Sparkling Adventures" because I just wanted to see it. And I found a blog post titled "Elijah's last day". I was very confused upon reading it, and my confusion grew when I saw the picture of the ambulance at the bottom with the caption about searching for his body. Did he wander off and drown? I am very confused.
Never mind...I saw the sentence that I somehow missed.

I also found an article ( that pictures the bridge her baby Elijah and husband David fell off of. How could they have fallen off of it? He couldn't have. I could see Elijah falling off, if David could reach the hand railings and had sat him on top of them. But they supposedly both fell in, and David was supposedly pushing Elijah in a stroller. Clearly the bridge did not collapse. David dropped Elijah off and then jumped in himself. How awful.
I am shocked and abhorred! Please tell me David's still locked up? I am going to try to find some more info on him...sick.
I am shocked and abhorred! Please tell me David's still locked up? I am going to try to find some more info on him...sick.

I think he is, and I think she was just a surrogate mother for another couple.
I think he is, and I think she was just a surrogate mother for another couple.

Good that he's still locked up. So is she pregnant with a surrogate baby ATM? Because she has all these posts with her older children and they look unclean. I don't mean that as offensive, they look unhealthy. Not like surrogate children in stable homes.

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