UK UK - STEPHEN PORT, Suspected SK of Male Victims, London


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Jan 19, 2014
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This is the first I have read of anything to do with this case.

It seems really sad that 4 young men died before this person was arrested - three within the space of 3 months and in a relatively small catchment area. It seems a little surprising that nothing was suspected by the autumn of 2014 but nothing untoward was suspected until after the fourth victim was found this September:

The deaths were not initially linked, but after further investigation they were referred to the Metropolitan Police homicide and major crime command.

I do wonder why there seems to have been a hiatus between September 2014 and September 2015 when the final victim was killed. This would either suggest that Port was out of circulation for some reason or that there may possibly be other victims elsewhere (I really hope not)

It does once more highlight how hazardous the web can be.

How sad for the families of those young men all just starting out in life.
I've just been reading about this case and it definitely seems odd the police did not see any links until recently. This case almost reminds me of Denis Nielsen.

Having seen the media image of SP he certainly doesn't look 40 and you wouldn't have known he was wearing a wig. Possibly trying to look younger to entice younger men?

'I am still shaking': Stunned parents of alleged serial killer tell of their shock as their male escort son is accused of murdering four men he met on gay websites and poisoning them with party drug GHB

By Martin Robinson for MailOnline
Published: 01:01 EST, 19 October 2015 | Updated: 16:22 EST, 19 October 2015

The parents of an alleged serial killer revealed their shock today as their male escort son was accused of murdering four men he met on gay websites.

Stephen Port, 40, of Barking, east London, is accused of using the party drug GHB - known as liquid ecstasy - to poison his four victims in a string of attacks spanning 14 months.

And Joan and Albert Port said today the allegations had ‘shaken’ them, adding that their son’s claim on Facebook that he was an Oxford University graduate and a special needs teacher was false.

Mrs Port, 74, said: 'The first we heard of it was on the news this morning. I was shocked. I am still shaking. We last spoke to him last night.'

And Mr Port, 73, added: 'He phoned me up about half 10. He just said, "Can I have a bit of money and some books, something to read by tomorrow morning?"

'So I had to go up there with a couple of books and £40 - you have to have a bit of money. He didn't explain why he was there. He didn't say nothing.’
June 19, 2014: Anthony Walgate, 23, is found dead in Cooke Street, Barking, after a night out. His family maintained his death was suspicious and complained to Scotland Yard about their investigation.

August 20, 2014: Gabriel Kovari, 22, from Deptford, is found dead in St Margaret's Church. His inquest heard he had taken GHB at an orgy and died.

September 20, 2014: Aspiring chef Daniel Whitworth is found dead in the same churchyard. A coroner was told he 'blamed himself for Mr Kovari's death' and had a note in his hand claiming he had killed himself as a result.

September 14, 2015: Jack Taylor, 25, from Dagenham, is found dead next to Barking's Abbey Ruins close to North Street. He was last seen meeting a man at Barking station at around 2am.

This part is interesting. Is the allegation that Port wrote the note?

The coroner was told that Mr Whitworth was found dead holding a note in his left hand, which said: 'I can't go on anymore, I took the life of my friend Gabriel.

'We were just having some fun at a mate's place and I got carried away and gave him another shot of G[HB]. It was an accident, I know I will go to prison if I go to the police.'

The note said the men had sex at the party and added: 'I have taken what G[HB] I had left, with sleeping pills – if it does kill me it's what I deserve. This way I can at least be with Gabriel again.'

ETA: "One victim was found clutching a suicide note, but it's understood that is now subject to more forensic tests, according to BBC News."

"Police say 40-year-old Stephen Port is a serial killer who murdered the men, all in their 20s, over a period of 15 months.

Prosecutors say he invited the men to his home, where they overdosed on the sedative GHB.

Police initially did not link the deaths, which took place between June 2014 and last month".


" It is alleged he invited the men back to his house where they were given large amounts of the party drug GHB which they overdosed on.

The bodies of two of the men were found by a dog walker less than a month apart in the churchyard of St Margaret's Church in North Street in Barking, while another was found near the ruins of Barking Abbey."


June 19, 2014: Anthony Walgate, 23, is found dead in Cooke Street, Barking, after a night out. His family maintained his death was suspicious and complained to Scotland Yard about their investigation.

August 20, 2014: Gabriel Kovari, 22, from Deptford, is found dead in St Margaret's Church. His inquest heard he had taken GHB at an orgy and died.

September 20, 2014: Aspiring chef Daniel Whitworth is found dead in the same churchyard. A coroner was told he 'blamed himself for Mr Kovari's death' and had a note in his hand claiming he had killed himself as a result.

September 14, 2015: Jack Taylor, 25, from Dagenham, is found dead next to Barking's Abbey Ruins close to North Street. He was last seen meeting a man at Barking station at around 2am.

Gabriel Kovari, 22, from Lewisham, was found dead in the churchyard of St Margaret's Church, North Street in Barking, on August 28 2014.

Less than a month later Daniel Whitworth, 21, from Gravesend, Kent, was also found dead in the same graveyard.

Jack Taylor, 25, from Dagenham, whose body was found near the Abbey Ruins close to North Street on September 14 this year, is believed to be his most recent victim.

Port describes himself on Facebook as a special needs teacher at Westminster Kingsway College in King's Cross. It says he attended the University of Oxford between 2000 and 2003"

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Woah! A serial killer?? And a man who uses poison instead of violence - that's pretty unusual.
Woah! A serial killer?? And a man who uses poison instead of violence - that's pretty unusual.

One usually associates poisonings with female murderers, imo, but according to this article, that is a myth.

"The U. S. Department of Justice’s report on Homicide Trends in the United States (1980 to 2008) offers up this statistical insight: of all poison killers in that time period 60.5 percent male and 39.5 percent female.

“Contrary to popular belief, the majority of convicted poisoners are men, overwhelmingly so when the victim is a woman. When the victim is a man, the poisoner is equally likely to be male or female,” writes Joni Johnston in “The Psychological Profile of a Poisoner”, published last year in Psychology Today.

Of course, most murderers, period, are male. The justice department’s homicide trend report I cited, finds, that killers are statistically 89.5 percent males and 10.5 percent females. And there’s another point, I think, to be gleaned from this criminal justice overview. In other violent crimes, male dominance is much more pronounced than in poison killings. Over all for felony murders? That’s 93.2 percent male offenders, 6.8 percent female. And if we consider our country’s weapon of choice, the firearm? Gun homicides stand at 92.1 percent male, 7.9 percent female. And this more extreme ratio holds across the other DOJ categories, from arson to workplace argument.

This reminds us that men are overall more dangerous, more inclined to respond with violence. But when women do turn to murder then, yes, poison becomes more of an equal opportunity weapon."

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" It is alleged he invited the men back to his house where they were given large amounts of the party drug GHB which they overdosed on.

The bodies of two of the men were found by a dog walker less than a month apart in the churchyard of St Margaret's Church in North Street in Barking, while another was found near the ruins of Barking Abbey."

In the Daily Mail article is this picture and next to it a court sketch showing him bald. So I take this is a very old photo?

In the Daily Mail article is this picture and next to it a court sketch showing him bald. So I take this is a very old photo?

View attachment 83078

He was wearing a blonde wig.

"Accused: Port is pictured on Facebook with a blond wig (left), and in a court sketch from yesterday (right)"

Oddly enough, they mention in the ad that his hair was thick. imo.

"Port regularly used gay dating sites where he posted semi-naked pictures of himself. In each one he appears to be wearing a blond wig.

"He is believed to have met his victims on dating app Grindr, reports The Sun, a site which boasts it is a place to meet 'curious guys'.

In his spare time he worked as a £100-a-hour gay prostitute, according to an advert on an online escort site.

An American client described Port as ‘a dream come true’ who has a ‘nicely muscled body’ and ‘strawberry blond hair that is very thick’."

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Thanks dotr. Now I understand.

Without the wig he looks much older than 40.

So he was gay too? At first I thought this was a hate crime but appears not to be. Then what was his motive?
Thanks dotr. Now I understand.

Without the wig he looks much older than 40.

So he was gay too? At first I thought this was a hate crime but appears not to be. Then what was his motive?

The thrill of killing?

Or a more farfetched reason - the first guy accidentally died of a drug overdose and SP ended up killing three more people to cover up the crime - naw, that's too farfetched, isn't it! I can't imagine SP accidentally killing 4 people by using too much of a date rape drug on then and then hiding the bodies, either! So I'm guessing it was thrill or lust motivated.

I wonder if he had any more victims?? Had he lived elsewhere, or moved around a lot?
I agree, Raymonde, probably lust murders. We know COD was Ghb poisoning, but I wonder about the condition of the bodies. Any bruising? Hands bound? Sexual trauma? Post mortem trauma? I have a feeling necrophilia was an element of the murders.

Just from reading the Daily Mail article it struck me that his parents may not have known he was gay. I wonder if he tried to hide it from them and struggled leading a double life if you see what I mean?
Just from reading the Daily Mail article it struck me that his parents may not have known he was gay. I wonder if he tried to hide it from them and struggled leading a double life if you see what I mean?

One gets that feeling about a " double life" from this article, also, imo, a sense of what may have contributed to his problems.

"Today his father, 73-year-old Albert, said he and his wife Joan, 74, were trying not to think about the allegations faced by their son because of their old-age.

Speaking from his home in Dagenham, he said: "We're trying not to think about it because of our ages.

"We just want to keep out of the way, because of our ages. We just can't take it. The less we know the better. We have got to carry on.

"We are old now. We just can't take much more.

"The police haven't told us nothing and they won't tell us nothing because we are elderly. They don't want to bother us because we are elderly. We just want to keep out of it. We don't want to know".
One gets that feeling about a " double life" from this article, also, imo, a sense of what may have contributed to his problems.

"Today his father, 73-year-old Albert, said he and his wife Joan, 74, were trying not to think about the allegations faced by their son because of their old-age.

Speaking from his home in Dagenham, he said: "We're trying not to think about it because of our ages.

"We just want to keep out of the way, because of our ages. We just can't take it. The less we know the better. We have got to carry on.

"We are old now. We just can't take much more.

"The police haven't told us nothing and they won't tell us nothing because we are elderly. They don't want to bother us because we are elderly. We just want to keep out of it. We don't want to know".
Really emphasising their age in that article but tbh they aren't that old, my mum is the same age and she's hardly decrepit (her words)! Seems they're trying to distance themselves from him which is understandable, a little bit of denial too which again makes me wonder if they even knew about his sexuality at all.

Dotr I think we're picking up the same vibe here. I absolutely feel for his parents though.
Really emphasising their age in that article but tbh they aren't that old, my mum is the same age and she's hardly decrepit (her words)! Seems they're trying to distance themselves from him which is understandable, a little bit of denial too which again makes me wonder if they even knew about his sexuality at all.

Dotr I think we're picking up the same vibe here. I absolutely feel for his parents though.
They knew.

Speaking from the front room of their small terraced house, asked what her son was like Mrs Port said: 'He is a quiet boy, tall, 6ft 3in, size 14 shoes. He doesn't say a lot. He had different boyfriends - he is gay.'

Mr Port added: 'Don't me get wrong - I'm against it. We thought he would be alright now - he has just started a new job.

Mrs Port insisted she believed her son was not to blame. She said: 'I don't think he has done it. He will have got involved and taken the blame for other people.

'He was like that at school - he didn't speak up. They thought he was deaf because he didn't speak up.'

Speaking about his son's predicament and the court proceedings, Mr Port said: 'There's nothing to say, nothing to do, you've just got to let it go on.

He added: 'We still like him - don't get me wrong. He is too quiet. He has been led astray. He won't speak up, he won't argue.
'If I say something, "don't do it", he'll say "yes, dad, yes dad" and then he will go and do it.

'He had a girlfriend about two years ago - but it was a case of she liked him more than he liked her.

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