What's your favourite media on which to follow the Tim Bosma case?

What is your primary source of news on the Tim Bosma Trial? (Tell us why!)

  • Twitter

    Votes: 12 40.0%
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  • Comments, like on Websleuths or on news sites

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • Read life: I attend, have a personal connection

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • News articles

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • TV/Video

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Radio/Podcasts/other listening

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Wondering what your preferred source of news is for the Tim Bosma trial. Why do you like this format over all others?
Well option 4 is supposed to be "REAL life: I attend, have a personal connection"...maybe someone can fix that lol. Making a poll was complicated enough.

Just wondering what your favourite way to get updated on the Tim Bosma trial is.

I'm a reader so I prefer news articles. My least favourite source is video.
I usually have WebSleuths open as well as Adam Carter's blog. I skim the other MSM Tweets on WS but find them harder to follow.
I usually have 2 or 3 twitter feeds open and read through them when I have free 20 minutes or so at work... I usually just read one, but have the others there in case something is not clear, I will look at what the other reporters tweeted...
I have my preferred reporters as well.
I'm a multi-windower :D I have the Adam Carter feed open, WS open, sometimes twitter open, news articles open. Everyone reports everything differently, I like the variety.
During the day I follow ABros Twitter list. Then when I get home at night I go through the websleuths thread
I like Hamilton Spectator online and their coverage along with CBC online. There is also AnnBrockelhurst.com who in my opinion is the most extensive coverage there is. She is outstanding.
Websleuths and Adam Carter on twitter (this is why i joined twitter.) btw, I am actually new to the word Websleuth and don't quite get it, but glad i stumbled upon it. I do want to know more about ABro - site and book?
is there any particular journalist who covers the reactions and facial expressions of the accused and witnesses?
I prefer Twitter. You can follow a variety of reporters so you don't miss anything. I check in to webslueths for great discussion and different points of view from everyone
Adam Carter, someone else mentioned "facts with no spin" which is why I like him. Anne Brocklehurst is top-notch, she 's the only one who published the Crown's Opening Statement that I could find. Web sleuths is great too, lots of smart people on board.
Can someone tell me how to disable the spam videos that have come with WS since the updated forum. This was my preferred means of catching up with the days events, but lately the videos have taken over. As of late, they will not even let me scroll past them. The forum page freezes mid screen for the spam to play!

Can someone tell me how to disable the spam videos that have come with WS since the updated forum. This was my preferred means of catching up with the days events, but lately the videos have taken over. As of late, they will not even let me scroll past them. The forum page freezes mid screen for the spam to play!


Try this - http://www.websleuths.com/forums/announcement.php?f=518

I found that using helped too.

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