Identified! ME - Jonesport, Wht/OtherMale 60-65, UP15307, in ocean, clothes, watch, Jul'00 - Philip Kahn

Auggie21 said:

I have tried to find a missing person's website for Canada, thinking he may be from Nova Scotia, but I'm comming up with blanks.

Anybody have any ideas?
There may very well be some missing persons websites for Canada. Some cases may be featured on various Official police websites.

The Doenetwork includes cases from a number of countries, including Canada. Go to the Doenetwork, then select the option to search the Missing Persons area. Rather than going through the individual random file listings, select a search option below the files which will allow you to search Geographically, or Chronologically. If you selecet Geographic search, go to Canada and take a look at what they have. Those files may have other links that you can further search.

You have to keep in mind that the Doenetwork, and all the others are fairly new. They have only been around since probably the late 1990's, and they picked up cases where ever they could find them to start out. Now, they get their cases from people submitting them on one of their on-line forms, or in their general format. You might notice that there are many more cases from the 1990's and 1980's than from earlier times. Part of the reason for that is that personal computers were not around before then, and all of the historical information on missing persons or on unidentified bodies exists in old police archives, newspapers, family scrapbooks, etc. The news stories about missing persons or unidentified bodies found tended all to be locally reported.

In time, as people do the old fasioned research necessary, and submit well written case summaries to Doenetwork, NCMEC, etc, those data bases will become more effective and valuable in matching missing persons with unidentified bodies.
Because he was found in 2000, the DoeNetwork doesn't have any matching missing persons files (their MP files only start at 1996 and earlier). They have a sister cite, NAMPN, but its search ability is really limited.

I didn't find a Canadian missing person's site other than the one set up for the missing women from Vancouver. The RCMP's do not have a missing person's site that I can find.

I don't know anything about the currents in that area, so I have no idea if it is possible that a small boat came down from Canada or up from Boston or New Hampshire.

I didn't find anyone missing from Maine that would fit the description, with the possible exception of a fisherman named Larry Rich, who was lost on January 26, 2000. However, the account I found said that Larry was wearing a survival suit and he was lost about five months earlier than the John Doe was estimated to have been in the water.
Auggie21 said:
I don't know anything about the currents in that area, so I have no idea if it is possible that a small boat came down from Canada or up from Boston or New Hampshire.
27 miles off Jonesport puts the body at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy some 20 miles south of Grand Manan. Ocean currents there are unusually strong due to Fundy's huge tidal surges, in fact Fundy has the highest tides in the world. Based solely on this one could assume that the body could have been carried in and out of the bay numerous times over the few weeks it is estimated to have spent in the ocean.

But this is unlikely because the body had been in the water at a time of the year when many large carnivorous fish and marine mammals such as sharks (including great white), orcas, dolphins, porpoises and seals congregate in and around the bay to feed. A body would never have lasted that long if it had been in the area all along. Apart from the local currents generated from Fundy the dominant oceanic flow off the coasts of Maine and Nova Scotia travels from the south towards the northeast. This is an offshoot of the Gulf Stream so it's quite slow, maybe 2-3 knots.

Doing the math could place the origin anywhere between Cape Cod and the Carolinas, it's difficult to come up with a more precise guestimate without knowing sea conditions along the east coast during the previous weeks. Knowing these could perhaps also help determine with better accuracy the length of time the body had been in the water. I suppose it's also possible that the body had been flushed from a river into the ocean.
* The victim was discovered on July 24, 2000, 27 nautical miles off Jonesport, Maine, in the Atlantic Ocean
* Estimated Date of Death: June 1, 2000
* Partly skeletonized

Vital Statistics

* Estimated age: 60 - 65 years old
* Approximate Height and Weight: 5'11"-6'1"; closer to the 5'11" ; 200-220 lbs
* Distinguishing Characteristics: Grey hair; unknown eyecolor. No scars or tattoos noted. Cardiac Hypertrophy, Coronary Atherosclerosis, Emphysema (moderate), Nephrosclerosis.
* Dentals: Available. Decedent has an unusual dental appliance. It is a nesbit partial on 2-3-4, with # 3 missing.
* Clothing/Jewelry: Blue, long sleeved, collared knit shirt, pullover, three button front, Weargaurd, size XL, made in USA. White V-neck, t-shirt, size XL, brand, Chereskin, made in Mexico. 2 pair of white tube socks, brand unknown. Gray metal Casio, digital watch on left wrist
* Fingerprints: Available
* DNA: Available
* Other: Possible pipe smoker.
Not in Namus.
this guy fits a number of the parameters of the UID, Michael Brenden Nash.

Nash was 61 y.o., 5'10", 200 lbs, gray hair, and was known to wear a watch when he was last known alive on April 10, 2000 from the Pelham Bay area of the Bronx, NYC.

the Charley Project page suggests he was killed by someone who wanted his house. someone could have taken him to City Island, taken him out into Long Island Sound and push him overboard. in April, would not take long for hypothermia to set in and die without any need for guns, knives or strangulation.

this would put his death further out than the projected June 2000 date of death.
I emailed the chief of medical examiners and also alerted the NYC police in 2010 but have not heard if it was followed up with. I called them again today but there's a new chief now in Maine, so I'm going to try again tomorrow. I'm pretty sure this is the same guy. When I kept calling and emailing the old chief who retired last year, I was told they'd look into it.
I contacted a Veronica Nash, who said she wasn't related to Michael. I also found a lot of other relatives to Michael, but I haven't been able to reach them on the phone. Can't find them on Facebook either.
I don't see how Michael Nash has NOT been ruled out yet or even tested. How many other people even close to this UID guy's description were reported missing around this time? Barely any! I have been alerting the ME since 2010 on this and still no update. I don't know if they're working on comparing DNA, or if they just aren't going to do anything about it. Anyone?
He's still not in Namus. Maine appears to have only added one person total from the whole state, and that's the guy in the "Chris" ski hat.

My guess would be they don't plan to do anything, or if they do, they aren't going to tell anybody.
4888DMME - Joseph J. Bichrest

Joseph J. Bichrest was reported to be having marital and financial problems. He was being investigated by the local DA for theft, by the AG's Office for Bar Association complaints, and had been borrowing large amounts of money and passing bad checks with overdrawn accounts. The IRS was investigating him for tax evasion. Joseph had recently become despondent and was making suicidal threats. He may have gone to the local DA during the weekend of his disappearance.

Guy went missing in the 70s. Looks like he could have been on the run. Height matches, weight matches, and age matches given time passed.

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