Australia Australia - Gordana Kotevski 16, Newcastle, 24 Nov 1994

Scary case. She was abducted from her aunt's driveway, after hanging at the mall with her friends. She may have been stalked by one of her kidnappers a few weeks before:

Thanks for the update on Gordana's case, SG.

I remember reading about Gordana earlier this year (February?) In a Daily Telegraph article about NSW Missing Persons cold cases.

At her 2003 inquest the NSW Coroner identified Corey Lovett as a POI in Gordana's disappearance and suspected murder:

Police search for man named at Kotevski inquest

I don't know if NSWPOL located CL or what the Coroner's findings were. I'll do a more thorough search this evening.

Until then, link to Google search "Gordana Kotevski" below:"Gordana+Kotevski"
I assume they haven't found Corey yet?

I've done an online search on CL. A couple of interesting things popped up but I have to take a deeper look into them.

The problem with Gordana's case is, due to the amount of time that has elapsed since her disappearance and suspected murder, a lot of the original MSM articles have been archived. Also, as Gordana's cold case has been reopened twice by the NSW Unsolved Homicide Squad, the Coroner's findings are not available.
"C P claimed Mr Lovett was with him at his property at Kippax west of Taree when Gordana disappeared in November 1994, yet Mr Lovett allegedly told Taree police he was in Newcastle.
Charlestown detectives also took a statement from two people who claimed Mr Lovett was with them in Newcastle, but he did not go to Charlestown where Gordana was abducted.
The inquest also heard that Mr Lovett allegedly boasted about knowing where Gordana's body was buried and said "she went through a lot before they finished her off"."
"The polite, family oriented 16-year-old had been out on a Thursday night shopping trip at Charlestown Square when she decided to walk alone to her aunt’s house in Powell Street on November 24, 1994. She has never been seen again.
Much has been written about Gordana’s disappearance and subsequent murder, with inquests, public appeals for information, fresh evidence and new tip offs.
But possibly the most chilling information about the abduction was from criminal profiler Detective Senior Constable Kristina Illingsworth, who was called to give evidence at the last inquest, in 2003, where State Coroner John Abernethy would later confirm the teenager had been murdered by person or persons unknown.
She stated that the driver of the kidnap car was fit, macho and trendy with his personality reflecting his immaculate Toyota Hi Lux; that he was probably inexperienced and immature because the attack appeared sloppy; that the crime was sexually motivated; that he probably knew Gordana and was stalking her for some time; that he was opportunistic but intelligent.
The profiler added her abductors had probably not come with intention to kill, but as she fought to live, they were forced to eliminate her as a witness.
Gordana’s shopping bag was torn and her wallet left behind, showing the teenager had fought hard.
Witnesses also heard two screams before she was taken away."
Somebody knows what happened to Gordana
DECEMBER 6, 2016 9:32am

"At 8:45pm that night, Gordana’s aunt, Sonia Simonovic heard female screams outside her door, and muffled male voices. She looked down her driveway and saw a white Toyota HiLux speeding off towards the nearby Pacific Highway. She put it out of her mind.

By 9:30pm, when Gordana still hadn’t arrived home, Simonovic walked outside, and found a torn plastic shopping bag. It contained a brand-new item of clothing, a pair of socks, and her niece’s wallet. There had clearly been a struggle.

“She was seen leaving the Charlestown [Square] area,” Small tells, “she was seen on the street, near the house she was going to, and she was abducted off the street by two young blokes.”

Audrey Barnard was a 67-year old Charlestown resident, who had been recently widowed at the time of Gordana’s disappearance. She was driving in her neighbourhood that same November evening when at around 9pm she passed a Toyota HiLux with “two athletic young men” standing at the boot.

Years passed before she was aware that she had potentially seen an abduction in action, and it was only when detectives from Strike Force Fenwick contacted her in 1998 that she put the pieces together.

“I am certain of the make of vehicle, because my husband had only recently died and he had a Toyota HiLux which he used on our farm,” Mrs Barnard told Toronto Court*during an inquest in November, 2002.

“I saw two figures standing at the rear. They were half turned towards each other and they were moving their arms about in an animated fashion.”

“One of the problems with her case,” Small explained, “was the potential exhibits, some of the property that was seized in her matter, had been handed back to the family, or destroyed prior to the investigation being as thorough as it should have been.”
It is believed that Gordana knew at least one of her attackers, and was afraid of him.

During the November 2002 inquest, her sister, Karolina Jagurinoski, told of a phone call she received from her frightened younger sister a fortnight prior to her disappearance.

“Gordana said there was this fellow bothering her at work, hanging around and bugging her and she didn’t like him. She didn’t know him. I think he just saw her at the deli once and got carried away with her.”

Gordana nicknamed the guy “The Spook” and was forced to quit her part-time job out of fear of him. Nobody has been able to pinpoint just who The Spook is.

A partial fingerprint may hold the key to this investigation, but police haven’t been able to match it."

"Witnesses, who were too far away to help, described seeing a white Toyota Hilux turn in front of Gordana before she was pulled inside the vehicle, screaming.
Gordana's shopping bag and wallet were found at the scene but were returned to the family without being tested for fingerprints.
Initial investigations revealed the teenager had been stalked near her work by a man of Middle Eastern appearance, probably aged in his 20s."

Source: The Daily Telegraph,00.html
Link below works but the one above didnt.
The inquest at Toronto Court has heard this week the initial police investigation failed to pick up discrepancies in Corey Lovett's alibi.

Craig Pont claimed Mr Lovett was with him at his property at Kippax west of Taree when Gordana disappeared in November 1994, yet Mr Lovett allegedly told Taree police he was in Newcastle.

Charlestown detectives also took a statement from two people who claimed Mr Lovett was with them in Newcastle, but he did not go to Charlestown where Gordana was abducted.

The inquest also heard that Mr Lovett allegedly boasted about knowing where Gordana's body was buried and said "she went through a lot before they finished her off".

If police locate Mr Lovett, who is believed to be somewhere in the Northern Territory, they expect to bring him to Newcastle to appear at the inquest tomorrow."

"But in ordering her to take the stand, the State Coroner, John Abernethy, suppressed the release of the methods the detective used in her deductions on two young men seen dragging Gordana, whose body has never been found, into a four-wheel-drive.

Among her conclusions: the attack was born more out of sexual gratification than the need to kill; one of the attackers was more dominant than his co-offender; they probably knew Gordana and had been stalking or following her; most likely a first offence, they will offend again."

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