AZ AZ - Phoenix, female infant, 9-10 months, found at construction site, Apr'17

For some reason I think this is Jhessye not Jesse... regardless, so very very sad...
Location within about 10m or so:,-112.2471417,51m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=0

Neighbors say the fencing has been there for quite some time. The only way to get in through the lot area is through the church's parking lot. Oftentimes, the area was used for growing fields or soccer fields for kids to play on.


I'm not quite sure how they determined that if there's not hint of identity yet, except by individually excluding some of them.
They wouldn't necessarily release everything and there could be some telling detail that allows them to quickly exclude many cases. Medical issue, birth defect, associated object, etc. etc. etc.
No problem, AzPistonsGirl, I was hoping it was her or one of the other many missing in our state too. News today is stating that the young child is not one of the missing here. That was fast and sad news to hear.
Has there been any more info on about how long they were there for?
I haven't seen anything.

They probably won't release anything until they get the autopsy results back. Depending on the LE caseload and the condition of the remains, that might be a few days, or they might have to wait for a forensic anthropologist or other specialist, or for a sketch, or DNA, or something else that would take weeks or months.
From NamUs:

Estimated age: Fetus


Other items found with body: Curious George plush animal made by Kelly Toys, manufacture date 12/2005- 6/2006

The fact they call her a fetus instead of an infant makes me wonder if she was miscarried.

I'm thinking scared, vulnerable mother who miscarried and buried her deceased child with the toy because she genuinely wanted her.
The 1lb weight was apparently measured, so if only partial skeletal remains were located then it's very likely she weighed more when alive. Given the discrepancies though, I wouldn't be surprised if she was as young as a newborn or as old as 10 months.

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