Has Raven publicly denied involvement in Janet's Murder?


All Posts JMO - May Godspeed Justice for Janet and
Apr 26, 2005
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I have a question I would like to put out there.

Has Raven ever claimed his innocence? I myself, have not seen one statement or one piece of evidence to suggest that Raven has publicly said to anyone, "I didn't do it", "I didn't kill Janet", "I was not involved", "I did not kill my wife."

Has anyone seen anything written by Raven stating emphatically, he didn't do it?

Has anybody talked to Raven and come out and say, "Did you kill your wife?" I ask because I almost cannot see his friends or family facing Raven and straight out saying "Raven, did you kill Janet."

If so, what was his actions, inactions, response, facial expression? Did he categorically deny having involvement?

Did he whine and say, "Why are people thinking I did it", "I did nothing wrong."

I am really interested in what his friends, acquaintances, coworkers heard from Raven or if anyone even has come out (besides LE) and actually ask him this question straight up.
terminatrixator said:
I have a question I would like to put out there.

Has Raven ever claimed his innocence? I myself, have not seen one statement or one piece of evidence to suggest that Raven has publicly said to anyone, "I didn't do it", "I didn't kill Janet", "I was not involved", "I did not kill my wife."

Has anyone seen anything written by Raven stating emphatically, he didn't do it?

Has anybody talked to Raven and come out and say, "Did you kill your wife?" I ask because I almost cannot see his friends or family facing Raven and straight out saying "Raven, did you kill Janet."

If so, what was his actions, inactions, response, facial expression? Did he categorically deny having involvement?

Did he whine and say, "Why are people thinking I did it", "I did nothing wrong."

I am really interested in what his friends, acquaintances, coworkers heard from Raven or if anyone even has come out (besides LE) and actually ask him this question straight up.
Interesting. Let's add him being able to look you straight in the eye and deny involvement. Has he been able to do that?
Well the problem I am seeing, is that in everything I have researched to date, he has not through media or to any person come out and said - Hey I didn't kill my wife.

If you go back to any statement Raven has publicly made, he has never denied involvement. He has never, to my knowledge, to any of the Members of Websleuths that claim to know or have met Raven, said I did not do it.

The recent article regarding the Reward by Samiha has Raven as quoted below:
Meanwhile, Raven Abaroa, 26, has moved to Utah with Kaiden. He left Durham shortly after his wife's death, he said, because there was no reason to stay.
"The only thing I had there was my family, and my family was taken from me," he said.
Months went by and Kaiden, now 1, took his first steps. He learned to kick a soccer ball, something that would have made his soccer-star mom proud, Raven Abaroa said.

"He knows who his mom is," he said. "He sees pictures of her and says, 'Ma,' " he added, sobbing.
Raven and Janet Abaroa were private people, and now strangers speculate on the details of their lives and the killing on Web sites, he said. He recognizes that even strangers want to see justice for his wife, but he also worries that people personify Janet as weak, as being helplessly victimized. They should remember her as the strong woman she was, he said.
"She [was] the epitome of what a woman should be," he said.

Notice he never said anything like They speculate whether or not I had something to do with it, and I am not guilty, I loved my wife, she loved me, I had no involvement WHATSOEVER in the Murder of Janet. I'm innocent, please focus on finding the Murderer, I'll do whatever it takes to help bring this vicious murderer to justice. He has not once stated he did not do it!

Please note again, how he proved that Janet was an OBJECT by saying "She [was] the epitome of what a woman should be." Hello, this freak has a theory of what a woman should be? I read this and think again, he is making her sound like an object, just like Kaiden "He looks good."

If this is how he truly felt, why the affairs, why the lies, why did he take her life?
Kind of like when Sharon asked Scott where Laci was, what did he do with her...and his unconvincing response when asked by Dianne Sawyer if he killed Laci. I would love it if a reporter went up to Raven with a camera and asked him if he killed Janet.:confused:
Well, the kid gloves have been on with respect to media. Why no reporter has come out and just asked him, did you kill Janet, is beyond me.

He has not done an interview publicly stating his innocence, asking for help in solving this murder, just the one interview as he came out of the courthouse, on the day he PLEAD GUILTY to Embezzlement. That day he was caught off guard. He thought he was sneaking in and out because the hearing date was listed on the Orange County Docket as later in the week.
Very good question, Term. You're right - I don't recall him ever saying publicly that he is innocent. I imagine that someone somewhere, (especially family, friends, or LE) may have heard him state his innocence but not media. Then again, if the media were to ask him point-blank if he killed Janet, he'd probably refer the question to his lawyer anyway :rolleyes: like he did back in August when he thought he'd slip into town unnoticed.

I honestly don't blame him for not proclaiming his innocence in last week's interview with Samiha however. That interview was about the reward, and turning it into an "I'm innocent" monologue would have been a very bad idea, IMO. I have a feeling that we would have torn into him unmercifully had he used that time to talk about himself. I know that I probably would have. But he could have said it at any other time during these past 9 months.
He hasn't even posted here that he is innocent or anywhere else on the internet. If he was not guilty, I'm sure we would have seen a ravenisinnocent.com site set up.
LOL - Eww.

I would bet eventually we will see it. Then we will start being called didits and then there can be some NG's running around spouting those infamous last words "Innocent until Proven Guilty" after proven guilty, then we can hear how LE forgot the look into the satanic cults and homeless man, hawaiins, asian mafiaoso's and how someone in a brown van did it, and wow, then Raven can get letters from crazies asking him to marry them. I'm sure he will find the "epitome" of a what a woman represents while locked behind bars.

Yeah, it's heading to the RII realm in the future. Kick of your shoes, sit back and watch the blustering nothings of people defending a guilty man.
ewwwinteresting said:
He hasn't even posted here that he is innocent or anywhere else on the internet. If he was not guilty, I'm sure we would have seen a ravenisinnocent.com site set up.
If Raven was innocent, we would never have been here. There would have been no need for our efforts.
I am doubting any of his personal friends, family or acquaitances has asked him straight up, hey did you kill Janet.

I can see them saying omg what happened? But even after all this time, I doubt anyone close to him pulled him aside to say, Hey Rave, did you kill Janet?

When Raven went to LE that night, they were fact gathering, they had the scene to deal with and the questions, those questions would be getting the facts of where he had been, who may have wanted to hurt Janet, how he found Janet, what was missing, they probably stated to Raven, we would like you to take a polygraph so we can clear you and move on.

Chances of them being blunt and saying "Raven, did you kill your wife" that night may not have happened, at that early of the investigation. I doubt he was "interrogated" to the fullest extent that night. In light of the fact that he told LE he was coming the next day to take the polygraph.

I'm not sure of the police procedures put into play that night, but I don't know for a fact that LE asking him straight up that first night, as he was "sobbing" and playing the bereaved husband, "Mr. Abaroa did you kill your wife."

The next day he was fully lawyered, they could not legally interrogate him.

I have heard people say in many different murder investigations that they could not turn their child in if they were in this position, they would stand by their child, sibling, etc. If you would stand by this person, you loved, would you risk asking this question?

I suppose for all the empathy I have, if this was my sibling, friend, neighbor, cousin, child, I would be this blunt, out of need for the truth to know what I was dealing with. But I'm a very blunt person.

I would stand behind by them 100% after I knew the truth. I would be there for the full process, show my love, but I would do everything in my power to set this straight, even if it means my sibling, friend, neighbor or even my child had to go to prison.

It doesn't mean that I would abandoned them or not love them still, but I would realize that I could not live with myself, knowing that this person took another human life, and whatever pushed this person to do it in the first place, it could happen again.

As much as I loved this person, they must pay for their crime, and hiding or doing anything to cover up, or not make them see that what they did was wrong, would be too much for my conscience.
I'm thinking that the line of questioning on the night of the murder might have been determined by what LE thought of the crime scene. If a seasoned investigator believed from the get-go that Raven committed this crime, I imagine that the questioning that first night could have been pretty intense. Do we know the timeline regarding Raven after LE arrived at the scene? For instance, was he questioned on the scene for a while? Was he in the room when they tried to revive Janet? Was he taken quickly to headquarters? How long was he held there? Etcetera.
Awesome questions JG.

I heard a few different versions of what happened, one scenerio was Raven took Kaiden with him to the Police headquarters, and called some church members (married) and they came to get Kaiden, or the Church members were called and came to the home and took Kaiden. I still don't know which version is the accurate version.

Usually, unless there is immediate direct evidence that the witness (Raven) committed the crime, weapon in hand, there would have been mostly major fact gathering.

The search warrant was issued at 3:15 am on April 27, 2005, the search warranted was executed at 5:45 am. I heard Janet's parents heard about the murder through a phone call placed by Raven when he arrived back at the home of the church members who were watching Kaiden, the husband picked Raven up from the PD or was there waiting at PD for him, (not sure of the exact version) when they got back to the church member's home where the wife was watching Kaiden, Raven contacted Janet's parents and was unintelligible and he handed the phone to the Church Member (Male) who then informed Janet's family that Janet committed suicide. At 3:15 the search warrant clearly stated "MURDER." (this happened between 3:00 am - 5:30 am.)

I don't believe that Raven was grilled hard core that evening, as he was free to leave and asked to come back later that day (27th) to take the polygraph, and he was lawyered up on the 27th.

LE may have been waiting for confirmation of The Rave's "Alibi" and there was also a child involved that lost their mother and a bereaved (barf) husband, and they were probably waiting for more information before they started that process.

My estimation is they probably let Raven go between 3 - 5:00 am, as Raven was due back the day for the polygraph and more questioning but it never happened.

That's where it ends. There was a rumor floating around in August on WS that Raven submitted DNA sometime in August, but this is still unconfirmed and we must assume it is a rumor.

Other than that, Raven has not had any contact with LE from what I understand.
terminatrixator said:
As much as I loved this person, they must pay for their crime, and hiding or doing anything to cover up, or not make them see that what they did was wrong, would be too much for my conscience.
Of course we are talking about people that set up a "give us money" fund within hours of a murder....doesn't appear they have too much of a conscience.
Okay, so LE was called around 11 PM and we know that Raven was at the home of his church friends by 5 AM. Allowing time for whatever happened at the scene and travel time, we can at least surmise that Raven wasn't grilled for hours and hours on end. But even if he was questioned from 12-4, that's a lot of time. Especially if he wasn't giving up any information. I wonder if maybe asking him to take a polygraph wasn't just a technique to see what he would do. Perhaps they thought he did it that first night but couldn't get anything out of him, and realized that perhaps they'd have a better shot by backing him into a corner with the LDT. If that was the technique, it seems to have worked - more often than not, as we all know, lawyering up within hours indicates one thing.

Has Raven EVER been questioned by LE again after that first night or has his lawyer prevented that from happening?
He lawyered up - no questions, no contact with LE.

You are right there was plenty of time for some hard hitting questions, but I don't think he was grilled.

I am trying to find information on what exact time he arrived at the police department and what time he actually left the police station.

Also, still no confirmation that he had submitted DNA.
I thought about asking Raven about it, but was too scared. You've seen the Christmas video... he carries a knife "just in case". I wonder what he has told the girl that he is dating.
terminatrixator said:
Awesome questions JG.

"The search warrant was issued at 3:15 am on April 27, 2005, the search warranted was executed at 5:45 am. I heard Janet's parents heard about the murder through a phone call placed by Raven when he arrived back at the home of the church members who were watching Kaiden, the husband picked Raven up from the PD or was there waiting at PD for him, (not sure of the exact version) when they got back to the church member's home where the wife was watching Kaiden, Raven contacted Janet's parents and was unintelligible and he handed the phone to the Church Member (Male) who then informed Janet's family that Janet committed suicide. At 3:15 the search warrant clearly stated "MURDER." (this happened between 3:00 am - 5:30 am.)"

Are we sure about this? This is not the story I have heard about the Christiansen's finding out. I thought it was late afternoon the next day by the time they found out and that they found out through church leaders, not Raven. I did not think the Christiansens talked to Raven until after they heard about Janet. It was none of my business, so I never asked them. Just saying what I heard. Also, I had not heard the suicide comments anywhere but on websleuths. Are we sure about those details too? If I am going to mentally send Raven to jail 1000 times a day, I just want to make sure my facts are straight.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
I thought about asking Raven about it, but was too scared. You've seen the Christmas video... he carries a knife "just in case". I wonder what he has told the girl that he is dating.
I could understand being scared and the way you felt is the way that many friends and family members probably felt.

#1 if I ask him will he be mad at me.
#2 if I ask him and he did it will he be madder at me.
#3 if I ask him and he didn't do it will I hurt his feelings.
#4 if I ask him and he did it - will he hurt me.
#5 if I ask him will I lose friends and family members for doubting him.

I understand well how hard it would be to ask this question of Raven, but I am surprised in light of everything here, he has not been asked.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
Are we sure about this? This is not the story I have heard about the Christiansen's finding out. I thought it was late afternoon the next day by the time they found out and that they found out through church leaders, not Raven. I did not think the Christiansens talked to Raven until after they heard about Janet. It was none of my business, so I never asked them. Just saying what I heard. Also, I had not heard the suicide comments anywhere but on websleuths. Are we sure about those details too? If I am going to mentally send Raven to jail 1000 times a day, I just want to make sure my facts are straight.

Facts are straight somewhere between 3:00 am and 5:30 am on April 27, 2005 Raven placed a phone call to the Christiansen family home and was unintelligible, he handed the phone over to a church member and the male church member informed the Christiansen's that Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa committed suicide. This is the first news the family had regarding Janet's brutal murder!

This is not a rumor, this is not a speculation, this is a fact.

I mentally put Raven in Jail and worse 24 hours a day.
ewwwinteresting said:
Of course we are talking about people that set up a "give us money" fund within hours of a murder....doesn't appear they have too much of a conscience.
I understand what you mean, the trust fund, if in the name and for the care of Kaiden, is or was not a bad idea, if done with a pure heart.

To be sure though, the timing was off, it could have waited until more information was out there, and it was to be used for Kaiden's future, it would not have bothered me so much.

If on the 27th this trust fund was set up, it could very well been done with a pure heart and best intentions, however, this was done within what less than 10 hours of Janet's body being discovered in the home? This was done a few hours after Janet's family heard news that Janet committed suicide, not that she was MURDERED, when it was clearly a Murder, Raven knew it was murder and why he led others to believe it was anything other than Murder is beyond me STILL.

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