Immigrants plan boycott,no work,shopping or school on may 1st


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Jan 11, 2006
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Monday, May 1, is the current buzz in the immigration debate.

Nationwide, activists and interest groups are urging Hispanic immigrants and their supporters to boycott work, school and shopping on that day to show the influence the group has on the national economy.

The national movement is reminiscent of the 2004 movie "A Day Without a Mexican," in which California wakes up one morning to find its Hispanic population has disappeared.

Supporters believe the national movement could make lawmakers on Capitol Hill reform immigration rules to allow millions of illegal workers to become citizens. Other activist groups in Mexico, and departments of the Mexican government, are pushing people in that country to support the U.S. boycott by not buying any American products on Monday.

Frank Medina, an Everett High School junior, plans to attend classes as normal on Monday, but said some of his friends are going to boycott school. Medina said he is not sure how successful the one-day boycott would be in showing the economic impact of Hispanics.

"I don't think it's enough," he said.

Monroe High School senior Jessica Duenas said since there is no school for her on Monday - it's a school improvement day - she will likely join the Seattle rally.

Earlier this month Duenas and her friends organized a walkout of about 100 students in Monroe, where about one out of 10 people are of Hispanic descent. She hopes the boycott leads to changes that will let illegal immigrants become citizens. The process now takes too long, she said.
KFI640,home of john and ken are encouraging us Southlanders to spend spend spend on Monday.:D

Where your legal status and your legal tender meet.
On Monday May 1st, while Latino activists are encouraging other Latinos to walk out on their jobs and boycott spending in any Southland businesses, we want you to do the exact opposite. SPEND, SPEND, AND SPEND!

To reward you and your financial patriotism, KFI AM 640 and the John and Ken show will be reimbursing you for your legal citizen-spending spree.
JBean said:
KFI640,home of john and ken are encouraging us Southlanders to spend spend spend on Monday.:D

Where your legal status and your legal tender meet.
On Monday May 1st, while Latino activists are encouraging other Latinos to walk out on their jobs and boycott spending in any Southland businesses, we want you to do the exact opposite. SPEND, SPEND, AND SPEND!

To reward you and your financial patriotism, KFI AM 640 and the John and Ken show will be reimbursing you for your legal citizen-spending spree.
Hi JBean,
You are good!:clap: Thanks for the link and the post.I am going to fax them every receipt I get.
I have monday off and I am going to shop till I drop.
Do illegals pay income taxes? Seriously? If not, who cares if they show up for work? If they don't show up for school, I hope they get "zeros" w/out the chance for make-up work/tests. I'm sure America will get along without them, it's they who need America, not the other way around.

And I'll be sure to spend some money on Monday!
shopper said:
Do illegals pay income taxes? Seriously? If not, who cares if they show up for work? If they don't show up for school, I hope they get "zeros" w/out the chance for make-up work/tests. I'm sure America will get along without them, it's they who need America, not the other way around.

And I'll be sure to spend some money on Monday!
Yes, they do pay taxes.
The place where I work employs illegals to work in the factory. They are NOT coming into work on Mon, and the owners worked out a deal for them to work over the weekend to make up the day. My bosses DO NEED THEM. Without these people to work in the factory there would be no business.
csds703 said:
Yes, they do pay taxes.
The place where I work employs illegals to work in the factory. They are NOT coming into work on Mon, and the owners worked out a deal for them to work over the weekend to make up the day. My bosses DO NEED THEM. Without these people to work in the factory there would be no business.

Do your bosses pay a LIVING wage (way more than minimum wage), with benefits like retirement and health insurance? If not, maybe (probably) that's why only illegals want to work there.

Glad to hear they pay taxes, as they are utilizing the same things my taxes pay for.
I'm planning on McDonald's instead of Taco Bell on Monday. It's the least I can do!
shopper said:
Do your bosses pay a LIVING wage (way more than minimum wage), with benefits like retirement and health insurance? If not, maybe (probably) that's why only illegals want to work there.

Glad to hear they pay taxes, as they are utilizing the same things my taxes pay for.
Nobody in my office gets benefits. Some of the warehouse workers make decent money but most make minimum wage.
We produce household cleaning supplies like dryer sheets, steel wool soap pads, swiffer type wet wipes, baby wipes etc. In order to be competitive with China, we have to produce these things as cheaply as possible. Most of our customers want MADE IN AMERICA, but don't want to pay higher prices. Our customers include MAJOR grocery and discount chains across the country. You probably buy our products.
With all that being said, I personally do not support ILLEGAL immigration.
I am just stating facts.
I could be wrong but I don't believe illegals pay income tax. I don't believe they have socia security numbers, do they? I don't know how they would get them, since they're illegals, so I sure don't know how they would pay income tax. Hispanic workers who are not illegals pay regular taxes just like everyone else. Again, I could be wrong but that was my understanding.
HeartofTexas said:
I could be wrong but I don't believe illegals pay income tax. I don't believe they have socia security numbers, do they? I don't know how they would get them, since they're illegals, so I sure don't know how they would pay income tax. Hispanic workers who are not illegals pay regular taxes just like everyone else. Again, I could be wrong but that was my understanding.
Some pay taxes and some do not. There is a mass movement right now by many illegals to file their taxes for 2005. In the the event there is a case to be made for amnesty in the form of new legislation, they will be able to say, we even paid our taxes.
HeartofTexas said:
I could be wrong but I don't believe illegals pay income tax. I don't believe they have socia security numbers, do they? I don't know how they would get them, since they're illegals, so I sure don't know how they would pay income tax. Hispanic workers who are not illegals pay regular taxes just like everyone else. Again, I could be wrong but that was my understanding.
They all have social security numbers that they purchase when they get here. The way I understand it from my human resource person is that once a year social security will notify human resources that somebody's SS# isn't good. That person is notified and purchases a new one and it goes on and on.
csds703 said:
Nobody in my office gets benefits. Some of the warehouse workers make decent money but most make minimum wage.
We produce household cleaning supplies like dryer sheets, steel wool soap pads, swiffer type wet wipes, baby wipes etc. In order to be competitive with China, we have to produce these things as cheaply as possible. Most of our customers want MADE IN AMERICA, but don't want to pay higher prices. Our customers include MAJOR grocery and discount chains across the country. You probably buy our products.
With all that being said, I personally do not support ILLEGAL immigration.
I am just stating facts.

And therein lies the problem. It's a total catch-22.
HeartofTexas said:
I could be wrong but I don't believe illegals pay income tax. I don't believe they have socia security numbers, do they? I don't know how they would get them, since they're illegals, so I sure don't know how they would pay income tax. Hispanic workers who are not illegals pay regular taxes just like everyone else. Again, I could be wrong but that was my understanding.
This is part of the problem. My understanding is our government issues Tax identification numbers to the illegals so they can file. Not ss #'s , but TIN's. Makes the problem worse on a number of levels.
Illegal Aliens Paying Taxes

AP) Ernesto Cuellar filed his taxes this year not just to report what he made from his $9-an-hour job as a house painter, but also, he hopes, to speed his path to becoming a legal resident of the United States.

Cuellar submitted his federal return using an increasingly popular tax number issued by the Internal Revenue Service to people who can't get Social Security numbers. Many, like Cuellar, are undocumented immigrants, causing concern among critics of U.S. immigration policy.

"By paying taxes, the government will be able to see that immigrants are contributing to the economy," said Cuellar, 35, who came from Mexico almost five years ago and now lives in San Francisco. "That record will hopefully help me in the future, as proof that I've been complying and filing" taxes.

The IRS has issued more than 6.8 million of the individual taxpayer identification numbers since 1996. Last year, it gave out almost 1.5 million, about 58 percent more than in 2000.

The tax numbers - which the IRS is forbidden to share with immigration officials - also are being used for purposes beyond their original intent, to help people open bank accounts and get driver's licenses in some states.
most of the labor force down here in TX (construction, restaurants, etc... pretty much everything but tech & other high-end jobs) is illegal mexican immigrants. everyone's trying to undercut everyone else, and the rich LOOOOVE their cheap mexican slave labor because they will do ANYTHING for close to nothing, and 'never complain'. and because of thr language barrier, they don't have to really communicate or treat them as human. these workers have no concept of the 8-hour-limit workday, benefits, overtime, paying taxes, paying insurance (car or otherwise-- when you hear about someone pulling a hit & run, 9 times out of 10 they are the culprit), work standards, quality craftsmanship, liscencing, liability, etc... maybe some do, but most don't. and it's kind of hard to work among people who you can't even communicate with about basic things. and of COURSE they can underbid everyone else, when they live 10 people to a house! must be cheap, huh?

they are generally good citizens, and of course hard workers (we've established that).. which is certainly better than loafing around and dealing drugs... but that's not the issue here. it's easy for someone to say "oh, they work SO hard!"... but how do you feel when they take YOUR job for half the price?

i don't blame them as much as i blame the greedy rich who have no vision of the big picture... and the greedy corporations who are selling out the soul of america, which is quickly becoming the united states of mexico.

normally here we all live together peacefully, which i am grateful for.... but things i see every day bug me, like all the trash they throw in the street in my neighborhood, and they have this nasty habit of throwing their babys' dirty diapers everywhere.. in the street, on the sidewalk, in the park, in your yard as they drive by. , i guess they do this in their own country, and the macho men don't want to have any trash in their truck, so they just throw it out the window. i spend several hours a week cleaning up after them in my neighborhood.,, because if i don't do it, no one else will.

i understand that we are a nation of immigrants, and no one was really "here first",,, except for the ancestors of tribes such as the caddo, karankawa, jumano & tonkawa indians.but i just wish that the owners of companies would not *advertiser censored* our nation out, it is eventually going to destroy any standards of civilization that we have worked so hard to build. we are supposed to be a melting pot, but our identity is shifting too rapidly and we are being taken over by another culture right under our noses... and our stupid inept idiotic government has been doing NOTHING to stop it. (how can they, when the govt. itself, and families of govt. members, use cheap illegal mexican labor themselves..???) we are so worried about being outsourced with overseas labor.. HELLO PEOPLE... we are being outsourced right here, right now.
everyone says "oh, the mexicans are so nice!" but what do you do the day you wake up and the world you knew is gone, and you are totally outnumbered, and you feel like a stranger in your own homeland...??? what do you do the day that you pick up the phone, and you hear "for espanol, press 1. for inglese, press 2."........then what???
reb said:
most of the labor force down here in TX (construction, restaurants, etc... pretty much everything but tech & other high-end jobs) is illegal mexican immigrants. everyone's trying to undercut everyone else, and the rich LOOOOVE their cheap mexican slave labor because they will do ANYTHING for close to nothing, and 'never complain'. and because of thr language barrier, they don't have to really communicate or treat them as human. these workers have no concept of the 8-hour-limit workday, benefits, overtime, paying taxes, paying insurance (car or otherwise-- when you hear about someone pulling a hit & run, 9 times out of 10 they are the culprit), work standards, quality craftsmanship, liscencing, liability, etc... maybe some do, but most don't. and it's kind of hard to work among people who you can't even communicate with about basic things. and of COURSE they can underbid everyone else, when they live 10 people to a house! must be cheap, huh?

they are generally good citizens, and of course hard workers (we've established that).. which is certainly better than loafing around and dealing drugs... but that's not the issue here. it's easy for someone to say "oh, they work SO hard!"... but how do you feel when they take YOUR job for half the price?

i don't blame them as much as i blame the greedy rich who have no vision of the big picture... and the greedy corporations who are selling out the soul of america, which is quickly becoming the united states of mexico.

normally here we all live together peacefully, which i am grateful for.... but things i see every day bug me, like all the trash they throw in the street in my neighborhood, and they have this nasty habit of throwing their babys' dirty diapers everywhere.. in the street, on the sidewalk, in the park, in your yard as they drive by. , i guess they do this in their own country, and the macho men don't want to have any trash in their truck, so they just throw it out the window. i spend several hours a week cleaning up after them in my neighborhood.,, because if i don't do it, no one else will.

i understand that we are a nation of immigrants, and no one was really "here first",,, except for the ancestors of tribes such as the caddo, karankawa, jumano & tonkawa indians.but i just wish that the owners of companies would not *advertiser censored* our nation out, it is eventually going to destroy any standards of civilization that we have worked so hard to build. we are supposed to be a melting pot, but our identity is shifting too rapidly and we are being taken over by another culture right under our noses... and our stupid inept idiotic government has been doing NOTHING to stop it. (how can they, when the govt. itself, and families of govt. members, use cheap illegal mexican labor themselves..???) we are so worried about being outsourced with overseas labor.. HELLO PEOPLE... we are being outsourced right here, right now.
everyone says "oh, the mexicans are so nice!" but what do you do the day you wake up and the world you knew is gone, and you are totally outnumbered, and you feel like a stranger in your own homeland...??? what do you do the day that you pick up the phone, and you hear "for espanol, press 1. for inglese, press 2."........then what???

VERY GOOD POST!!!!!!!!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
just looked at that 'great american spend-a-lot'

hhmm.. first it says "you will be reimbursed for what you spend that day'.. than it says "your name will be placed in a drawing.. and 8 winners will be reimbursed for up to $640 a piece". nice idea, but kind of misleading....

better yet, how about.. when you need a service done, pay a bit extra to hire a qualified, properly-trained, liscenced, LEGAL citizen to do work around your house, on your car, and work for your business? this is what people should have been doing all along, not just now that it's a red-hot issue. but everyone just started hiring illegals years ago because they saw everyone else doing it, and "hey, they're cheap." monkey see, monkey do.

and if you REALLY want to get hard-core... start grilling your favorite restaurants & stores, to see who has illegals, don't go to gross places like wal-mart & fast food joints (ugh, why would you want to go there anyway?).. patronize LOCAL businesses who hire local citizens. this is where our money can really do the talking.
but understand that if a business loses their cheap mexican slave labor, they are gonna have to raise prices. is it worth it to you?? or, do you want 'CHEAP- AT ANY COST' most people...? it all comes around.
Ohhh, Reb, we could be neighbors! Every day there are dirty diapers strewn somewhere on my street. It's disgusting. I guess they have different customs than we do, and feeling bad about littering isn't one of them. My neighbor is Hispanic, and his entire front yard is WEEDS. Nothing but weeds. It didn't use to be, but it is now. He told me that as long as it's green, he doesn't care. Well, I had my yard professionally landscaped and I also pay a yard crew to mow, weed eat, etc. every week. Well, guess what... my neighbors weeds blow into my yard every time the wind blows, and now my yard is getting the weeds. I know that's a small complaint, but it's annoying. There are cultural changes happening that I'm having trouble accepting. I'm sure I eventually will... but right now I'm still balking.

Thanks for letting me vent!
reb said:
just looked at that 'great american spend-a-lot'

hhmm.. first it says "you will be reimbursed for what you spend that day'.. than it says "your name will be placed in a drawing.. and 8 winners will be reimbursed for up to $640 a piece". nice idea, but kind of misleading....

It's just a radio gimmick. they have been talking about it all week on the radio station I listen too. They are just trying to make a stand and a point. They've been very clear as to how it works.
oh-- and i forgot to mention.. they also (in general) have no concept of SAFETY STANDARDS. they think nothing of being on a construction site and just spraying laquer thinner, or polyurethane, or whatever toxic substance, wherever they're told to do it, while everyone else is there working, with no warning, you tell them "you should be wearing a mask" and they look at you like you're from outer space. i suggest it to their manager, who says "oh, they like it. they don't want to wear masks." in other words, it's cheaper for the company to have a bunch of employees who like to get high while working, then for them to train them in basic safety measures?? also, it's a big macho thing... "i'm too much man to have to wear one of those sissy respirators.. i don't need that." apparently they couldn't care less that these highly toxic substances are going to give them cancer, or make them sick in some other way, and shorten their lives. who's going to take care of all these immigrants who are too sick to work, in the future?

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