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This is the place to put information about upcoming vigils, fundraisers, conferences, and places to link a missing loved one.

Also, any references about things that a person should do, or people they should contact to help them, should be put here.

i.e. SAR, LE, FBI, NCIC and TRAK and general information for all.

Please list any and all contact information that will assist the families of a missing loved one, or ideas for fundraisers, etc. here and thanks.
The Center For HOPE (healing our painful emotions) will be hosting the 3rd annual Missing Persons Day in New York on Sunday, April 4th, 2004.

Information about the event can be found here, on Doug and Mary Lyall's web site for The Center For HOPE at

They state, "The Center for HOPE to extend an invitation for this day, to the families, friends and others, affected by the mysterious disappearance of a loved one. The Center for HOPE 3rd Annual Missing Persons Day will be held on Sunday April 4, 2004, at the NYS Nurses Association Building in Latham, New York"

I attended last year. It was an amazing day.
My organization, Project Jason, is launching a national missing persons location program. The letter you and FAQ that you see below can be copied and emailed to any drivers or business travelers you know, or anyone who works for a trucking company. Please help us to spread the word. I know this program can make a difference! Thank you!

I am the mother of a missing person. My son, Jason, has been missing without a trace for 2 1/2 years. A few months after his disappearance, we started to spread the word about him nationwide through a website.

After that, I started to hear from kind people all over the country who, even though they did not know us, would help us by putting up posters of our son. Many of those kind hearted people were truck drivers. I was very moved by this.

Fast forward well over two years to now. While we still do not have any clues as to our own son's fate, we felt called to help others in this situation, so we started a nonprofit organization to assist families of the missing, Project Jason.

As a start-up with little money, I brainstormed inexpensive, yet effective ways to reach out and make an impact. I remembered the kindness of the truckers and the 18 Wheel Angels program sprang to life.

18 Wheel Angels FAQ:

What is an 18 Wheel Angel?
An 18 Wheel Angel is a compassionate person, who, while traveling the highways, helps to locate missing loved ones by placing posters of them along the way.

What would I need to do?
Project Jason, the sponsor organization, will feature a printable poster of a missing person on their website, which changes bi-monthly. 18 Wheel Angels would go to the website and print posters of the missing person to take on their next trip and post in businesses along their route.
What is required of me to be an 18 Wheel Angel?

Participating drivers need access to a PC, printer, and the Internet. Drivers may print 5 or more posters to distribute on their route. They will report bi-monthly via email to Project Jason the number of posters distributed per campaign.

Why should I become an 18 Wheel Angel?
The potential for the success of this program is unlimited. Remember, the key to resolution in these cases is public awareness. With over 97,000 active missing persons cases in the U.S., these families need your help. The poster that you lovingly place may be the one that reunites a family!

Why do I need to sign up and report in?
We want to provide stats on the webpage showing how many posters were placed. A successful program with statistical information can help increase the number of participants and thus increase the odds of locating a missing person.

The program will on January 15, 2004. A special link on our website for the 18 Wheel Angel program is where you can find the poster to print. Feel free to write me with any questions, or to sign up. Bookmark our website and check back for the link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Working together, we can make a difference for these families.

Kelly Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
18 Wheel Angel program can, if that recipe pays for defense classes that teach how to break free from a would be abductor.

Recently there has been a lot of attention surrounding the abduction and murder of Carlie Brucia of Florida. People are asking "what could have saved her life?" We all can do things to protect ourselves and those we love. Education is the key.

Robert Cooke, father of missing Rachel from Texas, has some ideas and he has teamed up with a gal who teaches self defense classes.

His group, The Rachel Alert Network is making a cookbook, all proceeds will go to teaching others how to prevent what happened to Carlie, and what probably happened to Rachel and to helping other families of missing persons. Each of us can send up to ten recipes. Here's the instructions, as per RC's web site for Rachel.

Subject: Rachel Alert Network Cookbooks
We plan to publish a Rachel Alert Network cookbook in June 2004. All proceeds from the cookbooks will go to sponsor RAN events such as M.U.S.T self-defense and awareness classes and to help families of missing persons.

If you would like to submit a recipe for the cookbook, please e-mail the recipe to:

Please include the ingredients, directions, your name, and your state. An optional message field is also available to include any messages to Rachel, our family, or information of other missing persons. To give everyone a chance to send a recipe, we are limiting submissions to a maximum of ten recipes per person.

I know you all have some great family recipes, now would be a great time to get them out and send them to Robert. If you’re like me, you will forget about this if you do not sit down and do it, now. So, please take a few moments and gather and send your recipes today.

Send a recipe, and save a life. Thanks, and God bless each of you for participating.

Much love, Lanie

*NOTE* If anyone has any questions or replies, please direct them to me on e-mail at and not on this thread, this is for information, only, and thanks!!
Kelly Jolkowski announces "Adopt A Missing Person" project

Project Jason is going to embark on a tour of the state of Nebraska on June 13th. Through-out most of that week, declared as Missing Person's Week by our Governor, we will visit as many cities as we can, bringing awareness for our missing loved ones, plus distributing our free child id kits and other materials.

We are going to write to youth organizations such as the Girl and Boy Scouts, asking them to get involved in whatever manner they choose. We will ask them to come to our table when we visit their city on the Miles for the Missing Tour. We will give them a child id kit and a safety brochure for children.

This is the part where you become involved. I want to launch a program on this tour called "Adopt a Missing Person". When the young person (or any other person who wants to participate) comes to our table, they can read about and choose to "adopt" a missing person. If you are interested, this is what you would provide and mail to me by June 11th:

· At least 2-4 dozen buttons of your missing loved one.

· A laminated 8x11 information card.

This would include a photo of your loved one that matches the button photo if possible, plus the story of the person's disappearance and some personal information about them. This would be written to the child, so they could feel that they know their "Adopted Missing Person". You are also more than welcome to attach something to the button, such as a mini thank you note or website address if it is not already on your button.

When the children come, they can read the information on the cards and then decide who they want to adopt and take the corresponding button. I will have them sign a simple guest-book with their name and the name of the missing loved one they are adopting. They will be encouraged to wear the button or affix it to their backpack or purse. It will be optional for them to add their email or physical address to the guestbook to forward to you so that you could write them and thank them if you can.

This is another way to promote awareness of your missing loved one, plus start to educate our young people about our mutual cause.

I am also looking for sponsors to make buttons for our missing persons in Nebraska. There are about 8-9 that we know of who we want to take on the tour. If you know of anyone, or can take at least one of the missing and make buttons for us, that would be most appre-ciated. Sponsors who help with this will be listed on our website with corresponding website links if applicable. I do not have much time with my needing to plan for the trip and securing our locations, so any help with this is most appreciated. I will also be checking with a few local businesses to see if they would do this.

If you are interested, or have any questions about the Miles for the Missing Tour or the Adopt a Missing Loved One program, please email me at

Many blessings on this day that the Lord has made,
Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder, Project Jason

If anyone has any questions for Kelly, pls direct them to her on Jason's thread at
as this thread is for information only, and thanks.

If any family member of a missing loved one wants buttons and does not have them, pls e-mail me for information on how to get them. We have a guy who is making them for a discounted price as part of the effort to raise awareness on this incredible project.
Lanie, Help For The Missing
I will be speaking at KidsFest in St. Louis, MO on Saturday, June 19, at 3:00 p.m. Rachel Alert Network is proud to join with the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation to sponsor a M.U.S.T. awareness and self-defense seminar following my speech.

Come join us for a day of fun at The Shawn Hornbeck Foundation's KidsFEST at THE HEIGHTS Community Center in Richmond Heights, Missouri! Children and families will learn about safety while having fun at the same time!

Entertainment will include clowns, storytelling, face painting, inflatable attractions and more!. Various fire and police vehicles will be on display.

Give us a call at 866 400-5353 to reserve your child's activity bracelet for a day of fun! Advance bracelet reservations are just $10.00! All proceeds help support the many programs of The Shawn Hornbeck Foundation.

More on KidsFest

More info on M.U.S.T. Seminars
Now that we are back home from our Miles for the Missing Tour, we have
taken our new Adopt a Missing Person program and placed it online. Now, for
the low cost of a mailer, anyone can adopt your missing loved one. The
original group we had on tour with us are now online and available to be
adopted. This webpage is still under construction, but you can view it here: We will continue to add more people
to the program, and will also be adding a link directly to your loved one's
website, if applicable.

If you are a family member, and want to add your missing loved one to the
program, there are additional instructions on the webpage. Sponsorships may
be available for those who cannot get their own buttons. Please email me for
additional information.

If you have a website, please consider adding a link to this page. Be sure
to send the link to all of your family members and friends, so they can
participate. As you know, awareness is one of the keys to bringing them
home. There is no greater joy than the reunion with someone we love deeply.
Please help us help these families.

Thank you, and may God bless you and yours.

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Help For The Missing is proud to announce a new program aimed at easing the financial burdens of the families of the missing, lost and abducted.

When networking the case of missing Sharon Santos of Burbank, Ca., I received a phone call from the parent of a missing child. He had gone to one of the missing forums I posted his loved one on and was incredibly distressed at how some were dissecting a families character and asked "how can they do this, don't they know our child is missing?" I didn't know what to tell him, I can only speak for me and I try to educate people and hearts are changing. How do you explain hundreds of thousands of hits for Laci Peterson who has been found, and less than 5000 for all persons still missing who might potentially be alive?

It was then that I called on one of the moderators of the forum to try and address the problem. Since that time I have spoken with this gal several times and in these conversations she suggested wanting to do more. A light went off in my head, that's like an open invitation. She suggested donating calling cards to the families of the missing, and I knew this could be huge. We already had one sponsor for calling cards, but getting more meant helping more families.

When the college friend of Sharon Santos contacted me via private message asking for a phone call regarding Sharon, the plan for calling card sponsorship flew into action. Immediately, this moderator went out and got the Santos search team a calling card and I was so happy, I was crying tears of joy.

The Santos family now has the card and the idea is to ease their financial burden. There is so much to do in such a short amount of time, and many times businesses do not sponsor the search, so it can get very expensive, very fast. The main priority is to get their missing loved ones information circulated as quickly as possible and at the same time offer them emotional and spiritual support, which is so important.

The calling card program is now going national and anyone who wishes to donate a calling card to the families of missing loved ones or is in need of a calling card should contact me via e-mail for more information.

You can remain completely anonymous, as the calling number and pin number will be sent via e-mail to the family. If the family wishes to know their sponsor, this will happily be arranged.

Thank you all for your support of this new program.

With love and HOPE, Lanie
Help For The Missing

Note: If you have any questions or comments about this program, please direct them to me on e-mail, as this thread is for information only, and thanks!
This is really a fabulous way to help when you wonder "What can I do to help". ATT Calling CardsPrepaid Calling Cards can be purchased at Walmart, Sams Club etc in as little as $5 incriments for 60 minutes of calling time and recharged at $5 per 100 minutes. All that is necessary is forwarding the toll free # and the pin # on back of the card and it will be forwarded to a family searching for a loved one. The sponser keeps the card and may recharge it as desired or only make a 1 time sponsership.
This is a real letter I received: (I edited the names and location for privacy.)

"My name is XXXX and I post on the *advertiser censored* board as XXXXX. I've followed your story, and have your family, and Jason, in my prayers every day. I appreciate that you've used your painful experience to alert others of the plight of the missing. We found out first hand last year, at this time, how quickly your life can change. Our intelligent, thoughtful, loving teenage daughter was naive enough to be drawn into an "internet relationship". We were careful about her time on the internet.....never thought that this would happen to her......but this 19 year old boy was a lot more cunning.

She sent him airfare and he came to town to "score". She was, supposedly, watching a movie in the family room (unbeknowst to me she left through the front door at this time), I was upstairs when the phone rang and she said that she wouldn't be home that night. I got her to tell me where she was before she hung up. ! ! How I managed to remember to immediately call 911 is beyond me....but I did. The police just missed her, and, again, she was gone. I called her friends right away, and one of them had the e-mail address for this creep.

The state police showed up for a picture of her, fingerprints (I had them) and told me that, hopefully, she'd make it home. The state trooper, bless his heart, made a phone call, then another and was able to track the guy from one hotel to another. Fortunately for us, someone at the hotel saw the shuttle that they took to a mall nearby. The state trooper called mall security, gave a description of our daughter, and asked them to please look for her. By the time we arrived at the mall she, and the companion, were in custody at the mall security office. (The guy had waited until she had turned 16, so we couldn't file any charges against him.) "He" was told to get back on a plane, and go

We took our only child back home....counting our blessings along the way. This whole story would have turned out differently, had it not been for Trooper XXXX and his persistence. We found out that our daughter was suffering from clinical depression, and with medication and therapy, she is, once again, an "A" student, has a happy outlook, and focuses on her real friends (no more internet unless I'm in the room).

I feel extremely fortunate that we found her so quickly that night. I thank God every day that she's with us, and pray for those that are missing to find their way home. And, finally, God bless you for all that you do in bringing information to others. Because of your story, I had kept a recent photo of our daughter with her statistics, and fingerprints, in an envelope....never thinking that I'd have to use it. But when I needed it, it was, thank you Kelly."

Here's an update about this young woman:

"Our daughter, now 18, is doing great. She is a senior in High School, an honor student, is involved in *advertiser censored* (and recently won a state competition for XXXX and will be going on to Nationals) and, more important, is a happy, healthy young woman. She still sees a therapist every two months, is still on her medication but, most of all, realizes just how fortunate she was to be found. She has, only recently, begun to instant message her friends on the computer........and realizes how short her "friend list" should be when it comes to the internet. She has a lot of plans for her future......including a major in Psychology, so that she may help others, too.

Again, Kelly......God bless you for your and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers."

Had this mother not had our Project Jason ID Kit filled out, things could have turned out much differently. Time is critical in these cases, and when you have all the vital data ready to go for LE, it can make a difference.

You can download one free at our website at

Everyone needs one, whether you are 6, 16, or 66. Don't say it can't happen to you or someone in your family. That's what I thought, too.

Kelly said:

You can download one free at our website at

Everyone needs one, whether you are 6, 16, or 66. Don't say it can't happen to you or someone in your family. That's what I thought, too.


Microsoft word format - English

pdf format - English

Microsoft word format - Spanish

pdf format - Spanish

Right click the format you need, and scroll to "save as". Please finish the kit right away, no matter what your age. I cannot express the importance of having this kit prepared.

With love and HOPE, Lanie
Tomorrow is a VERY important day for the family of missing Cindy Casteel

Please come and join us in Anaheim, near the corner of Beach and Ball at 10:00 am for the "Drive for Cindy" poster placement campaign.

We really need your help to keep Cindy's face and name out there.

More information about the event can be found on Cindy's thread in the missing section, or click here

Thanks in advance.

Jason Casteel
in search of Cindy, the Mother of my Beautiful Children

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