CA - Woman Set On Fire In Oakland, 2006


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Dec 30, 2005
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OAKLAND Oakland police are investigating an attempted homicide at 44th Street and Shafter Avenue, an Oakland police officer said.

The fire department reports it was called out to the area to investigate reports of a fire around 5 a.m., but transferred the incident to the Oakland Police Department, which reports that a woman was found on fire on the ground in the area.

Police say the unidentified woman, in her late 30s to early 40s, was found hogtied and suffering from severe burns. Investigators are trying to determine if an accelerant was used to set the woman on fire.

The woman was found in the parking lot of the Park Day Elementary School. The school is not in session until September 6th.

She was transported to Highland Hospital and is in critical condition with burns to over 70 percent of her body, according to the Police Department.
Dear God. That's got to be one of the worst things that can happen. Can anyone live through that??
There's a war going on in Oakland, CA. The number of homicides this year, around 98, already eclipses the number they had for all of last year. The homicides are mostly all gang, and drug related. The whole area, including Richmond, is a dangerous place. San Francisco also has a similar problem.

Two Dead In East Oakland Double Homicide

POSTED: 12:31 am PDT August 29, 2006

OAKLAND -- Authorities report that two people are dead after a double homicide that took place in East Oakland Monday night.

Police say the shooting happened just after 10 p.m. at 78th and Rudsdale. The victims were reportedly found dead at the scene of the shooting. Witnesses told police the gunman fired a semi-automatic weapon fled in a green Suburban.

Oakland has suffered a staggering number of fatal violent crimes this year. These two victims would be the 94th and 95th homicides in 2006, a number that already equals the total for all of 2005. Investigation into this latest incident is ongoing.

Aug. 30 - KGO - Oakland's homicide rate continues to climb in spite of the police department's efforts to employ a variety of new strategies. Another shooting overnight brings the total to 96. More than in all of last year. Police say their efforts are having an impact.

Johnie Jackson, Oakland: "Well it was gunshots, about six or eight gunshots, and then I heard a car drive off real fast, and then I came to the front window, and the streets were full of policemen."

Johnie Jackson isn't happy she's becoming too familiar with violence on the street she's occupied for more than 30 years.

It's the same neighborhood where police launched a crackdown on drug dealers last week. Taking months to collect evidence with undercover drug buys, and rounding up as many suspects as possible. Freddie Hamilton said his sergeant reported an immediate impact.
How utterly evil this is to do to someone. It's just sickening.

From what I've read the younger a person is the better the chances to survive serious burns. The story says over 70% of her body and we don't know the degree of the burns but I wouldn't doubt they are probably 3rd degree.

Her survival chances seem grim to me.

Horrible, Horrible story. :furious: :(
ajc2804 said:
OAKLAND Oakland police are investigating an attempted homicide at 44th Street and Shafter Avenue, an Oakland police officer said.

The fire department reports it was called out to the area to investigate reports of a fire around 5 a.m., but transferred the incident to the Oakland Police Department, which reports that a woman was found on fire on the ground in the area.

Police say the unidentified woman, in her late 30s to early 40s, was found hogtied and suffering from severe burns. Investigators are trying to determine if an accelerant was used to set the woman on fire.

The woman was found in the parking lot of the Park Day Elementary School. The school is not in session until September 6th.

She was transported to Highland Hospital and is in critical condition with burns to over 70 percent of her body, according to the Police Department.
OMG, I just read about it on the local news, but they didn't identify the street(s) where it happened. That's just 5 blocks from where I used to live!!!!! :eek: Thank God we moved!

Sep. 1 - Police combed a North Oakland neighborhood for witnesses on Friday after the fire department found a woman tied up, doused with a flammable spray and set on fire earlier in the day.

Snip ...

After extinguishing the flames, firefighters found the fully clothed victim hog-tied amid the debris, hands and ankles behind her back, semiconscious and in shock, Drayton said. Burns covered 70 percent of her body, he said.

Police found signs that the victim, who appeared to be in her late 30s, was beaten and then tied to a fixed object before being sprayed with an unknown chemical and set ablaze, Officer Roland Holmgren said.
My God - what do these subhumans do? Sit around and think of the worst things that can be done to a person...and then go out and do them? I pray that the lady recovers - and that she is able to give a name to the subhuman who did this. I refuse to call these creeps animals - animals don't torture and murder.
cathieq said:
My God - what do these subhumans do? Sit around and think of the worst things that can be done to a person...and then go out and do them? I pray that the lady recovers - and that she is able to give a name to the subhuman who did this. I refuse to call these creeps animals - animals don't torture and murder.
cathieq, you are so right. We had a bed ridden paraplegic set on fire here on the weekend. The depravity of these crimes is sickening. :(

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