So why doesn't Governor Ownes appoint a special prosecutor?


New Member
Aug 20, 2006
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He doesn't mind shooting off his mouth about Lacey, but he stops short of doing anything constructive.
Boy, this would be a good time to do it, too; he wouldn't have to take alot of political fallout for the decision.
Chrishope said:
He doesn't mind shooting off his mouth about Lacey, but he stops short of doing anything constructive.

GOOD thread Cris....Why? My guess too much politics involved. These guys get elected but seem to do everything but what the people want.

The Governor, Bill Owen stated ......"I find it incredible that Boulder Authorities wasted thousands of taxpayer dollars to bring Karr to Colorado given such a lack of evidence"..............and then he said "Mary Lacy should be held accountable for the most extravagant and expensive DNA test in Colorado History".............. So what does he do, what CAN he do is what I'd like to know. Wish someone from Boulder or the surrounds would come in and explain!

Politics 101; Don't EVER do or say anything you don't absolutely have to do or say.
Love_Mama said:
GOOD thread Cris....Why? My guess too much politics involved. These guys get elected but seem to do everything but what the people want.

The Governor, Bill Owen stated ......"I find it incredible that Boulder Authorities wasted thousands of taxpayer dollars to bring Karr to Colorado given such a lack of evidence"..............and then he said "Mary Lacy should be held accountable for the most extravagant and expensive DNA test in Colorado History".............. So what does he do, what CAN he do is what I'd like to know. Wish someone from Boulder or the surrounds would come in and explain!


And if Lacey hadn't brought Karr back, Owens and others would be saying "The killer is in Thailand and he's confessed, yet Lacey does nothing about it". I almost feel sorry for Lacey - almost.

Owens should stop shooting his mouth off and do something concrete.
Chrishope said:
He doesn't mind shooting off his mouth about Lacey, but he stops short of doing anything constructive.
Very well said, Chrishope.
It's 'now or never' for Governor Owens to appoint a special prosecutor, one might think.
But politicians obviously think differently. They (having their re-election and further career in mind) want to be all things to all people, pay lip service when necessary, but shy away from tackling issues which might cause turmoil.

Alex Hunter was just the same. Even Lou Smit remarked (I'm paraphrasing) that Hunter was more a politician than a prosecutor.
Chrishope said:
And if Lacey hadn't brought Karr back, Owens and others would be saying "The killer is in Thailand and he's confessed, yet Lacey does nothing about it". I almost feel sorry for Lacey - almost.

Owens should stop shooting his mouth off and do something concrete.
I really agree with this. Just seems to me she should have done more beforehand than just go by the emails. I was one of those that thought they wouldn't make the arrest without something in their pocket.

I can't even tell you how much I wanted it to be him.
Pedro said:
Politics 101; Don't EVER do or say anything you don't absolutely have to do or say.

Come on could I stop talking long and forever. I'm too old to change! ROTFLOL................

BUT, you are correct! Like you're saying that The Governer of COLO.........should have kept his mouth shut? Oh my! Sometimes you just can't do that. I admire him for saying what he did..............but NOW wish he'd do something about it.

AND I wish all of those people who kept their mouth's shut when Jonbenet
Ramsey was murdered would fess up to what they know. I think there's a number of people out there who know something. Pasty say's two people had keys to her house.........I've heard a WHOLE lot of people did.

IrishMist said:
Boy, this would be a good time to do it, too; he wouldn't have to take alot of political fallout for the decision.
I totally agree. He can point to the amount of public pressure he has received to appoint a special prosecutor. He can rationalize the cost to the state of Co. by lamenting the waste of $ on the Karr fiasco, and that he just has no choice but to get to the bottom of this murder, the ineptitude and possible obstruction of justice once and for all! Someone has to do the right thing, and it's going to be him! Etc.

I think he has nothing to lose and much to gain.....he can only come out looking good, imo....
Look below my signature. You'll see a link. This link

Click on it and it will take you to the petition we started to appoint a special prosecutor in the case.

We gave it to the Gov. on April 30th 2004. Lots of media results.

When you read the petition please remember it's all old news. Nothing from the current sham that just happened.

No hope in appointing a special proscutor. It is all politics like someone said.
Love_Mama said:
I admire him for saying what he did..............but NOW wish he'd do something about it.

Right Mama, that is why he is now in trouble if he does anything and also in trouble if he doesn't.

He should have taken this case away from Boulder long time ago to have a new set of fresh eyes looking into it all.

But also this is an election year.
Pedro said:
Right Mama, that is why he is now in trouble if he does anything and also in trouble if he doesn't.

He should have taken this case away from Boulder long time ago to have a new set of fresh eyes looking into it all.

But also this is an election year.
That's why I'm thinking it would be good timing for him, politically. With the recent blunder, he'd look like the hero.
Yes now is a good moment to do this but I don't think he wants to expend political capital on something that can bring small benefits to him if successful and what most likely will fail. I am sure he is aware, someone in his staff, of the difficulties of the case.
IrishMist said:
That's why I'm thinking it would be good timing for him, politically. With the recent blunder, he'd look like the hero.
Realistically, he probably wouldn't. The Colorado taxpayers and powerful lobbyist with money are the only people who will influence the governor to act on anything.

During the high media coverage of JMK, I attempted to seek out opinions from the general population of our metro Atlanta suburb. (Our county is ranked in the top 20 fastest growing counties in the Nation now.) I ask the opinion of every customer who entered our store during a three hour (busy business) time frame. They could have cared less. The responses I received were everywhere on the scale from "This case is 10 years old." to "Who cares who did it!" Remember please, these responses came from people whose MONEY was not attached to their answers as they do not live or own property in Colorado.

Both during the high media coverage and now, I have looked at the number of people logged on here to view and or post opinions on the JBR forum. During the height of the media coverage, over a hundred were continuiously logged in and viewing the JBR threads. Now, those numbers have significantly dropped in half or more. These numers pull from World Wide individuals interested in this case.

Another thread presently active within the JBR forum mentions the possibility of spending a mere $50.00 for access to another forum, (Just for a minute, imagine how few here would be willing to continue being active here if $50.00 were charged to do so and we all know that this forum is the best one on the web!)

Now, imagine how few taxpayers in the state of Colorado would be willing to financially support with their tax dollars, much less be willing to vocally 'speak out' to encourage their support of their Governor calling for a special prosecutor in the ten year old murder case of JBR.

Sadly, very few, IMO.
"Boy, this would be a good time to do it, too; he wouldn't have to take alot of political fallout for the decision."

No kidding! He's got the wind at his back!
The question for me is, does the govenor have the authority to just take a murder case away from it's jurisdiction and appoint some other prosecutor/jurisdiction to act on it?

He may not have the authority to do may be that only the state's senator could do it.
"The question for me is, does the govenor have the authority to just take a murder case away from it's jurisdiction and appoint some other prosecutor/jurisdiction to act on it?"

I guess only million-dollar shysters like Wood have that kind of stroke! LOL
I hope some posters write to Gov Owens again. I wrote to him several years ago and he responded, I thought that was nice on his part, being that I live in CA.
No reason not to try!

Crimemagazine has the contact info, last I knew!
So, say by some miracle, they do appoint a special prosecutor and this new group decides to bring charges against John Ramsey.

Do you think (and I'm asking because I'm truly curious) that a case could be made and presented to a jury *beyond a reasonable doubt*?

With Patsy dead, and the investigation bungled from Day One, and so much time having passed, and all the political garbage, etc....Do you think a jury could vote unanimously to convict John Ramsey at this point?

I would think (and this is just me, of course, with my limited knowledge of the case) that a jury would want to hear from both parents and decide based on both testimonies who did what and who was ultimately to blame. Obviously that's not possible.

I'm just wondering if it's just too late. But gosh, it would be nice to finally hear from some of the other witnesses who were there that day....

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