Assistant DA Assigned to Case

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Racing Doesn't Lie
Oct 8, 2004
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Thought it might be interesting to take a look at the Attorney for the State who has been assigned to the Michelle Young case.

Assistant District Attorney Becky Holt has been assigned to this case:

"Wake County Assistant District Attorney Becky Holt, who is assigned to the case, was also there Monday, which is rare when a crime scene is still active."

Here's a brief look at some of the other cases Ms.Holt has been invovled with:

"Wake Assistant District Attorney Becky Holt said that a decade or less in prison is not enough time for Teresa Clawson's crime.
"There is a great deal of trauma [the Clawson family] would had to have gone through in a trial," Holt said. "A plea was very meaningful to them. Teresa Clawson has admitted her guilt to second-degree murder."

"The case was sickening to all of us -- but to no one more than Becky Holt, the assistant district attorney who prosecuted it.

Holt has a daughter close in age to Zachary. She was keenly aware of the future Hunichen had stolen from the boy.

As the trial progressed, Holt watched with pain as her daughter blossomed into a chattering toddler -- and Zachary did not.

At the time of Hunichen's conviction, Holt told me, the most optimistic prognosis for Zachary was that one day he wouldn't recoil at human touch. That one day he would be able to smile.

15 years prosecuting - not afraid to go after the bad ones.
WHOA Charlie, Great news!~ I feel good now. She will hold Cassidy and her unborn brother very high in her thoughts as she tries the case. It is what Michelle would want in a prosecutor, one with a good heart and proven zeal to accomplish her task.

If Michelle is looking down from above now, waiting for her murder to be avenged and the killer found and brought to justice, I'm sure she is most happy a woman will stand in to represent her.

When did this become known?

scandi said:
WHOA Charlie, Great news!~ I feel good now. She will hold Cassidy and her unborn brother very high in her thoughts as she tries the case. It is what Michelle would want in a prosecutor, one with a good heart and proven zeal to accomplish her task.

If Michelle is looking down from above now, waiting for her murder to be avenged and the killer found and brought to justice, I'm sure she is most happy a woman will stand in to represent her.

When did this become known?

The article was written 11/14/06 but exactly when she was assigned I don't know. I was rather impressed with her, she appears to be a good advocate for justice.
Aren't you amazed that this viscious man only got 5 years for what he did to this little boy? And it was the max sentence. So sad.

Thanks for catching this in that link about Becky Holt - no one else caught it on any board. Pretty darn good Charlie. When you go down to your Stable in the morning, be sure to tell your steeds and their mares that you earned a golden feather yesterday to wear in your hat, for being a top notch Sleuther!

raisincharlie said:
The article was written 11/14/06 but exactly when she was assigned I don't know. I was rather impressed with her, she appears to be a good advocate for justice.
Me too from what I've read.

OT I just read the one about the little hero in his power ranger suit. What a daring little man, but that had the potential to be disaster. I'm glad the robbers ran!
Wasn't that little guy just over the top? Superman, The Hulk and the Fantastic Four all rolled into one! God bless that boy for the spunk and sense of right and wrong he has. Nerves of steel, although I think his mission was so strong he didn't even think of any danger to himself. What a guy!


ETA: I forgot to say I think he has great parents for him to turn out this way.
Thanks for the info, RC

From reading, this is a sharp lady! (Sorry, someone once told me the term lady is ... or can be .... offensive in US.) If true, apologies... and I remain on the campaign for a new dictionary that leaves out all the 'good, normal words' I grew up with and still try to use in the correct context, lol!! Maybe we'll talk about PC terms in Sami's new 'chat here' thread some day...
Thanks everyone for the news links about the D.A. Hopefully an arrest will be made in this case and soon !!
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