Can any Journalist ask John the hard questions?


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Sep 13, 2003
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Watching LKL interview John Ramsey turned my stomach. As usual, Larry King was accomadating, not really posing any hard questions to John regarding the death of his daughter.

Same goes for Courtv...putting "mockumentaries" on, a lot of misinformation, a lot of Lou Smit's dumb theories, etc...

My belief is that the reason CNN, FOX, MSNBC and Courtv produce such pro-Ramsey c**p is because of the lawsuits Lin Wood won on behalf of the Ramseys.

Is there anyone out there that can put John Ramsey on television and hit him with hard questions on what happened Christmas day and the day after?

If Nancy Grace was given free reign on her show, she would be the one who would pose those hard questions to John.
My belief is that the reason CNN, FOX, MSNBC and Courtv produce such pro-Ramsey c**p is because of the lawsuits Lin Wood won on behalf of the Ramseys.

I think you're right. Get John and Wendy Murphy on the same show. That'll get it going!
He's too soft....I doubt the media is afraid of was pointed out ..most if not all of those suits were settled out of court..if any journalist wants to ask the hard questions then let them ask them... truth is an absolute defense against libel and if the journalist uses the truth in the basis for anything they write or print Lin Wood could not prevail...I think those of you who want to rely on urban myths to attack the Ramseys rather than the truth or any facts..simply use the threeats of lawsuits as an excuse.....:boohoo:
so if the journalist uses the truth in the basis for anything they write or print Lin Wood could not prevail...I think those of you who want to rely on urban myths to attack the Ramseys rather than the truth or any facts..simply use the threeats of lawsuits as an excuse.....

You're obviously not familiar with the nuances of nuisance litigation. It's standard procedure to settle because then the insurance covers it. It's quick-fix stuff. Everybody knows it.
I just don't think that's the reason why people are "soft" on the Ramseys..for every speck of information those who suspect the Ramseys use...none of it is dispositive or persuasive in a legal sense.So it couldn't be defended in a court of law were the Ramseys to sue for libel or slander. It's a lot of rumor/speculation/ and simple dislike against the Ramseys..but no facts that can be proven...:doh:
So it couldn't be defended in a court of law were the Ramseys to sue for libel or slander.

Tell that to FOXNEWS. They got out of it clean.

You have to remember: these are corporations. Even if they win, it would take more money to defend than to settle. That's my point.
right wing groups.That's probably why they got out of it clean..because of their political connections...:)
He's too soft....I doubt the media is afraid of was pointed out ..most if not all of those suits were settled out of court..if any journalist wants to ask the hard questions then let them ask them... truth is an absolute defense against libel and if the journalist uses the truth in the basis for anything they write or print Lin Wood could not prevail...I think those of you who want to rely on urban myths to attack the Ramseys rather than the truth or any facts..simply use the threeats of lawsuits as an excuse.....:boohoo:

You can settle for a dollar...we don't know how much people paid Woody to take a hike....another urban myth John Ramsey made a fortune with lawsuit settlements.
Questions I'd like Wendy Murphy to ask John Ramsey:

Why did you let Patsy call over all those friends when the monitoring kidnappers threatened to behead your daughter if you so much as talked to a stray dog?

What made you think the strange van in the alley didn't contain monitoring kidnappers when you watched it the morning your daughter was kidnapped? What made the van so innocent you didn't even mention it to the cops even though on CNN you told us you wanted to corndon off the city?

Why did you let Burke go off with Priscilla White that morning and then turn the Whites into the cops as suspects in your daughter's murder?

Why do you think pedophiliac monitoring murdering foreign faction murderers, who hated you sooooooo much, killed your innocent little 6 year old daughter and left you sleeping peacefully not that far away?
Show Me said:
Why did you let Patsy call over all those friends when the monitoring kidnappers threatened to behead your daughter if you so much as talked to a stray dog?

I would especially like to hear from John now, and Patsy before she died the answer to this question.
Show Me said:
Questions I'd like Wendy Murphy to ask John Ramsey:

Why did you let Patsy call over all those friends when the monitoring kidnappers threatened to behead your daughter if you so much as talked to a stray dog?

What made you think the strange van in the alley didn't contain monitoring kidnappers when you watched it the morning your daughter was kidnapped? What made the van so innocent you didn't even mention it to the cops even though on CNN you told us you wanted to corndon off the city?

Why did you let Burke go off with Priscilla White that morning and then turn the Whites into the cops as suspects in your daughter's murder?

Why do you think pedophiliac monitoring murdering foreign faction murderers, who hated you sooooooo much, killed your innocent little 6 year old daughter and left you sleeping peacefully not that far away?
These are all very good questions, Show Me, especially the second one.

Mr. Ramsey, during your March 2000 interview with Carol McKinley of the FOX News Channel, you stated you wanted legislation passed which would make the murder of all children 12 years old and under a federal offense. Your own son Burke had just turned 13 in January 2000. Comment?

icedtea4me said:
These are all very good questions, Show Me, especially the second one.

Mr. Ramsey, during your March 2000 interview with Carol McKinley of the FOX News Channel, you stated you wanted legislation passed which would make the murder of all children 12 years old and under a federal offense. Your own son Burke had just turned 13 in January 2000. Comment?


Don't even get me started on the lame JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation that John said was going to help pass legislation....never did one thing to help pass legislation.

Foundation bought pcs, gave a little money to the RAMSEY'S own church and the RAMSEY kids summer camp.....

John bragged and bragged on multiple interviews what 'wonderful' things the foundation was going to do....yeah for his own kids! Not ONE thing did the foundation do for other children.

No wonder people call them the SCAMseys!
You know, I've always thought...if this intruder can get in the R house and cruise about for HOURS without waking anyone up (not to mention leaving no forensic evidence of having been there), why didn't he really stick to JR (since this is supposedly about revenge) and kill BOTH of the children?

Why not get Burke up and take him down to the basement and give him the treatment as well? If this intruder has a stun gun, and the stun gun can zap a child into unconsciousness effortlessly as well as silently, why not really get some kickass revenge by taking out both kids at the same time?

I find it hard to believe killing a 9 year old boy along with his 6 year old sister would have been too much trouble for an intruder who can get in and out of a locked house and can run up and down the stairs, dishing up pineapple snacks and washing down and redressing kids, all without making a sound.

For that matter, why not go all the way upstairs, where JR is sleeping the sleep of melatonin, and hit him with the stun gun that makes no noise and leaves children unconscious and bash him over the head with the flashlight the intruder borrowed from the Rs?

On top of that, since this intruder hates JR so much and is so jealous of his wealth and success, why not grab a few things on the way out the door? Why not set fire to the house? I've always wondered why this intruder didn't take something flammable and leave a wake-up call for the Rs in the form of a nice toasty blaze eating their house from the ground up while they slept upstairs. Not only would it have been a stab at revenge that would leave a lasting impression and the Rs homelss as well as childless, but it would have helped eradicate evidence and may have even cost that jealousy-inspiring perfect Christian businessman John Ramsey and his trophy wife their lives.

Now THAT, my friends, would be revenge.
Nuisanceposter said:
You know, I've always thought...if this intruder can get in the R house and cruise about for HOURS without waking anyone up (not to mention leaving no forensic evidence of having been there), why didn't he really stick to JR (since this is supposedly about revenge) and kill BOTH of the children?

Why not get Burke up and take him down to the basement and give him the treatment as well? If this intruder has a stun gun, and the stun gun can zap a child into unconsciousness effortlessly as well as silently, why not really get some kickass revenge by taking out both kids at the same time?

I find it hard to believe killing a 9 year old boy along with his 6 year old sister would have been too much trouble for an intruder who can get in and out of a locked house and can run up and down the stairs, dishing up pineapple snacks and washing down and redressing kids, all without making a sound.

For that matter, why not go all the way upstairs, where JR is sleeping the sleep of melatonin, and hit him with the stun gun that makes no noise and leaves children unconscious and bash him over the head with the flashlight the intruder borrowed from the Rs?

On top of that, since this intruder hates JR so much and is so jealous of his wealth and success, why not grab a few things on the way out the door? Why not set fire to the house? I've always wondered why this intruder didn't take something flammable and leave a wake-up call for the Rs in the form of a nice toasty blaze eating their house from the ground up while they slept upstairs. Not only would it have been a stab at revenge that would leave a lasting impression and the Rs homelss as well as childless, but it would have helped eradicate evidence and may have even cost that jealousy-inspiring perfect Christian businessman John Ramsey and his trophy wife their lives.

Now THAT, my friends, would be revenge.

John Ramsey hard questions..about things he did or is aware of..verses asking him why didn't the killer do this or that...You're assuming Ramsey is the killer when you ask those kind of questions..and he would have the right to tell the questioner to go jump in the lake..or anything else he felt like saying.A big difference between asking a tough question and making an accusation...:loser:
John Ramsey hard questions..about things he did or is aware of..verses asking him why didn't the killer do this or that...You're assuming Ramsey is the killer when you ask those kind of questions..and he would have the right to tell the questioner to go jump in the lake..or anything else he felt like saying.A big difference between asking a tough question and making an accusation...:loser:

But these questions don't accuse John of murder, merely asking why he behaved as he did.

Why did you let Patsy call over all those friends when the monitoring kidnappers threatened to behead your daughter if you so much as talked to a stray dog?

What made you think the strange van in the alley didn't contain monitoring kidnappers when you watched it the morning your daughter was kidnapped? What made the van so innocent you didn't even mention it to the cops even though on CNN you told us you wanted to corndon off the city?

Why did you let Burke go off with Priscilla White that morning and then turn the Whites into the cops as suspects in your daughter's murder?

Why do you think pedophiliac monitoring murdering foreign faction murderers, who hated you sooooooo much, killed your innocent little 6 year old daughter and left you sleeping peacefully not that far away?

Why didn't your report the window you claim to have found open, to the police officers that were already present in your home?
Nuisanceposter said:
You know, I've always thought...if this intruder can get in the R house and cruise about for HOURS without waking anyone up (not to mention leaving no forensic evidence of having been there), why didn't he really stick to JR (since this is supposedly about revenge) and kill BOTH of the children?

Why not get Burke up and take him down to the basement and give him the treatment as well? If this intruder has a stun gun, and the stun gun can zap a child into unconsciousness effortlessly as well as silently, why not really get some kickass revenge by taking out both kids at the same time?

I find it hard to believe killing a 9 year old boy along with his 6 year old sister would have been too much trouble for an intruder who can get in and out of a locked house and can run up and down the stairs, dishing up pineapple snacks and washing down and redressing kids, all without making a sound.

For that matter, why not go all the way upstairs, where JR is sleeping the sleep of melatonin, and hit him with the stun gun that makes no noise and leaves children unconscious and bash him over the head with the flashlight the intruder borrowed from the Rs?

On top of that, since this intruder hates JR so much and is so jealous of his wealth and success, why not grab a few things on the way out the door? Why not set fire to the house? I've always wondered why this intruder didn't take something flammable and leave a wake-up call for the Rs in the form of a nice toasty blaze eating their house from the ground up while they slept upstairs. Not only would it have been a stab at revenge that would leave a lasting impression and the Rs homelss as well as childless, but it would have helped eradicate evidence and may have even cost that jealousy-inspiring perfect Christian businessman John Ramsey and his trophy wife their lives.
Good questions!

Now THAT, my friends, would be revenge.
For sure !
Nuisanceposter said:
You know, I've always thought...if this intruder can get in the R house and cruise about for HOURS without waking anyone up (not to mention leaving no forensic evidence of having been there), why didn't he really stick to JR (since this is supposedly about revenge) and kill BOTH of the children?

Why not get Burke up and take him down to the basement and give him the treatment as well? If this intruder has a stun gun, and the stun gun can zap a child into unconsciousness effortlessly as well as silently, why not really get some kickass revenge by taking out both kids at the same time?

I find it hard to believe killing a 9 year old boy along with his 6 year old sister would have been too much trouble for an intruder who can get in and out of a locked house and can run up and down the stairs, dishing up pineapple snacks and washing down and redressing kids, all without making a sound.

For that matter, why not go all the way upstairs, where JR is sleeping the sleep of melatonin, and hit him with the stun gun that makes no noise and leaves children unconscious and bash him over the head with the flashlight the intruder borrowed from the Rs?

On top of that, since this intruder hates JR so much and is so jealous of his wealth and success, why not grab a few things on the way out the door? Why not set fire to the house? I've always wondered why this intruder didn't take something flammable and leave a wake-up call for the Rs in the form of a nice toasty blaze eating their house from the ground up while they slept upstairs. Not only would it have been a stab at revenge that would leave a lasting impression and the Rs homelss as well as childless, but it would have helped eradicate evidence and may have even cost that jealousy-inspiring perfect Christian businessman John Ramsey and his trophy wife their lives.

Now THAT, my friends, would be revenge.
And notice that the ransom letter didn't have ONE single cuss word. Someone that is so angry with John, that he would want to kill his daughter....would have written a profanity laced ransom note (not letter). It certainly wouldn't have started out with Mr. would have been more like..."You listen here, you Son of A B--ch, I have your f--king daughter." The ransom letter was way too have been for real. There was absolutely no hatred for John in that letter....IMO.

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