GUILTY KS - LaShanda Calloway, 27, stabbed to death, Wichita, 23 June 2007

This story is unbelieveable. What were these people thinking?!


WTF!!! A young woman is dying and they take her picture????
It's stories like this that make you lose faith in mankind. The thought of someone laying there dying and you step over them?!! Those people should be prosecuted right along with the two that stabbed her.
How could people just keep shopping and start taking pictures of her? That is so sick. I just don't know what is going on in the world anymore, a total disregared for life. It is scary to think that people that heartless are walking the streets.
For people to just walk past or over an injured person and furthermore take photos of her, is absolutely appalling, this sort of thing must happen regularly for people to act as if nothing is out of the ordinary, they must be used to seeing violence in their neighbourhood. Can anyone tell me if the neighbourhood that this has happened in, is it a bad area for violence, drugs, gangs, robberies etc, as that is the only reason I can think of that would make people just walk pass someone in need of help. Even then, instead of taking a photo they could have dialled 911. I cannot believe this.
We have a problem here folks. We have someone dying, bleeding on the floor and NO ONE has the compassion to call 911. Im sickened.
Hi Shazza I found this article at The article was just appalling. It happend in Wichita Kansas and shows a map of the area. There was no mention of a high crime rate but with that kind of behaviour there must be. I am just shocked by this. I can't imagine seeing a poor girl dying and being more concerned about taking her picture and getting junk food than helping her. I mean were these people raised by wolves? My first reaction would be to help that poor girl!
We have a problem here folks. We have someone dying, bleeding on the floor and NO ONE has the compassion to call 911. Im sickened.
Well said TXmom and I find this so appalling. What is happening in this world where people don't even have basic compassion for someone?
This is horrible and scary.I put too much faith in society that if something like that were to happen to me out in public that someone would help me..guess not. I remember one time going to Scranton PA to pick someone up and standing on the front porch talking when I turned around to a man yelling and screaming at his kid and holding it up by the arm and beating the kids butt and screaming F this and F that like a lunatic. Apparently it happened all over that neighborhood all the time because when I turned around and said OMG did you see that? I was looked at funny and told to mind my buisness. That was in my younger years NOW I would call the cops or go grab the kid I could care less... (this was in the ''projects'' in Scranton by the way) Nobody cared nobody said a word like as if it was totally normal to them and apparently it was.
We have a problem here folks. We have someone dying, bleeding on the floor and NO ONE has the compassion to call 911. Im sickened.

With a cell phone that takes pics at that!

I grew up in a very bad city and no matter how bad the crime rate you don't just get used to it. Scary that this was the reaction of five people.
I guess this is proof that sadly, we no longer live in a humane society!
I think this is aberrant behavior;the exception not the rule.
I am not ready to condemn humanity because of a storeful of arses.
There are stories everyday about good samaritans going way out of their way to help those in need.
You're right JBean. Didn't it used to be against the law to not help out?

In grade school we used to see films on being a good samaritan. I guess they don't teach that anymore :( It's now a priority to teach kids how to use a condom.

Perhaps the people in that community are numb to violence and such. It's very sad.
And, on another note: I hope they do release the video so that more people will see how wrong it is not to help an innocent dying person.

I think our media protects us too much. That ugliness needs to be in our face for us to learn anything.
You're right JBean. Didn't it used to be against the law to not help out?

In grade school we used to see films on being a good samaritan. I guess they don't teach that anymore :( It's now a priority to teach kids how to use a condom.

Perhaps the people in that community are numb to violence and such. It's very sad.
Well I think they had to pass a law to make it illegal to SUE someone that helps you.
In our litigious society, can you imagine stopping to help someone who may be bleeding or dying, only to have their family sue you for butting in when you had no medical training?

Good Samaritan law

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Good Samaritan laws in the United States and Canada are laws protecting from blame those who choose to aid others who are injured or ill. They are intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death.
I think this is aberrant behavior;the exception not the rule.
I am not ready to condemn humanity because of a storeful of arses.
There are stories everyday about good samaritans going way out of their way to help those in need.
Yeah, definitely an abberation. And probably a bad area of town - every town has them, and people born and raised where the criminal element is the norm are simply different.
I think this is aberrant behavior;the exception not the rule.
I am not ready to condemn humanity because of a storeful of arses.
There are stories everyday about good samaritans going way out of their way to help those in need.

Thanks, JBean, for being the voice of reason. I see and read about and hear about people helping people (strangers helping strangers) every single day.

This story is, of course, heartbreaking, but I do not believe it is the norm in any way, shape, or form.
Thanks, JBean, for being the voice of reason. I see and read about and hear about people helping people (strangers helping strangers) every single day.

This story is, of course, heartbreaking, but I do not believe it is the norm in any way, shape, or form.
And most of the time when people help out, it is not reported at all - because it is the norm. There's no reason to report all those millions or billions of cases.
And most of the time when people help out, it is not reported at all - because it is the norm. There's no reason to report all those millions or billions of cases.

Great point. I helped a blind man to the bus stop today. It didn't make the news.

But if I had pushed him in front of the bus, it would have.

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