Family pets abandoned in foreclosures


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Aug 13, 2003
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STOCKTON, Calif. - The house was ravaged — its floors ripped, walls busted and lights smashed by owners who trashed their home before a bank foreclosed on it. Hidden in the wreckage was an abandoned member of the family: a starving pit bull.

The dog found by workers was too far gone to save — another example of how pets are becoming the newest victims of the nation's mortgage crisis as homeowners leave animals behind when they can no longer afford their property.

Heartbreaking, and disgustingly irresponsible of these people~!
I'm sorry to get off topic, but why do people trash their homes on purpose before the bank forecloses on it?
I'm sorry to get off topic, but why do people trash their homes on purpose before the bank forecloses on it?

Because they are disgusting pigs who have no respect for anything?

Sorry - this just drives me nuts. There is a foreclosed house on the other side of my parents neighborhood. The people trashed the house before they skipped out. They had stopped paying for their garbage pickup so these losers left 19 bags of trash on their deck, trash and animal feces all over their house and in their car which they left in the driveway. They had a foreclosure sale and the bank ended up keeping it. However, they did not clean up. We are friends with their neighbors who weren't able to enjoy their pool this summer b/c of the stench from the trash and the influx of rodents and insects. When the neighbors called to complain, they were informed that if they attempted to clean stuff up themselves, they could be arrested for trespassing.

After months of getting the run around from the bank, the state, the police, the trash, etc was finally thrown out after the neighbors threatened to go to the media. Meanwhile, the nasty car is still in the driveway, the weedy yard is still overgrown, and the inside is supposedly still a mess - with trash, rodents and insects still inside along with a fridge full of moldy food.
This too drives me crazy. We had some neighbors who abandoned their home before foreclosure. These people had a nice two story house that they seemed to take care of when they were in it. When they left they too left it trashed. In the garge they left around 15 big bags of trash, they left their refrigerator wide open with food in it and smeared food products throughout the house. This was done in 100 degree heat while the house had no electricity. How do I know this? It smelled so bad that another neighbor could not stand it any longer so he went into the house through a window, cleaned out all of the trash and rotten food and put it out for trash pickup. He said the house was completely destroyed and there was not one wall left that did not have some kind of damage on it. It is like people get ticked off because they can not afford their home so they decide to stick it to the bank and, in doing so, everyone around them!:furious:

The pet thing kills me. I have 2 dogs and I could NEVER leave them like that.
God that story made my eyes tear. Poor babies.

And as for the other issue, I agree with masterj.
People destroy the home they're buying because they're pizzed off at the bank for wanting the monthly mortgage payments that are owed them. They don't like being told that they CANNOT live in a house for free...go figure.....
If they made their payments or simply made payment arrangements, they wouldn't be a forclosure on the house.
STOCKTON, Calif. - The house was ravaged — its floors ripped, walls busted and lights smashed by owners who trashed their home before a bank foreclosed on it. Hidden in the wreckage was an abandoned member of the family: a starving pit bull.

The dog found by workers was too far gone to save — another example of how pets are becoming the newest victims of the nation's mortgage crisis as homeowners leave animals behind when they can no longer afford their property.

Heartbreaking, and disgustingly irresponsible of these people~!

Absolutely heartless!:furious: From the article: "But they'll be fed and have water and have a humane euthanization, as opposed to spending the last days of their lives eating carpet or wallboard."
Our neighbor's in FL had trashed their house after the foreclosure also, seems to be a common occurence. Fortunately for us, there were no smells coming from the house; yet inside walls were literally tore down, garbage and junk they didn't take with them was left all over. They were always nice and friendly towards us. I think with the job market downhill in FL, people can't make ends meet or get behind and take out that frustration on the foreclosed house. I don't remember if the husband had got laid off or not, a lot could factor into why they (or others in their case can't afford it and foreclosure happens).
I could never understand why anyone would leave behind a pet, that's downright cruel. All our pets are members of the family and spoiled.
Is it just me, or are we hearing more and more about foreclosures??? An old friend of mine was foreclosed on her house. I haven't spoken to her in a while and I suspect this is the reason. While looking her up on the internet I saw that there was a notice in her local paper that her house was in foreclosure. I wonder why this is happening so much lately.

I feel badly for the poor dog.
Mrs Mush99, you are right, we are hearing more and more about foreclosures. A lot of people got adjustable rate morgages and now the banks are raising their payments so much they can't afford it. They try to refi, but banks won't do it because they are "high risk". A lot of good people who were preyed upon by some lenders are losing their homes. They were told if they got this loan, they would be able to refi in a year if they kept good payments, but they did everything they were suppose to but still can't. It is very sad. Then again there are a bunch who got the loan, did nothing they were suppose to and are losing their homes. These are the ones I suspect are trashing their houses. I just don't understand all they are doing are hurting themselves.
A lot of these foreclosed houses end up in Sheriff's sales selling at 2/3's the amount they are worth. A potential buyer can look at the exterior of the house but not the inside and won't know the extent of damage done until well after the sale. Because of this, buyers are now avoiding the Sheriff's sales. Most of these homes are complete tearouts and too expensive to renovate.
They will just sit.
It is inexcusable to leave a pet behind. They have become dependent on the family to the point of an inability to survive. Too many people have pets that shouldn't, to begin with, but this really frosts me.
Is it just me, or are we hearing more and more about foreclosures??? An old friend of mine was foreclosed on her house. I haven't spoken to her in a while and I suspect this is the reason. While looking her up on the internet I saw that there was a notice in her local paper that her house was in foreclosure. I wonder why this is happening so much lately.

I feel badly for the poor dog.

I recently read something like 1 in 75 houses in CA is in foreclosure. IMO, this is happening b/c people continue to live beyond their means and don't have longterm savings in case of an emergency. Banks and mortgage companies give loans to people who have shaky credit and little to no savings.
I don't understand leaving your dog behind. I do NOT condone trashing the place, but I understand it - they're probably so mad at the bank for foreclosing on them that they don't want the bank to get any benefit from it. So they trash the place to make it worthless to sell so the bank doesn't win out.

But to leave your dog behind??? How on earth could they possibly do that?

I was in a similar situation - my husband and I bought a house that was about to be foreclosed on. The owners had gotten divorced, the man moved out and I guess stopped making payments... when the woman was told she'd have to move out, she and her kids grabbed some stuff but left behind a fridge full of food (including a birthday cake), stuffed toys, clothing, curtains, and a small dog loose inside the house. She'd left a large bowl of food and a bucket of water... at some point, days later, somebody came and got the dog, but left the mess.

Part of our closing agreement was that the place had to be cleaned up before we closed, but it didn't happen. We had to tear up the feces and flea infested carpeting, buy a new fridge to replace the contaminated one, and buy a new stove to replace the one that had magically vanished over night...

I don't know for sure what happened to the dog, but there was no carcass... However, an outside dog that had been abandoned by this marvelous family still lives in the neighborhood and is being cared for by several of the neighbors. I gather that when the husband moved, he'd left the big dog behind and his sweet ex wife kicked it out of the house and ignored it from then on...
How sick you must have been when you walked into your new home!

It sounds like there is a lot of frustration out there. People losing their jobs, medical bills, the list is endless. Mortgage companies unwilling to try to work with individuals to get through a rough moment are now seeing the fruits of their fiscal decisions, aren't they?
People who do things like this don't deserve to own a home. I have no sympathy for anyone who'd leave a pet behind to starve.
This story is heartbreaking! :(

Pets are part of the family. Would you leave your child behind? I think not! When you get a dog, cat, rabbit or whatever that is your responsibility. You do not just leave them when you have to move. I wouldn't want to have to take a pet to the shelter because of the chance it would be put to sleep, but I'd rather do that than let it starve to death!

It just seems like today some people see EVERYTHING as disposable! :furious: Babies and pets.

I'm just disappointed in the whats going on in the world right now.

Okay, I'll get off my pulpit now. :)
This makes me FURIOUS and so SAD for the abandoned pets. Some days I just hate people. And as for the trashing of a foreclosed upon house... I see in the near future where before banks actually foreclose, they'll come in and at least do a superficial inspection. Then upon foreclosure, if the place gets trashed, they could press charges??
This makes me FURIOUS and so SAD for the abandoned pets. Some days I just hate people. And as for the trashing of a foreclosed upon house... I see in the near future where before banks actually foreclose, they'll come in and at least do a superficial inspection. Then upon foreclosure, if the place gets trashed, they could press charges??

Yes, I think you're right-they'll have to do something to protect their investment. They may even rewrite the laws and include this inspection in the contracts. And the way the economy is going there is no way to know who would be a potential liability, so inspections could be routine for all.
Yes, I think you're right-they'll have to do something to protect their investment. They may even rewrite the laws and include this inspection in the contracts. And the way the economy is going there is no way to know who would be a potential liability, so inspections could be routine for all.

Interesting thought. I could see banks starting to make mandatory inspections to protect "their investment" at least until the buyer reaches a certain point of equity. And write that into the loan agreement.

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