In Massachusetts - What can I do?

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I may not be Glenn Beck, but I am a thinker......
Oct 21, 2004
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Boy's Library Rape Sparks New Sex Offender Debate

BOSTON (WBZ) ― The rape this week of a 6-year-old boy in a public library has reignited debate over a state law allowing sexually dangerous predators to be locked up indefinitely after completing their prison terms.

The suspect in the boy's assault was convicted of indecent assault on a boy in 2001 and was released about one year ago by a judge over the objections of prosecutors and three psychologists who said he was dangerous and would likely strike again......

I'm so infuriated by hearing these stories every week! What can I do the help fight to keep these monsters in jail!!!!????

:furious: BHP
Brie, there has to be a way to come together and strategize a solution of some kind. I have some thoughts and have been trying to gather them together to submit to some local senators I have been working with on some domestic violence legislation; mind you I am doing this on a very grass roots level since I am not an attorney etc...

I am going to do some research to see if there are any bills being worked on currently-shall I post what I find?
Something has to be done about Judge's who allow this to happen. they ought to be penalised heftily.
Absolutely....I want to do whatever I can.

And the judge should be held responsible.....his comments on the decision don't even make can someone this ignorant this be making decisions that effect the safety of innocent children!
Good wasn't just the judge..

Massachusetts law allows judges to commit sex offenders indefinitely if they're found to be dangerous and likely to reoffend. But Bristol Superior Court Judge Richard Moses rejected the motion by the district attorney's office to keep him in custody.

The judge cited Saunders' low IQ, his history of being sexually abused as a child and his lack of sexual offenses while in prison. A psychologist for the defense said he was not likely to re-offend. Even though Saunders had difficulty in completing his treatment program, "such fact alone does not establish likelihood of reoffense," the judge wrote.

"The court finds it significant that Saunders' offending conduct took place over seven years ago. Also, Saunders, who has experienced an extremely difficult childhood and has a borderline IQ, was far from emotionally mature at the time of his offending conduct," the judge said in rejecting the petition to commit Saunders.

Former Bristol district attorney Paul F. Walsh Jr., who filed the petition, said Friday he can't remember a case in which there was more overwhelming evidence for the prosecution.

"In this case, you had prior criminal offenses, failure to complete treatment programs, three psychologists saying he was dangerous," he said. "I don't know what more you could have. If that is not sufficient, I don't know what more would be needed."

A psychologist for the defense said this creep wasn't likely to re-offend!!!! Maybe the judge and the psychologist should have taken turns having this creep stay at their homes! The judge says "he hasn't re-offended since he has been in prison." No kidding judge...there are no children in prison. Is this judge playing with a half a deck or what??!!

The little boy is the one who pays the price for the stupidity of the judge and that defense psychologist. If I was the mother of that little guy I would file a civil suit the likes that has never been seen....against the judge and the psy.

I heard on one of the shows this week that California has a one strike law concerning sex offenders...anyone from CA know if that is true? Hope it is.
Something weird going on in MA for sure. There are a lot of people who are associated with NAMBLA around Boston. Then there's this petition. Most of the signatories are from Boston or nearby.

I went into the address above and down towards the bottom are email addresses for two different people who are gung ho about changing the laws. I sent an email to Alex and even checked permission to publish it! I doubt that he will though. I don't live in Mass but know people who do. Children are children no matter where they live and they all need protected. This creep wants to undo everything that decent people have worked so hard to get enforced. I invited this Alex to come to Websleuths and read about all of the sex offenders hiding around every corner...some related and most not. The creep!
Unfortunately the NAMBLA stuff is old news here-you will find quite a few "lapsed" priests who belong...this has been the case since the 70's. My suspicion is their relevancy is being revitalized by the encourages those who previously felt aberrant and like social outcasts into feeling like they are normal because they can find so many others out there like them. I am curious as to their stance on man/infant love which has been so frequently in the news. Saying children want sex is sickening enough, but how exactly does an infant communicate that to you?

An argument for another day...I will see what I can find for legislation.
I just hear on The Michael Savage radio show about how the gov't there deal with sex offenders in MA.... they have "field trips" for these offenders to slowly get accepted "back in society" under supervision. It sickens me that we can''t lock these people away, and that they rarely do change for the better.
My God, if I lived in MA and was a parent I'd get the hell out, hell even if I wasn't a parent, I'd get the hell out.

I bet they allow the sex offender to get government support as well. :furious:

They do not need to be accepted into society, they need to be stigmatized from our society. They have a very high recidivism rate.

They are more concerned about protecting pedophiles, and rapists instead of children and victims. Disgusting. :behindbar
"The judge cited Saunders' low IQ, his history of being sexually abused as a child and his lack of sexual offenses while in prison."

Cons in prison hate perverts; of course this guy will have a "lack of sexual offenses" he was probably to scared to tell on those raping him. They either need to put these perverts to death or lock them up in prison for life. That's a surefire cure and they can't be loose in the community again. Either that; or allow us to shoot them on the spot.
To be honest I think that a medical castration is in order. Rehab them... cousel them... but AFTER they've been taken out of business. I may sound harsh - but I'm pretty sure it would work.

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